Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2012: 2012

Chapter 2012: 2012

The two little girls took away nearly 200 D3 zombies, leaving only dozens of D3 and 250 S3 zombies . Before, most of the evolutionists did not dare to move, and only the soldiers dared to step forward . After most of the D3 zombies were controlled, others had seen the situation clearly and wanted to rush to control these powerful weapons . They did not expect that because of their previous hesitation, many people lost their opportunities, A D3 zombie can"t be killed even a group of S3 zombies . The most valuable ones are these D3S . The ability of more than ten soldiers is not as strong as that of two little girls . It"s more than enough to control the remaining D3 zombies . At one time, 250 D3 zombies and more than 50 S3 zombies in the best condition were swept away, leaving less than 200 S3 zombies for people to share .

Xuefeng"s cooperation in handing over these zombies is incomparable . He doesn"t have Zhang Xiaoqiang"s careful thinking to leave a secret door on the zombies . If there is no accident, even the worst evolutionist can control one or two D3S without the zombies" resistance . Unfortunately, opportunities are prepared for courageous people, Xue Xue"s ignorance and Wen Qian"s courage and perseverance, They became the biggest winners, controlling 187 D3S by themselves . The military evolutors were a little more daring than the ordinary evolutors, controlling the remaining D3S . The later evolutors were so anxious that they had no choice but to seize the opportunity to sweep the remaining 200 S3 zombies . They had fast hands and slow hands . After a frenzy of looting, the zombies were divided up, There are more than 20 evolutionists who have not found a zombie, but they are looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Even those who have several zombies in their hands are also looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Their eager and hot eyes are staring at the only S4 zombie beside Zhang Xiaoqiang and the black tide of zombies in the distance .

Xuefeng felt greedy in countless eyes, and some of them were restless . She repeatedly said:

"The deal has been completed . I should go now . I hope this peace will last forever . I really don"t want to be against you . . . "

After that, the bluish white zombie grabbed the bag and ran to the distance . Looking at the zombie, Zhang Xiaoqiang moved in his heart and roared:

"I"ll disconnect the pontoon tomorrow . If you don"t decide by tomorrow morning, there will be no chance in the future . . . "

The Zombie"s fast running figure continued to rush to the corpse sea in a flash . It seemed that he didn"t hear Zhang Xiaoqiang"s warning, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was not in a hurry . He glanced at more than 20 soul devouring and despondent evolutioners who didn"t get the benefits, nodded to Huang Tingwei and said:

"Go back . . . "

Huang Tingwei yelled at all the evolutionists: "listen to me clearly . All the zombies are precious wealth of the rejuvenation of China . Brother c.o.c.kroach tried his best to get them . You should not regard yourself as the master . You are not allowed to take them out of the camp to seek benefits in private . You are not allowed to use them for fighting . All the zombies should be managed in a unified way . If there is any problem with the zombies, they should be managed in a unified way, We will investigate the direct responsibility of the controller . You should manage your own zombies, otherwise

AI Xueqi gasps and looks at her sister"s wet eyes . She feels very uncomfortable . Standing behind Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a wooden stake . Wen Qian glances at the evolutioners around her and takes the lead to swear to Huang Tingwei . Other military evolutioners follow her closely and form a small group with Wen Qian as the center, controlling more than 70% of the combat effectiveness of the zombie troops, In the future, the commander of this army was Wen Qian, a small and delicate one . Although it was a pity that the zombies in his hands did not reach the limit, the other evolutioners still responded happily . Only the remaining more than 20 evolutioners were interested in others and stood aside dejectedly .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I suggest using D3 zombies to carry materials across the river, which can not only make the evolutionists and Zombies run in and prepare for the future battle, but also speed up the transportation efficiency . These D3 zombies can be moved even in containers, and more than 200 zombies can carry thousands of tons of materials at least one day . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue wanders away with all kinds of doubts . Zhang Xiaoqiang happily takes the zombie troops to cross the bridge . In the wharf area where goods and materials are piled up, Huang Tingwei gives Zhang Xiaoqiang an idea . There are more than ten things around him . It"s a pity to discard them . It"s a pity that Nen can save them . Zhang Xiaoqiang takes Huang Tingwei"s idea for granted and lets Wen Qian be the commander, Command the zombies to move supplies .

