Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1990: 1990

Chapter 1990: 1990

The thick cabin door opened in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Franklin quickly introduced to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Compared with the old intelligent helmet, the new generation of fully enclosed tactical helmet can reduce the weight by 37% and has longer endurance . It can support a soldier to fight continuously for 27 days without reserve energy . Its original functions have been slightly enhanced, There are also concentrated nutrition capsules . Each capsule can provide the physical energy consumed by special soldiers in a day of high-intensity combat . The material is a new biological material provided by alpha Research Inst.i.tute . Its bulletproof ability has reached an unprecedented height . Even if the front is shot by a 12 . 7mm sniper, it will not hurt the brain . At most, it will produce vertigo and is immune to all physical attacks, except for high-level variants, This batch of 300 helmets was sent to the sixth corps to collect actual combat data . Unfortunately . . . "

Seeing a t.i.tanium alloy box full of cabins, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, went forward to open it, took out a helmet from it, weighed it in his hand, and put it on . With a Ding sound, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s pupils were printed with countless rotating data . These data links, like rings, marked most of the objects in the cabins, Even Franklin around him has made notes, but most of them are in foreign language, which Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t understand . However, he has the experience of using an officer"s helmet, and soon found out the magical use of these data links . The helmet also has the function of locking and aiming amplification . The most difficult thing is that the helmet doesn"t block Zhang Xiaoqiang"s farsightedness .

"Yes, very good . These things are very valuable to me . Can I change the information into Chinese?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang took off his helmet and couldn"t put it down . It seemed that Franklin couldn"t see Zhang Xiaoqiang encroaching on the property of the new era . He enthusiastically said: "the helmet has a data interface . As long as you input the patch file, it can be converted into a Chinese interface . In addition, the helmet also has 120 gigabytes of storage s.p.a.ce, which can record what you see into 720p high-definition video . If brother c.o.c.kroach is not in combat state, You can also use the helmet reading material to watch the video screen . As long as you turn on the wireless data transmission between the helmet and the personal terminal, you can perform external operation, which is very convenient . "

"Move all . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang orders to Jinxing, who is rubbing her hands . Jinxing nods with a smile and waves to the logistics staff to move all the boxes out .

"Move all . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to the cracking gun which was also loaded in the t.i.tanium alloy box . He was very domineering . Venus nodded with both eyes .

"Move all . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang changed into the full military uniform of the Golden Oak Leaf officer and began to arm himself with MP7 dual submachine guns, g36 rifles, and P08 pistols . In front of him, there were more weapons and guns . Besides guns, there were a lot of anti tank missile systems, almost all of which had the power of red arrow 8 . Venus had been numbly biased, The tired logistics personnel carried out these heavy boxes with a bitter face .

"Let"s move these too . . . " Looking at the mountain of ammunition, Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed that this time Venus no longer nodded and said sadly:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, there are hundreds of tons . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were horizontal and he yelled: "even if there are thousands of tons, you can"t give me one less bullet . . . "

After Venus nodded in horror, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of something and said to Venus in a loud voice: "it"s time to test your ability . Do you see that mutant giant? It"s also my combat power product . No matter what method you use, you have to move it away for me . The meat of the giant can strengthen the physique, the skin of the giant can make the best cold proof equipment, and the bones of the giant are also good things . If you give them to the Materials Research Inst.i.tute, they may be able to make weapons . "

"Dong . . . " Venus rolled to the ground and recalled the mountain like beast in horror . A stream of bitter water spread in his mouth . Now he regretted that he had robbed the logistics task in order to see Zhang Xiaoqiang earlier .

