Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2064: 2064

Chapter 2064: 2064

Xiang Hai"er kneels on the cold deck and looks at the waves like a landslide with fear . She can"t resolve the tsunami beyond her ability with the greatest means . This time, even Zhang Xiaoqiang is desperate . They have no way to face the catastrophe . The huge waves like water walls rush down in an instant, The most marginal frigate was thrown into the air . The frigate of several hundred tons rolled in the air like a toy, throwing out the shrieking crew members . It crossed the fluctuating fleet and fell to the sea, throwing out a circular wave more than ten meters high . The next moment, the whole fleet was about to capsize .

In the face of this impending natural disaster, no one has a way to deal with it . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue have no choice but to look at the huge impact of tens of thousands of tons of sea water in despair . Suddenly, a dark dragon suddenly emerges from the edge of the fleet . Its body, more than 100 meters long, twists back and forth, shakes its big tail and pulls it hard against the first water wall, and the water wall bursts, The huge head of the water snake dashed out of the white waves, rolled across the body and b.u.mped into the water wall behind it . Then the giant snake was thrown up like the previous guard boat, but it was not dead . At the moment of flying, it swung its long whip tail again and pulled on the second water wall, making the water wall burst again, Then it was suddenly pressed down by the third water wall and sank the water snake to the bottom of the sea .

Only the first three water walls are the largest . It seems exaggerating that the water snake broke the water wall with its tail . However, as a level 4 mutant animal, the water snake is qualified to roam in the sea . The first two water walls were broken by the water snake"s whip like tail, and the last water wall was simply blocked by its body, although the sea wave is still high and undulating, But there is no threat to most of the fleet .

The survivors of the desperate situation are staring at the surging waves, but they still don"t understand . Only the evolutionists and crew from Shanghai cheered loudly . They knew that it was Zhang Xiaoqiang"s water snake, didn"t know how the freshwater snake came to the sea, and no one thought about it . They only knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang once again solved the danger of death, After all, the water snake belongs to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Then three ships capsized in a row in the fierce waves . No one was sad . Others were glad that they survived . In the turbulent waves, none of the drowning companions could be rescued . Just as the fleet was preparing to continue to drive on the road, the sea suddenly parted, revealing the dark body of the water snake, The huge water snake raised its head bigger than the locomotive and swam to the side of the largest transport ship . The cabin was full of survivors who were shaken by the waves . When they saw the huge head of the water snake stretched into the cabin, and their scarlet eyes were staring at them, they screamed in fear . At this moment, the big snake opened its mouth, Spitting out like a half suffocated human, it is the people who fell into the water before .

The action of the water snake aroused more cheers . The water snake was extremely nimble in the sea . It quickly swam on the edge of the fleet and sent the drowned or not drowned human beings onto the ship . After the water snake finally stopped searching and rescuing, at least one third of the drowning people who had capsized the ship were brought back by the water snake, which raised the low morale again .

Seeing the action of the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands tightly grasping the metal side of the boat finally slowly released and grew a breath of atmosphere . Zhuo Mingyue calmed the waves in his heart and asked strangely:

"Why is it here?"

Zhuo Mingyue"s question is also Zhang Xiaoqiang"s question . After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t figure it out . However, the appearance of water snakes is not a bad thing . He was very pleased and angry

"Who knows how this guy got here? Maybe he was attracted by the two level five monsters and wanted to pick up cheap ones . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang will never believe that the water snake dares to partic.i.p.ate in the battle of the level five mutant beast . This guy has evolved to the present, but he did not grow up fighting fiercely . It was only by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s free supply of crystal nuclei to devour zombies that he came to this step . After careful calculation, tens of thousands of zombies were eaten by the water snake, and thousands of higher zombies, This is all done step by step by Hubei base .

"Xianghai"er told me that the tsunami just now didn"t come from the central battlefield . There were no other places except us . When she stopped, she felt that there were other forces in the water wave . Maybe the messenger had found us . . . Unfortunately, the messenger could feel xianghai"er, but xianghai"er could only feel vaguely, It"s not accurate . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue tells her discovery to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not prepared to waste too much energy on the emissary . After knowing, she orders the fleet to leave the dangerous sea area as soon as possible . The water snake also goes to the side of the destroyer and swims with the destroyer . Looking at the head of the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang is very proud, Such a powerful monster is as clever as a pet, which makes him have a lot of face, at least in the eyes of outsiders .

