Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2086: 2086

Chapter 2086: 2086

Zhang Xiaoqiang glares at Zuo Tian, and the sense of killing that he has been holding suddenly breaks out . The sense of killing around him seems like a cold wind blowing through the three people around him, making their bone marrow frozen . They all tremble with fright . Zuo Tian puts his head on the ground as before, and he does not dare to say anything more . Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to fall into the memories of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle in the gathering place, The boundless zombies sprang on the wall and tore up human beings . Countless gunfire streamed through the corpses . No matter how many bullets they had, they would be swallowed by the corpse tide . In despair, they had to lead a small team to launch a decisive counterattack . Finally, they took 100000 survivors and began to move . That was the longest and hardest battle in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s life, I don"t know how many survivors died because of his orders, or how many soldiers died there in obscurity . In the end, they couldn"t even find their bodies .

Zuo Tian"s proposal challenges Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bottom line . Even if the j.a.panese are besieged and killed by the corpse sea, in his mind, zombies are the enemy that must be cut off . Even if he has a lot of zombie services under his command, he has never relaxed his vigilance . In his power, every zombie"s neck is equipped with an etch source detonator, These zombies will be killed by eroyuan first, and the zombies will be led to eat people . Even if they are eaten by j.a.panese, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t do it . I didn"t expect that Zuo Tian would be so insane .

"Zuo Tian, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don"t you forget that our women are in ax mountain, do you want people in j.a.pan to hate and curse you . . . "

Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to get angry, several survivors who were watching rushed over, clenched their fists and yelled at Zuo Tian . If Zhang Xiaoqiang hadn"t sat here, he would have been killed alive by them . Zuo Tian"s face flushed, his eyes bulging, and stood up abruptly, yelling at his companion:

"Shut up, I"m doing this to save them . . . Those things just need to break through their walls . Won"t they run away after breaking through the walls? At that time, we can take the opportunity to save people . Those things will catch up with ax mountain . At that time, there won"t be too much left in the camp . The whole camp is ours . . . "

Zuo Tian"s words make other people think . Every survivor knows about zombies . No one or force can block the power of zombie sea, but it is impossible for zombie sea to catch all people . People are alive . The complex terrain and dense plants in the forest have great obstacles to zombies, It"s the most natural shelter for human beings, so zuotan"s method is quite feasible . They don"t need to kill the axe mountain . They just need to lead the zombies to break through the fence . In a hurry, the ax mountain can only guarantee the safety of personnel at most . As for materials and equipment, it"s impossible to take them away . Maybe a few unfortunate people will die, But most people will be OK, at most the days after a little bitter .

Zuo Tian"s explanation calmed everyone"s anger . After careful consideration, it was really a genius idea . First, he broke the defense of Fushan, forced Fushan to drop equipment and materials and withdraw personnel . Tens of thousands of people retreated into the forest, and then led the zombies away . At that time, they would follow behind and s.n.a.t.c.h the base of Fushan without any effort . When Fushan retreated into the forest, they would be able to seize the base of Fushan, Personnel management must be chaotic, and they also have the opportunity to rescue their companions and women . This can be said to be a whole set of continuous plans .

Zhang Xiaoqiang also thinks that this method is good . Then he thinks it"s wrong . It"s not the only force in the forest . Many scattered forces are in the forest . The zombie March route is beyond their control . A small force who is not careful may be involved in the sea of corpses . Even if they can escape, there is no food or supplies, There is no shelter from the wind and rain tent, maybe many people will die, this want to remind, but see left Tian flashing eyes in a fierce, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly understand what .

"But . . . But what we want is a communication device . The survivors of ax mountain are innocent . They will die many people without supplies and food . " Liu Manman first thought of those innocent people and could not help forgetting his ident.i.ty . He refuted Zuo Tian in j.a.panese . This time Zuo Tian didn"t speak, but the evolutionist yelled at Liu Manman .

"Shut up . In order to fulfill the adult"s expectation, what is it to kill some people? Countless people die every day, and countless people are born every day . As long as it"s not a devastating ma.s.sacre, the j.a.panese people will not have enough living s.p.a.ce one day . As a woman, don"t rely on the translation of becoming an adult to tell you what to do here . It"s not your turn to worry about the fate of the j.a.panese . "

Liu Manman was speechless . The att.i.tude change of the evolutionist was that he had approved this method . Although he was very jealous of Zuo Tian, he always put Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order first . Since he wanted to complete Zhang Xiaoqiang"s task, some paths could be ignored . For him, it would be very kind to give the survivors the chance to escape, They can escape from the city once . Why can"t they escape in the forest again?

