Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1922: 1922

Chapter 1922: 1922

The enchanting Jianzhan shook his right hand tightly holding the Firebird"s cutla.s.s . His arm was full of crisscross wounds . Some of the wounds were bleeding and dripping along the blade, while others were festering and smelling . His shaking right hand was not because of pain, but because he was scared by the giant beast in front of him . This giant beast was no worse than the mutant beast that was encircled that day, The bullet is not affected at all . The only thing that can cause damage to it is the antiaircraft gun that is set up at each point .

Shanghai is China"s elite City, the residence of the East China Sea fleet and the settlement of Jiangnan Shipyard . It pays the most attention to air defense . Thousands of anti-aircraft guns are stored in various weapon warehouses, and there are more anti-aircraft machine guns waiting to rust and corrode . Now, all of them have been found by the evolutionists to fight against the mutant animals, The anti-aircraft guns on the top of the five story building at the corner of the street suddenly ejected a column of light that swayed like a meteor . More than a dozen 37 sh.e.l.ls exploded on the monster . The armor piercing incendiary bombs that could destroy armored vehicles exploded craters on the monster"s body . The blue blood flowed down the wound the size of his face like a waterfall, which made the monster very angry, When countless armed men covered their ears and screamed, the monster"s wriggling belly was like a bouncing ball . It jumped up like a mountain and hit the antiaircraft gun . Once the huge body jumped up, it would be very fast . In the blink of an eye, it hit the five story building, and the building disintegrated, Countless scattered bricks rose like the dust of a volcanic eruption, and then a new layer of dust rose from the debris of the building . Then the monster rushed out of the dust and continued to squirm towards the city . In a short moment, the previously injured wound was filled with white liquid, and a few breaths made the wound almost recover, except for some depression on the skin, I can hardly see it .

Seeing that the monster was so powerful and the sword was too tight to move, he had no idea that the monster was so powerful that it was beyond his imagination . It was not possible for an evolutionist to destroy a tall building . Suddenly, a figure appeared in his eyes, Waving a huge bone knife, the figure slashed a four legged monster out of the dust . The monster was similar to an off-road vehicle in size, with full body armor and long tail . It was similar to an alligator, but the monster had a rhinoceros like head . From the nose to the forehead, there were eight Crescent shaped black horns with two lizard like eyes on each side .

Seeing the figure, Jianzhan hesitated for a moment, and suddenly rushed to the side of the building with his knife . He heard that the guy was a teenager, and his ability was not strong . Compared with him, he lived three days longer with a mouthful of blood . Just after he jumped up, he fell downstairs like a falling meteor, The next moment he fell into the shadow and disappeared .

Chen Yu"s appearance is much worse than that of a sword chop . There is no good skin on her face, and her hand is full of cracks . Her clothes have long been a rag . Now, regardless of his injury, he just stares at the monster in front of him and drinks . The long knife in his hand cuts off from the air . The blade is a few meters away from the monster, and a scream, The air seemed to be torn in half, and there was a weak vibration, which extended to the monster . Then the monster gave out a loud howl, and the huge and slender tail came to Chen Yu like lightning . Chen Yu shot back with a knife . Unexpectedly, the tail came too fast, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Yu, who had been fighting for several days, was in the most critical moment, With a loud shout, raise your knife to block .

The huge bone knife came out of Chen Yu"s hand, while Chen Yu spat out blood and flew back . Before the monster"s tail was taken back, several other stiff lines burst out of the surrounding ruins . One of them, a strong man, jumped high and hit the monster"s back head with his fist, causing the monster"s huge head to hit the ground . Then several other evolutioners rushed up, In the hands of the sword, together cut in the monster .

"Oh . . . "

Before the monster"s tail returns to its original position, it is held by two b.l.o.o.d.y power evolutioners . The next moment, they are thrown out by the giant beast . Several evolutioners who attack the monster are in a mess, but they can"t hurt the monster . Seeing the head of the monster sway, they pierce the elusive evolutioner . In the scream, other evolutioners retreat one after another .

