Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2106: 2106

Chapter 2106: 2106

Xiaoye and Jima are the two who catch Zhang Xiaoqiang . Although they just hold on to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s clothes, they feel that they have grabbed T-Rex"s tail, which makes their hair stand up in the shock of killing intention . The smell of death envelops them like a thick fog, which makes their throat dry and speechless for a moment .

Gemma is a little better . At least she can move her arm, point to the plane circling in the sky and shout out something . The evolutionist standing beside Gemma is not idle, and constantly calls for something through the communicator . Soon, the Apache helicopter in the sky suddenly presses down and rushes down, The target is the suspended suspension bridge .

There are four suspension bridges in the gathering area, each of which has a length of 30 meters and a width of 6 meters . It takes a winch to pull the rope to pull up the floating bridge, and the surface of these floating bridges is also tightly wrapped with iron sheets . Although the iron sheets are of different sizes, they look like beggars" patchwork clothes, which is also impressive .

The armed helicopter went to the rope behind the suspension bridge . The rope was placed on two huge steel columns, each of which was more than ten meters long and looked particularly strong . Even the top force evolutors might not be able to lift it down . But no one thought that the plane did not help Fushan deal with the zombies, but aimed the rockets at the two huge steel columns, Two burst flames were blowing around the steel pillars, two steel pillars were shaking in the roar, the smoke was rolling, the fire was shining everywhere, the fragmented human body was turning over in the air, and the air wave generated by the explosion made the evolutioners close to the explosion point fall to the ground one after another, rolling and howling .

In this sudden blow, one after another explosions, two steel pillars standing beside the gate were deformed and broken together with the gate . When the steel casting collapsed, the suspension bridge also fell heavily on the river and bounced repeatedly . Just at the moment when the suspension bridge fell, all the Fushan evolutioners who had confidence in the moat were howling and despairing .

Seeing the scene of the explosion, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood the intention of the British people . They didn"t want to spend time waiting for the zombies to break through the fortifications to force the evacuation of Fushan, break the rope of the suspension bridge, and pave the way for the zombies to attack . That"s what they wanted . They wanted to let Fushan leave the camp in despair, At least there is a river channel behind the survivors of ax mountain that can block the zombies . Their purpose is to force the evolutioners here to think of the river behind them, so that they can not only despair, but also hope, kill their resistance determination, and cross the river obediently, What can a group of survivors who do not have food do to resist their capture?

The British"s abacus is so loud that Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to put all the British to death . What"s the difference between what they did and the evolutionists of ax mountain? And the British also have blood colored plants in their hands, which means that the British are also not good things . In his mind, anyone who wants to rely on blood colored plants to improve himself is a jerk, and he should die ten thousand times .

At this time, Ono also got angry and pointed to Jima and others and yelled in English . If Zhang Xiaoqiang hadn"t moved, he would have rushed to fight with the British . The British wanted to force the evolutionists of Fushan to leave the camp, but there were only three bridges, which made it impossible for everyone to leave . In other words, the most common people in Fushan camp were ordinary people, The evolutionists may have nothing to do with it, but all ordinary people will be the food for zombies .

This is different from Ono"s previous a.s.sumption . In his cognition, the evolutionist who has been expanding his ambition will one day put his goal on the ordinary survivors, and his purpose of cooperating with Zhang Xiaoqiang is to prevent all this . However, he did not expect that the British would step in and let the fact that he was most worried break out .

"This account will be calculated by them in the future . Don"t move about for the time being . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang pats on Ono"s shoulder to calm down his only man here . He calms down the rising murderous intention in his heart, but he records an account to the British again . In the end, his unhappiness with the j.a.panese prevails . If it is a Chinese camp, even if the evolutionists have committed a great sin of mutual indignation, He will not let the British people around him survive . Why should the British decide the fate of the Chinese people? But this is j.a.pan, and axyama is not his subordinate . No matter how many people die, his heart is only the most basic anger of a normal person . But he has to admit that the earlier axyama leaves, the better his plan will be .