Liu Manman stares at the two j.a.panese people who ignore the life and death of their compatriots, explains her views to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a low voice, and expresses her worries and the bad things of the two people, hoping to get Zhang Xiaoqiang"s approval . Liu Manman"s sincere appearance seems to be shining with holy light, almost blinding Zhang Xiaoqiang"s t.i.tanium dog eyes, saying nothing, He grabbed Liu Manman"s collar and pulled her clothes down when she screamed, revealing her scarred body . Liu Manman looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang with cold eyes and covers his chest . His whole body trembles slightly, which makes her teeth shake . The two j.a.panese dare not look more, but just stare at the ground under him . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Liu Manman"s body without a good skin for a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang said:

"If it"s really good, forget the pain? Why don"t you reason with your colleagues when they are fed zombies by Okamoto? Why don"t you reason when j.a.panese men ride on you and bite off your s.e.x? And yesterday Zuo Tian slaughtered all the men . When he took off your clothes, why didn"t you reason with him? Do you think you have the right to talk to me? "

With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily throws his clothes on Liu Manman"s face . Liu Manman"s whole body is tight and does not dare to move . It takes a long time to slowly pull off his clothes, revealing his startled and scattered pupils . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s reflection in the pupils is so strange at this moment . Her distorted face makes her feel the fear of facing Zhang Xiaoqiang for the first time, A heart seems to be thrown into the meat grinder, violent tearing makes her angina more than .

"Don"t think that if I"m Chinese, I have to be reasonable . In my eyes, there is no reason . I think what"s right is right . I think what"s wrong is wrong . I think you should die, then I can kill you . Similarly, if I think he should die . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that generally, he pointed to a survivor who was receiving the property from the corpse into his pocket . Liu Manman turned his head and glared at him in dismay and continued: "then he will surely die . . . "

With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang made a neck wiping gesture to the evolutioner . The evolutioner had already seen the embezzler along the direction of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s finger, and suddenly nodded . The whole person flashed to the survivor like a hunting eagle . At the moment when the man turned his head and looked around in horror, he smashed his fist at the center of his nose, The man"s cheek was raised as if hit by a hammer . When he heard a crisp sound from the card, he tilted his head and fell to the ground without moving . Only the gold necklace in his hand was still shining . In Liu Manman"s eyes, the whole world became black and white, whether it was Zhang Xiaoqiang around him, the corpse in the distance, or even the blood flowing on the ground, It"s all the same as the colors in black and white movies . Only the gold necklace that took a life is still shining with golden l.u.s.ter .

"See? I think he should die, so he died . The gold is worthless in my eyes, but I can kill him with this reason . There is no reason in the world . As long as I am strong enough, then . . . I am the reason . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words are heartbreaking, which makes Liu Manman unable to refute . All the principles are rules . The rule of the last world is that the strong are respected . Zhang Xiaoqiang is powerful, so his words are rules . If he doesn"t want to abide by them, he must be stronger than Zhang Xiaoqiang . The dead man was not killed because of stealing property, Instead, Zhang Xiaoqiang demonstrated the rules to her, so that she could clearly see that as long as he thought it was wrong, the person would die . There was no reason for him, because his words were the truth .

"Now you understand? Don"t apply the previous ideas to the present . There is no morality and order in the world . If you want to talk about morality with others, you will only be eliminated . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s last sentence contains a deep warning . He doesn"t want Liu Manman to screw things up because of his conscience . His responsibility is beyond Liu Manman"s imagination . In order to complete the akagawa mission, even if all the survivors in j.a.pan die, it"s worth it . What"s the matter with the j.a.panese?

"Now you tell them . . . I"m very interested in Zuo Tian"s proposal . I hope they can come up with a plan . In addition . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang made up her mind to use Zuo Tian"s method to make Liu Manman"s face look like ashes . She bit her lips and nodded her head . The listener Zhang Xiaoqiang said with disdain . She knew that after that, Zhang Xiaoqiang would not regard her as a real confidant . If there was no second person who could speak Chinese, she could not even hold the position of interpreter, Will be her biggest disaster, in the end there are only two kinds of people, useful and useless, useful can survive, and useless will only abandon .

"a.s.shole, they"re coming again . . . "

A survivor shouts loudly, pointing to the empty gate . All the other survivors and the evolutioners are hanging around their necks and looking out . Now they are all excited and ready to wave their swords and guns . Zuo Tian and the evolutioner stand in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, holding their hands in front of their chest, It"s like a guard protecting Zhang Xiaoqiang who doesn"t need their protection .

I saw the fleeing group of evolutional crunch enter the camp just now . When they saw the corpse and bloodstain on the ground, one of them looked as white as their foundation of geisha"s face . When they saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was sitting quietly, they did not know where they came from . They stood together in a row with Zhang Xiaoqiang . After the two sides" eyes collided, Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed the handle of the horse chopper with one hand and stood up to walk to the evolutioners . He wanted to see what these guys wanted to do . Zuo Tian and all the evolutioners followed closely . It was a good time to follow the family leader and make contributions . Just when they thought these evolutioners were recklessly challenging, A man was pushed out and fell to the ground . Seeing this man, the evolutionist behind Zhang Xiaoqiang exclaimed: "Okamoto Zhishan . . . "< br>