Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1844: 1844

Chapter 1844: 1844

"Brother c.o.c.kroach has news . The patrol unit of the Yangtze River fleet intercepts the boats coming down on the river . The people on the boat are the liaison personnel of the gathering area of Shazhou island . We hope we can send the fleet to meet them . From them, we know that brother c.o.c.kroach has now rebuilt a small force in Shanghai . . . "

Huang Quan pushed open the door of Huaian, and she was excited to shout at Zhang Huaian . Now Zhang Huaian is hiding in her own room, and she is drying fruit and drinking . She suddenly gets in by the Huang Quan . She accidentally drops the Baijiu in her nose, and chokes her tears and her nose . The dry wrinkled old face is also suffocating in the severe cough, and she has not breathed in one breath . Huang Quan had rushed up, grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of the door, while Zhang Huai"an was still holding a wine gla.s.s .

Huang Quan pulls Zhang Huai"an out of the door . Instead of apologizing for the pain he has suffered for Zhang Huai"an, he is filled with inexplicable grief and indignation . Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves without saying goodbye, pushing him, the Minister of military affairs under Zhang Xiaoqiang and above ten thousand people, to the top of the limelight . All kinds of complicated military affairs come back to the top again, Zhuo Mingyue and meow meow"s two ancestors have something to do with him . They have nothing to do with asking him for a crime . Even though they are always light hearted and have only Hao"er"s admiration in their hearts, they are also dissatisfied with Huang Quan"s failure to tell Zhang Xiaoqiang where he is going .

But Huang Quan really doesn"t know where Zhang Xiaoqiang is . Zhuo Mingyue says that after all, Huang Quan"s ident.i.ty is different, and she can"t force her too much . She just lets several maids stay by Huang Quan"s side in turn to inquire about the news . CHEN Ye doesn"t know how much she ate and how many times she let him sleep . However, meow doesn"t care . It"s strange to meow here, Even her mother Xu Mengzhu is a stranger . Now Xu Mengzhu is no longer her mother, but the mother of doudoutang . She gives doudoutang all the delicious and funny things . The cute appearance of doudoutang also makes Xu Mengzhu forget his previous guilt towards meow and pour all the owed maternal love into doudoutang .

So here, the only relative in her heart is Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s disappearance makes her not even jealous . She is restless and restless all day . She wants rainbow carving to grow to the shape that can take her to fly . She flies to Hubei from the gra.s.sland thousands of miles away, How can she be reconciled to the fact that he has lost his trace before being really gentle with Zhang Xiaoqiang? Miaomiao is not reconciled, and his resentment should naturally go to huangquan . In the gra.s.sland army, even shiyuanye, who is calm and tough, is haunted by Miaomiao, and huangquan, who is not good at Nourishing Qi, is even more vulnerable . All kinds of poisonous oaths have gone through several cycles in his mouth, and even his ancestors and children"s wives have come out to prove it, Finally, he had to hide in Wuhan to enter the underground office mode to avoid meow .

Miaomiao has no one to vent . In a fit of anger, Miaomiao returns to Yinmeng by riding the rainbow carving . When he leaves, he also takes samples of the source of the erosion . It"s obvious that he is preparing to mobilize the army there to find Zhang Xiaoqiang"s whereabouts in person, but Huang Quan takes a big breath in the tangle . He is still a little uncomfortable . Yinmeng blocked some achievements from them before, He didn"t want to let the eclipse source take advantage of Yinmeng, but meow was in meow"s heart . The army of Yinmeng was obviously closer than that of Hubei .

Today, I finally learned the news of Zhang Xiaoqiang, which made Huang Quan feel a little bitter and happy . At the same time, he also had deep resentment for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s family . He was so angry in his heart that he could not help but go to Zhang Huai"an to discuss, trying to find out a way to let Zhang Xiaoqiang stay at home, although they could not really stop Zhang Xiaoqiang"s action, It"s good to let Zhang Xiaoqiang take some people with him and know his news at any time .

He took Zhang Huai"an to the conference room, where there were many people in charge, including Zhao Deyi and other officers in charge of the main combat forces, Huang Tingwei and other officers in charge of the intelligence support forces, and Lei Zecheng and other logistics officers . Next to Lei Zecheng was a young and handsome officer, but w.a.n.g Bing, w.a.n.g Le"s son . He wanted to intercede with the second division last time, After being scolded by Zhang Xiaoqiang, he finally gave up his insistence and returned to the army . He became an adjutant of the equipment department, responsible for the maintenance and distribution of weapons and equipment . In addition, he was also an intelligence officer of Xiaoshan and other second-line troops stationed at the base with his two fleets .

