Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1912: 1912

Chapter 1912: 1912

"Hum . . . I"ve been a soldier for two years? You didn"t fight when you were a soldier . Our soldiers are trained from the jaws of ghouls . What can we do if our discipline is not as good as that of the other side? As long as the number exceeds them, you can wait and see . I dare say that they will break through without the help of the evolutionists . "

Another evolutionist disagrees . He sees that Hongyun"s face is not right . He knows that the man"s words make Hongyun unhappy . He comes forward to refute and flatter Hongyun at the same time . When Hongyun becomes the leader, he doesn"t rely solely on force . At some time, he can still listen to some words and wave his hand to the flatterers to stop talking, Raise the telescope to examine Zhang Xiaoqiang"s position carefully .

The overwhelming number of armed men had rushed to the area of 500 meters . It was said that the heavy machine guns of the other side began to fire . However, the soldiers of the forward did not fall in pieces . Only sporadic sh.e.l.ls exploded in the crowd occasionally . The flying human body did not stop the surge of the crowd . Compared with the offensive front with a cross-sectional area of more than 1000 meters, Ninety five percent of the people can"t see the impact of the sh.e.l.ls, and can"t see the death and blood of their companions, so they won"t lose their sudden morale . That"s how the downwind battle of the ancient peasant uprising was fought .

Seeing that his subordinates were close to 300 meters away, hongyundao took a breath and said in surprise:

"It"s not easy . How did they train these soldiers? The avalanche doesn"t surprise me, the avalanche doesn"t surprise me . . . I have to rely on my composure . The supervisor team is ready . If the attack is not good, hold down the position for me and let the people below consume their ammunition as much as possible . The evolutionist is ready to go out at any time . Brother c.o.c.kroach had better catch me alive . . . And so are his soldiers . "

In a disguised form, Hongyun agrees with the concerns of the previous evolutionists, which makes the flatterer unhappy and argues with strong arguments:

"Nine out of ten people would be scared to be silly under such heavy artillery fire . Usually, people fight with rifles and machine guns . Who else has experienced artillery fire in this world?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s position began to launch counter attacks, but the gunfire was weak, and the streamer missiles were not obvious in the smoke of gunfire . From time to time, there were people falling down in the charge . But in the charge of thousands of people, these people were not obvious . With the continuous approaching of the crowd, more and more armed people fell down, and the force trenches were getting closer and closer, At this time, the attack of the armed men broke out again unprecedented waves, with the potential to rush into the first line of defense, suddenly let the lucky eyes are staring out .

"Ha! I"m right . They may have strict discipline, but no matter how strict discipline they are, they can"t stop the bombardment of sh.e.l.ls . Just think of their comrades in arms who are suddenly torn apart and can"t even see their bodies . At most, they can only find some rags and can"t bear to put them on anyone . We have so many guns and have fired at least 1000 sh.e.l.ls . How many of them are there in total? "

When the flattering evolutioner saw that the armed men on his side had occupied the first ditch of the other side, he immediately became proud . Hongyun"s face glowed with excitement, but his eyes swept coldly on the disobedient evolutioner, which made the evolutioner sweat and bow his head and say humbly:

"Of course, All the strategic plans were made by Mr . Hong himself, and the arrangement of artillery fire was also ordered by Mr . Hong . Mr . Hong was very skillful in the tactics of war, and he could easily take down the other side"s heavily guarded position

The cold in Hongye"s eyes dissipated after this guy"s call . He touched his chin and nodded his head with pride . He seriously warned the guy who flattered him .

"Don"t be careless . They should be confused by us, and their tactics are rather rigid . They only know how to defend at different levels and don"t know how to strengthen the key points . In fact, if they transfer hundreds of people from the second line of defense to the front, I may not be able to break through . Alas, the opponent is too conservative and has one mind in using the art of war, Water is fickle, isn"t it

With Hongyun"s words, the fire of the second line of defense suddenly intensified, causing heavy casualties to the front-line armed personnel . Rows of corpses were displayed in front of the two armies . Suddenly, the red eyed and dizzy armed personnel in the back woke up, immediately stopped the attack, turned back to the first trench, and covered themselves with fortifications . It was just a small change, Some of them are rushing forward, some are running backward, and others are injured . They throw away their rifles and sit in front of the battle between the two armies crying . If Zhang Xiaoqiang"s soldiers fight a counter charge and recapture the first line of defense, there is absolutely no problem . Unfortunately, the troops of the second line of defense pay attention to the wounded before the battle, After the follow-up troops poured into the first line of defense and set up heavy machine guns, all opportunities were lost .