Thousands of coolies in the dock area looked at the four or five meter tall giant zombies in panic . They were so shocked by the strength of China"s rejuvenation that they were able to easily carry large and small materials across the river . The defenders around them were looking at these zombies . With these zombies as cannon fodder, the survival probability of ordinary soldiers would be greatly improved, Let them have a better expectation for the future .

Taking AI Xueqi and Huang Tingwei across the river together, Huang Tingwei was more excited than Zhang Xiaoqiang on the fluctuating floating bridge, and said his conjecture: "these zombies are very helpful to us . The zombie sea"s usual tactics are to fight and rush . When the enemy is killed, we don"t have to . As long as the zombies are injured, they can come back, According to the doctor"s experimental report, even if the zombie is seriously damaged, as long as there is a supplement, it can heal quickly . . . "

Five hundred zombies are better than five thousand fully armed evolvers . Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that . Now he thinks about another thing . The evolvers who can control zombies don"t account for a large proportion of the evolvers, and they don"t have so many high-level zombies to control, In addition, the control of zombies requires strong mental ability and computational ability . Generally, an evolutor who can control dozens of ordinary zombies is good . But no matter how many ordinary zombies are controlled, it"s not enough for an ordinary agile Evolver to solve . An ordinary agile Evolver can solve more than 100 ordinary zombies in less than five minutes . If their weapon is replaced by a beak knife, the solution will be faster . Originally, these evolvers can only be used as chicken ribs, even most of the D2 zombies controlled by AI Xuexue, Usually, the most useful teaching materials are used for lectures in the college . Unexpectedly, after they control the higher zombies, their potential will be the highest group of people in his army .

One AI Xuexue can control more than 100 D3 zombies, and its combat effectiveness is more powerful than the elite of a regiment . The most important thing is that it doesn"t need any logistics . It just needs to ensure AI Xuexue"s ration . After all, when AI Xuexue"s ability continues to improve, it can"t be said that one day, AI Xuexue can control hundreds of D3 zombies, If these zombies fight according to the way of human beings, their combat effectiveness will be several times that of zombies of the same scale . Thinking of Wuhai"s unique war between zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly feels that zombies are not so ugly . At least, they can be used by him .

When I think of AI Xuexue, I have to reconsider the arrangement . AI Xuexue is as capable as dozens of evolutionists . She is young and can still scare people . If she grows up to the point where no one can suppress her, it will be a huge hidden danger . Zhang Xiaoqiang also remembers another woman who is as gifted as AI Xuexue, The beautiful woman in red who almost killed him in Sichuan, because her younger brother became a zombie, took all human beings as his younger brother"s food and did a cruel and inhuman thing . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want this kind of tragedy to happen in his own power, so she had to change the way of wooing AI Xuexue and couldn"t keep the same pressure as before .

"I"m glad you can see yourself . . . " AI Xueqi was surprised to see that Zhang Xiaoqiang was talking to her . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sweeping eyes, AI Xueqi quickly lowered her head to show her obedience . Now she is just an ordinary person . Her brothers and sisters are all working in the f.u.xing army, and she is no longer self righteous

"You can"t be square without rules . No one owes anyone in the world . You"re not a natural lady . You"re spoiled by AI Qingshan, but as long as AI Qingshan doesn"t have the ability to lead you to live alone, you have to obey the rules . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words made AI Xueqi"s heart sink . She pursed her lips and nodded, saying nothing, waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to arrange herself . Now the best treatment is to transfer back to Wuhan and join a small department as a clerk . She is ready for this .

"But your sister is still a little younger . Although Wen Qian is good, she is still reluctant to take care of your sister . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic turns to AI Xuexue, which makes AI Xueqi feel a little hopeful . She stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang with her most expectant eyes, hoping that Zhang Xiaoqiang can give her a surprise .

"But they are all fighting forces . It"s impossible for ordinary people to join in . . . "

This sentence is like a slap in the head, hit AI Xueqi head, let her face .

"It seems that you can only become an evolutor . I hope you won"t be as arrogant as before . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally made a decision . He seemed a little worried about AI Xueqi"s joining the zombie army, but he didn"t care about the difficulty of ordinary people"s promotion to an evolutionist< br>