Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1961: 1961

Chapter 1961: 1961

Countless zombies were running on the land full of corpses . They were originally a group of blind people . Under the irresistible orders from the depths of their souls, zombies were always tripped and tumbled by the corpses on the ground . Before they got up from the ground, more zombies stepped on them . At that time, countless zombies were crushed by their own kind, The dense zombies gathered from four places to the middle, gathered into a long tide of corpses, and frantically charged in the direction of the main force of the zombie sea .

More than 100000 zombies are constantly shrinking in number on the way of charging . These lowest zombies are high-level zombies of evolutionary zombies . In this inexplicable retreat, they were killed and injured seriously . The main force of the zombie sea hundreds of kilometers away ran head-on like crazy . The zombie tide spread over thousands of square kilometers, and the formation was terrible, It"s also disastrous for countless zombies to move their feet at the same time and run recklessly . Almost every meter forward, hundreds of zombies are trampled into thin skin . Under the satellite display in the sky, Nu Wa is surprised to see the sea of zombies that she focuses on slowly changing on the huge map, forming a faint arrow pointing directly to the urban area of Shanghai, In the process of the formation of this giant arrow, every second or even 0 . 1 second, there will be a certain number decreasing . The speed of this number decreasing even makes Nu Wa"s calculation receive one thousandth of a second"s delay, which is unthinkable to Nu Wa . G.o.d knows how much data will cause her calculation delay?

Zombies are like collapse . They give up the channel that has been laid down by more than 100000 evolutionary zombies these days . On the way to retreat, hundreds of thousands of evolutionary zombies scattered around always lose a part every time they gather together, just like invisible scissors cutting in the tide of zombies . At this time, suddenly, the roar of helicopter propellers comes from the sky, Ten helicopters are rushing to the most concentrated area of the zombie tide, speeding up the speed of the zombie tide once again, and further aggravating the chaos of the zombie tide .

Zhang Xiaoqiang gazes at the zombie group below, but sighs in his heart that the unmanned robot pilot mutated monkey in the reconnaissance camp of Yinmeng military region . If this monkey was there, maybe he could find some clues in the zombie group . But when human beings look down from the sky, even if they have evolved 18 eyes, they can"t find any clues, Ten helicopters began to disperse according to the previous plan, forming a loose encirclement from the air to surround the zombie tide . When all the helicopters were in place, the attack command was issued immediately .

Countless rockets ejected by the wake pull out a fan like trajectory in the air . Taking the zombie tide as the center point, they explode at the edge of the zombie tide, forming a continuous flame . The amount of rockets carried by the aircraft is quite large . Even if ten helicopters have launched some rockets before, the rest are more than 800, These 800 rockets were continuously fired from the weapon launching port of the helicopter . Hundreds of rockets exploded at the edge of the zombies, forming a turbulent burst tide . Countless zombies were scattered in the fire light, and pieces of zombies were emptied in the smoke . Looking down in the sky, although the smoke blocked the top of the zombie tide, But always can see a piece of burnt black ground on the corpses .

Rockets are just appetizers . In the roar of the pilots, the safety switch of the machine gun is also turned on, and then a long line of flames are ejected from the machine gun turret of the helicopter . The bright red streamer the size of fists sets off a greater wave of corpses in the tide of zombies . Layers of corpses and meat are sprayed into the air in the smoke of the explosion, This storm did not abate with the falling of corpses . Instead, it became more and more intense because more and more corpses were torn up . Finally, we can see that the originally dense tide of corpses was cut into pieces by mechanism sh.e.l.ls . After all, the power of mechanism sh.e.l.ls is several times greater than that of the largest caliber machine gun bullets, And the sustained fire is much stronger than the 37 antiaircraft gun, causing the zombie tide to suffer devastating damage in a short time .

However, the number of mechanism sh.e.l.ls carried by the aircraft was limited, and soon the mechanism sh.e.l.ls stopped . At this time, a hundred air bombs were launched . Because of the coincidence of the terrain, they once killed more than 100000 zombies at one time in the Sanshan defensive battle, and only three helicopters were used in that time, which is more than three times of the last time, Otherwise, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t guarantee that he can leave Xuefeng . After all, there are a lot of zombies below . Even if he sends out 100 helicopters to bombard them with machine guns, it"s impossible to destroy them .

According to the guidance of the joint operation platform, a whole hundred air bombs fell on each node of the zombie tide . In a moment, they saw huge glowing fireb.a.l.l.s rolling and exploding in the zombie tide . These flames, like the dome of the opera house, rose one after another in the zombie tide, just like the enchanting flowers of death blooming in the zombie tide, blinking, The flowers of death wrapped in red and black wither and form huge whirlpools . The center of these whirlpools is bright red, like the sun falling on the earth . In an instant, the red spreads continuously under the collision of the expanding whirlpool, and then the surging smoke is attracted by these whirlpools, as if swallowed up, Then the s.p.a.ce where the corpse tide is located becomes blurred and swaying, just like the air heat flow on the flame . An obscure shadow shrinks rapidly in the middle of the corpse tide . In an instant, it shrinks to a point . In the next moment, the shadow, like the black cloth of curtain call, instantly fills the whole gathering place of the corpse . The rolling dust was released in the heat wave and spread to the sky, but the helicopter couldn"t escape . Ten helicopters fell down at the same time and rushed into the invisible dust, dropping the large corrosion source bombs under the belly . These so-called corrosion source bombs are actually jars with small detonators . Of course, these jars are made of tempered gla.s.s, General impact and vibration will not shatter unless it is detonated by explosives .

The green mist diffused faintly in the dust below . At this moment, a group of zombies rushed out of the center of the previous bombing and rushed to the distance . These zombies were all S-shaped zombies, the worst of which were S3, and there were also S4 . The moment they rushed out, they were watched by helicopters, Several air bombs explode in the direction of the zombies, instantly involving them in the explosion wave . Air bombs can quickly consume air, and Zombies rely more on air than human beings . Each air bomb can create an air vacuum within 100 meters . In a few minutes, these zombies will be suffocated alive .

Zhang Xiaoqiang suspected that Xuefeng would not be so simple . He didn"t send too many planes to patrol . He just let one of the planes watch there, and the other planes patrol in the sky . From time to time, he lowered the plane and let the wind of the propeller slowly spread the fog of the erosion source to more ground . After a short time, most of the place was filled with the fog of the erosion source, Zombies are the best supplement to the erosion source . Ten minutes later, less than one fifth of the scattered areas within the range of zombie tide have not been infected by the erosion source . There are still zombies approaching here . They are all scattered zombies . Maybe influenced by the previous order, they all rush into the erosion source without hesitation to fill the catalyst inside .

The helicopter has been patrolling, and the zombies are constantly gathering here . At first, there are about two levels of high-level zombies . Later, both the evolutionary zombies and the surrounding ordinary zombies rush into the erosion source like moths, so that the erosion source can be continuously stimulated, and the area will be expanded more and more .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, is Xuefeng dead?"

Paul in front of him inquires Zhang Xiaoqiang in his strange voice . Looking at the corrosion source below, he is very excited . Before, he had partic.i.p.ated in the battle for Wuhan and faced millions of zombies . He didn"t know how many times he sent out planes, and every time he was extremely tired and unwilling to land . As a militant, he was struggling to launch air strikes in the face of countless zombies, Not to mention the infantry fighting hard below . Now it"s so easy to solve the problem of zombies . He has antic.i.p.ated the invincible scene after fighting with zombies .

"Maybe dead, maybe not dead . . . "< br>