All the people who are sitting here are people related to the army . Only Zhang Huai"an is the head of the government . This time, I want to find a way to unite the army and the government, so as to find a way to tie Zhang Xiaoqiang down, so that he won"t run around like a wild horse all day long . After the army is reorganized, With the addition of a large number of officers who have been systematically studied, the formal army has gradually taken shape . When Huang Quan and Zhang Huai"an came in, all the officers stood at attention and paid attention to them . While Huang Quan and Zhang Huai"an nodded to the officers, they went to their respective positions and began today"s meeting .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach has given me a foothold in the urban area of Shanghai . Our next development will go down the river and try our best to collect survivors and materials to prepare for a large-scale corpse tide . We have learned that ten million corpses in Zhenjiang have failed to cross the river . Now they are moving inland, which will not cause too much damage to us for the time being, Therefore, we have enough time to eliminate the zombies around us and lay a good foundation for the future war . Now, let minister Zhang tell you about our present form . . . "Huang Quan won"t complain about Zhang Xiaoqiang in front of the following people . Not only can he not complain, he also has to pick up something good to let everyone know Zhang Xiaoqiang"s new contribution to the rejuvenation of China . At the same time, in order to show you the achievements, Zhang Huai"an shows you the latest development of Hubei, which is now in a good situation . Zhang Huai"an has communicated with Huang Quan on his way here, Hearing this, he got up and said to the people:

"You can rest a.s.sured that we will not be able to bear the zombie sea as big as the Wuhan battle, nor will we be short of weapons and materials as before . The harvest of Wuhan city has increased the ammunition output of the rear ordnance factory by ten times, and our ammunition inventory is 20 times as much as before, In addition, there is no large-scale corpse tide within 200 kilometers around . Our base and city are currently one of the safest areas in China . I am not very familiar with combat, but I am sure that you will never worry about bullets in the future . "

Zhang Huai"an"s speech did not have cadence and exciting tone . For Zhang Huai"an, who is good at practice, he did not have much excellent speech talent . His speech was more like a report . Just because of his no exaggeration, the soldiers here can have a clearer understanding of the scale of Hubei base .

When Zhang Huai"an summed up the achievements made during this period, his face was slightly relieved . He also sighed in his heart that when Zhang Xiaoqiang did not come back, although Hubei base also developed and even built into a magnificent c.o.c.kroach base, it was quite different from that after Zhang Xiaoqiang came back . Not only did the population expand to 500000 in a short time, The expansion of power once occupied less than half of Jiangxi, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s free economy strategy, although slightly less efficient than the previous labor support system, was not much worse . More administrative personnel were released to join the posts that needed them more, and the operators were responsible for all kinds of production, acc.u.mulating taxes for the base, Let the survivors under the influence gradually have vitality, and gradually forget their doomsday, and begin to rebuild their future with a positive att.i.tude, reducing the number of people who commit suicide because of despair .

In addition, the hunter"s War Department, a new department created by Zhang Xiaoqiang, was set up in Hubei and Yinmeng at the same time . A large number of survivors who thought they were strong joined the hunters . When the army had no time to take care of them, they consciously cleaned up the scattered zombies around them, which not only reduced the army"s combat task of burning head and rotten forehead, but also made many people rich overnight, They not only made a lot of money by themselves, but also provided the administrative departments with all kinds of sufficient materials, strangled a large number of scattered zombies that the army could not take care of, and all this could be done without logistics . The hunters made the surrounding zombies disappear quickly, recovered small villages and towns, and enjoyed all kinds of rich life, They also set their goal on the JS matrix, which is popular at the top . It"s everyone"s dream to become an evolutionist . One day this dream is out of their reach, which arouses their greatest enthusiasm . It"s a pity that every JS matrix needs to kill 100000 ordinary zombies or 30000 evolutionary zombies, even the most efficient Hunter team, It also takes more than half a year of uninterrupted fighting to make up for a person"s weight . In addition to killing zombies and changing areas, it is to exchange materials . To this end, hunters have a pa.s.sion for exploration . No matter how remote the place is, there must be their footprints . More and more safe areas and buffer areas have been developed .

Under this unprecedented reward mechanism, thousands of zombies are killed every day in Hubei and Jiangxi, which serves as the basis for acc.u.mulating f.u.xing coins to buy JS matrix . It also makes huangquan no longer feel headache for scattered zombies threatening the surrounding environment . At the same time, the hunter troops actively go out to hunt zombies and search for materials, More and more survivors are found by them and sent to the main base as contributions, so that the population of the main base is in an uninterrupted rising stage, which can be said that everyone is happy< br>