Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2016: 2016

Chapter 2016: 2016

"Report sir, evacuation has been completed . Request to disconnect the pontoon . . . " The commander of the guard company reported to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a loud voice . Every word burst out of his chest . The huge roar made 3000 wretched coolies tremble and crouch down in fear that their execution order was coming .

The commander of the guard company didn"t feel at ease for a moment . The pressure on the other side of the bridge was countless times higher than that on the other side . It was only at this time that he was really relieved . Otherwise, he would get neurasthenia sooner or later . In addition to him, more than 100 soldiers were the same . They were all relieved, but they were in good condition and health every day, Let Zhang Xiaoqiang ready to give the reward to the mouth for another way .

"Thank you very much for your efforts and achievements . For your dedication, I will give you a reward for becoming an evolutionist . . . "

All the soldiers and officers were excited . The evolution matrix is no secret . The sky high price of one hundred thousand sticks makes most people stop . Now they also have their own allowance . The allowance of five hundred f.u.xing dollars a month is enough to support their family . With the new year"s festival reward, they can save about three thousand dollars a year, But if they want to be no less than daydreaming, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s move makes them feel dazed by the pie .

"But the evolutionary matrix is not for nothing . After all, the raw materials are too precious, so you have to sign a lifetime contract with the army until you retire . Of course, there will be no shortage of subsidies and supplies . . . "

As soon as the topic of Zhang Xiaoqiang changed, these soldiers would work for him all their lives . Only he and his doctors knew how precious the cost of the evolutionary matrix was . In the past, they didn"t want to release it on a large scale because they were afraid that the evolutionists would not be easy to manage when they had the power, just like the government used to control guns, but now Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the future will only be more difficult, Therefore, we must put the national evolution on the agenda, and the mutant animal meat breaks through the difficulty of evolution failure, so that we can use it safely without worrying about other things .

"That"s right . The military has superior welfare and high status, not to mention that brother c.o.c.kroach has always taken care of us . We guarantee that we will only be loyal to brother c.o.c.kroach all our life . No matter what brother c.o.c.kroach wants us to do, we will go through fire and water . "

The company commander took the lead and praised Zhang Xiaoqiang"s decision excitedly . The other soldiers did not dare to speak, but also nodded to Zhang Xiaoqiang with a red face . Zhang Xiaoqiang laughed, sighed and nodded in his heart . He turned his head and looked at the 3000 men who seemed to be slaughtering lambs . When he saw these men"s obscene and trembling, he felt a strong disgust, These people are more and more vicious to women and children, and more and more cowardly in front of the army . They really want to kill all these things . It took them a long time to swallow their anger and say to the company commander:

"Go to Huang Tingwei and sign a contract . By the way, take these people to the front line to repair the fortifications . Don"t worry about casualties . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to use these guys as cannon fodder forever . Naturally, the soldiers would not object . For these people, even the local survivors in Shanghai, they were disgusted to death, and the women wanted to bite them to death and tear them to pieces . After these people were pulled out, the engineers began to go to the bridge to be ready to break . Zhang Xiaoqiang was not ready to tear down the floating bridge, It"s a floating boat for transportation . Under the control of the evolutionists, this floating bridge can carry thousands of people at a time . It"s definitely a powerful tool for transportation . At this time, xiangmier and some girls came to stop it .

"Madam Zhuo, the distribution of those things has been made clear . There are seventeen of them, most of them are guarded by giant beasts . There are about ten of them in the most central place . My subordinates can"t get close to them . No matter how many they go, they will be killed at the first time . . . "

Xuefeng honestly follows Zhuo Mingyue . She looks very dejected . Zhuo Mingyue has already understood the cause and effect of his birth . In the end, this Xuefeng has nothing to do with the master . On that day, he killed 8000 evolutors and fought with Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was also manipulated by the master . When the master was killed, he had his real self . It was also at that time, He wanted to get the flesh and blood of some mutant animals to make himself a step further . He had the human emotion and wanted to make an alliance with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

He follows Zhuo Mingyue in a low voice . Even if there are hundreds of type 4 zombies around, Xuefeng doesn"t dare to move . He knows that Zhuo Mingyue naturally controls him . Even if Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t move, he can"t hurt Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue can kill him . Xuefeng, who always prides herself on safety, doesn"t dare to move any mind, Just in the heart of a kind of vent like slander, I hope that Zhang Xiaoqiang in this woman"s hands than he had more miserable .

