Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2125: 2125

Chapter 2125: 2125

Turning to Yinchuan and Inner Mongolia, the Yellow River has replaced the increasingly broken Expressway and become the main artery of Jinghua region . Since Yinchuan, except Ordos, all the cities along the river have been recovered by the second army of the Renaissance army . Both Bayannaoer and Baotou are under the control of Yinchuan and Inner Mongolia . Although the population has not increased much, the production efficiency of industrial and mining enterprises is getting higher and higher, Every day, hundreds of thousands of workers work hard in the industry and mines . The raw materials and semi-finished products produced are transported to various factories through the Yellow River and processed into various urgently needed military materials to support the front-line soldiers . However, the main battlefield is divided into two directions: one is the Yinshan Mountains, which is called zombie meat grinder, Every day, hundreds of thousands of zombies are attracted by the controlled Z3 zombies into Yinshan Mountain to become fertilizer, and another is the real main battlefield, Hohhot .

Hohhot is the provincial capital of Inner Mongolia . A large number of zombies gather in the wilderness around the city . The most marginal extension is almost in contact with tens of millions of zombies at the foot of Yinshan Mountain . Yinmeng is different from Hubei, where the land is spa.r.s.ely populated . Scattered zombies are rare, but the number of scattered zombies is frightening, The number of millions of zombies is the largest battle since the establishment of the 100000 army of Yinmeng .

In this battle, the protagonist was not infantry, but 500 old tanks . The Armored Regiment is now expanded into an armored fleet . The commander is LV Xiaobu, who has not appeared for a long time . When he was in Hubei, he was appointed as the commander of the armored battalion by Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, Hubei has no s.p.a.ce and equipment for armored forces, and a small number of paratroopers and old armored vehicles can not do much, On the contrary, Yinmeng has a wider world, and only the flat and wide inner Mongolia is the perfect stage for tank troops .

Two line warfare was originally taboo by military strategists, but human beings had diversified means . Only the mutant plants of Yinshan Mountain and the permanent fortifications built by Venus at the most dangerous checkpoints could block tens of millions of zombies from attacking in turn . The three brigades of the most elite new division, 30000 people, were stationed in those dangerous fortifications, and they had sufficient logistics and transportation forces, The zombies can never cross the antenna . The zombies are piled up under those cliffs into a corpse mountain of nearly 100 meters . The rotten corpse liquid of countless zombies is absorbed by tens of billions of roots and becomes the nourishment of mutated plants . The attack of mutated plants and zombies is like a dead cycle . The corpses tear up the plants and clean up the attack route, In addition, the more and more accurate shooting and sh.e.l.ling of the elite soldiers in Yongbei fortification resulted in heavy casualties, while the dead zombies cultivated more mutant plants, and even type 3 zombies were devoured by mutant plants that had become monsters .

With tanks in the main battlefield, zombies will always be attracted by human beings . They yearn for human flesh and blood, just like vicious dogs yearn for stool . No matter what breed of dogs, they will be surrounded crazily as long as they smell the smell of excrement . So are zombies . Millions of zombies are surrounded, and human beings dare not move freely . But under the deliberate temptation of the army, zombies will be surrounded, The zombie sea is like a galloping River, constantly extending to the blank area . When it reaches a certain scale, the zombie sea will be stretched for hundreds or even hundreds of kilometers . At this time, it is the time for the armor cl.u.s.ter to be powerful .

As a matter of fact, tanks are high-end weapons in the army"s weapons . The cost of each tank is very high . The various components and electronic equipment are cutting-edge technologies . It can be said that even the fire control system is comparable to the sales price of a Lamborghini . Therefore, according to Yinmeng"s technical reserves, let alone the most cutting-edge Type 99 tank, Even if the popular type 96 tanks can"t be built, it"s thanks to Baotou"s first machinery factory, which was originally built to produce old-fashioned tanks . At that time, millions of tanks in the northern army were produced from here . After the troops changed their weapons, many tanks were sent back here as sc.r.a.p steel for recycling, No one knows how many old tanks there were in the country in those years, and no one will think that these abandoned tanks will have a day to restart .

At this time, it was the tank group"s counterattack . Lu Xiaobu, who had not been seen for a long time, stood on the command car with a telescope and watched in the distance . The strong wind in the distance rolled up a long dust blanket . He could not see anything except a piece of yellow sand and a looming steel chariot, If he gets into the command car, he can see the real-time video transmitted by the UAV more clearly . But LV Xiaobu just doesn"t want to go down . He enjoys looking into the distance with a telescope . It seems that only in this way can he show his ident.i.ty as a commander . What makes him most unhappy is that according to the command regulations, He couldn"t take his favorite tank to the front line .

Looking at the vast Yellow sand, LV Xiaobu couldn"t help recalling that two months ago, when he was flying to Yinmeng to accept the so-called mechanized corps, he didn"t even have the heart to attend the welcome banquet set up for him by Zhou Jie and Zhao Jun . he took a bus to Baotou to receive his equipment . At the first sight of hundreds of tanks, he went to Baotou by car, Hot heart is like a ladle of ice water .

