Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2020: 2020

Chapter 2020: 2020

Seeing this thing, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know what was going on, and didn"t think much about it . He was just worried about whether it would fall apart . He didn"t expect that the thing would win . After shaking for a few times, it would stay in the air motionless . It was a bit like a warship in the air . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought that the patchy sh.e.l.l was not the same as a transport ship?

Before he could understand the reason why this thing flew into the sky, he saw that the small s.p.a.ceship speeded up in an instant, reached the center of the river in a blink of an eye, and then played fancy actions on the wide river . In the angry eyes and tongue lashing of the people, this tattered little s.p.a.ceship seemed to be falling apart at any time, rolled rapidly in the air, and sometimes dived or suddenly raised, How to make your heart beat and how to play? You can"t help clapping and shouting . Zhang Xiaoqiang is holding a cigarette in his mouth and squinting his eyes to figure out another thing . If this airship is repaired by his subordinates, it also means that it can be manufactured on a large scale . The sh.e.l.l of the airship is absolutely tough to the sh.e.l.l that is not made of Pearl tears . If so, Combined with taiyangzhu and Nuwa"s open technical database, there will be countless more autonomous aerial vehicles than UAVs, and the combat effectiveness of aerial vehicles is directly determined by their mission to collect samples at the center of red tide .

"Hum . . . "

The airship skimmed over the river, and the air burst into waves, just like the wake of the motorboat . Then it plunged into the water in the crowd"s exclamation . In an instant, all the survivors and soldiers sighed at the same time, and the sighs of countless people formed a huge sound wave and reverberated in the sky, Armed speedboats cruising on the river turn around one after another and rush to the calm water, hoping to save the adventurer . Most people are angry at the pilot"s 2B action . What a good airship?, Unexpectedly, because of this 2B play pattern, only Zhang Xiaoqiang looks as usual, staring at the river, he saw that things are far from as simple as the surface .

Just before countless people laughed at the pilot and the second cargo shook their heads and left, a ten meter water wave suddenly started on the river . Before the water wave splashed, a dark shadow rushed up into the air, and then exploded again with a roar like the tide . In the buzz, there were heated discussions between survivors, between soldiers, and between evolutors, Even before the end of the world, they had never seen an aircraft that could enter the water, but the Scorpion was the only one who p.o.o.ped .

This time, the rising airship didn"t stop . Instead, it was climbing and climbing . Like a black arrow, it quickly became smaller in the air . Finally, it became a small black spot and disappeared . Ordinary people can"t see the airship, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can see it, but it"s not as clear as before . This airship is about to climb to the limit height of 30000 meters, It"s like the black carving of hunting . It"s faster to dive down . This rise and Fall brings its superior performance to the extreme . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know what the F35 or J20 can do, and there is no specific standard for comparison . However, he knows that this tattered airship is definitely above its standard .

There was another exclamation . The falling airship flashed into people"s eyes . This time, instead of diving into the water, it rolled over the river like a top . Then it suddenly resumed normal driving . At the moment when it quickly swept over the river, two bright red beams suddenly shot from the bow of the ship, turning the wreckage of an overturned boat on the sh.o.r.e into a bonfire . Here you see, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t sit still . He suddenly got up and looked at the burning wreck in surprise .

"Did you do this?" Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tone is not good . Venus is sweating . He suddenly remembers that he was demoted from the management after Yinmeng"s repair of the airship . For a moment, he wants to slap himself in the face . He likes to show off too much . He always wants to surprise others and elevate his position, but he doesn"t expect that what he gets is just fright, The upper level most taboo the following people behind their back to play some tricks, especially with weapons related things, Venus has just suffered a loss, in the twinkling of an eye and forget, let him fidget in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, an old face almost choked into purple eggplant .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not as angry as Venus thought . He was excited . At last, the laser that destroyed the wreckage of the ship lit up the campfire in his heart and lit up a new idea . The most criticized part of the UAV is the amount of ammunition carried . Neither the machine gun nor the missile can carry too much, even if the fuel tank that occupies the most s.p.a.ce is reduced, At the same time, the fuselage of the UAV is too narrow and the usable area is not large . Therefore, 120 rounds of 23mm grenades or 200 rounds of 14 . 5mm machine gun ammunition are all the ammunition of the UAV . However, these ammunition are useless to high-level mutants and type 3 zombies, and it is difficult to deal with even injuries . The only way is to use enough UAVs to form a numerical advantage, In this way, the stagnant time of each UAV will be quite short, and the number of UAVs required will be increased by N times . However, lasers are different . As long as the energy supply is guaranteed, this UAV can be launched almost indefinitely, which means more lasting and efficient combat time, At the same time, it is also a more convenient and quick way to supplement .