"Look, their combat effectiveness is still very strong . Maybe I"m wrong about them . They are not rigid, but they are short of strength under my artillery fire . After all, we are bombing the whole line, and their positions are too narrow . The impact of sh.e.l.ls can be divided into front and back, and the whole field is bombed, Their strength can only support the second line of defense . "Hongyun lamented, regretting the embarra.s.sment of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s troops . At the same time, he also regretted that his firepower was too strong . It really doesn"t show that he is in charge of art, while the flatterer stares at the great fortune strategists with adoring eyes and sighs sincerely:

"Artillery is also a part of military use . Artillery is known as the G.o.d of war . Napoleon conquered the whole of Europe with artillery in those years . Lord Hong need not be modest . He hated that the cannon fodder retreated when it hit the second line of defense, Do you want to send a team of supervisors to teach you a lesson? "

When they talked, they reminded the evolutors of Hongye that they were too shameless . In his eyes, Hongyun"s command art was not bulls.h.i.t, and the artillery bombardment was worthless . Some of the smoke of the defensive positions had dissipated, and the general situation was clear, As the main body of defense, the trenches and fortifications have not been destroyed by gunfire, and the dropping point is even more nonsense . He has not yet found the explosion point that can collapse the traffic trench . As long as the traffic trench is not destroyed, the other party"s forces can be dispatched through the traffic trench at any time, but they will not expose themselves to the muzzle of the gun like the armed men . In addition, the first line of defense is not captured at all, It was abandoned by the other side . Even if the firepower of the first trench was more than one third of the firepower of the second line of defense, they would not be able to capture it . However, Hongye really thought that he was using his own weapons like a G.o.d . Plus a flatterer who didn"t have any military common sense, he seemed to have seen the 5000 armed men lying on the ground with blood flowing .

"I can"t help being so harsh . Temporary disadvantageous conditions are allowed . They are still very good . You see, none of them run back to the starting position . They all fight in the first ditch . Our goal is to consume opposite bullets . Since we can do it without human life, I"m not a heartless leader . I have to do it a lot of times, alas, Once you succeed, all bones will be withered . "

Hongyun sighed again, with a little constipation on his face . He looked at the scattered corpses on the ground and shook his head . He had long forgotten his previous order to use armed men to consume each other"s bullets . The flatterer suddenly clapped his hands and cheered

"Our armored forces are coming up . This time, we can definitely do it in one go, I don"t think the evolvers need to send, they just need the cannon fodder to complete the combat mission . "

On the battlefield, more than a dozen armored vehicles and more than 20 square headed trucks with welded steel plates have approached the first trench . Some armed men are burying the trench under the harsh orders of the officers to open the way for their own trucks . All the square headed trucks are engineering trucks transporting sand and stone . Both the front and the four wheels are wrapped in solid welded steel plates, Even if the machine gun bullets. .h.i.t the top, only pits will be left . On each truck, there are a squad of armed personnel and a machine gun group in the front of the truck . More than 20 trucks are more than 20 mobile machine gun nests . The chaotic fire rain from the truck adds to the firing sequence, making the fire of the second line of defense be suppressed .

With these vehicles, it"s easy to occupy the other side"s position . Just as the trucks rush into the middle of the two lines of defense, a burst of fire blows these trucks into fireb.a.l.l.s . Almost in a few blinks, the trucks become burning torches . Originally, the trucks have burst into the middle line, Less than 100 meters away from the second line of defense, just at this distance, a number of soldiers jumped off a burning truck and tried to run . Then they were torn by machine gun bullets behind them . More than 200 commandos did not fire a shot, so 100 soldiers stayed in front of the two armies . They could almost catch up with half of the soldiers killed in the previous large-scale charge, which made Hongyun"s eyes glare, "What"s the matter?" he yelled< br>