Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2061: 2061

Chapter 2061: 2061

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the survivors below asked us to sink the navy warship to prevent them from attracting the beast . "

The whole fleet was in a mess, and the survivors below began to make trouble again, just because they saw the miserable appearance of the Navy and were afraid that the navy would kill the people who followed them and then hurt themselves again . The Navy kept calling for support, and even said the words of taking refuge . Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the deck and looked at the Navy slowly coming towards them, speechless, Although the other side overturned his cognition, he also understood that if he was in another place, he might not have given the order to fire . The simple truth is that if he died together, he might as well make a quick decision to escape .

"Don"t worry about the survivors . Anyone who dares to make trouble will be thrown into the sea for me . I didn"t say anything . Why should I talk in front of me? In addition, from now on, we will lift the targeting of the Navy . They have nothing to do with us any more . We will not partic.i.p.ate in either death or life . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang finally made a decision, he thought he didn"t see these people . According to his previous temperament, he said that he should not let these guys suffer their own consequences . But now all kinds of entanglements have made him give up his so-called sense of justice . In the end, these people just want to live . There is no absolute justice in this world, and he is not a judge . He doesn"t want to judge any truth in the world, Just want to keep the fleet safely back to the Yangtze River .

"This . . . OK . " Yuan Yong opened his mouth to explain, but he never said it . His eyes were different when he looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Maybe in his opinion, Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to come out of the tunnel, and his whole person changed and became a little unfamiliar . The c.o.c.kroach brother who killed and hated evil seemed to disappear . Of course, this idea can only be whispered in his heart, but he didn"t dare to say it, Nowadays, no one can shake Zhang Xiaoqiang"s position . No matter Hubei or Yinmeng, including Shanghai, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been defeated by him, and no one can replace him . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang"s orders are wrong, they can only carry out them, not refute them .

The fleet neither opened fire nor moved, waiting for the three naval ships to approach them . It was not long . The ship chased by the mutant beast was finally close to the safe area within two kilometers . Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to order the ship to sail, a scream came out of Xiang Hai"er"s mouth, Later, clarya, who looks like an innocent girl, seems to be in the most terrible shock . She limps to the deck and shakes her head . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang sees a slight fluorescence on the crystal sword symbol in her eyebrow, as if she is awakened .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t ask Xiang Hai"er, but looked at Zhuo Mingyue . Just then, Yang Wannian cried out:

"c.o.c.kroach brother . . . Fire quickly, the mutant beast is coming . . . "

As soon as the words came to an end, the waves near the destroyer suddenly burst out of the sky . A dark and oily shadow came with a strong smell of sea fish . Before everyone on board could see it clearly, the sharp teeth like blades were inlaid in the b.l.o.o.d.y mouth and bit them off . This big mouth with stench was at least more than ten meters wide, which immediately wrapped the 16 meter wide deck, Most people can"t react to what happened suddenly . Yang Wannian and Yuan Yong can only stand still and watch helplessly . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue are not included in this list, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is still pulling out the rat King blade, and the big mouth is covered down . There is no time for him .

"Ah . . . Ha!"

Zhuo Mingyue drinks and flies lightly . She is standing in front of the heavy rain . Her big mouth opens and closes, and she bites Zhuo Mingyue in an instant . At the moment of everyone"s exclamation, Zhuo Mingyue"s face turns red and holds up the invisible barrier for a little while . Then the invisible barrier suddenly breaks, and Zhuo Mingyue avoids the last bite of her big mouth, Flying back, the next moment the big fish b.u.mped into the deck, and the ship was half cut into the sea water . The rolling sea water rushed onto the deck, crashing the crew everywhere . At last, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s rat King blade was thrown out, and the flying shuttle like rat King blade cut the giant"s head like a saw, The blood and flesh tissue stirred up seemed to be under high pressure . The water from the water gun shot up into the sky, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang held a Firebird machete and flashed it to the mouth of the beast, dragging the knife and cutting it horizontally .

This time, without reservation, Zhang Xiaoqiang used his ability derived from level 4 mutant animal glia . The Firebird machete seemed to incarnate into the sun in an instant, shining with dazzling light, which made the people on the deck unable to open their eyes . Then a scorching heat wave spread on the deck, instantly smelling a scorching smell, and the next moment, a shrill howl, It was as if a strong wind was blowing . Originally, the deck of the ship was wet . People could not stand any longer and turned over one after another . The crew who had turned over before were blown directly to the side of the ship by the strong wind . The lucky ones could find something to fix it, but the unlucky ones were thrown into the sea .