Hundreds of painted tanks with Bayi military emblem in sight are just like the bones of giant beasts waiting to be rusted and rotten . Some of the powerful gun barrels can still point in the air, some of them are still on the ground like dead snakes, and the tracks that used to be shining are all antiques dug out of the ground, When he got to a tank with an open lid, his cold heart was almost desperate . Except for a few operating poles, there were only messy wires . All these wires were left after the equipment was removed . It was very sad to see them . LV Xiaobu was attacked by thunder at that time . Is this a tank? This is obviously a pile of sc.r.a.p iron that looks like a tank . His heart suddenly explodes . No matter Zhao Jun is the top commander of the 100000 army, he almost starts to grab his collar . In the end, ishiharano comes forward to guarantee that these tanks will move . Ishiharano is calm and looks more reliable than Zhao Jun . LV Xiaobu believes ishiharano for the time being, When he saw hundreds of moving tanks, he cried .

The most important thing for a tank is its engine . With a powerful engine, it is possible to make these dozens of tons of heavy objects collide on the land . The engines of these tanks are already more useless than those of tanks, but Xiao Lang, a national treasure, is different . Xiao Lang is the king of machinery in Yinmeng, With his optimization, any mechanical equipment can improve its efficiency by 20% to 50% . If 500 engines want to be repaired or even improved, he would not have been able to do it three months ago, but now it"s different . Xiao Lang"s value is recognized by the whole Yinmeng . Even if a hundred evolutionists can"t match him, he also has the highest treatment, Generally, the evolutionists supply the mutated vegetables according to the plan, regardless of the cost . They want as many as they want . The most popular Longya fruit is how much they want to eat . There are also the fresh meat of the mutated animals sent by meow from Vladivostok . These fresh meat are first-cla.s.s products, and they can"t even exchange for military points . Only he can enjoy it unlimited . There are also the scarcest heavenly spirits, This thing, which any evolutionist would like to have, is sent to Yinmeng after meow drinks the rest, and most of it is provided to him .

With these things, Xiao Lang"s ability is growing rapidly . Unconsciously, he breaks through his own limit and becomes a secondary evolutor . His ability is mechanized repair and optimization, which belongs to the extremely remote ability . And the ability like him is also the most difficult to improve . The materials consumed by him are enough to make a small team of ordinary evolutors evolve, However, he has only been promoted to level 2, which is no longer enough . Now he no longer has to spend a few minutes to several hours on a machine to repair and optimize, forming a field with a diameter of five meters around him . In this field, even if he doesn"t do it, these things will find the key points of repair and optimization with his extremely accurate insight, The one-time reorganization and promotion is very mysterious, but it really happened .

In a week, all the engines have been repaired and optimized . The power of the engine has caught up with that of the 96 tank . The most important thing is that the energy efficiency conversion has been increased by almost three times, the consumption of diesel has been reduced by one time, and the distance that the same fuel tank can run has been increased by 80%, while the speed has caught up with the most previous tanks in the world, It"s 85 kilometers per hour in the field .

But the engine of the tank has been solved, and the rest can"t be solved . First of all, there is no automatic filling system, no fire control and aiming system, no car radio station, and there is almost no power . Most importantly, there are no tank sh.e.l.ls . What"s more, the tanks here are not all of the same type, light and medium-sized, As a result, the recovery of the weapon system becomes an unfinished task . In the end, the tank guns have to be unloaded whimsically, and become the same thing as steamed bread . If the clever people will find out for the first time, these tanks are b.u.mper cars .

These b.u.mpers, which are extremely fast and run like runaway horses, are LV Xiaobu"s armored group . Their only lethality is thick armor, strong speed and decisive impact . That"s why LV Xiaobu wants to cry . This is a kengdai"s armored group, and he is a kengdai"s armored Group Commander, even without a command, A three-year-old can order a tank to run over and kill thousands of zombies .

But I didn"t expect that no one but Xiao Lang was optimistic about the collision tank . Driven by a group of soldiers who had been training in tractor driving for a few days, the first battle achieved amazing results . 200000 zombies were crushed to death after the tank collided continuously for more than an hour, which means that D2 Zombies also suffered a lot of casualties . The zombie tide is the biggest advantage of zombies, In the group charge formed by hundreds of tanks, there is no boundless momentum . The tanks don"t always b.u.mp into cars, there are no sh.e.l.ls, and there is still some gasoline fuel . When the group stops attacking, 50 modified flamethrower tanks will spray flames of 100 meters long, ignite countless zombies, and isolate the isolation zone with flames, In the first battle, 200000 zombies were completely destroyed, and less than a dozen soldiers were killed by zombies . However, under the guarantee of the evolutionary matrix, these soldiers who eat at least three days of mutated animal meat have not changed .

With the worry of not being afraid of the virus, even the most timid soldiers will become stronger . Unless countless zombies are torn to pieces, even if S2 zombies are encountered, they may not necessarily die . This makes the morale and combat effectiveness of the troops soar . Moreover, Yinmeng"s largest indigenous refinery provides a lot of diesel oil, Let this tank troops become the flesh of LV Xiaobu"s heart, even if there is no cannonball machine gun, he also cherishes like an eye< br>