Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1872: 1872

Chapter 1872: 1872

"You feel like a martyr . Just like those heroes who really pursue justice, you don"t care about life and death . As long as you stick to your heart, you will have no regrets . You can express the most precious things in your heart in front of the strong who slaughtered hundreds of evolutionists, and be proud of them, so that the strong in front of you can also admire them, Do you think so? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words made Weng Liyong a little strange . He had the idea of sacrificing his life for justice just now . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang killed him, he still stuck to his heart and felt detached and sublimated .

"What about your mission? What about your friend? Do you have a girlfriend? Maybe there"s more than one, and it"s beautiful . By the way, what about the neighbors who are moving around and suffering with you? They"re counting on you as an evolutor . Who else can they count on when you die? Zombie sea is about to return . You are not powerful . Maybe in a few days, everyone will be eaten by zombies . Is that what you want to see? Or let them be stepping stones to your justice? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t beat Weng Li"s arrogant persistence . He just expounds some things about the price from another aspect . Everything has a price . Weng Li wants to stick to his heart and get the sublimation of the soul . Zhang Xiaoqiang puts his responsibility and his heart on the sky, and let him measure the price by himself .

"This . . . This . . . "

In an instant, Weng Li was dull, and his eyes lost focus for a moment . Just now, he was so elated that he just followed his feelings and let his heart go freely . However, he forgot his mission and the life and death of thousands of people . The huge gap in his heart caused a huge gap, which seemed to tear his heart and made him lose his faith .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is secretly proud of himself . Weng Li is young after all, and he has never thought about many things . He just thinks that his decision is right to agree with Da Yi . He doesn"t know that Da Yi is not simple . Sometimes his ideas are totally different . They all say that good intentions do bad things . In fact, they are not well considered, A single minded self righteous .

"If you want to find a way for them to survive, complete the task, and become a hero to save them, you have to put down your inner pride, your so-called persistence, and beg me in a low voice, even if I have a big feud with your life and death . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang holds the cigarette holder with three fingers and looks at the cigarette that is about to burn out . His tone is calm, but Weng Li"s face turns pale . Then a bright spark pa.s.ses through the corner of his eye and falls outside the door . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who throws away the cigarette end, pulls out his pistol and points to Weng Li"s eyebrow

"If I want to die, I can help you and kill you now, I"m at odds with the military, and your companions will die . When you die, there will be no room for the military and me . Even if they surrender to me, I dare not accept them . No one dares to bury a group of time bombs with resentment in their own interior . They have two choices, either I will shoot them to death or kneel down and say they are wrong . "

A drop of sweat came from Weng Li"s forehead . The weather was not hot, but Weng Li didn"t feel a trace of cool . His whole body was shaking slightly in tension . His hands clenched and his joints creaked . The black muzzle occupied most of his sight . The black muzzle was like a black hole in the universe, which magnified infinitely in front of his eyes, It also blurs everything around the muzzle .

"Have you decided yet . . . "

The sound of urging was like the sound of the sky crashing into his eardrum . A clever man suddenly said aloud:

"What"s wrong with me? If I don"t insist, they won"t have a chance to count on me, and Xiaoxue and Qinqin won"t live safely until now . There are also those soldiers who don"t know how many casualties they will suffer without me . It"s all me that they are . . . "

"Do you think you are the Savior?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cold words broke Weng Li"s defense . His rapid breathing chest suddenly stagnated, and the scarlet in his eyes began to disappear . Even the blue veins on his forehead began to disappear . Weng Li wanted to say that he was, but he couldn"t say it . His ability was not the strongest, and his wisdom was not the highest . He was also injured, afraid of pain and hunger, He will be decadent when he is in despair and shed tears when he is sad . He can"t be absolutely selfless . He will also leave the last thing to his girlfriend when he goes out to search for materials .

"What on earth do you want . . . Shoot me if you want my life . . . "

Finally, Weng Li was furious . His mind was full of two negative thoughts, which made him crazy . He grabbed his hair with both hands and let out a heartrending cry

"What do you want . . . "

"I . . . "

Weng Li Dun stopped, slowly straightened up, looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, and suddenly said in a soft voice:

"I want to live . I want to marry Xiaoxue and Qinqin . I want people around me to have enough to eat . They won"t be bullied or eaten by those monsters . ""Then you just need to take care of the people around you . Why do you insist on the illusory justice? Why do you put all kinds of shackles on yourself? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words can not shake the heart, but Weng Li finds a trace of excuse in them

"Yes, why should I take care of so many things? I just need to take care of myself and the people around me . Why should I be so tired?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang put back his pistol, c.o.c.ked up his legs again, nodded and said:

"Now you can tell me the true situation of the general"s forces . . . "

"Little red sister, do you think we really want to take refuge in that man?"

The clear river water is sparkling, and the murmuring water is intoxicating . The green gra.s.s and the wave light in the water complement each other, rippling out a shadow . Several unknown fish are chasing the green reflected in the water . Every time they swim, they will turn out a dazzling silver white in the wave light, and the huge bone bow will occupy a green place, The white bone material is also shining in the sun . The little lady beside the bone bow sits with her legs in her arms and looks at the clear water . She can"t help but ask the seemingly calm girl in red beside her .

Red little sister"s eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, but her heart was a little more anxious . Different from Xi"er"s staring at the clear water in a daze, red little sister looked at the blue sky, with a little bangs on her forehead, but her heart flew across the vast land to Chen Yu, who didn"t know where . For Xi"er"s questions, she first strengthened her belief, He turned to Xi"er and said:

"Even if we don"t take refuge in him, do you think he will let us go? Ning brothers secretly give me something . Do you really think he doesn"t know? He deliberately indulged the Ning brothers . It wasn"t because he had too much material and no place to put it . It wasn"t because he was kind-hearted . You didn"t see the evolutionist who died in his hands that day . Let alone the whole corpse, he couldn"t even find the quick and complete pieces of meat . He couldn"t tell who was who when he was scattered on the ground . Since he was so cruel, he was not good at anything, Maybe we can spit it out with interest at any time . "

At that time, Xi"er was busy farming and didn"t go to see the b.l.o.o.d.y battle on the mountain . Although Hong Xiaomei also told her about the battle, she didn"t tell Zhang Xiaoqiang about the b.l.o.o.d.y means . Today, her face turned white . Xi"er is a top evolutionist, and many losers died in her hands . It can be said that in Shanghai, she didn"t kill as many people as that evolutionist, But the means of breaking people to pieces, Xi"er asked herself, not to mention doing it in person, even if it was a nightmare to see more .

A group of women with plastic pots of various colors came out of the village, talking and laughing . The plastic pots were full of clothes . Some of them were not convenient to walk in the crowd, some of them were limping, and some of them were thin and trembling even with a washing hammer . Almost all of them were thin and weak, Their thin cheeks make their cheekbones high and protruding . Even if they were beautiful in previous lives, they are ugly now . Even so, they still like to smile and feel peaceful and happy .

"What about them? Even if there is a need for women, but many women are disabled, hungry too long, let alone work, even if how long a few steps will take their lives, can only eat can not do, but also disabled women, they will either? Are they willing to support them for nothing? "< br>