Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1851: 1851

Chapter 1851: 1851

After Lu Qishan communicated with chikov and Paul, he finally got the above confirmation through the radio communication . It was he who accepted this group of returned comrades from overseas . Accompanied by a Russian translator, several people exchanged information about the current situation of overseas enclaves . This time, chikov and Paul were the first troops, Angul took Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ethnic group in Vladivostok to shelter in the fortifications of the Russian Island, and together with the Russian garrison in Vladivostok to resist the enemy falling from the sky . This time, it was an emergency . If there was no way, vilichko would not leave his troops . He took his confidants and close guards to Yinmeng to look for possible reinforcements .

"What general vilichko said before is too general . As soon as we need reinforcements and food, we don"t know what happened there . You are c.o.c.kroaches, and naturally belong to our side . Please tell me the whole story in detail, so that we can make targeted response . What did captain Chekov say to general vilichko before? Why is our communication blocked? "

Vilichko and his guards are punishing a pilot . Lu Qishan, who is not very clear from the beginning to the end, has to turn to the bearded pilot . Chikov, who used to be a soldier, is not very strict with the lieutenant commander Lu Qishan . He smokes the inferior cigarettes that Qishan gave him, bares his big yellow teeth and talks a lot, Paul, who was next to him, made a supplement from time to time . However, the young Russian translator was a little overwhelmed and stammered out the whole story .

Vladivostok has always been in a semi closed state . They didn"t get in touch with Yinmeng . They only knew that there was Zhang Xiaoqiang"s influence in this area . When Zhang Xiaoqiang helped them recover Vladivostok, he once mentioned that he had several cities . Most people didn"t believe it, including the Russians who later joined Longhua Island, However, with Angela, a veteran former leader of small forces, and Xue Jianshan as the head of Longhua Island security regiment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s authority has been constantly strengthened, which makes the following Russians accept the fact that their leader is a Chinese . Angela does not seek power, and other people have developed Zhang Xiaoqiang"s overseas enclave fairly well, As for the more than 200 new era servants who had been captured before, the Chinese in the army also joined the security corps after completing the defense construction . There were 12 young men with variant scales who were ordered by an Xiaohui as the threat force, but there was nothing to make trouble with .

Just last month, Longhua island has grown to more than 1500 people, cultivated more than 4000 mu of potato fields, and has a large number of air defense firepower and heavy naval guns . It can be said that it is heavily guarded . It is not afraid of the threat of zombies on Longhua Island, and it has sufficient food . The premature death rate of newborns is also greatly reduced . Therefore, without the partic.i.p.ation of foreign survivors, the population does not decrease but increases, In addition, Vladivostok on the other side, under the strategy of naval gun and fortress, kept pushing inland, basically annihilating the zombies in the towns near Vladivostok, saving a large number of survivors scattered in the mountains and fields, gradually becoming the only government around Vladivostok for hundreds of miles, and let vilichko really take charge of one side .

However, all these things collapsed in the strange events that happened a few days ago . Originally, the ocean was the protective umbrella of Longhua island . There were countless underwater acoustic mutants in the ocean . As long as they didn"t provoke them, they were not afraid to go ash.o.r.e . But overnight, countless mutants appeared on the coastal line of Longhua island and Vladivostok, These mutants are either huge in size or numerous in number . When they came ash.o.r.e, the Pacific Naval Base in Vladivostok collapsed overnight, hundreds of soldiers were killed, and the city was quickly occupied by the mutants, which made the terrified vilichko fall behind and eventually took away most of the city, Relying on the internal area, the fortress area that used to deal with zombies can be held .

Longhua island is much better than viliqco, which has transferred its strategic center and withdrawn its coastal defense naval guns . Zhang Xiaoqiang started to build a defense fortress group against creatures in the sea . Ten ak-176 naval guns and ten AK630 multi barrel mechanism guns are the biggest security guarantee . Another ak100mm air sea high-level dual-purpose gun weighing 40 tons has been installed at the highest point, The angle of 220 degrees is enough to cover most of the shooting range of Longhua Island, and the firing rate of 30-50 rounds per minute makes this gun a real G.o.d of death, not to mention that there are a large number of anti-aircraft machine guns on Longhua Island, and even more weapons than people . When the turbulent mutant sea beast landed, it almost lost one third of the beachhead troops in an instant, The rest disintegrated in the ensuing metal storm, even if huge sea animals were deployed . The super-high frequency of 50 100 mm sh.e.l.ls per minute, let alone mutant animals, even solid iron mountains could be blown to the ground .

Even the sea animals are intelligent . Longhua Island suffered a lot, while Vladivostok was a victory parade . For a moment, the first wave of attacking sea animals gave up Longhua island and rushed to Vladivostok . On the contrary, the people on Longhua Island harvested thousands of tons of seafood . But with more and more coastlines, there were mutant creatures, The vast majority of Longhua island is also occupied by sea animals . Only the narrow s.p.a.ce in the fortress area can be closed by sea animals . However, the exchange of fire occurs every day . Every day, sea animals are blasted into pieces by machine gun fire or roar . Everyone knows that ammunition is not unlimited . When the ammunition is exhausted, the island will become a paradise for mutant animals . In this case, vilichko and angel reached a consensus and sent someone to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang for help . There was a repaired 7788 airship that had fallen on the island in the new era, and an industrial helium processing plant in Vladivostok . In this way, they have the most effective means of transportation, even if there is only one, It can also deliver nearly 200 people at one time . With the weapons and materials, escorted by three helicopters, it pa.s.sed through several provincial capitals and finally arrived in Ordos City .

"Captain chikov said that if c.o.c.kroach brother had no way, they would give up Longhua island and retreat to the underground YONGGU fortification in the Vladivostok mountains, but they didn"t know how long they could last . Now the survivors of Vladivostok are stepping up to dismantle naval guns and other defensive firepower and install them on the top of the mountain, but the warehouse of the naval base is captured by mutant beasts, It"s impossible to get ammunition supply any more . Maybe it will run out of ammunition like Longhua island . At that time . . . "

With more sentences to translate, the young translator became more and more proficient . Lu Qishan nodded to see that Lu Qishan understood what he meant . Chikov smiled and continued to speak . The translator took heart and expressed the words behind chikov clearly, Let Lu Qishan"s brows wrinkle tightly:

"Captain chikov said that there were traitors under general vilichko . Just now, he found that someone had opened the electromagnetic barrier device hidden in the helicopter, blocking the communication around us, and at the same time making them lose contact with the ground . If the land division chief had not been cautious and had not used anti-aircraft missiles, Maybe they"ll all be shot down by their own people, so he warned lieutenant general vilichko . . . "

It"s all a coincidence . When Lu Qishan was sweating all his life behind his back, he was also thinking about whether he paid too much attention to zombies and ignored air defense . For them, the new era is just a legendary word . They have never seen the regular Legion and air power of the new era . It seems that they have been remembered, Although we don"t know why the pilots of vilichco are willing to take the risk of being buried to block communication, from the side, the new era is ready to take action against them .

"In addition, Captain chickoff asked us about the whereabouts of c.o.c.kroach brother . What should I say?"

The translator turned to look at Lu Qishan, but he saw that Lu Qishan was a bit out of his mind . After several successive inquiries, he woke Lu Qishan up . Lu Qishan, who had come back to his senses, gave a smile to chikov and Paul, who was a little stiff . He stretched out his hand and made an invitation to them

"Don"t be busy . It"s up to minister Zhao and minister Shi to make a decision, But we can have a meal first, and then we can wait for the news . "< br>