Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1892: 1892

Chapter 1892: 1892

"So Mr . Daming left? Although Qinghong road used to be irrelevant, now it"s all gra.s.shoppers on the same rope . Now we can"t help ourselves . We always have to help each other to tide over the difficulties together . "

Shan Qingchao stares at Daoming"s strong back and says something to keep him . Meanwhile, Hongyun helps him to say:

"Qinghong and Daoming are united into one, and there is no time for us to be dirty . If we have something to discuss, we should discuss it together . Today is different from the past . Mr . Daoming can"t be alone . If the one above is not happy, The three of us are all gra.s.s-roots . Even if we don"t think about the people below, we have to think about our own life and fortune . "

Their sharp words made Daoming hesitate for a moment, turned to look at them and said:

"I"m used to freedom, and I"ve handed it over to daomen palace . I don"t want to get involved in too many things . I can"t help him if he"s not happy . Shanghai is dead now . I advise you to make more plans . He may not be at ease . No matter how many other people die, I have nothing to do with him, However, we should be cautious when it comes to ourselves . Even if that person really has something that can prolong his life by ten times, it may not let us get it . Don"t trust his promise too much . Don"t call me if you have nothing to do in the future . I"ll leave . . . "

Daoming is a decisive man . He says he"ll leave soon, leaving two people to look at the door where he disappeared . After a while, Hongyun smiles and looks at Shan Qingchao

"Daoming doesn"t know how to praise him . Why don"t we talk to that man and make him suffer? Let him understand that unity is strength . "

"Well, if you can betray Daoming today, you can betray me tomorrow . Do you really think that if you get rid of us, you will be the only one in your family? Wake up, you can"t get through this difficulty . Don"t think about intrigue . "

Shan Qingchao lifted the gla.s.s and shook it slightly . The scarlet wine rolled like a dragon on the wall of the gla.s.s . The red wine flowed in the gla.s.s, but there was never a drop of it . His eyes were staring at the wine in the gla.s.s, but his words were ironic and admonished . His lucky eyes turned and his mouth opened with a smile

"Ha ha, I"m just kidding, Xuefeng"s forbidden vessel is crippled by being beaten, and his whole body is crushed . The one who started the sword chopping is that boy . Now the sword chopping is brother c.o.c.kroach"s man . I"m afraid Xuefeng is going to fight them . Look at us . . . "

The wine in the gla.s.s suddenly stopped . The wine in the gla.s.s lost its habitual force . It collided in the gla.s.s, splashed a touch of bright red and jumped out of the mouth of the gla.s.s . It turned into a few drops of red blood jade beads suspended above the gla.s.s . It trembled slightly . Looking at the red wine, Shan Qingchao slowly shook his head and said:

"Let"s not get involved in this . That boy has a python . I"ll take care of you, Xuefeng is the confidant of that one . It"s not easy to offend them on both sides . No matter who they lose or who wins, it has nothing to do with us . Let"s figure out a way to deal with the things by the sea first . "

Hearing this, Hongyun flashed a look of disappointment in his eyes . He raised his hand and rubbed his chin, staring at the drops of red wine in suspension, and said in a depressed voice:

Has the final say, what we on tenterhooks prompted by a sudden impulse to do this is not the fact that Shanghai is not the one we can say today . Is there something wrong that we didn"t expect . . . "

"Tick . "

The red wine splashed slightly when it fell into the gla.s.s . Shan Qingchao looked up at the stunned good luck and pulled his lips . He didn"t say what he felt, but he felt a strong uneasiness in his heart .

At night, after dinner, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat down in his study and read the detailed reports sent by his subordinates . These reports gave him the most intuitive understanding of the development trend of his forces . The expansion of Hubei base is now at a standstill, and one Wuhan city is enough to digest for a while . The cleaning up of surrounding cities is also under the command of Ye Gushan, the new second division, With the inventory of airborne troops and aircraft divisions as the orderly replenisher, a large number of scattered survivors were found one after another, and the hunter troops also gained a lot . The hunter department, a new Department, is the fastest-growing part of China"s rejuvenation . Not counting Yinmeng and Jiangxi, there are tens of thousands of hunters in Hubei alone to clean up the zombies, Hundreds of thousands of zombies are hunted every day, and millions of revival coins are issued every day . However, so far, less than ten hunters can really buy JS matrix . After all, not everyone can find the ammunition depot or important raw material warehouse . Once these lucky people report the important materials they find, they will get huge rewards, It"s really hard to make up a million by eliminating zombies .

