Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2127: 2127

Chapter 2127: 2127

An earth shaking battle ended after the last gunshot . The armored group no longer had the same ferocious momentum as before . They raised their heads, turned around, crushed layers of corpses and bones, and went to the logistics department that had been waiting in the distance . The creaking tracks were covered with layers of black meat crumbs and internal organs, giving off a smoky stench, But the soldiers who pa.s.sed by the tanks were as if smelling the most wonderful fragrance . They were all laughing and smiling .

The war, which lasted for more than a month, finally ended, and Hohhot finally came to their hands . They recovered many cities . Baotou and Ordos are the leading big cities, but the real provincial capital cities are still different . The recovery of Hohhot not only opened up the hinterland of Inner Mongolia, but also broadened the way for the further development of Yinmeng military region, Both Zhao Jun and ishiharano have long coveted the equipment of Russia"s Far East military region . In the Far East, Russia has 3900 main battle tanks, 6400 armored combat vehicles, 3000 guns, 54 ss-21 campaign tactical missile launchers, 85 combat helicopters, and an unknown number of surface to air missiles and nuclear bomb launchers .

In fact, in Shiyuan"s ambition, he did not agree with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s idea of occupying Beijing . As far as China is concerned, the strength and material reserves of Beijing military region are indeed the strongest and the longest . No other military region in China can match in terms of weapons and equipment or reserve system, let alone many legendary secret equipment, However, Beijing is the most densely populated area in China, and the surrounding population is not bad, making it the most dangerous zombie intensive area . Even if they can get through, the materials and ammunition they will consume will be huge, even if there are corrosion sources . Once the corrosion sources are used, they have to be recovered, otherwise they will volatilize and corrode into turbid water if they are exposed to the air for a long time .

Russia"s economic center is in Europe . Except for a few cities along the border, which are prosperous because of China"s development, other cities are stagnant . The closer to Siberia, the more empty the cities are . Even the provincial capital cities have less than 100000 people, and the equipment of the Russian people is much better than that of China, The tanks and armored vehicles of any military region can catch up with all the Chinese army, and have been more mechanized than China for decades, and there are not many zombies along the way, which is just their most delicious target .

Ishiharano"s idea is that the foundation of the Yinmeng military region is too thin . The raw materials here are very rich, but not as diverse as those in the mainland . There are not many military machinery and equipment . The Yinmeng military region is better than Hubei in everything, but the military industry system is not as strong as Hubei . It"s because they don"t have supporting equipment and sufficient raw materials . Now Hubei is not only able to make bullets, It can also make sh.e.l.ls, but Yinmeng can barely make bullets .

Just as ishiharano was thinking about things, Zhao Jun came in with a gloomy face . Looking at ishiharano, who was still looking at the map even though he won, he sighed a long sigh . Ishiharano looked up at Zhao Jun and didn"t speak . He stretched out his finger from Hohhot or along the provincial highway to the northeast of Heilongjiang, When he got to the border of Heilongjiang, his finger stayed in a Russian city near the Chinese border for a long time .

Zhao Jun and ishiharano partner for a long time, how do not know ishiharano"s idea? Ishiharano"s route has been outlined in his mind for a long time . Unlike ishiharano"s weapons and equipment, what he focuses on is the humiliation of the fall of the territory . It has always been a pain in his heart that millions of square kilometers of land have been robbed by others . Now he has a chance to get it back, but before that, he must have a headache for the news from Hubei .

"Alas!" Zhao Jun raised his voice and sighed . Ishiharano remained silent and continued to stare at the map . Seeing that ishiharano did not respond, Zhao Jun sighed louder to indicate his existence . After a long time, ishiharano finally responded . He turned his head and looked at Zhao Jun lightly . He shook his head and sat back in his own position . He picked up his tea cup and said, "when you don"t win, you jump up and down in a hurry, I can"t wait to rush to the front line and do it myself . After winning the battle, I sigh here . Are you not going to be at home these days and let my sister-in-law scold you? "

"How dare she?" Zhao Jun seems to have been guessed that the cat"s tail suddenly changed color, but such a big reaction made Ishihara smile . Zhao Jun chose one of the best beauties, but he didn"t expect to put a shackle on himself . That beauty is a post-90s girl who is much smaller than him . At first, she was OK . After a few days with him, she woke up to all kinds of bad habits before the end of the world, Zhao Jun must accompany her every day, tired of her, let Zhao Jun a head two big, even Zhao Jun"s work are gossiping, eager to force Zhao Jun to admit that the whole Yinmeng is her, to this girl, Zhao Jun has a bear again and again, finally can"t bear to hide out, willing not to go home .

