Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2102: 2102

Chapter 2102: 2102

"No, we can"t cooperate with this kind of uncontrolled person . Today he can attack j.a.panese survivors . Tomorrow who knows if he will lure mutants to attack Britain? If he"s crazy and wants to rule the world, where are we then? I think it"s necessary to send Apache out and kill this guy under the guidance of the hunter . "

Once the general"s emotionality was aroused, he became stubborn . But Byron didn"t approve of the general"s obstinacy . He suddenly stood up and yelled:

"Sir, I know you have prejudice against him, because he killed Jason team, so you want revenge . I hope you can calm down and think rationally, not as you think, China is a nation with conservative personality, and they will not be as crazy as you think . After the end of the world, 99% of the countries in the world have been destroyed . Even if he wants to conquer the earth, there are not so many human resources for him . We are in the era of historical change, we are creating a new history, and any decision we make may revive, Or destroy Britain, so I ask you to make a decision seriously, soberly, or even coldly . Don"t mix your personal emotions with it any more . We can"t afford to lose anything any more

Byron refuted the general for the first time . Byron always respected the general . The general was frank and had the courage to love and hate, which he lacked, He also admired the general in his heart . In his eyes, the general was closer to a normal woman, a lovely girl who needed to be loved and coaxed . That"s why he willingly followed the general through life and death . If he hadn"t racked his brains to help the general through all kinds of crises, the general would not have come to this day . At best, he was just a senior thug in the house of Lords, and could not have been like this, Commanding the entire house of Commons, he is resourceful and resourceful . He is plotting secretly, and even because of his consistent performance, he has gained the nickname of a shady snake .

Byron has always been the general"s right hand and left hand . He has always taken the general"s decision as the goal to fill up the gaps . Today, Byron actually rejected the general . It was not the previous tactful advice, but the overall refutation . The general couldn"t accept it for a moment . He looked at Byron with a more gloomy face, as if he was looking at a stranger and seeing the general"s eyes, Byron felt a pain in his heart, and his mind went back to the simple girl who was proud, confident and full of country and people when he met the general for the first time . She was not beautiful, but she believed that with strength, she could protect all the English people .

"Now, listen to me first . . . " Byron took a deep breath . First, he stabilized his mood, and then he regained his former status as a counselor in a flat tone . At this time, the young officers had long been afraid to interrupt, and the general calmed down and stopped talking . After all, she also knew that she could make great contributions to Byron today . In some cases, Lieutenant Colonel Byron was more like her teacher .

"Let"s not say that we can"t kill him . Once a super evolutionist wants to escape, no one can stop him . Unless we can use a nuclear bomb, it will inevitably create a very dangerous enemy . He is a Chinese and this is j.a.pan . Even if he kills more j.a.panese and destroys his camp, he won"t have any loss . On the contrary, he will not be able to kill more j.a.panese, The ensuing retaliation will make our already precarious form worse, and even if we are lucky enough to kill him, what can we get? We won"t get anything, and he killed only one of our evolutionist teams, plus only six crew members, but how many of us did the new era kill? More than six thousand people, right? This time, we came out to fight for new energy . With energy, Britain has a future . The new era also realized this, so they tried their best to stop us . If we make a mistake and put hostility on the Chinese, the new era will have an opportunity . If the two lines of combat strength do not occupy the advantage, the whole army will be destroyed, Is that what you want to see? Because the death of six people will ruin all our strength and the hope of the rise of Britain? "

Byron"s long talk made the general think deeply and the young officers feel ashamed . He was too ideal . Of course, at present, their strength is not dominant . The only thing they can count on is blood seed . Blood seed is a good thing . No one thought that we could find a treasure in j.a.pan that could make ordinary people evolve and enhance the evolutionists, But this treasure needs human blood to irrigate . Only the blood of three ordinary people can produce one blood species, and the chance that one blood species can make people evolve is only 30% . This means that it takes four blood species to make an ordinary person an evolutor, and to make a thousand ordinary people an evolutor, It takes 12000 ordinary people"s lives to water this demon flower that people both hope and hate .