Nine of the lucky ones got the matrix, and only seven of them became evolutors . The other two didn"t escape the 20% failure rate . Even so, the hunters became more and more enthusiastic . They only saw the scenery of becoming evolutors, but ignored the risk of becoming evolutors . Therefore, although the expansion of Hubei base stopped, the safe area expanded every day, There is almost no place for zombies to live near the surrounding areas, and they are all killed by crazy hunters . Another result is that the supplies in Hubei are more and more abundant . At the same time, the purchase prices of various supplies continue to decline . The only constant thing is the price of zombies, and some people have found hard currency such as diamonds to make a small fortune . When Zhang Xiaoqiang found the information of Y City in the list of recently recovered towns, he suddenly felt a huge dizziness, which made his heart jump violently . At this moment, the paper in his hand was so heavy that he could not control his right hand shaking . After a long time, he took a deep breath, He slowly highlights the turbid Qi to calm his mind . He puts aside the doc.u.ments in his hand and ignores them . In his mind, he recalls the past, the city he grew up in for decades, the melancholy when he left his home, and the desolation when he walked by the river .

His family, which had been forgotten by him, was recalled again, and his heart was full of disappointment . However, the city was a nightmare he wanted to escape from, but he was a member of many cities under his command . When he left, his reluctance had already turned into a faint loss and reminiscence, but his heart was placed in a wider s.p.a.ce outside his family, Even if the city where he was born and raised was close to him, he was not moved to go back and have a look at it . The former otaku had grown into a c.o.c.kroach elder brother with many provinces, and what he lost would never come again .

When he picked up the report from Sichuan, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s frown suddenly loosened . The traffic line from the riverside to the underground city had been opened . Yueyang led the army to clean up the cities around the traffic line . The high-ranking zombies in some cities were also killed in the hands of Zhuo Mingyue, who returned to Sichuan . Zhuo Mingyue originally wanted to live with Zhang Xiaoqiang in Hubei, waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to leave home, Depressed and angry, he went back to Sichuan to vent his anger every day, inadvertently making up for the lack of force of Sichuan"s evolutionists, and speeding up the speed of eliminating zombies in Yueyang . The new city, which is in the center of the transportation line, is now more and more prosperous under cui"er"s management, and various manufacturing industries are beginning to recover, However, most of the population in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s former rehousing base has been relocated, leaving only 2000 people who are willing to plant there .

Lu Junyi and Huarong have now become the fire brigade . They have been running around all day and are besieged . They have rescued the military personnel under the Zombie"s claws . Most of these personnel are garrison troops and military industrial talents from all over the world, including professionals from various military research centers . With these people, military industrial production has gradually resumed in the underground cities, The ammunition production lines and parts manufacturing left behind in the past can also provide logistical support for the army . It is these guarantees that enable them to gradually clear out pieces of safe areas . In the process of cleaning up the safe areas, more survivors are found out .

The progress in Sichuan is good, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel better . Yueyang"s subordinates are all elite legions of the new era . They have been fighting a stalemate with the army of the underground base for several months, and they have enough logistics supplies . Once they start to work, they will wipe out countless zombies . Yueyang also knows that his logistics line is in the hands of the underground city, Song kunhai, who controls most of the underground city, has always controlled the lifeline of Yueyang"s troops, which makes him dare not make any changes . In addition, Zhang Xiaoqiang constantly sends pioneers from Hubei to Sichuan, which makes him more and more powerful in controlling Sichuan . Lu Junyi and Huarong are not figures with independent ambitions, which makes Hubei more and more powerful in controlling Sichuan .

Just as he put down the information of Sichuan and was ready to pick up the information of Yinmeng region for a closer look, a violent knock on the door interrupted his interest . Mo Shaoyun"s anxious voice came from outside

"c.o.c.kroach, there"s something wrong ahead . . . "< br>