In addition, its own power is not bad . If all UAVs can use laser, at least their combat effectiveness can be increased by more than ten times . At that time, let alone the air frigate in the new era, Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t be afraid of him even if he gets the air carrier . So at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is very excited, a kind of suppressed excitement, which makes Venus misunderstand . "Brother c.o.c.kroach, it"s all my fault . I shouldn"t do these things without telling you . No one thought that this thing could really fly into the sky . If it could fly, it would be OK . If it couldn"t, I was afraid that brother c.o.c.kroach would be anxious, so . . . "

Venus first admitted the mistake, and then found a reason to shirk responsibility . This matter can be big or small, it depends on how Zhang Xiaoqiang determines . Before the final result comes down, he also wants to find enough objective reasons to reduce the punishment that may fall on the head . After knowing these words, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his hand to block the words behind Venus, Zhang Xiaoqiang took a few deep breaths and asked in a deep voice:

"How did the engine work out?"

"It"s Chen Youyi . He is an expert in this field . He used to study new energy engines . He learned from the lifeboats of the new era and the multi-phase ring point matrix motors of UAVs . He was transformed from the engines of UAVs . There is a precision industrial machine tool in the camp . We managed to work in a dust-free way, and processed some qualified parts and a.s.sembled them together, The performance has been improved several times . . . "

Although Venus is not professional enough in designing some technical things, it can also tell the truth . After hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly twinkled and asked:

"Is there a problem with ma.s.s manufacturing?"

"No problem . There are 12 such machines in the camp, and eight in Hubei . If we only process spare parts, we only need to send the operators to Hubei for rapid production, and then send them to Yinmeng by transport ship . In only three days, we can produce at least 10 engines . . . " Venus is good at overall planning and has considered all aspects before the engine test . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, looked at the slowly landing airship and asked:

"What"s the matter with lasers?"“ When repairing the transport ship, more than 20 damaged laser defense systems were dismantled, all of which were converged by me . I happened to find several graduate students in the laser research laboratory . After they decomposed these laser defense devices, they a.s.sembled five new defense systems . The original laser energy in the new era was a kind of synthetic crystal column, The efficiency is very low . It"s only a little better than the large-scale energy conversion system . The advantage is that the s.p.a.ce occupied is very small . We have similar things ourselves . The conversion energy is many times that of the new era crystal column . At the same time, it also solves the problem that it can only shoot near, but not far away . It"s estimated that the coa.r.s.e distribution is within two kilometers, and the loss of laser is only 30%, two kilometers away, The loss will increase by 5% per 100 meters

Venus knows more about lasers . Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to continue to ask what their subst.i.tutes are . Seeing the people around him, he forced him to be curious . This is really not a place to talk, and many things even the people below should keep secret, Make a color to Venus, then go to the ragged and mottled airship .

This airship can only accommodate two people . Originally, it was an escape boat . Most of the s.p.a.ce was filled with weapons and ammunition, communication tools, medical supplies, food and water supplies, and even sleeping bags, barbecue grills, water purifiers, and outdoor survival equipment . The new era has come down in one continuous line with the culture of the end of the world, and has indeed achieved the ultimate in logistics, Now all these things have been removed and replaced with a few larger engines and laser conversion system . The cabin has also been shrunk, and all kinds of messy threads are entangled everywhere . Sitting in it, the driver is like an insect in a cobweb .

Waiting for the c.o.c.kpit to be opened, Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised to find that the pilot was a pale xiangmier< br>