Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2112: 2112

Chapter 2112: 2112

"You can"t sit down at last? Have you decided to put aside the differences between nations and countries and formally a.s.sume your responsibilities? " The sudden words made Zhang Xiaoqiang stiff, and his chaotic brain suddenly woke up . He looked at the little girl who was going to die at a loss . He was at a loss . His ability could rush down before the ax mountain didn"t respond, and save before the girl was killed . But after that? Thousands of evolutionists will surround him, Americans will move out, and the whole camp will be in chaos . The fire will burn everything, including his coveted radio .

"Shut up, I can save one, but I can"t save a hundred, a thousand . What"s the right of you, the failed Savior, to say that in front of me? What else can I do but watch? Unless you can order the Americans to help me . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang scolded Elson for a while, but then Elson"s hoa.r.s.e voice suddenly gave out a terrible laugh, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart suddenly rise to the idea of catching this guy and tormenting him .

"Do you want to save them? You really want to save them? 4523 evolutionists, or evolutionists who are promised to go to Okinawa to enjoy their happiness by axyama, will they let you save the survivors who have been linked with wealth in their hearts? " Elson is still making sarcastic remarks, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help it any more . He grabs the chopper, gets up and wants to rush down to the bottom . He might as well go down to fight, at least with a clear conscience .

"Wait . . . If you really want to save them, you have to wait . . . "

Elson takes a long breath, takes out a handkerchief embroidered with the Virgin Mary, wipes the sweat from his forehead, and looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s virtual villain with a smile . From the contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he has been inducing Zhang Xiaoqiang to deepen his trust in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart through conversation, and finally arouses Zhang Xiaoqiang"s desire to save, From Susanna"s proposal to Fushan, he has been anxious for all the survivors, and he also knows that if there is no change, even if he and Zhang Xiaoqiang still can"t do anything . He didn"t expect that the opportunity came like this . Whether he can succeed or not depends on Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"There"s a chance in five minutes, which is the only way to save the survivors . The only thing you have to do is wait for the chaos in the ax Mountain Camp . . . " Elson asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to reach an agreement with his goal, and he also asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to be quiet for a while . Five minutes was not long . The chaos in the camp made the evolutionists focus most of their attention on the male survivors of the riot . One by one, the j.a.panese men were overturned by their guardians and grabbed their hair, Just like a dead dog, he dragged it to the b.l.o.o.d.y place and beheaded it with a knife, while the crying women and children ignored it for the time being .

Because his wife and children are about to be killed, Fushan originally resisted the violence launched by the survivors of the zombies, which completely angered Fushan . The man in silver armor rushed to the front with the gun as high as him, and yelled at all the survivors . Unexpectedly, the survivors didn"t pay for it, and they waved their spears and swords one after another, roaring angrily, Clamoring to fight with axshan, even some evolutionists automatically joined the survivors . Obviously, axshan has aroused public anger . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang thought that this was the opportunity that Elson said, axshan"s mechanism gun opened fire .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen the scene of mechanism guns firing at zombies . Even a bunch of D2 zombies will disappear in the roar of 23 mm mechanism guns . These survivors and evolutors are less than 20 or 30 meters away from Fushan . The caliber of mechanism guns in Fushan"s hands is another 30 mm . At such a close distance, the blazing tongue of fire suddenly dazzles everyone"s eyes, Just listen to a loud explosion, the explosion of fire and torn pieces of meat, such as the storm swept, staged a fire hurricane in the center of the camp .

At least more than 100 survivors were slaughtered in ten seconds . Under the roar of iron and fire, the survivors completely collapsed and could no longer form a quant.i.tative confrontation . It was like a pack of loose sand scattered around . But Fushan was reluctant to give up . He used his machine gun to pour out bullets . At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up and rushed down the mountain with a roar .

"Wait . . . " Elson"s urgent exclamation rang out in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brain . Zhang Xiaoqiang did not stop . When he rushed down at full speed, he responded violently in his brain: "wait for you Mabi, what a good chance, you stay away . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang did not want to let go of this opportunity . Obviously, the survivors of the gathering place had been driven by the axe mountain . Once the axe mountain was destroyed by him, the whole gathering place has the final say . When it comes to saving the little girl, everyone may be saved . Although there are still threats from the corpse and the American people, Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that Onokazu, the old man, is here to control .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has always been good at discovering and seizing opportunities . In his eyes, this is an opportunity . He only needs to have a breakthrough point to create an advantage for himself, and then he can grasp the whole situation by trying to expand his advantage . The civil strife in Fushan is the biggest advantage in his eyes . Once it provokes the anger of thousands of evolutionists in the whole gathering place of Fushan, He didn"t need to be afraid of the Americans, let alone that they would kill all the ax mountain . In his heart, there was a knot . He led the zombie over, and he didn"t want to kill the whole ax mountain . But the appearance of the Americans interrupted his plan . Ax mountain was a piece of fat . The British and the Americans watched it, But he just didn"t want these two hungry wolves to get any advantage . "The Russians, the Russians are coming . They are the only chance . The United States and Russia will fight for the blood resources here . I hope you can take all the survivors away . . . " Elson is afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s impulse will destroy his plan . He tells Zhang Xiaoqiang the so-called trump card . Unexpectedly, the intelligence he says will make Zhang Xiaoqiang run faster . Two wolves have been watching here . Unexpectedly, the Russians will come to join in the fun . Once the Americans and the Russians start fighting, the fire will destroy the gathering place, Thinking of thousands of innocent people dying for themselves, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that he was about to burst into depression . He didn"t think much about it and just rushed down .