The waves coming from the central sea area are getting smaller and smaller . Knowing that the two level five mutants have won, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little anxious . He hopes that the fleet can speed up and leave here at least before the mutants react . He doesn"t intend to take advantage of the fishermen . If it"s on land, he doesn"t have to worry about drowning, But in the sea, it"s better to expect the old sow to climb the tree than to expect the mutated water snake to entangle with the level 5 mutated beast . The water snake didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang was slandering it secretly . After he got the crystal nuclei of two level 4 mutant animals that Zhang Xiaoqiang rewarded, the water snake was very happy to escort the fleet and scared the lower mutant animals to flee . Just before they were about to leave the dangerous sea area, the water snake suddenly stopped and turned to look behind, Then, the seemingly majestic variation of the water snake seems to be a bit disordered, the whole body sank into the water and never came out again .

The huge body of the water snake was discovered at the slightest movement . Naturally, the discovery of the water snake was also discovered by others . A marine coated speedboat was attached to the back of the fleet . The catamaran was a missile boat that had escaped before . I don"t know how it determined its position . It dodged to follow and saw the ship, Yang Wannian remembered Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order before, and the huge hull of the destroyer suddenly changed direction . He aimed his gun at the speedboat and prepared to tear it to pieces .

Before the order to fire was given, the high-speed speedboat suddenly broke into more than ten pieces, big and small . The flying pieces were still rolling in the air . Suddenly, countless black objects sliding and jumping on the water flashed . Lightning generally chased the fleet . There is no doubt that the speedboat chased the fleet because of these black objects, which Zhang Xiaoqiang had seen clearly, The objects that glide like glideboards on the water surface are lice like sea animals . These lice like monsters with dark crustaceans are huge, and each one is several meters above . Even if they are placed on the land, they look terrible . On the sea, these things rely on the belly deck to slide, and their speed is faster than lightning .

After that, the whole fleet began to flee, and the destroyers also lifted their arms control . One by one, the sh.e.l.ls fell on the herd there . The speed of the herd was too fast, and the sh.e.l.ls could not catch up . The helicopters were all recalled, and they tried every means to prevent the approaching of these things . Finally, they used the oil on the ship, Layers of black oil floating on the surface of the water were ignited by the fire, burning out a sea of fire on the sea . What I didn"t expect was that these things actually knew how to dive, and came from the burning sea to continue to chase the fleet .

Seeing that the fleet was about to be overtaken, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at hundreds of little monsters . His brain seemed to be dazed by blood . For a moment, he felt helpless and irritable, and could not think of any good way to avoid these difficult things . Suddenly, a roar came from the fleet, and Zhang Xiaoqiang woke up from his chagrin, Looking up, I saw that a ship carrying ammunition turned around and steered in the direction behind them . The whole fleet was running for their lives, and there was no time to ask about the ship . Other ships, including destroyers, pa.s.sed by the ship . After Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed into the command room, he saw Yang Wannian"s face pale and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . ", They"re going to die . . . "

At the end of the speech, there was an earth shaking sound . The whole ship, which was covered with countless mutant animals, exploded into a huge mushroom like fire cloud . The shock wave formed by dense shrapnel diffused in a circle within one kilometer around the center of the explosion point . Countless water columns rushed into the sky like fountains . The surging water waves set off huge ripples and spread around, I don"t know how many layers there are .

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s teeth are clenched, his eyes are about to crack, and his heart is filled with a kind of long lost pain . It reminds him of the moment when w.a.n.g Chong burst himself with a high explosive bomb in his arms when he was in prison . Almost when he was used to the dedication of his subordinates, because of his orders, thousands of soldiers died in the battlefield . Although he was driven by the name of righteousness, he could not escape the guilt in his heart, In front of him, this ammunition ship traded its own life for the life of the whole fleet . He was very ashamed of his bravery and heroism . He felt that he had not done a good job before he let his subordinates fight for their lives with this kind of resolute means, but he could not even remember the names of those people .


Xiang xue"er screams and points to the place where the fire explodes . Zhuo Mingyue"s eyes suddenly contract . She sees a strange thing turning out of the sea and tumbling on the water . This thing has long limbs like human beings, and its whole body is wrapped by blue scales . There is a frog like membrane between the hands and the soles of the feet, as well as the big deformed eyes, As if the electric light bulb had grown to her face, two and a half meters long moustaches, like catfish whiskers, were growing on her toad like lips . Her four meter height was not outstanding among the sea animals, but it caused a strong reaction from Xiang Xueer, who was obviously the mysterious emissary hiding behind the scenes .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw this thing, he suddenly felt a strong hatred in his heart . It was this thing that made the fleet in constant danger, and even made his subordinates fight for the survival of the fleet by self explosion . The killing intention around him suddenly broke out, and his swollen chest made him unable to hold back his evil breath . He took out the Firebird machete, rushed to the side of the ship, jumped out to the sea, and drank heavily, The water snake cruising by the boat suddenly raised its head, just caught Zhang Xiaoqiang, and then, driven by Zhang Xiaoqiang, rushed to the strange thing< br>