Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1916: 1916

Chapter 1916: 1916

The evolutioners led by Hongyun are really much better than those attacked by armed men . Among the nearly 1000 evolutioners, there are six evolutioners of strength and agility . These evolutioners are divided into two groups . Hundreds of agile evolutioners pa.s.s through the shadows with chaotic scattered formations, encircling the defensive positions from all sides . These evolutioners are not fixed in one place, Many officers who watched them were dazzled by their flexible transposition with the help of various obstacles, and hundreds of evolutioners did not gather together . The previous route of agile evolutioners was also the route of their advance . All of these big evolutioners covered the spiritual evolutioners around them with shields and heavy weapons .

Generally speaking, spiritual evolutionists are the main force in the team of evolutionists . Their abilities vary from strong to weak . The strong can fight one hundred evolutionists, and the weak is a little bit better than ordinary people . However, if spiritual evolutionists continue to improve, their abilities will be more powerful than power or agile evolutioners . The idea of Hongyun is to make a breakthrough in all aspects, If they are arranged in a dense formation, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties under the dense fire network, and the most efficient way is to break through . At least with the steel shield of the power evolutor and the Dodge speed exceeding that of ordinary people, the casualties will be minimized .

Hundreds of agile evolutionists obviously want to penetrate the defensive positions and hang with the soldiers . Their speed is extremely fast . Even the elite soldiers can"t stop them once they fight close to each other . The huge net woven by countless streamers almost envelops the whole defensive front . Those evolutionists like ghosts and shadows will walk through the fire net, but the evolutionists are all in danger, The defense area of the ring-shaped defense position is too wide . Even if countless bullets shuttle in front of the evolutors, they can"t cause too much damage . You should know that the evolutors rush to the position from all directions . The average cross-section of one meter can"t spread a bullet . If the distance keeps growing, it may take three or five meters to spread a bullet, Even if the bullets are dense, few evolutionists are shot .

Then the evolutioners on the lucky side began to fight back . Around the power evolutioners, there were more than a dozen evolutioners with guns . They were the yama of death . Their rifles almost silenced the most threatening machine gun group . The long-range shooter type evolutioners were the incarnation of death on the battlefield of the two armies, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s machine gunners suffered heavy casualties under the long-range shooting of these people, and many machine gun teams have changed two shooters .

Every small change in the battlefield will bring unexpected changes to the war situation . The sniping of these Archer type evolutioners makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s defense loopholes . Originally, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s army machine gun ratio is not low, and there are dozens of heavy and heavy machine guns left by armed personnel as supplements . The fire network made agile evolutioners taboo, At least the closer they get to the position, the more dangerous they are . For a time, the attack of the agile evolutioners was delayed . You should know that they intended to attack the position at the same time, so as to create the greatest confusion . In the dense heavy fire, they were afraid to rush into the position, just for fear that they would be encircled and suppressed by others, The heavy machine gun shooter, under the sniping of the long-range evolutioner, makes the heavy machine gun pause for a short time, which gives them the opportunity . The evolutioner who moves within 100 meters seems to get a silent command, and at the same time accelerates to the position .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has been waiting for him, and there are no other evolutioners around him . Seeing two cooperating evolutioners rush to the front, they hold up their guns for two consecutive shots, making the evolutioners jump to both sides in fear . Even so, they are still rushing forward . Zhang Xiaoqiang had the experience of killing agile evolutioners when he was in Yinmeng, In the flight of the bullet, a continuous clip was shot out, but two evolutioners" limbs were out of connection, which made their movements stiff . Then the bullet smashed the skull .

Two evolutionists are just a piece of cake . After shooting, Zhang Xiaoqiang plans to turn the muzzle to find another target . Just then, the machine gunner next to him is suddenly hit by a stray bullet . A scream wakes Zhang Xiaoqiang up . He turns to see that both the positive and negative machine gunners have been shot and killed on the ground . He immediately breaks into a cold sweat . Looking around, he finds that three or four out of ten heavy machine gun groups have been solved, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately knew that he had made a huge mistake . He should not be in the front line . Even though his ability was already very strong, shooting two evolutioners made a loophole in the battlefield . Looking around, at least more than 100 agile evolutioners were about to rush into the front line and roared loudly .

