Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2059: 2059

Chapter 2059: 2059

The silent fleet left again, but this time Xiang Hai"er became the central figure . Although the crew of the destroyer didn"t even understand the control system, they were able to make it run normally . Not only all the radar, sonar, and contact and missile control system operators, dozens of crew members were enough to control the ship, Zhang Xiaoqiang and his temporary headquarters also moved to the ship, surrounded on the electronic chart, watching Xiang Xueer"s slender hands show different colors on the chart .

These marks are giant sea animals hidden in the deep sea along the way . Maybe the destroyer"s sonar can find these monsters, but once the sonar finds these monsters, it means that the monsters also find them, so all these are explored by xianghai"er, a young kraya, with her natural instinct, looking at the dense signs on the sea, Zhang Xiaoqiang only felt numb . Fortunately, Zhuo Mingyue brought Xiang Xueer . If they were on their own, they might not be able to pa.s.s even if they won the five million lottery .

"This chart can only be used as a reference . The mutant animals will not stay in one place, but you can a.n.a.lyze the distribution law of the mutant animals from this chart, so as to provide reference for the future . . . "

The temporary captain of the destroyer is Yang Wannian, Gao Feng"s deputy . He feels old-fashioned when he hears his name . In fact, he is one year younger than Gao Feng . Originally, he was not a military officer . He was just the chief engineer of a large oil tanker who was dug up in Wuhan . As a guy with no background but only a figure, he can achieve a higher vocational education with a monthly salary of 20000, which is considered to be very capable, Among Gao Feng"s subordinates, he is one of the most outstanding . This time Gao Feng released him, which shows that he is highly valued .

Although young, Yang Wannian was stable enough . Compared with some arrogant missile boat captains before, he talked less and did more in Zhang Xiaoqiang . Without Zhang Xiaoqiang"s distraction, he arranged all the debris of the destroyer in good order . Maybe he didn"t have much to do in battle command, but he was careful enough in internal affairs, And this is what Zhang Xiaoqiang needs, so after Zhang Xiaoqiang warned him, Yang Wannian did not refute, but nodded and said:

"Well, I will cla.s.sify and summarize them, and use them as a guide manual to organize the crew to learn, so that they can have a more detailed understanding of the ocean . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang likes Yang Wannian"s steadiness and is ready to praise him for cheering up . Unexpectedly, the missile boat in the front of the fleet sent back a message:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, there"s a super mutant animal in the sea ahead . . . Would you like us to change the channel to bypa.s.s . . . "

The report is about the young captain of the missile ship . He is much more radical than Yang Wannian . After going to sea for investigation, he despised the marine mutant beast . If it wasn"t for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s severe warning, maybe he would dare to use the 022 missile boat to roam on the sea and let this radical guy say something about detour . Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately became serious . I"m afraid this giant beast is really unusual, Even beyond the scope of human cognition .

The fleet stopped again . Most people didn"t know what was ahead of them . The frigates went out all the way . All the weapons of the missile boats were in place . The destroyers slowly overtook other ships from the middle and moved forward . Seeing the towering and magnificent destroyers, most people were relieved . For these ordinary people, Destroyer is the most powerful weapon in their heart . With this weapon, they are not afraid of any danger .

The survivors are optimistic when they see the destroyer, while Yang Wannian, the destroyer"s captain, is rarely nervous . He has always been a deputy, but today he is responsible for the whole fleet . Although he still a.s.sists Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang, the destroyer, doesn"t command him . The pressure of Shanda immediately presses on him, which makes him feel nervous and anxious, Destroyer is an empty sh.e.l.l . Although there are all kinds of weapons and ammunition, there is no one to operate these professional equipment, let alone form combat effectiveness . I"m afraid many people can"t even distinguish between missiles and radars . High tech weapons mean complexity . The only weapons he can master are six 12 . 7mm heavy machine guns which are the least technical . As for naval guns and auxiliary guns, He has no way to use it .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have Yang Wannian"s tension and entanglement . He took Xuefeng and Zhuo Mingyue to the front deck . The destroyer was strong in breaking waves, but it was a little lacking in smoothness . Even if the sailing speed was not fast, it was still ups and downs, which made the people on the deck feel a little b.u.mpy and the sea breeze was refreshing, There was a strange smell in the sea breeze . On the deck, except for the crew who operated heavy machine guns, dozens of evolutionists arrived . They were all nervously looking at the mountain ahead . The depression in their heart made their breathing disordered, and their cheeks flushed with a strong sense of suffocation .

