Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2119: 2119

Chapter 2119: 2119

Darihachi is a Mongolian Russian hybrid . He can"t be seen from his appearance that he is Mongolian . His thick beard covers most of his cheeks, but he looks more like a Russian . He looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes with surprise and fear . Others don"t know Zhang Xiaoqiang"s means . He is clear . On that day, Zhang Xiaoqiang ambushed and killed nearly half of the most elite golden left and right flag in Mongolia, Later, his hands were covered with clouds, his hands were covered with rain, he tore up the rising army of the Mongols, swallowed up most of the Mongols and forced tiezhongyuan to retreat to Siberia . He thought he would never see this nightmare again in his life, but he became a prisoner of Zhang Xiaoqiang in j.a.pan, let alone recognize him at a glance?

In fact, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t recognize darihachi . To be exact, he was more surprised than darihachi . Among these Russians, only darihachi looked normal, so he found a guy . When darihachi said his ident.i.ty, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately guessed that the Russians might not only come to Wanqiang, but also tiezhongyuan .

"Xihuriaodu led us back to Mongolia, collected the snow wolf flag, and found a lot of ammunition depots and armored vehicles . . . We recovered almost all the towns along the way all the way north, and also found a lot of materials . Later, we also got the material reserve warehouse of the Russian Far East military region, relying on these things, We crossed the whole of Siberia along the railway for half a year, and then we met that man

Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to take the initiative to ask, darihachi explained to Zhang Xiaoqiang why he was here . It"s a long story . The Mongolian people were not weak across Siberia . There were more than 20000 people when they started from Mongolia . When they pa.s.sed Siberia, at least half of them fell on the tracks along the way, Darihachi"s story is very tragic, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is absent-minded . He doesn"t pay much attention to what he has already guessed the result . When darihachi talks about the man, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly looks up at darihachi and says:

"Can you contact the Russian side and tell Wan Qiang that his old friend wants to meet him . . . "

This time it"s darihachi"s turn to be surprised . His eyes are round like ox"s eyes . He looks up at the helicopter in the sky like a ghost . Before he finds the helicopter hovering like a ghost, he flies out in the earth shaking . Suddenly, darihachi"s muscles are relaxed, When he was still rolling in the air, his crotch was full of excrement and urine . At this time, darihachi"s mind was empty, and he only repeated in his heart: "it"s over, it"s over, brother c.o.c.kroach is going to kill me . . . "

Darihachi, with the sound of the golden flag, shouldn"t have been so unbearable . But Zhang Xiaoqiang"s scars on the Mongolian people were too deep . Thousands of Mongolians died in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands, which made him feel desperate . Just as the thought flashed, before pa.s.sing people, he saw a shadow rolling in the air . Before he could see it clearly, Then he b.u.mped into the man and fell heavily on the struggling Biaohan . Dari Hachi was just padded by the man, which made him scream . Then dari Hachi looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was pressed on him in surprise, and hissed: "brother c.o.c.kroach, how are you here?"

Sitting on darihachi"s stomach, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a shaking . Before he could speak, one after another people flew over . No matter British or American, they all flew out in the shaking . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang knew what was happening in the violent shaking . The whole world was shaking, and then the shaking of the earth became more intense, Bursts of stuffy roar rushed out from all directions and poured into his eardrum . The long dust gushed into the sky and covered all the places around him . You should know that his super long sight distance was much farther than ordinary people . They were in the place with higher terrain . Looking around, they didn"t know dozens of kilometers, but all these places were covered by yellow dust .

The boundless dust is like the clouds around the mountain . The clouds are surging, covering the mountains, forests, rivers and even the ground above the ground . Suddenly, everyone is thrown into another world . For a moment, everyone is stunned, sitting and lying on the ground, sluggish in the violent vibration . Only a shrill cry rings in their ears, But it was Miyamoto Naoto"s cry, first in j.a.panese, and then in Chinese with English . When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard it clearly in the roar, he was immediately scared to the bottom of his hair, and darihachi under him said stupidly:

"How did the earthquake look?" When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, the whole hill they were in collapsed . The ground beneath them was like a torn white paper, and there was an unfathomable crack . Everyone rolled into the crack . The crack, which appeared in the air, widened from several meters to tens of meters in a few blinks, and the big stones and broken soil from the mountain rained down along the crack, All kinds of mixed sounds combined to form a roaring sound like a flood discharge, which made people uneasy . Zhang Xiaoqiang rolled again . He had no idea where his sniper rifle had fallen, and the huge shape of the horse chopper on his back became trouble . He b.u.mped and b.u.mped repeatedly in the rolling, and he couldn"t control his body shape, If it wasn"t for the strong defense of the snake scale beetle, it would break the sternum on those sharp stone edges .