Xiaoye is next to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He didn"t follow Zhang Xiaoqiang when he rushed into the sea of zombies . But when Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the camp, he followed without hesitation, shouting meaningless roars . In addition to Xiaoye, there was Jima, a sad girl . Originally, this war had nothing to do with her, However, she also stood up when she saw the little creatures that were going to die . The Americans were on the side, and most of the evolutionists in the camp were still on the same side with Fushan . She didn"t think she could survive by rushing down, but she did . With her help, the remaining seven evolutionists started four people, maybe her admirers, maybe to avenge their peers, Maybe even they don"t know why they rush down, but they still rush down .

Seven people in a group no longer hide themselves and charge downward . Except for Xiaoye and Zhang Xiaoqiang, all the British are agile evolutioners, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s speed is no slower than that of the agile evolutioners . On the contrary, Xiaoye with a zombie on his back falls to the bottom . When they rush down, the Americans close to them suddenly find a group of people named Zhang Xiaoqiang, At the beginning, they didn"t stop it . They all saw what happened in the camp . They thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang and others were all on guard . They didn"t wake up until they saw Jima and others in the standard clothes of British evolutioners . The alarm rang instantly, and an unmanned machine gun aimed at Zhang Xiaoqiang automatically . Then, a hot fire burst out from the beating muzzle of the gun .

At least three heavy machine guns aimed at Zhang Xiaoqiang . When countless fires buried Zhang Xiaoqiang, a bright flash suddenly disappeared . The machine gun nearest to Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately fell apart, and the scattered parts were flying like a lady in heaven . The remaining two machine guns also broke up as Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed out of the fire net, At this time, several agile evolutors behind Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly accelerated, rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang and threw out several grenades with a little bit of blue light .

These grenades of unknown models flew over a distance of 60-70 meters, and before landing, they suddenly burst out a bright blue aperture like a lightning wave . In all the areas covered by the aperture, all the wires and electronic equipment were damaged by sparks . Zhang Xiaoqiang took this opportunity to rush to the camp at an instant, Only a few thunderous noises came from the airport . One after another, 14 . 5mm sniper rifles specially adapted for the strong body of the evolutor shot at Zhang Xiaoqiang . For those snipers who were hidden in the dark, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who could not be killed by three machine guns, was undoubtedly the most dangerous .

The four sniper bullets are glowing red and fly to Zhang Xiaoqiang faster than lightning . Even in this flickering night, Zhang Xiaoqiang can clearly see the trajectory in the dynamic vision . When the four bullets are about to hit him faster than blinking, the broad body of the chopper will block the way of the bullet, In a moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s saber bounced back, and then four flames exploded on the sabre .

The burst fire is more powerful than the bullet . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang has to retreat in the burning fire . The Firebird machete can"t reach those evolutioners . More evolutioners are approaching Zhang Xiaoqiang with machine guns . The situation is very bad . As Zhang Xiaoqiang has just stood up, three large caliber armor piercing incendiary bombs are shooting at him . This time, he is no longer willing to be brave, Recalling the Firebird machete, he stepped back and kicked Gemma to one side . Then he burst into the air with a roar . Another evolutioner nearby didn"t have time to scream, so he was. .h.i.t by a bullet . At the moment when the 14 . 5mm bullet collided, the evolutioner"s upper body was just like an exploded balloon, all of which was broken, and countless blood rain splashed, There are already three power evolutors of hand-held mechanism guns aiming at Zhang Xiaoqiang . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart suddenly tightens . He did not expect that the Americans equipped with large caliber sniper rifles and mechanism guns should be so difficult?

No matter what the purpose of the British people who followed him and how Zhang Xiaoqiang felt about them, they could not change the fact that these evolutionists were willing to live and die with him . He could leave, but these evolutionists could not escape the firepower of the three cannons . For a moment, he regretted that he rushed down and dragged these comrades into danger, Just at the moment when the machine gun was about to fire, a dull and thunderous sound came from the sky . At the same time, all the Osprey planes started together and turned their spiral blades, and a series of harsh alarms also sounded in the airport .

At the moment when the alarm sounded, both Americans and Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up at the sweet night sky, but saw dozens of fire tongues flying down to the airport like meteors . In the blink of an eye, these meteors reached the sky above the airport . No one cared about Zhang Xiaoqiang any more . Countless firepower networks flew out of the airport to cover the night sky, The fire and rain all over the sky make the dark night sky glow . It"s beautiful, but there are endless opportunities for killing in this beautiful l.u.s.ter . In the blocking firing of the fire network, a thick rocket burst out dozens of meters in the sky, and a missile position around the airport also launched countless anti-aircraft missiles . More fire groups exploded in the sky, and each fire group exploded like a brief sun, shining the boundless night into the day in the huge flash, Zhang Xiaoqiang dragged Jima, who was kicked by him, into the camp by the air raid . The one who can follow him into the camp is Xiaoye, who has been staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang . As for the others, they are all shocked by the sudden change< br>