As the light dissipated, Zhang Xiaoqiang on the edge of the giant"s head had already disappeared, and the corner of the giant"s mouth seemed to turn into a lava like scarlet . This scarlet was not dyed by the monster"s blood, but the scarlet of burning charcoal . The skin and flesh of the monster"s mouth seemed to be irrigated by steel-making water, and countless scorching black smoke rose on the giant"s mouth, The bright flame turns large pieces of flesh and blood into c.o.ke, and spreads to the whole head of the beast . In a flash, the mouth of the beast is burned by the strange high temperature flame, leaving only holes . In the fierce pain, the beast twists its huge body and retreats to the sea . In its struggle, the warship also shakes violently . Yang Wannian, who was sliding on the deck, roared loudly and issued the order to open fire . With his order, the crew who were guarding the heavy machine gun resisted dizziness and pointed the muzzle of the heavy machine gun at the big fish who was retreating to the sea . When they were ready to open fire, suddenly a shrill scream came from the deck, But Xuefeng was. .h.i.t by a giant beast in the middle of the deck and slid to the naval gun . If there was no accident, Xuefeng would crash into the naval gun and turn into meat mud . At this time, the fast sliding Xuefeng was suddenly twisted by the invisible big hand and lifted into the air . Then the invisible big hand of Xuefeng broke, and Xuefeng fell on the deck with a somersault, But most of his sliding strength is eliminated, and there will be no worry about his life .

The fast-moving Xuefeng sees Zhuo Mingyue coming from the bow of the ship in the sound of the machine gun, while Zhang Xiaoqiang is being carried by Zhuo Mingyue . The heart of Xuefeng is sour . They are all hit by fish heads and rescued by Zhuo Mingyue . Why is the difference so big? The idea just flashed a little, and then the giant beast whose half chin was melted by the fire slipped quietly into the water . On the undulating sea, the destroyer was slowly side rowed by the giant beast"s huge body . The frigates and missile boats in the distance were staring at the chaos here in a daze . The resistance of the destroyer itself didn"t have much effect, The crater of the 12 . 7mm bullet on the giant"s skin is like sesame seed sprinkled on the pancake . It looks so ridiculous . The only ship gun that can cause damage to the giant can"t hit the monster lying on the side of the ship . Just when people believe that the giant will return to the sea, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue appear on the monster"s head and see two people, Some crew members are ready to cheer for victory . No one cares if Zhang Xiaoqiang is held by Zhuo Mingyue . They only know that Zhang Xiaoqiang can destroy half of the jaw of the mutant beast, and he will certainly kill the giant beast that invades them .

A roar came out of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s throat . His eyes suddenly split . Zhuo Mingyue could not wait to jump on the head of the beast with him . The Firebird machete in his hand was thrown out like a flying knife . The shining machete hit the giant"s eyebrow . This time, we all saw the damage of the Firebird machete, The machete was inserted into the giant"s head without any hindrance, which was as ridiculous as a toothpick inserted into a watermelon . But the toothpick was a red needle, and the tongue of fire started from around the blade . The skin tissue around the machete was as red and bright as the giant"s chin . It slowly flowed down and turned into flying ash, and the monster howled hoa.r.s.ely, Innumerable Martians spurted out from its burning mouth, and then the upper and lower layers of flame were connected together to wrap its whole head .

In silence, the monster"s head is burned into a red skeleton . The huge skeleton is stuck on the side of the ship and burns . Only when the machete cuts the giant beast will it emit hot heat . Once the machete leaves, the magma like fire just burns the flesh and blood of the mutant beast, and it has no effect on any other objects, just as people see, The giant"s head is stuck on the side of the ship and burns, while the molten red magma like tissue will turn to ashes once it falls on the deck .

The giant beast was killed in this way . Before the people on the ground could cheer, they heard a loud explosion in the distance . The remaining ships of the Navy rushed into the safe area within two kilometers and reached the limit . However, the safe area was no longer safe, making them the funeral objects of disaster . Several mutant beasts climbed on one of the scarred and tilted frigates, The Navy on this frigate detonated its ammunition and died together with the mutant beast at the moment of being engulfed . The tragic scene was not the only one . Then another frigate followed suit in the roaring sparks . The only destroyer left didn"t seem to have the courage to explode itself, or wanted to escape a disaster at a very high speed and rowed over the side of other ships, Escape to a distance . . . < br > 2