In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s grudging roar, more than a dozen agile evolutioners rushed into the position . These agile evolutioners were almost dressed up, dressed in black tights, clean from head to toe, holding sharp short weapons in both hands, fierce eyes like beasts, and countless flowing bullets dodged between their flexible flashes, Fast approaching positions, one after another jump up and down to the trench, and b.l.o.o.d.y slaughter is about to start . Even the elite soldiers are slightly fl.u.s.tered in their unpredictable figure .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked angrily at more than a dozen evolutioners who rushed into the front line and the remaining hundreds who were about to rush into the position . He was worried that the tactics he had originally prepared had loopholes because of his own mistakes . If these evolutioners were allowed to rush into the position, I"m afraid the consequences would be unimaginable . At that time, the best outcome would be that both of them would be defeated . Suddenly, More than a dozen equally sensitive figures came up from all over the trench at a faster speed . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly lit up, which was his ghost troops . These ghost shadows are evolutors who have drunk Xianwu silver tea and improved their ability . Because Lou fanjun is an agile evolutor himself, his guards are all pro agile evolutors . At the same time, they are the sharp sword troops of the whole special combat battalion . They have improved their speed and agility . The power displayed by the evolutors is not the proportion of the ordinary agile evolutors who rush in, As soon as the evolutionists on both sides collided in the air above the first trench, more than a dozen bloodthirsty corpses stopped their flexible steps and fell to the ground, cheering the soldiers in the trench who were ready to meet the killing of the evolutionists .

"No wait, let the mortar fire for me . How hard can I make the most of the firepower . . . "

The dangerous war situation was stabilized in an instant . The evolutioners who first attacked the position were killed in front of the battle, making the evolutioners behind pause slightly . The other directions did not see the agile evolutioners who killed . They were also intercepted by the ghost troops ambushing in the position at the moment of entering the position, making a good start in the battle with the evolutioners .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is also lucky . Although the number of ghost troops is small, they are in a relatively high defensive position and can react before the enemy approaches the position . These ghost troops have always been used to clearing th.o.r.n.y targets . Instead, they will kill the same agile evolutors with their leather armor that can resist bullets and swords .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order was strictly carried out . In an instant, the whole battlefield broke out a huge wave . All the previously unexposed heavy firepower was fired . When the mortars on the top of two buildings threw twelve 82mm steel ball grenades into the sky at the same time, recoilless guns, 35mm grenade launchers and individual rocket launchers all opened fire, In an instant, the ground in front of the position exploded countless explosion points . Not to mention the fireball connected with the explosion, but the smoke and dust splashed by the walking covered most of the battlefield,

Then there was a piercing roar in the sky, and more than 100 rockets pulled out fan like flues in the sky and exploded in front of the position, forming a line of fire separation zone, Let the sight of both sides be completely covered by the smoke and dust from all kinds of firepower . At the next moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang roared:

"Throw it out, throw it all out, heavy fire, don"t stop . . . "

As soon as his words were heard, his order was quickly conveyed . Immediately, hundreds of green gla.s.s bottles were thrown out of the trench . These bottles fell to the outer position of more than 30 meters, most of them were smashed, and a small part of them were still lying in the soil intact . Later, they were smashed by random bullets . There was no need for Zhang Xiaoqiang to continue to give orders, It was the harsh whistle of duosheng that rang through the position, and then the soldiers rushed out of the trench with their equipment and went back to the second line of defense .

It didn"t take long for this to happen . It didn"t take more than three minutes . Just now, the stormy fire made the agile evolutioners a little confused . Although they didn"t take advantage of the situation, they suffered a lot from the countless exploding fire regiments and flying shrapnel . They won a lot of medals and were more disheartened, Those who are blinded by the smoke and fire are still deeply afraid of this damage . They are so scared that they lie on the ground and hold their heads . They only hope that Zhang Xiaoqiang will not have many sh.e.l.ls< br>