Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1938: 1938

Chapter 1938: 1938

These words are kept in mind by the two youyinhua . They look at each other with a look of horror . The collapse of branches around the world in the new era has come to such a stage . According to what they say, I"m afraid that apart from Australia, only Europe is still in good condition in the new era . When they are worried about the new era, The Bishop"s last roar reached them .

"Didn"t the new warrior Research Center produce the Holy Blood warrior? Let them take the air frigate to China and kill the leaders of all Chinese forces for me . The intelligence department has their information . Let them go now . . . "

In the new era, Europe"s headquarters is in a mess because of China"s problems . Countless lights of Nvwa"s main engine in underground cities of Sichuan are flashing like a sea of stars . After a long time, a gorgeous figure appears on the empty s.p.a.ce of the computer room, where elegant and exquisite furniture and display appear out of thin air, The snow-white walls around her turn into green mountains and rivers in the mountains and valleys . The beautiful and lovely Nu Wa, dressed in n.o.ble and elegant ancient clothes, stands among all kinds of bamboo and wood furniture and takes a satisfied look at the virtual layout . She sits on her imaginary bamboo chair and meditates . On the virtual display screen in front of her, all kinds of pictures flash by, including the mobilization of the Yinmeng army, The noise of several cities in Sichuan, the busyness of Hubei base and the flaming light of Shanghai city finally stopped on the picture of the satellite destroyed in the new era .

When she saw the satellite, Nu Wa frowned humanely . Her eyes flashed through the starlight data stream . After a while, she became calm and elegant again . Her white arm waved gently, and the display screen turned into a jade table with a whole set of tea sets on it . She used the virtual tea set to amuse herself and play tea . Every movement was standard and standardized, But it"s always unnatural and slightly stiff .

Countless people are sleeping in the open s.p.a.ce outside the area controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang . The area under the control of Zhang Xiaoqiang is not small, and the building community can"t compare with the urban area, but it"s not much worse than the county town in Inner Mongolia . However, compared with the sleeping survivors in the wild, this area is extremely narrow, and the campfire from the urban area to here is still burning, The sky is still hazy, and the darkness has not dissipated . The first ray of morning light will appear in the east area near the seaside, but it is covered by the black smoke in the city, as if the night never ends . The survivors in front are still sleeping in the morning wind . From time to time, bursts of suppressed coughing sound break the peace here .

The first people who came here were all strong men . After walking for tens of kilometers, they were all tired and stumbling . They were told that they could have a rest and then fell down . Until now, the scale of 20000 people sleeping is so spectacular, but they are not in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . Zhang Xiaoqiang stands on the top of a tall building and looks into the direction of the city, The long line of survivors" migration is revealed by the dying campfires in the telescope . These survivors are all healthy women . They can only walk to the ground through their migration in the middle of the night . Many people fall to the ground when they walk . Compared with the men who were desperate before, these women can still reach out their hands to help their sisters .

Seeing these women, Zhang Xiaoqiang is very anxious . This is the second batch of 30000 people, followed by the third batch and the fourth batch . If there is no accident, it will take three days just to move to the area under his control . But now the form of the urban area is extremely critical . Where can he get three days to migrate to the survivors? The only consolation is that after dawn, Survivors will not be as difficult to walk as they are at night, and may be faster .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, Xiaoshan has completely taken over the zombie sniping position . From the perspective of aerial investigation, the form is not too bad . The zombies in front of us are all evolutionary zombies . The real force of the corpse sea is far behind . There are at least 100 kilometers from the main force of the corpse sea to the sniping line . . . It"s just that our ammunition is seriously depleted, It is hoped that the supply of ammunition can be guaranteed . "

Wei Feng"s request came from his side . Zhang Xiaoqiang put down his telescope and looked at the black smoke flowing over the urban area in a daze . Wei Feng didn"t urge him . He stood behind Zhang Xiaoqiang and was silent with him . For a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and looked at Wei Feng calmly . He walked back and forth on the roof of the building . The transportation force couldn"t even transport the children among the survivors, Not to mention supporting Xiaoshan, but the situation in Xiaoshan is not as good as Wei Feng said . According to yesterday"s war report, zombies are all S-type zombies . The number of these zombies is up to one million, and the intelligence of aerial investigation also shows that tens of millions of zombies will split into thousands of evolutionary zombies to support the vanguard troops, These zombies come out of the sea of corpses and cover more than 100 kilometers . Looking down from the sky, they are like countless black sesame seeds . The continuous trend makes the helicopter observers too scared to eat .

"Muster 5000 strong men to deliver ammunition, send 500 armed men to supervise the delivery of materials, and tell them that if the task is not completed, all 500 people will be killed . . . "

Determined, Zhang Xiaoqiang breathed out a long breath and issued the latest order to Wei Feng . He wanted to say it in the most indifferent tone, but the order made his heart heavy and his nose sour . The tone of saying this was a little dry, sad and helpless . Wei Feng was frightened by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, He didn"t notice that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tone was abnormal . He opened his mouth and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"m afraid that in order to complete the task, the armed men in Shanghai will die . At least half of 5000 people will die . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was forced to give the last order he wanted to give . In order to be in a hurry and to ensure the smooth operation of the Shihai barrage station, he had to ensure the material transportation of the front line . Xiaoshan"s battlefield was not an urban area, but a complex water network terrain . In order to isolate the safety belt, the former survivors damaged the bridges and roads in the water network area, Even if a floating bridge is built, it is impossible for vehicles to pa.s.s through . The only way is to use people to carry them . It is not enough for the 3000 armed men who were captured before to be coolies . Now we send another 5000 people . Under the supervision of the armed men in the urban area, I am afraid they will be .

Wei Feng is not trying to stop Zhang Xiaoqiang . He is a smart man . He knows that the front line can"t be protected . Once zombies break through the defense line, I"m afraid no one can stop them according to the speed of evolution . Once zombies rush into the survivors" brigade, he can"t even think of the harm caused . More than 100000 people are in chaos at the same time, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang sends his main forces to suppress them, The survivors scratched and bitten by zombies will cause a new round of virus spread . By that time, maybe one tenth of the 100000 survivors will survive, even if G.o.d bless them .

"As long as the main force of zombie sea is not close to the blocking line, no matter how many people die, I have to keep them . Even if 100000 people die, if we can save 80000 people, we will earn . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was as furious as a detonated explosive bag . As soon as 100000 people came out of the building, their killing intention could no longer be controlled . There were not only Zhang Xiaoqiang and Wei Feng on the top of the building, but also more than 10 soldiers around watching . When the fierce killing intention rushed to them, they all fell to the ground and twitched, Wei Feng is not an evolutionist . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s intention to kill him unintentionally comes to his heart . He can"t stand any longer . He staggers out three or five steps and sits on the ground . He doesn"t dare to move< br>