Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2148: 2148

Chapter 2148: 2148

"No, we are cheated by the omniscient this time . He also admitted that he is an ally with brother c.o.c.kroach . He guides us from China to Africa and Europe . In case he tells brother c.o.c.kroach our position, I"m afraid . . . " Paul suddenly thought of a thing, and immediately refuted the temptation of Xuefeng . This time he robbed the air frigate of the new era . The most powerful force was the omniscient . All kinds of action plans and plans, and they deliberately violated the plan and made their own decisions, leading to being rescued by others who provided new information . All these were the credit of the omniscient . In other words, they went to the new era shipyard themselves, Maybe if you can"t see the shipway in the mountains, it will be destroyed .

The omniscient is like a magic spell, which makes Franklin and Xuefeng silent . They feel that the omniscient is a peep all the time . They may come out at any time to tell you how to do it, how to do it, what can"t be done and what can be done . On the contrary, they gradually begin to rely on the omniscient, If they hadn"t lost contact for a day, they would have been fooled to China by the omniscient .

"How can it be? Even if brother c.o.c.kroach knows where we are, can he fly over? With those slow airships? They"re coming . Can"t we run? I can"t . every place I go, I gather millions of zombies to surround me . We have escort boats in the sky and zombies on the ground . How can we not fall into the hands of brother c.o.c.kroach? "

Xuefeng"s face is also a little ugly . Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue are the magic words in his heart . They don"t even have the courage to resist . They think that Xuefeng is much stronger than he is now, and they are not killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang . He and Zhang Xiaoqiang are enemies, and they just send food . They never think about fighting with Zhang Xiaoqiang . They just want to be happy where there is no Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Commander Gao Yi, I can"t bear to see brother c.o.c.kroach . There is an old Chinese saying that a big mountain can"t hold two tigers . Both commander and brother c.o.c.kroach are overlords . Now commander volunteers to go far away . I believe brother c.o.c.kroach won"t blame him . If one day brother c.o.c.kroach is in trouble, commander will give his hand to help . . . " Franklin really let Xuefeng defecte . No matter where he went, as long as there was no new era and Chinese . With powerful weapons and strong leaders, he set up his own company to be a high-level man . How could he be better than others as a small worker?

"Well, that"s settled . We have two large air ships with 500 tons of ammunition and energy supplies, 600 crew members directly under our command and 2070 prisoners . We can"t keep floating in the sky all the time . We have to find a place to stay . Where do you say we should fly? In the past, it was Myanmar . After flying over Malaysia, it was almost at the China Sea . We had to make plans as early as possible . . . "Xuefeng said, ignoring other things, decided not to return to China . At this time, all the pictures on the display frequency were changed into minute countdown, and the countdown of large and small became the most striking thing of the bridge .

"This . . . What is this . . . " Franklin, the least daring, screamed at once“ I don"t know . It looks familiar . " Xuefeng screams for the second time, and then he feels more dangerous fear than facing Zhuo Mingyue . Paul suddenly takes a cold breath and shouts: "this is the self destruct device . The self destruct device of the air escort boat has been activated . . . , get off the ship quickly, there are terrible bombs on the ship . . . "

"What"s the matter . . . " Xuefeng wails . When he makes the most important decision in his life, he suddenly gives it to him . It"s like a man on the top of the mountain suddenly falls into the abyss . But Xuefeng"s greatest skill is to run for his life . On that day, even Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fleet pursuit was bluffed by him . At the moment, he is not slow . He grabs xiangyu"er like an escape boat, He was still shouting: "it must be the omniscient . I know that he is not a good thing . There will not be blood crystals in the sky . Let"s pray for our own happiness . . . "

"Lord Commander, below is the sea . . . " Franklin screamed bitterly, and Xuefeng stopped slightly, but still rushed forward . The escape boat didn"t fly far away . The most likely thing was that it would crash to the sea . If it was good in the previous life, the lifeboat could float on the sea, and there were weapons, medical food and other supplies . But the mutant animals were not vegetarian . It can be said that Xuefeng could come and go freely in the sea of millions of corpses, But on the water, not a penguin in the desert is more flexible .

