Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2134: 2134

Chapter 2134: 2134

The helicopter group took off again . Zhang Xiaoqiang sat in a corner of the cabin with his legs folded, squinting as if he was dozing . According to his ident.i.ty, he was qualified to sit in the most luxurious cabin, holding a cigar, holding red wine, and chatting with Wan Qiang under the service of a beautiful girl . But he really didn"t want to have too much contact with Wan Qiang . He preferred to stay in the most humble cabin with British and American evolutionists, in front of him, John Lee whispered to him the carefully selected list of survivors .

"There are seven semiconductor technology research and manufacturing personnel, who are the backbone of the research departments of major companies . They have considerable working experience and certain academic achievements . There are four professionals in power research related fields, who are good at manufacturing and research of new energy power generation, as well as some talents in aeros.p.a.ce technology and nuclear power plant, In the past, most of them were hired by major companies all over the world . Except for academic exchanges abroad, they were all managed by the j.a.panese Ministry of the interior . They had no chance to find them before . "

John Lee"s report made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel very happy . That is to say, in j.a.pan, even when the end of the world comes, these scientists with certain social status can also be protected . If they were in China, I"m afraid that at the beginning of the collapse of human nature, these weak talents would have been abandoned . Shanghai did find a lot of technical talents, but they were only technical talents, Real heavyweights will not be found among the people . Only those research inst.i.tutes and technology centers with heavy military protection will place these national treasures . Once these people are transported back, they will solve the gap of lack of cutting-edge talents . As long as these people are obedient and loyal to the rejuvenation of China, they will be seduced by becoming evolutionists and seduced by prolonging their life span, Let them teach Chinese scientists carefully, and there will be more top scientists in China in the future .

In the middle of the report, John Lee"s face slightly changed, and he hesitated to say, "brother c.o.c.kroach, the number of people we finally selected is 189 instead of 100 . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t take it seriously . In fact, there is no big difference between 100 people and 200 people . As long as these people have real materials, they will be treasure . In the new era, they will rely on enough science and technology to produce all kinds of high-tech equipment that Zhang Xiaoqiang covets, especially air frigates . That"s really a good thing .

"It"s nothing to surpa.s.s some people, as long as they can bring benefits, as long as they can be loyal to me . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang comforts this very capable evolutionist, and has decided in his heart that no matter how powerful a helper like this can be, he can"t put it back . He has to follow him back to China . The value that John Li can play is far better than that of a fighter in the front line .

"Sorry, c.o.c.kroach . There are only 100 technicians and scientists . The rest are . . . "“ What is it all about? Women? " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were wide open, and a sense of killing instantly choked John Li . John Li looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror, as if by magic . Countless beads of sweat oozed from his forehead and trickled down his cheek like water . He quickly explained: "it"s not women, it"s children . All of them are children under the age of eight, over the age of three . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned when he heard that he didn"t think about the children just now, or deliberately didn"t think about them . There are many children in the gathering place, from young children to children under 12 years old . There are at least more than 1000 people . Many children aged one or two months can"t leave their mothers . Zhang Xiaoqiang really can"t do anything to take them away . I didn"t expect that John Li made the decision to let these children on the plane without authorization .

"In fact, it wasn"t like this at the beginning . I just heard of a quantum physicist whose research achievements were nominated for the n.o.bel Prize . Although he didn"t officially win the n.o.bel Prize, it"s enough to prove his value . He happens to have two sons who are both eight years old . I think his value is worth ten people, so, It"s not easy to arrange after the beginning . "

"That can"t be eighty-nine? Almost everyone here has children with them? " Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks there"s something fishy in it, but Li John glances at Jima, who looks tense and nervous to death . He says helplessly: "there are not many family members . There are only nine children in total, but Jima insists on hurting other children . These children have lost their parents in the disaster . If we don"t take them away, they can"t live for three days, so . . . "

Now Zhang Xiaoqiang understands the cause and effect . The huge changes in the gathering place a few days ago have led to a large number of deaths . Many people have lost their children, and many children have lost their parents . The period from three to eight is just the best time to educate them . It won"t be long before they forget j.a.pan and the past . Jima obviously has the intention of persuading Zhang Xiaoqiang, When Jima saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang forgot to come to her, she trembled a little . She was not afraid for herself, or worried about the children . When she was able to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang down the slope to kill Fushan, it showed that she was kind-hearted . According to the western concept, women are always soft hearted for their children, even more than their own lives .

"I know . These children need special attention . Don"t expect me to find a nanny for you . I"ll be soft hearted and take care of them . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t trouble Jima and John Lee for the children . Anyway, he is in debt . If he has more children, he will have fewer j.a.panese adults .

When John Li finished reporting everything, the plane group also arrived at Gangben camp . When he was about to find a place to land, the sudden battle alarm made Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly change color . Then tie Zhongyuan said through the internal communication system, "brother c.o.c.kroach, your camp has been occupied by the British . Would you like us to help you kill them in the next step?"“NO……。” In John Lee"s real-time translation of Jima, Jima can"t help but scream . Then all the British people are in a commotion . Before they want to protest against Zhang Xiaoqiang, the American evolutionists on one side hold the British down like wolves, and Jima can"t move because of John Lee"s weird ability .

"Try not to kill people as much as possible . You can do the rest . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is very upset when the British touch his hometown . G.o.d knows if the British will drain the blood of thousands of people in Okamoto camp . If they are j.a.panese, they will return it . But if they find some people close to him, he will never let them go .

Bound by all sorts of things, Ono is almost desperate . He looks at the elegant but hard hearted British woman, who kills all their evolutioners without any reason . The evolutioners who have just been attracted by him are powerless and let his heart bleed . Without Zhang Xiaoqiang here, These evolutionists are the foundation of his governance, and what makes him vomit blood is that more than 2400 survivors have been driven to the open s.p.a.ce, ready to be transported by air . These survivors are all the people Zhang Xiaoqiang handed over to him and the cornerstone of his family . Now they have become the spoils of the British, including himself .

