Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1898: 1898

Chapter 1898: 1898

The speaker has been hiding behind the scenes, and his voice seems to be far and near . Zhang Xiaoqiang listens attentively, and there is a sneering smile in the corner of his mouth . The lighting in the hall is dim, and dim corners can be seen everywhere . Some sneaky evolutionists have appeared in a corner of the hall to explore . Although they are hiding, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not move rashly, He has seen the real face of the person behind the scenes . This guy is too timid and wants to wait until his men arrive to launch an attack . The steel b.a.l.l.s flowing outside don"t disperse . The rustling sound is like surging waves . Wave after wave, it forms a man-made wave . One inside and one outside, it really forms two killing formations, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang unable to advance or retreat . They are procrastinating, Why not Zhang Xiaoqiang?

"I don"t know who you are from Qinghong road? I asked myself why I didn"t do anything I"m sorry for you? More than 100 people"s lives have been obliterated by you at will . Do you really think you"re going to eat me? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang straightened his back and let the steel ball squeeze out of his muscles slide down his trousers, but the steel ball in his arm slipped into his hand . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s questioning led to a burst of gloomy laughter . The laughter was cold and miserable, like the metal noise of a spatula sc.r.a.ping the bottom of a pot . While the laughter reverberated, the noise of the hall began to increase, and various broken steps continued to ring in the corner, Then the laughter stopped abruptly .

"Well, didn"t you do anything sorry for us? It"s ridiculous . I ask you, "is Jianzhan your subordinate?"

As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang listens, he knows what the problem is . After Jianzhan leaves, he loses the news . The sudden change of Qinghong road is obviously related to Jianzhan . He doesn"t know how many people Qinghong road killed, but he can make the other party ignore his big water snake and set up a killing game to wait for him to come . It shows that the situation is not small . Zhang Xiaoqiang turns his eyes, Yelled:

"Misunderstanding, it"s definitely a misunderstanding . The sword chopper is too cunning . He stole my sword and ran away without permission . He must be afraid that I would chase him with a big water snake and deliberately kill people to blame me . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s defense is obviously not believed by the other party . More and more people come down from the upstairs, and the smell of the hall is also more and more . Among them, the ground vibrates slightly . It can be seen that the other party"s power type evolutor has also arrived . The other party may think that it is safe to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang, so they let go .

"Whether you are wronged or intentionally, you will be punished if you offend Xuefeng . "

"Wow . . . "

More than 100 evolutionists rushed into the hall and surrounded Zhang Xiaoqiang . Then more than 30 strong evolutionists rushed up from behind with shields . The uniform metal shield reflected the bright silver light . The huge body shook the ground and pushed the evolutioners in front of him . One shield seemed to close to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Just leave a gap out of the gate .

The atmosphere in the hall has changed from weird to tense . Are all the evolutionists facing Zhang Xiaoqiang like enemies? Some of them have already set fire or ice arrows in their hands, and some of them have all kinds of sharp alloy daggers suspended around them like the original tiezhongyuan . Before they get close, some heavy invisible barriers come to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Then all kinds of gravity or binding force came to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side, making his breathing a bit heavy . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t move all the time, and his eyes didn"t look at the gathered evolutioners . He just cried out:

"Where is Xuefeng? I want to see him in person . . . I also have mutant Python lurking outside . If you want to kill me, mutant Python will kill you all . Do you want to hurt 200 people? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fierce look shows his inner anxiety . Unfortunately, the evolutionists here don"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang hasn"t started . It"s not that he"s afraid of them, but that he"s waiting for the real behind the scenes .

"Your Python ate all our guards out there? What if you have a mutant Python? The python is a big killer to you, but it"s not even a threat to Xuefeng . If you don"t believe it, call the python to have a look? "

"Sasha, brother c.o.c.kroach, we"re in place . Request an attack . "

All of a sudden, a m.u.f.fled call came from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s purse, which made the surrounding evolutioners nervous . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anxiety turned into a smile, reached out his hand, took out his communicator, glanced at the surrounding evolutioners, and yelled:

"Do it . . . "

At the end of the story, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the only gap left by the evolutionists . The figure hiding behind the scenes screamed:

"Stop him . . . "