"Well, I won"t interfere in this matter any more . Time is getting more and more urgent . If we can"t find a way in half a month, the red algae here will be expanded to a range of 10 kilometers . By that time, we won"t have another chance . Ten kilometers of red algae will be enough to attract tens of thousands of mutated organisms to eat here, So I hope I can catch up with others and find out the principle of red algae growth

The general finally compromised, but felt deeply powerless . She had high demands on herself, but she could not keep up with her expectations . She was only deeply tired . Byron didn"t think he had won . He only felt that the general could go further and learn to judge by the way of thinking of the superior, rather than being influenced by emotions, At this time, the general has begun to deny himself, and his self-confidence is becoming less and less . "The hunter team sent back the latest news . . . They found out that the purpose of the man was a large gathering place deep in the forest . It was preliminarily estimated that the number of people was more than 30000, and the location had been marked, which was within the radius of our activities . . . "

The latest intelligence was sent to several people by the intelligence officer . Looking at the intelligence, the general did not express his opinion at the first time, but looked at Byron with inquiring eyes, as if Byron was the master who really decided the fate of the British contingent . Byron put all his attention on the red dot on the map, After a long time, he took a deep breath and said:

"Maybe we won"t have to worry about the blood soon . We can order the teams to be ready to accept the survivors . I believe we will have a good harvest this time . "

The general nodded with approval and said: "although I don"t know what his purpose is, this time it"s a great help for us . If we operate well, we can get at least thousands of evolutors . . . "

The general and Lieutenant Colonel Byron reached an agreement again . The young officers nodded in agreement, but strange ideas welled up in their hearts . They captured these evolutioners as blood slaves, watering blood and twisting flowers . Their means were more cruel than Zhang Xiaoqiang"s luring zombies to attack the gathering place, but the general did not show her kindness, or say, She deliberately ignored the pity for the j.a.panese . The young officer just guessed that Colonel Byron knew that the general was still a former general, and her heart would only pay for Britain . If her emotional factors were excluded, she would become the leader of the British Renaissance than anyone else .

"Shall we get in touch with him?"

The young officer thought that the general had changed his mind and reached a consensus with Lieutenant Colonel Byron . He became active and expressed his new ideas . In order to deepen his impression on the chief, Lieutenant Colonel Byron also looked at the general and waited for his response . But the general shook his head and said:

"No, he"s his, we"re ours, Step by step, I don"t believe he can play any role alone . A single Chinese doesn"t deserve our attention . If j.a.pan"s task is over, I would prefer him to stay in j.a.pan forever . . . I don"t want to see China rise again because of this man . "

The world is like a big cake . If other people have one more piece, they will lose one . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s personal ability is really strong, and he knows how to guide the sea of zombies . If such people return to China, relying on China"s population resources and vast land, they are likely to make the rest of China"s survivors unite and burst out with amazing strength, At that time, the pattern of the new world will inevitably change . Byron did not refute this time . The reason why he wanted to form an alliance with Zhang Xiaoqiang was to use Zhang Xiaoqiang to deal with the new era, rather than to let Zhang Xiaoqiang grow into a powerful figure threatening the development of Britain .

"When the strength reaches his level, a person"s strength will not be worse than that of 10000 people . It"s right to restrict him from leaving j.a.pan . It"s necessary to contact him . Don"t forget, Elizabeth is still in his hands . . . "

Byron reminds the general, and this reminds her of the destruction of Jason"s team . She immediately gets upset and stops talking . She stands up and goes out . Looking at the general who leaves, Byron is bitter . He is afraid that the general will always regard Zhang Xiaoqiang as the enemy . If that happens, the two tigers will fight each other . He doesn"t want to see this woman have something to do with her .

"Tell the hunter team to pay attention to the intelligence at all times, so that we can have preliminary contact . In addition, the field flight team is ready to start . This time, we should try our best to reserve blood species . . . "

At Byron"s command, the young officer immediately stood up and took orders . Instead of questioning the differences between Byron and the general, he was excited and ready to issue orders . This time, if he could cultivate blood on a large scale, he would also get great benefits< br>