And Elizabeth, who was captured by Zhang Xiaoqiang, might have been eaten by the swarming zombies or burnt to c.o.ke by the mountain fire if he hadn"t seen her bring back . Even if she was locked up in Gangben camp, she didn"t let the evolutionists rape her, and even provided precious food, But it was she who personally killed the evolutionists who took care of her one by one, just like killing a chicken without any pity .

What makes him even more angry is that the horsetail girl Zhang Xiaoqiang stayed here and the two children were also tied up . Not to mention that Liu Manman is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s compatriot, these children are Zhang Xiaoqiang"s closest friends . If there is any mistake, he doesn"t know what Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anger will look like . At this time, something even more desperate happened, The sky appeared a group of black helicopters . Looking at it, I don"t know how many . There were more than 30 ferocious armed helicopters alone, which made him suffocated in despair and gave the oppressed people the desire to vomit .

Colonel Byron is very opposed to the general"s extermination of Okamoto, and even more opposed to her preferring to listen to Elizabeth"s idea of killing all the evolutioners . Elizabeth has not been abused by the other party, which can be seen by anyone . In other words, the survivors of Okamoto treat Elizabeth too well without any unfair treatment . Okamoto has the best diet and supply, Even as a woman, she has never been violated . The British, who always regard themselves as gentlemen, can"t do it . He knows that in the base, the Chinese treat the j.a.panese like this . In the end of the collapse of human nature, if they can"t vent to their own people, they can only vent to the enemy . But the j.a.panese here have done everything they can, anyway, They are all respectable .

Seeing the evolutionists fall under Elizabeth"s butcher"s knife, Byron knows that they are totally upset with the Chinese . He is willing to believe that Zhang Xiaoqiang is kind-hearted in treating Elizabeth like this, and has the style of a country of etiquette more than any other country . On the contrary, these Westerners who claim to be civilized have become barbaric terms, Even if the hunter team and the Exodus fleet are all lost, it"s no wonder that the Chinese people will die like this . It"s not common for ordinary evolutionists to be able to get in and out of a million corpses and kidnap ghost faced demons . Maybe the Chinese people are on their way back? When he thought of this, Byron was thrilled . All of a sudden, a crisp cursing came from his body, which attracted his attention . Looking up, he saw two ferocious looking men carrying a young horsetail girl who was as young as jasmine walking to the house not far away . His heart was filled with anger, Yells at the general who looks coldly at the crying survivors

"General Sophia, is that what you want to see? Is this what we call salvation? Killing all non Westerners like animals, devoid of human nature, without principle and order, violence, killing, rape, arbitrary violation of other people"s dignity . Compared with these j.a.panese, I feel ashamed . Can"t you feel it . . . " After that, without waiting for the general"s reply, Colonel Byron thundered at the two obscene faced evolutionists: "let her go, you two stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, or I"ll put a rocket into you, I swear . . . "

Byron"s roar shocked all the evolutioners present and made the general frown . However, the two evolutioners were not afraid of Byron . They put up their middle finger provocatively and continued to walk towards the house where the red corpse was lying at the door .

"Byron, they need to relax . 231 evolutionists and crew members are lost . Everyone feels bad . I believe everything will be OK when we leave j.a.pan . . . " The general"s cold language stopped the trembling Byron . Byron glanced at the general with a strange look, but his clenched hands could not calm his heart . He gritted his teeth and said to the general, "general, you will regret it . Dehumanization is the most poisonous poison . This poison will make all evolutioners forget honor, justice, pity and conscience, It will turn them into beasts who only know how to kill and be cruel . It will turn them into flames that can"t be extinguished and burn them and everything around them to ashes . I"m sorry, from now on, I"m human Byron, no longer commander Byron of England . . . "With that, Byron was suddenly deformed . Byron, who had never shown his ability in front of anyone, expanded to more than three meters high like the Hulk . His clean and straight military uniform was instantly torn into countless pieces, and his curly muscles appeared in his upper body out of thin air, making him like a raging t.i.tan, his angry eyes flashing with the color of fire, The earthworm like tendons move upstream of his muscles . With a roar, Byron rushes out . The beautiful horsetail girl suddenly changes her image in his heart . Her black hair is changed into gold . Her delicate face is the same as his beautiful little sister . The two evolutors holding the horsetail girl suddenly feel unprecedented danger and turn around in surprise, But see like King Kong like monster is rushing towards them, immediately brain a blank .

Byron, who rushed to them like the wind, roared and pulled forward with his strong arms . He held their ankles tightly in his hands, just like talking about dolls . He threw two evolutioners who were so scared that they lost their mobility to the ground . In bursts of loud noise, the corpses were up and down in his hands, The horsetail girl sitting on the ground watched in horror as the irascible Byron beat the two evolutioners . In the splashing blood, she opened her mouth and screamed .

Just when everyone looked at Byron and was surprised, a strange noise came from the sky . The only two Apache helicopters scattered into countless pieces in the burst fireball . The deafening roar made everyone look at the sky in surprise, but at this time, they found that the sky was full of all kinds of helicopters, The ka50 helicopter that destroyed Apache was rushing towards them at high speed, while in the back, various kinds of multi-purpose helicopters, such as M24, M28, m171, ka28, KA52, were swarming in . The dense fleet made everyone on the scene deeply desperate, and the most desperate one was the general, Hundreds of evolutionists and dozens of helicopters are all the belongings and personnel of the whole Britain in j.a.pan . Now they are all exposed to the fierce wolves like lambs< br>