Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2055: 2055

Chapter 2055: 2055

Joy can be contagious . Yuan Yong"s joyful report makes Zhang Xiaoqiang and the people around him feel happy, and the depression that has acc.u.mulated in people"s hearts before is also much less . Xuefeng sees Zhang Xiaoqiang"s loosened eyebrows and pleads shamelessly:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, what do you think of me as a movie? Why don"t you let me play one? I"ve found all the actors, and let the zombies of my subordinates fight for life and death as cannon fodder . Of course, none of human beings can die . It doesn"t matter how many zombies die . Don"t I have a nanny? Let her be the heroine, and I"ll have a love affair with her, to ensure that there will be no bed, drama and other vulgar things . "

Xuefeng knows more and more about movies, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not interested in his proposal at all . In order to spend resources on a movie that can"t eat or wear, it"s just enough for him to eat and have nothing to do . Naturally, Paul hears Xuefeng"s plea and shouts out with flying eyebrows:

"Then I"m the pilot of the aerial photography, At that time, I can shoot the scene of flying a helicopter to shoot zombies . Of course, I also need to have a line . It"s better to have a formal role . Well, I"m just wandering on the edge of life and death . I"m an emotional prodigal son with unruly appearance and delicate sensibility . I travel among countless women, but I can"t forget the fragrance of beauty in my heart . "

"Nonsense . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang finally roared out and asked them to stop together . Looking at the ship in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth and said, "there are still many problems to be solved . A small missile boat has so many equipment and weapons, and how many weapons and equipment does a cutting-edge destroyer have? I don"t want to make use of these ready-made weapons . I just want to know what I don"t know . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a better mood . But it"s no wonder that they can"t solve the problem of the sea . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang"s scolding is more severe, he can"t find a way . Yuan Yong has already seen that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s spirit is not right, It seems that after Lou fanjun"s death, Zhang Xiaoqiang was explosive and irritable . He had a clever mind, and he had a solution as soon as he changed his mind .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . I think it"s good to make a movie . . . "

Yuan Yong"s intention is just to eliminate Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anger . Unexpectedly, the way to say it makes Zhang Xiaoqiang gradually get rid of his anger . He begins to listen carefully and nods his head from time to time as if he agrees . Xuefeng"s eyes are beaming . Looking at Yuan Yong"s eyes, he is more and more happy . He has already started to make up a script in his heart .

"Many people have experienced zombies . For ordinary people, zombies are a nightmare of their whole life . The soldiers in the front line fight bravely to kill the enemy, but the survivors in the rear can"t see them . They will only see the conscription notices, and they will always be afraid . Some battlefield videos are too terrifying . Once they are publicized, they will cause more panic . Leader Xuefeng"s method is good . The scene of millions of controllable zombies and thousands of soldiers fighting can be completely interpreted according to the script we want to tell the survivors . Besides, the survivors also need to vent their spirit, so that they can see a victory, a sad song of life and death, and a touching love, Maybe .

Besides, we don"t need millions of zombies . In the eyes of survivors, 100000 zombies are no different from tens of millions of zombies, and they will not doubt the effect of shooting them at that time . Using a movie to strengthen the determination of survivors and let them feel our strength will make them recognize us more, and at the same time, it can eliminate some people"s fear and small calculation, Let more excellent soldiers join the army . . . And let the survivors who hide in the corner and live like mice see my confidence . Every time they search for these evolutionists, they will doubt our intentions and our strength . If this movie is played, they will be able to understand our strength most intuitively, and of course, it is not all war scenes, You can also shoot some life scenes, for example, factories are tired out to support the front-line workers? In order to support the front line, the transportation team went to the front line shoulder to shoulder to wear the soles of shoes when the vehicles were damaged, and in order to let the children go to the front line to fight and die, anyway, how to get the whole sensationalism, how to shoot the dog"s blood, and let them know that we are orderly and humane . "

Yuan Yong talks endlessly . Xuefeng has begun to tear her eyes, biting her fingers and fantasizing about those dog blood stories . Paul looks at Yuan Yong numbly, digging his nose . He still doesn"t understand the meaning of sensationalism and dog blood . He just feels that at this moment, Yuan Yong is a little bit flat, and Zhang Xiaoqiang finally decides under yuan Yong"s explanation, Stand on tiptoe, slap Xuefeng on the shoulder and say in a loud voice: "OK, that"s it . You are the male star, but you have too much Niang flavor . If you want to be a little masculine, do you want to give you a few knives to look tough?"