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a cursory look around, moved all kinds of materials he liked, and then went around the power cabin . Looking at the fuel tank and power room, which occupied one fifth of the transport ship, he couldn"t help shaking his head . Even if he had been developing for another ten years, he couldn"t come up with this set of high-precision parts made of tens of thousands of parts, so he had to give up the idea of imitation, He went out with the new fighting puppet . The zombie like fighting puppet behind him didn"t have a high level of evolution, but his fighting effectiveness was not small . He also had the ultimate means of self explosion, so it was good to use it as cannon fodder .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang arrived at the weapon cabin, he found that it was in a mess . His brow suddenly wrinkled and he forced falaklin to ask:

"What? Someone"s doing damage? "

Fran? Gren, however, had made preparations and hastened to explain:

"The transport ship is not a combat unit . In the past, it was set as a supply ship for the air frigate . It operated with the air frigate and was protected by the frigate . Didn"t the last frigate crash in China? The ship had no protection ability, so it had to install the old experimental laser transmitter on the bow . This laser transmitter had some small problems . Just now, it shot giant animals and continued to emit laser, which overloaded the energy conversion device of laser weapon and led to short circuit explosion . At that time, two of the five crew members in the weapon room were killed and three of them were seriously injured . "Zhang Xiaoqiang was silent . He was very sorry that the laser system of the s.p.a.ceship was not up to standard . If it was a complete laser launcher, he might not be afraid of the hundreds meter beast any more . Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang was no longer interested in the weapon room, turned to leave and walked along the pa.s.sage with faracolin . The sound of footsteps reverberated in the pa.s.sage, China has also developed its own laser weapons . However, compared with those in the new era, they seem to be stupid, big, black and thick . A single launch base can weigh several tons . Not to mention the installation of UAVs, even the installation of bombers will be tough, and the energy consumption will be even more severe, In the new era, an air frigate can launch thousands of laser defense networks at the same time . Although it can"t be far away, a distance of one or two hundred meters is enough . After all, the laser will be consumed in the atmosphere . However, if it is made in China, the same warship can be installed with a hundred or ten sets, and the energy conversion efficiency is too low . It"s almost tearful .

If there is a new era of laser launching system, and then drone threat attack, even if only 200 meters shooting distance is enough for Zhang Xiaoqiang to build a heavy ride in the air . Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang is full of regret and has no words to say to Franklin

"Your speaker is engaged in the subject of life, and he wants to get more life span, if he has the chance, I"d like to do business with your speaker . I happen to know a way to extend my life four to five times . On average, it can make an ordinary person live to at least 300 years old, and the aging of body function will stop indefinitely . Do you think he will trade with me with an air frigate? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang just said it casually . Franklin"s heart was beating violently . He was choked by a strong shock . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s proposal seemed to open a window for him . If he really got in touch with the speaker of the parliament, not to mention a frigate, even a frigate and a transport ship would be replaced, The speaker of Parliament has decided to set up the European empire without miss star . At that time, the speaker of Parliament will be the founding emperor of the European empire, and reach a consensus with the two theocracies who stay in the headquarters of Europe . In the form of enfeoffment, the speaker of Parliament will appoint the theocracy as the prince, and give the two German areas to establish the fiefdom alone . In this way, the resources and land of the whole Europe will be their personal belongings, Tulip and most of the army are in hand . Maybe miss star can"t help them .

"Well, it"s very possible . After all, people are selfish . It"s the pursuit of ordinary people and the wish of all kings to get more long-term vitality . But how can we make the speaker believe?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t expect to do anything . He said casually:

"Isn"t there a mouse? Let"s experiment with mice . "

"This is not true, the mice have mutated . . . " Franklin knows something about these things . The direct consequence of mouse mutation is that a large number of survivors are sent to the laboratory as mice, or the blood warrior will not be produced . The so-called blood warrior is to use the blood of the zodiac to neutralize the replication ability of the virus, induce evolutionary potential in ordinary people, and find the means to produce large-scale evolutors, At present, the success rate is not high, only about one percent . I believe that with another 50000 people partic.i.p.ating in the experiment, the success rate can be increased to 2 percent .

"Let"s talk about it . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang said perfunctorily that he had never thought of handing over the serum technology to do business at all . These things were still controlled and insured in his own hands . When they walked out of the cabin door, they saw countless t.i.tanium alloy boxes stacked neatly outside . One by one, the power evolutors were delivering to the airship like ants, and the blood warriors stood beside them, Jianzhan stares at them with a sneer . Many of them have scars on their faces . It"s obvious that Jianzhan has taught them a lesson . On the giant beast, Venus"s hysterical opponents roar . They want to direct them to cut the giant beast . A long motorcade stops around the airship, and hundreds of soldiers look up at the mountain like monster< br>