Zhuo Mingyue is as elegant as usual, and her delicate face is calm and calm . She can"t deny Xuefeng"s report . She looks down at a group of zombies holding all kinds of colloids and crystal nuclei in front of her . She doesn"t pay attention to colloids . She only has crystal nuclei like hills in her eyes . These crystal nuclei are gathered by zombies searching all over the city . Before, she traded with Zhang Xiaoqiang, Xuefeng just casually found some to pack and send . After all, it"s just an addition, and there"s no need to pay attention to it . Now it"s not . Zhuo Mingyue"s pressure on his head is as heavy as a mountain . It"s hard to think about it or not . "Keep watching . Besides, you go to see my husband and show him that you are willing to ally with him . "

Zhuo Mingyue is not polite to Xuefeng at all . She just tells her subordinates to send him away . Hearing Zhuo Mingyue"s words, Xuefeng is in a bit of a dilemma . Zhang Xiaoqiang always feels moody . Every time he negotiates with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he will lose a lot of possession . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks he is not agreeable . What should he do? The constipation like expression on Xuefeng"s face fell into Zhuo Mingyue"s eyes . Qingdai Xiumei frowned slightly and said impatiently:


After only two words, it was like a flash of lightning in Xuefeng"s heart . Without waiting for Zhuo Mingyue to say the words behind, she immediately screamed:

"Go, I"ll go now . I"ll go right away . I don"t want to serve you a little longer? The zombies below are all idiots . How can I serve them well? "

Now Xuefeng completely locates herself as Zhuoming Yue"s servant . She turns around and runs . The speed is faster than the flash of S4 Zombie"s shadow . She disappears into the dense corpse group in a few seconds . At the moment of Xuefeng"s disappearance, Zhuoming Yue"s misty eyes suddenly flash with cold light, and the invisible air around her suddenly vibrates with visible waves, With her as the center, the field of vision in the area of 100 meters is distorted .

As time went by, it took about five minutes for Zhuo Mingyue to relax . The zombies around her didn"t respond all the time, and Xuefeng in the distance didn"t look back . For now, Xuefeng was really scared by her . There were no normal living people around her . Zhuo Mingyue"s expression became vivid, and her dim big eyes bent slightly, Her bright red lips were smiling, and her half human high crystal nucleus was in front of her . Even her breathing increased a little .

Before, Zhuo Mingyue swept away most of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s crystal nuclei because of her own need for crystal nuclei . Her approach is similar to that of a water snake . She needs a higher level of crystal nuclei, at least level 3 or above . The original crystal nuclei of level 3 mutant animals are extremely rare . Even if meow brings back the crystal nuclei of c.o.c.kroach base, there is no level 3 crystal nuclei . For her, The second-order nuclei are useless . It"s not as good as the blood essence of a mutant animal . Every time she transforms an evolutor, her ability drops by one point . Without the supplement of the third-order nuclei, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s third-order nuclei are far beyond her imagination . In addition, there are many fifth order nuclei, all of which are the consequences of her absorption, It was Xuefeng who was abused and had no power to fight back .

"So you all know when she goes downtown? Why are you telling me now? "

I don"t know why, even though I know what Zhuo Mingyue has done for him and I am grateful for it, Zhang Xiaoqiang can always find out more differences . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang starts to get angry again and stares at several girls . Except for Xiang yu"er"s indifferent face, other girls are filled with fear . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes flash, He said in surprise

"You"re all evolutionists?" Then he found that the expressions of the four girls were different . Xiangxue"er and Chanel were slightly excited . On the contrary, xiangyu"er"s eyes flashed through the ice cold, which was not easy to detect . He immediately recalled what xiangyu"er had said to him and his hatred for Zhuo Mingyue . He was not happy, but he didn"t say much . Xiangyu"er was Zhuo Mingyue"s man, and he didn"t care about them .

"Her royal highness said that she would go and have a look, and there is no specific plan . I think I will come back soon, or you can put a boat there and wait for the queen to come back . . . "

Xiangmi"er was the first girl to be promoted to an evolutionist . She has experienced some things and is more a.s.sertive than other girls . When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, he nodded . It"s not a big deal to just put a boat there . She wanted to continue to order, but she didn"t expect that something happened on the other side . A sound of alarm made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel nervous, Is the sea of zombies finally at the dock?

At the next moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang sees a tall man standing stealthily on the horse and looking at him . This man has a shadow of Chen Qingyun . He is relieved that Xuefeng finally comes to him at the last moment< br>