Before his words, fireb.a.l.l.s, ice arrows, gravity, repulsion and other abilities all hit Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not like the injured person at all . His body is extremely fast . The momentum of the whole person"s impact is like a shot coming out of the barrel . A power evolutor with a shield glides to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body and drinks, pushing his shield to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang is about to hit the shield, but he doesn"t slow down . He just b.u.mps into it . At the moment when he b.u.mps into it, other evolutionists feel relieved . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is also a power evolutionist, he may not be able to break that guy . As long as he is a little late, Zhang Xiaoqiang will be surrounded . Seeing that the evolutor with shield is about to b.u.mp into Zhang Xiaoqiang, the flying dagger from 12 to 12 seems to move to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side and stab him to the key point of his whole body . Most people can"t see the flying dagger . It"s too fast, faster than blinking an eye . At the moment when the evolutor who launched the flying dagger thought it was safe, the jingle sound was like an urgent lute, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t start, The steel ball hidden in his hand flew all the throwing knives, and then hit the shield in people"s eyes .

"Touch . . . "

At the moment of impact, the heavy alloy shield, like a wooden board without force, suddenly shot back and bounced back to the gnashing power evolutor . A piece of blood burst out from the fragmented power evolutor . In other people"s eyes, the fragmented power evolutor spread blood all over the sky, It was. .h.i.t by Zhang Xiaoqiang, the alloy steel shield rebounded to the body and smashed into pieces . How strong should it be to smash and explode the human body? No one can imagine that their abilities also pause slightly in fear . At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang grabs the shield painted red with blood and rushes out of the gate .

Just at the moment when Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed out of the gate, the previous angry roar came again . The roar was like the roar of a demon . It sounded like a thunderbolt in this silent night, but it didn"t have the high-frequency lethality before . I don"t know if his roar was the moment when evolutionists were used to it, Countless steel b.a.l.l.s circling and rubbing in the air, flying like air defense sirens, shot at Zhang Xiaoqiang . At the same time, the steel b.a.l.l.s embedded in the previously pockmarked ground successively bounced into the air, forming a second suspended steel bead at the height of 30 meters on the ground .

The upper and lower steel b.a.l.l.s shuttle and collide with each other . In the sound of jingle, the steel b.a.l.l.s are splashed all over the sky . As soon as the two steel b.a.l.l.s are up and down, they are infinitely close to each other in the scattered steel b.a.l.l.s flying all over the sky . It"s like a huge grinding plate biting up and down . Countless steel b.a.l.l.s are rotating up and down at high speed, and the sparks of electric welding incline out of the scattered steel b.a.l.l.s .

Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is an iron man, he will wring iron sc.r.a.ps in the middle of the millstone, not to mention that the scope of the millstone almost covers the whole square . G.o.d knows how many thousands of steel b.a.l.l.s fell upstairs after Zhang Xiaoqiang entered the building . Maybe this steel ball millstone was the last card to prepare against the water snake, After Zhang Xiaoqiang, dozens of power evolutors holding shields are rushing behind him . Behind these power evolutors, more evolutors are catching up .

Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the door to look at the ball mill . In the square in front of him, thousands of steel b.a.l.l.s collided every second and produced countless sparks . The two steel b.a.l.l.s were like two dark clouds approaching infinitely in the flash of lightning . There was a gap of less than two meters in the middle of the dark cloud . Even in the air raid, we could see countless small points flying and colliding, In other words, the most intense place of fire is these air strikes .

Through the thin shadow formed by flying insects, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw more than 100 rockets shooting into the building . Knowing that he could not wait any longer, he grabbed Qi rengao"s metal shield, twisted his waist, threw out his shield like a Frisbee, and threw out his own . His legs exploded, leaving a crack in the ground . He caught up with the shield in an instant, Then the whole person climbed onto the shield and quickly turned it over . Zhang Xiaoqiang also used the ability of remote-control mouse king blade to the shield . The shield rolled faster and faster . In the blink of an eye, silver spears rushed out . More and more steel b.a.l.l.s were rebounded by the silver spears . It was like a huge whirlpool suddenly rolled up in the flood, causing instant chaos for the steel b.a.l.l.s that jingle collided with .

The spinning dart will rush out tens of meters in the blink of an eye . The evolutioners behind will stop at the steel ball torrent and stare at the silver dart spinning stupidly . At this moment, a series of dazzling flames collide into the steel ball torrent, and more than ten fire regiments burst out in an instant, forming a sea of fire and smoke that filled the whole square . Countless steel b.a.l.l.s suddenly scattered and sputtered, Countless sparks flashed around the sea of fire, and the steel ball was no longer controlled by the evolutioners . The sputtered steel ball swept everything around like a hurricane . At the moment when the building itself was also bombed, the angry evolutioners blocked in the door were swept away . In countless screams, the blood and flesh of the broken human body flying in the door formed a pool of blood< br>