Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2130: 2130

Chapter 2130: 2130

Tiezhongyuan survived the biggest storm . When he opened his eyes, he saw that Wan Qiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang had both left their positions . Zhang Xiaoqiang held a fire jade like curved knife in the shape of a knife, while Wan Qiang leaned back with his right fist in his heart . It was obvious that the collision between them was not just a collision of gas fields . At the moment when the red light and black shadow flashed, Wan Qiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang had actually fought each other, There will be such a big movement, so that others will be shocked by the aftershocks of the battle .

Wan Qiang stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise . Only his red pupil doesn"t move, and his black pupil turns in his eyes like a fish . He looks very cunning . When the black pupil swims away, he slowly raises his right fist . There is a white mark on the back of his hand . There are black spots on the edge of the white mark, which makes his heart beat violently, It seems that his skin is not even broken . In fact, if he cuts the second knife at the same place, half of his right hand will be cut off . What if this knife hits his neck?

"Ha ha, isn"t this brother c.o.c.kroach? I haven"t seen you for a long time . Brother c.o.c.kroach is still fierce . What"s the name? When you meet an old friend in a foreign land, fate is fate . " When he was in the gathering place, Wan Qiang was a fool . In exchange for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s glial body, he sent a complete mutant animal in exchange . He didn"t know that there was a glial body in the mutant animal"s head, but today he became glib . It seems that he recognized Zhang Xiaoqiang at this moment . He showed great enthusiasm and his back of his hand was slightly biased, Be careful not to let Zhang Xiaoqiang pay attention to the abnormality on the back of his hand .

"Ha ha, I didn"t expect that, after parting in Vladivostok, now you are also the overlord . If you don"t see me for three days, I"ll look at you with new eyes . Is your t.i.tle very powerful now? Tsar Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly put back the Firebird Scimitar and looked squarely at Wan Qiang, who was much higher than him . Instead of looking up at Wan Qiang"s variant eyes, he just looked at Wan Qiang"s right hand, which made Wan Qiang feel uncomfortable . He hated Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cunning and could see something wrong so quickly . He didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang was also shocked . Firebird scimitar was sharper than rat King blade, Even Wan Qiang"s skin can"t be broken . You know, there are not a few D3 zombies who died under the Firebird machete?

"What kind of overlord is not overlord? It"s not idle to have fun . I dare not compare with you, brother c.o.c.kroach . It"s said that most of the survivors in China have been controlled by you now . It"s just around the corner to unify the whole country . " Wan Qiang is not complacent about the t.i.tle of czar . For the strong, only his own strength is the real strength . If he had not destroyed the remnant government of Russia, there would not be the so-called czar t.i.tle .

When Wan Qiang said this, he kept his posture very low . He wanted to flatter Zhang Xiaoqiang, but his four eyes were staring at the huge saber behind him . He constantly evaluated Zhang Xiaoqiang"s combat effectiveness in his heart . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked by the collision just now, he still had no bottom in his heart . If he had a choice, He wanted to encourage all the fighting power to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang, but he was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang still had no cards to plot against himself .

Wan Qiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang are afraid of each other at this time . They both want each other to die, and they are afraid of each other"s means . They don"t know how many brain cells it takes . Tie Zhongyuan also sees Wan Qiang"s respect for Zhang Xiaoqiang, and puts Zhang Xiaoqiang"s threat in the same position as Wan Qiang . They see two people gossiping, He came forward and respectfully proposed to Wan Qiang: "Your Majesty, brother c.o.c.kroach, it"s time for dinner . . . "

"Ha ha, I almost forgot that brother c.o.c.kroach is a distinguished guest . We should treat him well . . . " Wan Qiang didn"t know what to say next . Tiezhongyuan"s interruption made him feel relieved . Although his IQ improved, he was uncomfortable with his evasive talk . When several people were talking about dinner, dariha brought a few Mongols with all kinds of food and began to set the tableware and table .

Wan Qiang was a rough man . Before the end of the world, he was just an ordinary farmer, but he did not learn how to enjoy it . Tiezhongyuan, known as the aristocrat of the golden family, was not as luxurious as the European family . Zhang Xiaoqiang was even more muddling along, so the dining table for three people was just white cloth on the ground, and the food was also very simple, including two big pots with rice, two plates of barbecue and some cans, There are also some mutant fruits that even Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know .

Looking at the unknown barbecue on the plate, Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned, looked askance at Wan Qiang, and said in a poor tone: "last time you left Vladivostok, do you remember what I said?"