Xuefeng"s face suddenly lost its color . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, she seemed to be constipated . Her mouth trembled for a long time before she squeezed out a few words: "it"s not my fault to be handsome . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the airship is coming . . . " Yuan Yong may be trying to rescue Xuefeng, or he may be happy to get support . In the sky at the end of his finger, two huge airships are slowly flying over . . . When Zhang Xiaoqiang sees the airship, he thinks of Lou fanjun and the children in the gate who came with him . For some unknown reason, something is surging up in his heart, The twinkling eyes don"t have any focus, and they don"t know what they are thinking . "What are you doing here?" Looking at the cold Zhuo Mingyue, who seems to owe her millions, Zhang Xiaoqiang is somewhat unnatural . He had a quarrel with Zhuo Mingyue once before, and then Zhuo Mingyue ignored him . Now he appears on the island, which makes him feel flattered . Although Zhuo Mingyue is facing him, his eyes are always inclined to the sky and treat Zhang Xiaoqiang as the air, The man in front of her was very embarra.s.sed . After a long time, she said with a flat voice like chewing wax

"Huang Tingwei received a message from you that he found some good things and couldn"t get them back . It happened that the guys I managed couldn"t build warships . . . "

At first, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand what Zhuo Mingyue was saying . Then he saw xianghai"er standing behind Zhuo Mingyue . He felt as if a window had been opened in his heart and asked in a trembling voice: "can this thing control the mutant beast? If so . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue was very dissatisfied with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s adjective . She rolled her big white eyes, raised her round chin and said in a cold voice: "please pay attention, she"s not a thing . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately smiles and looks at Zhuo Mingyue with smiling eyes, which makes her wake up to her language problem . She glares at Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily, breaking her usual frost, A little annoyed, she said: "she is my only maid xianghai"er, you remember . . . She can"t control the mutant beast, but it"s OK to drive it away . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Zhuo Mingyue, who is so shy and annoyed as a little woman . Suddenly, he thinks, "is Zhuo Mingyue really w.a.n.gfu? Why does he have a problem, as long as Zhuo Mingyue comes out, he can solve it? Maybe . . . Is it really good for her to marry herself? "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the warehouse is full . Do you want to stay here or . . . " When Zhang Xiaoqiang was daydreaming, Paul stepped in and let Zhang Xiaoqiang stop daydreaming . He waved his hand and said:

"Tell the navies that I need hands to move these ships, and the navy destroyer can also tell us the location, and mobilize the evolutionists to control all the weapons and ammunition on the ship for me, Let them keep a close watch on these guys . "

At this point, Zhang Xiaoqiang moved in his heart and added:

"Find me all the boats that can float on the water . We can form a fleet to pull all the survivors back . Airships and transport ships only need to carry important supplies . . . "

The biggest problem has been solved . One of the stones that Zhang Xiaoqiang repressed in his heart has disappeared, but the other one still can"t be loosened . Thinking of the child who died in his hand before, he becomes bleak again in Zhuo Mingyue"s surprised eyes, and waves listlessly to Paul: "unload all the materials on the transport ship, Put on the naval gun sh.e.l.ls . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s zero hour decision entangles Paul, and the bleak appearance makes Zhuo Mingyue feel a little angry . Is he so disliked? Does he have to face his disgust in front of others? Zhuo Mingyue bites her silver teeth and stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily . She is ready to scold him . How can she know that Zhang Xiaoqiang has sent Paul with a bitter face to look at Zhuo Mingyue seriously and say:

"I don"t feel well . Can you walk with me?"

This sentence made Zhuo Mingyue"s heart seem to be filled with rabbits, and she jumped up violently . A touch of blush came to her porcelain white cheek, and she thought very uneasily: "is this a date?"< br>