The British may not have thought that their kindness helped . Instead of letting the zombies move, the roar of the dropped suspension bridge made the zombies across the river run back to the jungle, leaving the suspension bridge lying alone, At this time, the evolutionist who recovered from the strike also knew that the helicopter was not the rescue soldier of the American master, but the king of h.e.l.l who wanted their lives .

For a moment, the evolutors at the gate of the camp all rushed out, waving their weapons and chopping the suspension bridge to completely destroy it . At the same time, the evolutors of the other three suspension bridges were also ready to demolish it . The behavior of the evolutors of axyama angered the British . They also knew that they had done something wrong and became angry, The goal of venting was aimed at the evolutor who was afraid of chopping on the drawbridge . The weapon mouth was reopened, and without saying a word, three rounds of rockets were launched . Three rockets with white eyes and long smoke hit the target and exploded at the feet of dozens of evolutioners . The flames tore those evolutioners into countless pieces . What was torn apart was the suspension bridge under their feet . Even if the suspension bridge was wrapped with iron sheet, it could not hide the fact that it was arranged with logs inside . Wood could not block the Rockets . At the moment of the flame burst, when the fire burst, the suspension bridge was covered with steel sheet, Countless pieces of burning wood and twisted sheet iron take off in the air, and the broken suspension bridge has no support, and it slides into the river weakly . At the next moment, the flaming and smoky combustion bottles rain down on the floating suspension bridge on the water, lighting it into a floating campfire .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang has to say that the pilot of the Apache helicopter is a pig brain . Connecting the two attacks is counterproductive . It seems that he just came here to help . Jima and her Hunter team were even more angry . Just when they yelled at each other, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes looking up at the sky were triggered by dynamic vision .

A slender shadow glides into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sight in an instant, and is captured by his dynamic vision in the next instant . The slender shadow flies in the air like an elf, with white coating, streamlined body, and flying without smoke . His sight follows the intruder in the air, When he looked at the end of the thing, his eyes couldn"t help staring round .

The target of the missile suddenly intruded was the British Apache helicopter . Just after he confirmed, the Apache helicopter was. .h.i.t by that thing . At the moment when the missile hit, a sudden spread of fire surrounded half of the helicopter, including the first burst of fire and then the roar of the ear . The powerful Apache exploded in his eyes, Countless pieces of spare parts flipped in the air . At least one third of the huge fuselage was blown up . The pilot died in the plane at that time . The helicopter with thick black smoke flipped quickly and fell straight into the forest . At the moment when everyone"s mouth opened, the helicopter exploded again in the forest . The bright red light twinkled in the sky, illuminating the dark sky .

Then twelve V22 Osprey tilt gyroplanes and six UAVs with gray coating, similar to bats, suddenly appeared in the eyes of the public . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang, who did not study the aircraft, recognized at a glance that the six UAVs were the x47b, which used to be very popular on the Internet . This kind of aircraft is a bomber specially configured for aircraft carriers, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the Americans are here too .

When the fireball of the British Apache helicopter ignited a large area of forest, four 11 meter long UAVs quickly flashed to the two chinugan helicopters like ghosts, forming a floating encirclement to block the retreat of the helicopter . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt his chin, which seemed that the Americans and the British had pinched each other . Before the end of the world, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt his chin, The Americans and the British have a lot to do with each other . I don"t know what will happen to them .

The striking American flags on the 12 Osprey let the evolutioners in the camp cheer again . They can"t remember to fight . They thought it was the real Americans who came this time . When the 12 Osprey floated over the camp, countless evolutioners and survivors rushed to the open s.p.a.ce to watch the planes in the sky cheering, and some fell to their knees and cried loudly, Zhinugan finally had to surrender under the pressure of the UAV, and approached the Osprey fleet under the escort of the UAV . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang quietly withdrew his sight, turned to Jima, and judged in his heart that the British seemed to have lost their value . In the short battle just now, the British were completely defeated< br>