Wan Qiang was stunned when he heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang was holding the chopsticks in his right hand . Then he laughed and pointed to the barbecue with his chopsticks . He said, "brother c.o.c.kroach, these are not human flesh . At that time, I was not sober enough to do something that disgusted you . Later, I suddenly realized that if you can"t even do it, it would be meaningless to live, I always find a life goal for myself, don"t I? "

Wan Qiang thought of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s previous vows and quickly explained that he was not afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang, but worried that Zhang Xiaoqiang would lose both sides with him . Zhang Xiaoqiang just said it casually . His purpose was to sober up whether these barbecues were human flesh . He nodded and crossed his legs to Wan Qiang"s face, and put the chopper beside him, The dark saber makes Wan Qiang"s eyebrows twitch and wriggle unnaturally . "Brother c.o.c.kroach, let"s be clear . What"s your purpose in j.a.pan? I don"t dare to say anything else . I can still do a little help . It"s better than those Westerners behind you, isn"t it? "

Wan Qiang didn"t want to beat around the Bush and ask Zhang Xiaoqiang about his purpose . His eyes swept over the British and American evolutionists, which made them all look frightened and bow their heads . Zhang Xiaoqiang had no time to answer Wan Qiang . He was so hungry that his heart was close to his back . All kinds of pain on his body were waiting to be relieved . He reached for the big pot with two ears, Put a full pot of rice in front of you, pick up the spoon and feed it to your mouth . You can"t even care about the food . It"s just like a starving ghost, eating in a big mouthful .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s action makes Wan Qiang"s brow light, and he doesn"t care about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s neglect of eating . He puts another big pot in front of him, takes out a spoon the size of a water ladle from behind, and severely scoops out more than half a kilo of rice and chews it in his mouth . Unexpectedly, some of them have a chance to compare with Zhang Xiaoqiang, and they are eating tacitly, Tie Zhongyuan was caught in the middle of two people fidgeting . Most of the two big pots of rice were prepared for WAN Qiang . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang also held one of the big pots, but he didn"t even have the chance to add rice . He just watched the two guys use rice to compare their digestion ability .

Five minutes later, Zhang Xiaoqiang finished all the rice in the pot . More than 20 kilograms of rice did not occupy too much s.p.a.ce in his stomach . The food he ate turned into heat flow in his stomach and swam around all over his body to repair the wound that had not recovered before .

Wan Qiang also threw away one of his finished buckets . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s full face of appreciation, he saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang was still in the mood . His interest also came up . He turned his head and roared from several Russian young men behind him . After a short time, all the basins with mutant beast barbecue broke . Each basin had three or five Jin of barbecue, and some of the meat was half cooked, There was still blood on the other side of the office, and the other side was already burnt . He grabbed a piece of barbecue with a weight of about seven or eight Jin and bit it . He even bit the bone together, and then crunched it in his mouth and said vaguely:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach knows what I mean . Just now the rice is my pre meal order . I"m afraid brother c.o.c.kroach thinks I"m a rude man . Now it"s OK, It turns out that brother c.o.c.kroach is the real man . The real man has to eat meat and drink in a big bowl What"s more, Zhang Xiaoqiang put on a high degree of Baijiu to his stomach, and still said nothing about it . He still had a lot of meat to eat, and no matter whether there was blood or blood, he put it in his mouth and chewed it with his teeth . After two people had eaten 35 pot of barbecue meat, Zhang Xiaoqiang slowed down the speed of biting a big meat .

"As long as you don"t eat people, There is no contradiction between the two of us . You have become the leader of the Russian people . j.a.pan"s forces are complex . All the forces are lurking, and the new era is covetous . Do you have any plans? " Zhang Xiaoqiang said this, let Wanqiang heart dull, this is to make friends with him? But looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang eating barbecue, it seemed that he had no intention to speak . It took him a long time to say:

"There"s a plan for bulls.h.i.t . Blizzard moss, who was supposed to stay well in Russia, has arranged a plan for me, saying that it"s for the future of mankind . Bulls.h.i.t, I don"t know what"s good, How else can you tell me that the world is going to be destroyed? "

"When . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang will finish eating the bone is still in the metal basin, just ten minutes he ate nearly sixty or seventy Jin of things, let his burning stomach stop twitching, surprised to look at Wanqiang, Blizzard moss is what thing, can threaten Wanqiang< br>