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t use all kinds of abilities . Not only he, but even the British agile evolutionists have no power to protect themselves . Just under his nose, a British agile evolutionist was thrown into a crack in a rock and ground into plasma under the violent friction of the rock shaking . He could not find a bone . In the dazed collision, he heard screams and wails from time to time, and was. .h.i.t by rolling stones or human bodies from time to time . During this period, he helped several times, but he had no place to stay, Every time I reach out my hand, I always slow down . I watch evolution people of different nationalities being crushed, crushed, or buried alive by tons of rolling stones and sand . His brain didn"t know what magnitude of earthquake it was . A mountain with a height of 40-50 meters split into two and broke into a grand canyon with a depth of several hundred meters . When it rolled, the gap continued to grow, from a line of sky to a big gap . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang also accepted his fate . The gully left by the mountain was as deep as an abyss, The evolutionists who fall with him are as fragile as porcelain dolls . The weightlessness of falling makes him lose the concept of time, and he can"t concentrate . In this process, he can"t control his own life and death, and can only rise to the despair of resignation .

In the repeated collisions, the sharp pain on his body has become numb . His soft body feels as if it is not his own, without any consciousness . At this time, he is like a bystander, even his fear has disappeared, just waiting for the end of life in the repeated rolling collisions, waiting for the cruel suffering of death, And when the suffering numb in the impact again and again, people will have to die early, in fact, it"s also a good idea?

At the last moment of his life, suddenly all the rolling and rotation stopped, and he lost all consciousness in the last sharp pain of almost breaking his spine . The originally dark chasm of the abyss was replaced by infinite darkness .

At the same time, the whole of j.a.pan was shaken violently . Countless mutant animals rushed out of the forest and fled . Countless mutant birds left their nests and flew aimlessly in the air . Helicopters circled in the sky . From time to time, three or even four mutant birds flew over the fuselage, Some airplanes were covered by the huge bodies of mutant birds more than once, and then they seemed to go their separate ways . Both human beings and mutant creatures were in a panic . Before Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the ground of tens of kilometers was blurred in the dust, but now most parts of j.a.pan are covered by the dust .

The blue sea waves on the coastline all turned yellow . The waves rolled the sand and set off a tsunami of more than ten meters . Wave after wave, they rushed to the coastline of Shanghai and swept everything by the sea . Houses, roads, trees and vehicles were destroyed as long as they could be destroyed . Many wooden houses were dragged into the sea in the rolling tide, These houses often fall apart in the middle of the collision, breaking into countless pieces of wood, rolling and splashing on the sea . From time to time, they are smashed by bigger waves . The Yellow waves roll up tens of meters of water in the collision . In the shaking of the land, the boiling water forms huge eddies, constantly dragging the coastline collapse into the sea, Layers of coastline disappear under the erosion of the sea .

The coastline stretches for an unknown number of kilometers . Every minute, there are ten thousand tons of mud houses rolling into the sea . The two bays of Tokyo Bay and Izu country are different . The territory of j.a.pan is like a fragile toy . The island of Chiba Prefecture, which is close to Tokyo Bay, is slowly disconnected from the island in the earthquake, just like broken gla.s.s, At the speed visible to the naked eye, it splits into small pieces ranging from tens of square kilometers to several square kilometers, and then the sea water is involved in those cobweb like cracks to isolate them into small islands . These small islands do not stop shaking . Under the backlog of sea water, the larger land splits into smaller pieces, while the smaller ones sink into the bottom of the sea .

Chiba, Yokosuka and Izu, the small peninsula separated from the island in the earthquake and sank into the sea . Without the barrier of Chiba, Tokyo Bay is extremely vulnerable in the boundless tsunami . j.a.pan is an earthquake country . Highly urbanized Tokyo was preparing for strong earthquakes at the beginning of construction, and all the high-rise buildings claim to be able to resist the magnitude 9 earthquake, However, in the earthquake, countless tall buildings collapsed like sand sculptures, and the following tsunami swept hundreds of millions of tons of building debris into the sea . In just a few hours, the 2000 square kilometer city of Tokyo became Zeguo, and there was nothing higher than the surface of the water . The pride of j.a.pan and the Asian economic and financial center disappeared from the land of j.a.pan forever .

The disappearance of Tokyo is just the beginning . The island destroyed the continental structure in this earthquake of unknown magnitude . The ISI Bay and the Sanhe Bay in Aichi county formed a bay . From this bay, it has been crossing the island . Nature has formed a natural channel as wide as two kilometers with the natural force out of reach, This yellow sand surging channel with numerous floating debris divides j.a.pan"s Island into two, forming the fifth big island< br>