Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2092: 2092

Chapter 2092: 2092

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who walked out of the supermarket, didn"t know that behind him stood the vending machine at the entrance of the supermarket . Behind the dusty gla.s.s, there were packets of cigarettes arranged in order . In j.a.pan, cigarettes were sold only when the vending machine was inserted into the smoker"s card . In the process of looking for cigarettes, he made a mistake, believing that cigarettes in j.a.pan are sold on the counter just like those in China, In this way, even if he searched all the counters in j.a.pan, it was impossible to find a packet of cigarettes .

He didn"t find a cigarette . He focused all his attention on the zombie Z2 that he was going to face . This zombie was the key to his next plan . He wanted to attract zombies with blood, but he thought it was not safe . When he fled from the gathering place that day, he used a lot of people"s blood to lead the chasing zombie sea to a fork in the road . In the end, he didn"t succeed, So if you want to attract zombies, you have to have a lot of human taste, or Z2 zombies themselves .

That"s right . The reason why Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to get Jinchengshan is that he wants to catch this Z2 zombie . With this Z2 zombie in his hand, this sea of zombies will be transferred by Zhang Xiaoqiang endlessly, regardless of the loss . He will never forget his time in Erdos, When a zombie hiding in a building is called by Z2 zombie, he jumps down from the sky and falls down . Sometimes he doesn"t need to kill zombie himself .

The zombies killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang at the door of the supermarket must have caused the idea of Z-shaped zombies . A large number of zombies gathered in his neighborhood as if they were returning to the sea, making Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is as flexible as the agile evolutionist, feel difficult . After less than 100 meters, he was blocked by the dense zombies in front of him, He can also find a way to point at the hiding place of Z2 zombie, but it is bound to arouse the vigilance of Z2 zombie . It is not beautiful to let it leave its original place, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can only climb the roof of the house on the street .

After arriving at the roof, Zhang Xiaoqiang roughly discerned the direction of his descent, suddenly fell down and rushed out . It was not the first time for him to run and jump on the roof . Sichuan had the same experience, but he was chased and killed by the zombies of the whole city at that time, and this time he went alone to catch Z2 hidden in the depth of the corpse sea .

Most of the houses in j.a.pan are two-story bungalows . It"s not too hard to run on them . Although they have a lot of weight and are light enough every time, Zhang Xiaoqiang gallops on the roof and approaches his destination quickly . The streets are full of black ants and dense zombies . One person runs on the top of countless zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a different kind of stimulation, and his heart was filled with lofty pa.s.sion . It seemed that at this moment, he had already felt his own strength, which made him feel fearless and omnipotent for the first time .

There are also zombies on the roof . A S2 zombie or a small number of S3 zombies also climb on the roof . He didn"t do anything about these zombies . The evolutional zombies, who were enemies in the past, have no value in his mind today . They are regarded as gra.s.s-roots things . The strong wind swept over the roof . It brings the stench of countless zombies gathering below, while Zhang Xiaoqiang runs away in the strong wind . Sometimes even the evolutionary zombies on the roof can"t notice his figure . When he flashes by, he jumps up high, crosses the sky for more than ten meters and falls on the opposite roof . In this way, Zhang Xiaoqiang soon gets close to the dangerous area that Jin Chengshan told him .

Rows of tall 2 zombies stand like a forest . These thousands of D2 zombies are only a small part of the corpse sea . But in the distant primary school square, the power of thousands of D2 zombies can be said to be earth shaking, with giant height, ferocious muscles and endless numbers, Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the roof and looked at it from a distance, he was slightly surprised . These zombies were not all . There were more S2 zombies occupying all the surrounding houses, just like a surging honeycomb, occupying any place where they settled . These zombies did not stop for a moment, but always moved and changed their positions . Many zombies fell off the roof in the crowd, but under the house, More S2 zombies want to climb to the roof, which can"t be described as dense . It gives people the feeling that they can"t get in .

Behind the numerous d2s2 zombies, a D3 zombie with scales and bigger shape forms a dense ring, which surrounds an odd zombie in the center . This zombie is not exposed . The S3 zombie with a height of four or five meters almost covers its whole figure, while the D3 zombie is also surrounded by S3 zombies, which are crowded and tumultuous .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang took a cool breath and looked around . There are so many high-level zombies here that they can already form a high-level zombie sea . Even if he can"t take more than 10000 zombies above type 2, he found some things before . Although his killing barrier can hide his own smell, it can"t be used at will, because when he starts killing zombies, the killing barrier will disappear temporarily, For ordinary zombies, this is not a problem . Before ordinary zombies react, they can eliminate the hidden dangers around them . But for high-level zombies, they are unreliable . The reaction of high-level zombies is ten times that of ordinary zombies . If Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t pay attention, he may be submerged by the whole corpse sea because of the disappearance of the barrier . His previous self-confidence was based on his belief that there were not many evolutionary zombies . After all, he had killed a considerable number of type 3 zombies before . He also believed that the number of type 3 zombies killed here was not more than that killed outside . Unexpectedly, there were no more than ten thousand type 2 zombies here, and the number of type 3 zombies reached seven or eight hundred, He even doubted whether these zombies were the elite men of Xuefeng?

