Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1877: 1877

Chapter 1877: 1877

Weng Li turned to look down at the group of soldiers, but did not expect that the soldiers and the survivors looked at each other with strange eyes, which made his heart and hair cool . In a moment, his mind was dazed by anger . Immediately he remembered what he had just said . His mouth was full of bitterness . In a moment of chagrin, he said something he shouldn"t have said, which constantly hurt the hearts of the survivors below, It has also hurt the hearts of those soldiers . They rely on mutual support until today . The civilians believe in the army, and the army protects the civilians . It has taken many frustrations to move from the urban area to today . Today, the situation is critical, and one bad thing is the disaster of extinction . Even if his women are taken away, he has to solve the problems of thousands of people .

"Company commander Wan, now immediately organize people on board . Each ship will arrange a brother to withdraw women and children first . The men will form a team of 100 men to be ready for combat at any time . "

A loud drink stunned company commander Wan . Then he gave a loud order to mobilize his men . Anyway, Weng Li came up with a way to solve these people"s problems . Why didn"t he do it?

"Cheng Yu . . . , you send two brothers to the front line to have a look, get in touch with the brothers of the guard group, and tell them that we have a way out . Let them block step by step and come back alive as much as possible . . . "

This time, the second lieutenant who has been following Weng Li"s action has been ordered . Their so-called way of life is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s . It"s not very far from here to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s power . It"s not so easy for the zombies to arrive by boat for a long time . The water network crisscross along the way . If the zombies want to catch up with them, they have to cross many waterways and wait for the zombies to fill the river, I don"t know what will happen in a few days .

Weng Li was first of all an evolutionist . He was also the successor designated by commander Yang . The soldiers below moved quickly . When the soldiers moved one after another, several muzzles slowly aimed at Weng li .

"Try to let the frail women and children get on the boat, leave ten boats down the river and wait at the ferry . Everyone else starts to move, throw away all materials and parcels, walk along the river, and it will be safe after crossing the river . . . "

Weng Li stood on the roof of the house and let the survivors move . The atmosphere that had been brewing among the survivors had dissipated until now . The survivors were not all brainless idiots . They just lacked an effective manager and a possible plan . Weng Li found Zhang Xiaoqiang, and this is the best plan . Although Weng Li is anxious for his two girlfriends now, Or do you want to deal with the life and death of thousands of people as calmly as possible? Just as he kept on a.s.signing tasks, he suddenly heard a Scream:

"Be careful . . . "

Before the words were heard, a few shots were fired . The rifles in the hands of the soldiers hiding in the crowd shot at Weng lifeI . Most of the scattered bullets were directed at Weng Li, and the others were at Weng Li"s feet . Only one scream was heard, and then bursts of blood mist fell into the air . Weng Li was warned and turned around to see dozens of streamers flashing, As soon as his eyes were tight, he raised his hand to block his body . The blood mist below rushed to the roof and spread at his feet . In front of his right hand, dozens of bullets floated out of thin air . The evolutionist made the survivors forget their fear and looked at the angry Weng Li dully

"Take all, no one is allowed to leave . . . "

Weng Li roared at the soldiers . His right palm rolled and rotated in front of him . Like Taijiquan, he crossed the mysterious arc and scattered dozens of bullets in the sky . Dozens of bullets disappeared in the eyes of the people . Then there was a scream . The soldiers who could not be a.s.sa.s.sinated broke out blood and fell to the ground crying .

"It"s reported that they were all bought by he Fengli . He Fengli arranged a boat to meet them at the corner of the upstream river . Did he send someone to rob them?"

A platoon leader rushed to report to Weng Li, who was rescuing the wounded . Weng Li stood up with blood stained hands and looked at the river upstream . He hesitated . This was an opportunity . As long as he took a few people with him and pretended to be the soldiers who a.s.sa.s.sinated him, he could get on the Island, although he might not be able to kill he Fengli, There is no problem in rescuing a few people on the island with lax water exchange alert on all sides . Only in this way, it will fall into anarchy again . The survivors can buy him, but not the soldiers .

"Take a few people around from the side to capture the boat as much as possible, and don"t leave a living . . . "

Weng Li finally made the final decision for the Betrayer . Before, he might have thought of chasing only the chief villain . Now he has fully understood that it is better to be cruel than benevolent . If he had not ordered to kill the men who fled, the survivors would not have been so obedient . Unconsciously, Weng Li gradually withdrew his sense of justice and justice, Start to transform like a real leader .