UAVs fly freely in the sky, sending all kinds of information from the surrounding waters back to the destroyer"s temporary Intelligence Center, and helicopters flying in the ground and air hover around the mountain like seabirds, and that mountain is their target this time . The mountain is a marine mutant beast of at least level 5 . Once the mutant beast reaches level 5, it can"t be dealt with by conventional weapons, Even the missile can"t cause too much damage to the mutant beast . Compared with the giant beast"s huge size, even if a wound as big as the head of a truck explodes on the monster"s body, it"s no more painful than a mosquito bite . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t think he can deal with this mutant beast . His purpose in the past was to test xianghai"er"s extreme ability . According to Zhuo Mingyue"s explanation, kraya can be said to be the favorite of the sea . The individual strength is equal to the level 2 mutant beast on average, and all the humanized kraya n.o.bles have the strength of level 3 mutant beast . If it wasn"t for their fragile bodies, I"m afraid they can"t stand the river barrier that day . Their natural ability is more powerful, and they can drive the mutant beasts higher than them . Although they are very restrictive, they are also enough to capture any island .

The single kraya can only drive a small number of mutants . Xianghai"er is a little more powerful as a n.o.bleman among the n.o.bles . As long as she is there, even the level five mutants will not attack her . This is the basis for the fleet to drive in the sea . The mountain is getting closer and closer, except for Zhang Xiaoqiang, Most people can only see that the hill and peak with a height of nearly 200 meters and a radius of nearly 1000 meters looks like a huge grave . It is rugged and full of kelp like algae . Compared with the peak, these huge algae are insignificant . The ancient and mottled color makes it similar to the reef in the sea . If it is not for the activity of this peak, I believe most people will not think this is a mutant animal .

Ships can"t get too close to each other . Five kilometers is not a safe area for this huge mutant beast . The whole fleet is only about the size of a monster when it comes together . Above the sea, the monster and the fleet float like two pieces of black seaweed . The UAV hovering around the monster doesn"t cause the idea of the monster, so the helicopter doesn"t dare to get too close, The roar of the propeller will cause the variant beast"s irritability, and it will irritate the giant beast carelessly . In the holographic radar scanning, the specific appearance of the monster has been depicted .

"It"s preliminarily confirmed that this is a turtle . It"s unbelievable that the part of this giant beast exposed on the sea is only its sh.e.l.l . We don"t know how it grows like this, but according to the law, the bigger the creature, the more insensitive it is, so we can completely bypa.s.s it . . . "

Yuan Yong reported to Zhang Xiaoqiang through the feedback information that the telescope in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hand has not been put down, and the faces of Zhuo Mingyue and Xuefeng are not very good . In particular, Zhuo Mingyue has always been arrogant . Since she got the crystal nucleus of the level 5 mutant beast, she has ten times the ability as before, but she still feels powerless in the face of this super giant beast, The deep sense of frustration made her feel a positive impulse to challenge . Xuefeng seemed to think of how I died, and she was extremely frightened . I said that I died in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s calculation, rather than die with the level five mutant beast, but he didn"t even have the qualification to die together . Maybe this giant beast could fart and kill him .

"It"s a rare opportunity to continue to observe . We don"t know much about marine giant animals . We should try our best to collect information and pay more attention to the surrounding waters . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t plan to leave at the first time, not because he was arrogant, but because he felt that the best way at present was to wait, because no matter whether it was a detour or going forward, he didn"t feel right . Even if Xiang Hai"er believed that the giant beast would not attack them, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s reason was not convincing, but no one refuted him, The fleet stopped on the sea not far from the giant turtle, and the beast seemed to move, floating in the opposite direction .

When the giant beast moved casually, it set off a big wave on the sponge . Waves and tides spread on the sea one by one, making the fleet seem to be b.u.mping in a storm . In everyone"s surprise eyes, the mountain turned slowly and rowed away . The monster was huge and seemed to move slowly, But in the laser range finder of the missile boat, the monster"s moving speed is very fast, almost comparable to the 022 stealth missile destroyer .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . No good . . . Received the satellite reconnaissance fax . In front of the giant, there is a serpentine giant . They will meet on the sea 50 kilometers away, and the mutant animals around the land have left the shallow water area and gathered to the place where they met . . . "< br>