Seeing the zombies in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately felt that it was difficult to deal with them . The area of the primary school was not small, and it became extremely narrow under the concentration of zombies . Many type 2 zombies could not even get a central position . They stood on the street thousands of meters away, or in the gap of parking s.p.a.ces . If they rushed through like this, Let"s not say how many zombies he can kill to get through the route . I"m afraid that Z2 zombie will run away before he really rushes over?

It"s a bit tricky . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the sea of zombies over there and is also anxious . He is quite confident in himself . The time he told Zuo Tian was an hour later . Up to now, nearly 20 minutes have pa.s.sed . It"s obvious that he only has less than 40 minutes to evacuate after he gets it . This is still the case that Z2 zombies can"t escape, I"m afraid the situation would be unimaginable if we beat the gra.s.s to scare the snake .

Zhang Xiaoqiang anxiously walked up and down on the roof . The zombie was still there, and he didn"t know what to do . All kinds of methods came from his mind several times, such as setting fire, attacking, and so on . It was unrealistic to put it in front of his eyes . He didn"t know whether the zombie killed in the supermarket had aroused the sensitive nerves of Z-type zombies, Countless zombies in the surrounding blocks are surging towards the supermarket . They are rushing through the streets under Zhang Xiaoqiang . Seeing these zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang really hates to burn them down with dozens of tons of gasoline . At this time, he sees a lonely building behind the primary school, which is located in a high-lying area, If you look closely, you will find many gas dispensers . It"s obviously a gas station . Maybe it"s for safety . The gas station is an independent building, and even if the explosion does not affect the surrounding buildings . At the same time, because of the terrain of the building, there are not many zombies . Compared with which gas station, the primary school is located in a depression . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart moved, The whole person sprang up and fell to the surrounding roof, centered on the high-level zombie in front, bypa.s.sed a large circle, and approached the gas station from the side .

The gas station covers a large area, and there are not many buildings for safety, so there are lots of green gra.s.sland around it . Now these gra.s.slands full of mutated plants have been trampled into white ground by zombies . The yellow mud ground is full of dead leaves . After the collapse, they are trampled into the ground to form a track like bamboo strips . There are not many zombies on it, but they are obstacles in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, There is no roof for Zhang Xiaoqiang to run and jump to the edge of the residential area . If he wants to rush to the gas station, he has to kill countless zombies . The road here is s.p.a.cious enough, so zombies can easily rush to the gas station from the bottom . At that time, if Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to complete his own task, he must fight for time with zombies .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated . He saw that the teaching building in the primary school was not very different from that in China . The simple five story teaching building looked simple . Maybe because of the floor, there were not many zombies on the top of the building . This gave Zhang Xiaoqiang a chance to rush through the surrounding high-level zombies, Climbing from the floor to the top of the building, and then launching a sudden strike when the zombie Z-shaped mobilized forces to rush to the top of the building, he jumped down from the top to catch the zombie Z-shaped . Of course, he had to take a great risk, and the chance was only once . If there was a slight mistake, he would be submerged by countless high-level zombies . At that time, even if his Firebird machete was more powerful, once his ability was exhausted, Absolutely dead and lifeless .

He was embarra.s.sed by both choices . Neither choice was secure . It seemed that he had a high probability of jumping from the upstairs to the corpse sea to catch the zombie Z2, and he was also in great danger . He occupied the gas station, tried to find a way to pump out the gasoline and flow into the primary school along the terrain . It took time, and he had to beg that the gas station"s gasoline had not been pumped away by the survivors, These are all problems . If it"s not good, all previous achievements will be wasted .

The difficult choice left him in a dilemma, constantly weighing the gains and losses in his heart . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw black smoke rising in the distance . He was surprised that the place where he came was the place where zuotan was waiting for him . After careful observation with anxiety, he found that zuotan and his evolutors were lighting the dense forest on the top of the mountain, He wanted to create chaos for the zombies, and the zombies on the hillside were affected to some extent . Seeing this, he suddenly realized that one thing might not have to be solved at one time . With this group of seemingly loyal j.a.panese as his subordinates, he might not have no other opportunities . In this case, he would not have to take a huge risk to jump off a building and think about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes immediately focused on the gas station< br>