"What is it? Don"t talk about things other than military affairs . I don"t want to get involved in your private life, but you"d better take care of your own women . I don"t want your privacy to be private . Let brother c.o.c.kroach deal with you . . . " Shiyuanye gave Zhao Jun a warning, which made Zhao Jun"s face droop . He said carefully:

"It"s not her business . Anyway, my patience with her has reached the limit . If she doesn"t know how to restrain herself, I"d rather break up with her . Beautiful women are not necessarily suitable for marriage, and married women don"t have to be beautiful, This is the truth . ""What"s the matter? After that, I have to go to the front line to evaluate the battlefield report . " Ishihara is a little impatient . He hates to delay a long time on a woman"s problem . Ishihara"s impatience finally makes Zhao Jun honest and says with a bitter smile: "it"s brother c.o.c.kroach . He"s got me a big trouble again . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach? Has he returned to Hubei? " Shiyuanye put the teacup heavily on the tea table and couldn"t do it any more . He stood up and looked at Zhao Jun solemnly . If he could get information from brother c.o.c.kroach, he would first suggest that the plan of Beijing strategy should be postponed and the route from Inner Mongolia to the Far East should be opened up .

"No, in j.a.pan? We don"t know the exact location, but there was an earthquake of magnitude 12 or more in j.a.pan, and almost half of j.a.pan was destroyed, let alone human beings . Even zombies can"t survive, so we have to get c.o.c.kroach back when the situation worsens . " Ishiharano heard the news for the first time . He immediately frowned and quickly turned his brain . Brother c.o.c.kroach disappeared . They knew that, but they didn"t expect to show up in j.a.pan . You know, that place is not a good place . If brother c.o.c.kroach is an extreme racist, it can"t be said that all the survivors of j.a.pan are his enemies .

"According to the information sent to us by Nu Wa computer, there are not only c.o.c.kroaches in j.a.pan, but also Britain, the United States, genesis, new era, Russia and j.a.pan . Our airships used to be targets, so how to support them is a difficult problem . Let"s build a unified command platform with them to support c.o.c.kroaches, That is to say, let"s ask the newspaper, and coordinate command and information communication to achieve timeliness and consistency . "

"What"s so annoying about that? Isn"t that good? As long as they can break through the technical barriers and train with our data, they can not only better complete the combat mission, but also reach a closer cooperative relationship, as long as . . . " Shi Yuanye didn"t understand what Zhao Jun said . In the past, even though the military regions belonged to different regions, it was not uncommon for him to perform in cooperation with combat under the condition of information guarantee . This is very normal in his view .

"Who has the final say? If brother c.o.c.kroach is here, I have nothing to say . Brother c.o.c.kroach says that I will fight wherever I go . But why do they want to be a higher cla.s.s in huangquan? Among other things, the battle of Wuhan almost destroyed their old nests . There was only one large city, but the zombies were dead and they took advantage of them . Now they still have the name of the first army of rejuvenation . The whole first army has less than 30000 people, but it"s us? The third army does not count artillery, logistics, and transportation logistics . There are also 100000 people in it . How can we be convinced? It"s clear that we have two army formations . "

Shiyuanye finally finds out the reason why Zhao Jun is upset . The only link between Yinmeng and Hubei is Zhang Xiaoqiang, so Zhang Xiaoqiang is there . No matter what kind of task, they have no choice . But Zhang Xiaoqiang has gone to j.a.pan, and is relieved by the establishment of a joint headquarters of the Renaissance army . He is worried that Yinmeng will be pushed out infinitely, just like they are pushing LV Xiaobu out, The most important thing is that the development potential and sphere of influence of Yinmeng is larger than that of hubeida, but the orthodox center is located in Hubei, which makes them unable to turn around .

"Why do you want so much? Do you really think that Yinmeng is your foundation? Everything here is built by brother c.o.c.kroach . The original intention is not to be exclusive to the Yinmeng people, but to revive the whole China and save the survivors of the whole China . Don"t be so narrow-minded, regional or exclusive, or brother c.o.c.kroach will not spare you . "

Fortunately, Zhao Jun is still quite afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang . He calms down in ishiharano"s warning . In fact, he has no independent idea at all . He just hates people from Hubei coming to pick peaches . Mingming"s forces are the most powerful of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s forces, but he wants to be the second one and is overtaken by the Hubei army, Let the highest commander of the silver Mongolian army face is not good-looking, even if this is set by Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is not comfortable .

"What shall we do? If not, we"ll send the small-scale FeiTing group first . As long as brother c.o.c.kroach doesn"t create a large group of forces as before, it"s still feasible not to use transport airships . "Zhao Jun finally subdued . Ishiharano never fought unprepared battles . When Zhao Jun said so, he nodded happily and began to check their equipment:" we have three mourner helicopters, There are two zhi-9 armed helicopters, six zhi-10 armed helicopters, and one small airship and two small antelopes can be sent out . In this way, at least we are not without the power of self-protection . As for Hubei"s orders, we will ignore them for the time being, and let us look for them ourselves first . If we can"t find them, we can think of other ways . . . . < br > in this way, we can at least protect ourselves