Just as the crowd was about to leave, the monster sped up and rushed to Chen Yu, who was about to pick up the bone knife . It punctured the one horn of the evolutioner and resigned to Chen Yu like lightning, which made the evolutioners around exclaim . The next moment, the huge head of the monster suddenly flew up, and the blood water splashed in front of Chen Yu . When the monster slowly landed and twitched, The sword cuts from the shadow of the monster"s side to show the figure .

"Boom . . . "

In the distance, another building was knocked down by a giant monster, but the sword chopper didn"t look at it . He turned around to guard against the surrounding evolutioners . The evolutioners pierced on the corner of the monster had become mashed meat . The rest of the evolutioners looked bad, and their whole body was full of fierce blood . Their eyes kept scanning back and forth between the giant beast and the sword chopper .

"The head is mine . . . "

Jianzhan glances at the seven or eight beggars in front of him and shakes the blood off the Firebird"s cutla.s.s with a wave . The eyes of these evolutors are greedy at Jianjian"s cutla.s.s . Some of them have bad eyes and slowly surround Jianjian . The man who just hit the monster"s head with his fist suddenly says:"You are the a.s.sa.s.sin of eternal night?"

The sword cut his eyes suddenly tightened, and then the big man"s face appeared panic . He stretched out his arms and called out:

"We"re going back . . . "

In the blink of an eye, these evolutionists disappeared with their huge corpses . Jianzhan looked at Chen Yu, who was dripping blood all over his body . He slashed the monster"s head with a knife . A few seconds later, Jianzhan regretfully closed the knife, looked at Chen Yu and said:

"You are Chen Yu . Someone asked me to take you out . Do you want to go with me?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang once told Jianzhan to take Chen Yu out if he saw that she was still alive, but if she died of a short life, he didn"t pay special attention to the boy"s qualifications . Instead, he promised Hong Xiaomei that he didn"t want to be a faithless person . Jianzhan"s words fell to Chen Yu"s ears and surprised him . Before, he didn"t know the heaven and earth under Xi"er"s hands, When he arrived at the battlefield of life and death where even the top evolutionists would tremble, he realized that he was not the protagonist of a third rate novel . If he wanted to live here, he had to work hard, endure, and be a man with his tail in his hand . Even so, he almost lost his life several times, Hearing the so-called Yongye a.s.sa.s.sin"s indifferent inquiry, he was alert .

"Who is it? I still need two days to go out . What skills do you have to take me out . . . "

Jianzhan didn"t answer Chen Yu"s question . Her charming eyes were staring at the place by the sea . More than a dozen monsters were creeping towards this side . Their eyelids twitched and called out impatiently to Chen Yu

"Going or not?"

Chen Yu also saw the monsters in the direction of Jianzhan . She felt a sense of despair in her heart . She was afraid that the last line of defense would be lost today . She nodded and said:

"As long as you can help me out, I will repay you . . . "

At this time, Jianzhan didn"t speak at all and turned to leave . Chen yushunshi cut off the bone from the forehead to the tip of the nose of the monster on the ground with a knife . He grabbed eight crescent single horns connected together and followed him closely . He thought that this was what Jianzhan wanted, but he didn"t know that Jianzhan wanted to see if there was any glue . After walking for a short time, he suddenly got up behind him, Hundreds of ragged and panicked evolutioners rushed over one after another . Behind them, countless Black Multi legged beetles formed an overwhelming red torrent and rushed towards them . Many beetles rushed to the front, rolled up their tails, sent out whips and shot like bullets . They ran around behind the evolutioners and smashed a collapsing concrete from time to time .

This beetle makes all the evolutioners cold . Further away, a giant poisonous scorpion follows closely . These scorpions are dark all over . Their black crustaceans are not satisfied with the strange golden pattern . They have three scorpion tails, one long and two short . The left and right short tails rotate like a moving radar antenna . The short tail of one of the giant scorpions suddenly locks in a direction, Then the scorpion quickly climbed onto the pile of concrete, and the long scorpion tail lightning pierced the biggest concrete . When the concrete scattered, a dying evolutor was dragged out and sent to two giant claws bigger than human beings to share food< br>