"No, all the equipment is locked and can"t open the door . . . " Without waiting for Xuefeng to rush past, some crew members arrived at the gate first . They couldn"t open the door by any means and couldn"t help shouting anxiously“ Break open . . . " Paul roared, drew out his pistol and shot like a metal gate . Fluorescent bullets cut sparks on the gate . One by one, bouncing bullets flew around the bridge . Many crew members could not care to be killed . They were lying on the ground with their heads in their arms, enduring the mysterious bouncing bullets

"Dead . . . We are all going to die . We have known for a long time that Quanzhi is not a good thing . We should not listen to him at all . How safe it is to stay in China . . . " Franklin was also lying on the ground, crying out heartbroken . Xuefeng was as pale as a human being and hugged his nanny like a little girl who was about to be insulted by the villain . He wanted to speak but could not speak . He could survive in the escape capsule . Even if he was floating on the sea, he could survive . Even if the body was torn and torn, he could still survive, But in this high alt.i.tude of tens of thousands of meters, there is a supernova bomb on the air frigate, he will never survive . "Omniscient, come out, let"s have a good talk . . . " Paul is the bravest one among the three, but he can"t stand the countdown of single digits . He roars hysterically in Russian . In the open bridge, Paul"s roar echoes and shakes everyone"s eardrum, which makes Xuefeng wake up suddenly . He screams: "when you go back to China, you must know China . No one is allowed to leave again, The air frigate and everything on the ship belong to brother c.o.c.kroach . Who said I didn"t tear him up . . . "

Xuefeng"s words are like a magic of time stop . The countdown stops at 3 . 1 seconds . The microseconds that were still rolling before are like a magic spell . When he sees the final stop, it makes him gasp . Then all the displays return to normal . Only a beautiful girl appears on the largest display frequency, At the moment when the oriental girl appeared, Xuefeng and others exclaimed in surprise: "are you the omniscient?"

"Isn"t it brother c.o.c.kroach who is looking for Xiao San outside? Well, should I tell my wife? It almost killed me . If it wasn"t for my cleverness, maybe this woman would have killed me . " Looking at the beautiful oriental girl, Xuefeng could not help slandering her in her heart . She had never been so close to death . She was just a little bit closer to becoming an ion under the supernova halo .

"I am not omniscient sir, I am Nu Wa . . . " The girl"s eyes didn"t look at any of them, and she looked very proud . Her voice was beautiful, but there were no twists and turns . It was like a pool of stagnant water . Xuefeng, Franklin and Paul didn"t know the existence of Nuwa, and they listened respectfully together . Six eyes swept the corner from time to time, showing the only frequency of countdown three seconds . Obviously, Nuwa didn"t really touch the threat of self destruction .

"In view of your rebellious tendencies, I will take over the command of air frigates and transport ships from then on until I find Mr . Zhang Xiaoqiang and ask him to punish you . . . " Nuwa"s words make Xuefeng unable to listen . He rebelled against brother c.o.c.kroach . How did he get involved with Zhang Xiaoqiang? Paul said frankly: "I"m sorry, this beautiful lady . We won"t take over the punishment of Mr . Zhang Xiaoqiang . Only one person can punish us . He is the highest leader of Huaxia Renaissance, brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach is in j.a.pan . He is Mr . Zhang Xiaoqiang . The first task of the air force will be to turn to Okinawa to meet you . Before going to Okinawa, you will land on Shazhou island in Zhenjiang . In addition to the crew operating the ship, you three will be temporarily arrested . Do you have any questions?"

Do you hear the arrest? Franklin and Paul change color at the same time . Only Xuefeng doesn"t matter . He yearns for freedom, but he yearns for the continuation of life . As long as he can live, there is nothing that can"t be abandoned . "When . . . " Paul couldn"t hold the pistol in his hand any longer . He fell on the deck and looked at Nu Wa . He finally asked, "who is master omniscient, and what is his relationship with brother c.o.c.kroach . . . " Nu Wa gave Paul a humanized look and answered, but mechanically said: "all the warship materials and personnel you get belong to Huaxia Renaissance, and all the acts of splitting and destroying Huaxia Renaissance are regarded as hostile acts . This time, in order to preserve the integrity of the warship, I did not detonate the warship at the first time, only this time . . . "

Looking back at the display screen of the world"s electronic map, paoer is sluggish . Xuefeng lets go of xiangyu"er and pours himself a gla.s.s of Requiem wine from a wine bottle filled with blood . Franklin sits on the deck limply . He betrays the new era first, and now he betrays Zhang Xiaoqiang . He shudders at the thought of the punishment, Only xiangyu"er looked at Xuefeng"s back with twinkling eyes . Just now, Xuefeng remembered to take her with her when she ran away, which made her withered heart infuse with nectar again< br>