"Weng li . . . It"s too late . . . Those things rush through the defense line, and the guard group collapses . "

Half of the evacuation on the wharf was completed . The boats full of survivors had just left the sh.o.r.e, forming a boat path to the downstream . Countless people crowded . Thousands of survivors walked slowly downstream along the river . The movement of the boats and the survivors formed two strange parallel lines, and the guards on the boats kept the team neat and orderly, The survivors in front are still walking forward, and the people behind have to anxiously push on the back . The bad news brought by Cheng Yu finally makes these anxious survivors agitate . "I know . The battlefield is still several kilometers away . If the speed is faster, we can still evacuate . . . "

Weng Li was not as fl.u.s.tered as others . He still stood in the distance and looked at the original crowd . Although the faces of the soldiers around him changed and Weng Li was calm, other soldiers also eased their fear . He still stood in the distance to maintain the order of the survivors behind him . The battlefield was not very close to them . There was a river in the middle of the way . The river was connected by a small bridge . Just blow up the bridge, There"s more time to delay for a while . That"s why soldiers and survivors can keep calm after hearing the bad news .

They didn"t find that the sweat on Weng Li"s forehead seeped through his forehead . Although the river could stop the zombies, it couldn"t really count on it . The collapse of the guard group so soon showed that the zombies were not ordinary zombies . Only the zombies could break through the blocking position in such a short time, In the past, there were evolutionists who cooperated with the army to hang the zombies of these evolutionists . Now, I"m afraid the guard group is finished .

Seeing that Weng Li was not too fl.u.s.tered, Cheng Yu praised him in his heart and went forward to Weng Li in a low voice

"Take three ships, one of which has heavy machine guns, and the other two are the families of the soldiers . You can"t blame them for their betrayal . After all, their families are controlled by others . Do you want to let them go when their injuries get better, It"s also a fighting force . "

Cheng Yu said that the families of the soldiers who a.s.sa.s.sinated Weng Li before fell into the hands of others and had to a.s.sa.s.sinate Weng Li . Now the families of these soldiers have been rescued . If Weng Li ignored the past, he might not be grateful to Weng Li and loyal to him . Weng Li didn"t even hesitate, He shook his head and said:

"Company commander Wan"s wife and children are all in the hands of those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds . Even so, company commander Wan is still determined for these thousands of people and has not laid hands on us . Let"s spare these people and let company commander Wan think? Let them die as bait according to the original plan . "

Weng Li"s answer didn"t make Cheng Yu uncomfortable . Now they have only one company, which is still the team of company commander Wan . At this critical time, we should focus on company commander Wan, so that we can complete the rescue task more effectively . He didn"t think much about it, so he thought of another point, say:

"Many people in the guard group will withdraw, and there are many monsters behind . We should prepare for the worst . "

Hearing Cheng Yu"s warning, Weng Li looks at the slowly evacuated survivors, shaking his head and laughing bitterly

"I"m afraid we can only save the women and children who took the boat first this time . It"s lucky that the survivors on foot can save half of them . It"s all caused by he Fengli"s b.a.s.t.a.r.ds . When I get through this, I"ll cut them to pieces . "

Weng Li"s worst plan is to save at least half of the survivors . The survivors are divided into two parts, one is composed of women and children, and the other is composed of adult men . When the zombies catch up, they can make those men resist for a while . Even if they can"t kill a lot of zombies, they can feed them with their flesh and blood, It will not cause a devastating disaster to the women and children in front of him . What he thinks is very simple . It is better to sacrifice a small number of people to let others live . Unconsciously, he has learned to take the choice as his code of conduct . The philanthropic justice that he never gave up before is gradually stripping away from him .

Weng Li began to grow up . The cost of growing up was not small . The first time he led the team alone, he had to break his tail to survive . The man who was going to be cut off had no idea of his decision, which put great pressure on his heart . At this moment, the vigilant soldiers suddenly gave an alarm, and then a group of confused soldiers rushed into the dock, The soldiers with the smell of gunpowder on their faces and bodies rushed into the crowd in the dock area as if they were bulls . They knocked over countless men and went to the water . When they saw the empty River, they almost howled in despair at the same time