Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2158: 2158

Chapter 2158: 2158

The underground hangar is still waiting for the return of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Thousands of evolutionists and survivors are all safe . They gather in front of the built-up display screen to watch the video images sent back by Zhang Xiaoqiang and others . From the beginning of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s departure, everything they have experienced is fed back to the hangar through the built-in battlefield information integration simulation platform of American armor, even if they don"t go out, They can also experience what Zhang Xiaoqiang and others have experienced . Zhang Xiaoqiang and 30 evolutionists, like pioneers of exploration, bring back all kinds of information to the people left behind in the hangar . They all sit quietly on the ground and stretch their necks to watch the sound picture . They are excited about all kinds of images on the picture . At the back of the crowd, they are hidden in a small room inside the hangar, Darihachi stood respectfully behind Wan Qiang and looked at the little display from Wan Qiang"s shoulder . What Zhang Xiaoqiang saw on the frequency .

Wan Qiang didn"t make a sound all the time . From beginning to end, he didn"t let go of any details . Many survivors and evolutionists didn"t notice the details . Only he found something unusual . Looking at the mother nest on the screen, Wan Qiang recalled the scene when Zhang Xiaoqiang killed the insect tide, Thousands of beetles turn into charred corpses in the fire light around Zhang Xiaoqiang . Wan Qiang has seen Zhang Xiaoqiang use this move to push Sophia back . He didn"t expect that the power of full power will be so great . There will be no living creatures within 200 meters, and the remaining flying insects will disperse . If Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability can continue to play, I"m afraid it"s not a delusion to recover the ground airport .

In this way, Wan Qiang can"t stay . Now that Zhang Xiaoqiang is out in the limelight, he seems to be a tortoise . As a proud and strong man, Wan Qiang will never allow him . Of course, he can"t fight against Zhang Xiaoqiang . Now the biggest threat is flying insects and the new era, so he must show some things to prove that he is above Zhang Xiaoqiang, As for what to take out? Wan Qiang"s eyes narrowed, turned to the respectful darihachi behind him and asked, "have I got the vacuum bomb back from my plane? Is there any inspection and maintenance? "

When darihachi heard the name of the vacuum bomb, he was suddenly dull and in a panic . As the leader of the maintenance team of the vacuum bomb, why didn"t he know the power of that thing? The vacuum bomb is the largest bomb in the world . It is known as the father of bombs . Its power is four times higher than that of the mother of bombs in the United States . It can be regarded as a non polluting nuclear bomb . The 7 . 8-ton high-efficiency bomb can release 44 metric tons of TNT . Now the bomb is placed in the underground hangar . Once it explodes, there will be no one living in the entire underground hangar .

"It has been checked . It can be detonated at any time . May I ask your majesty, we . . . "“ Don"t ask if you shouldn"t ask . Send out 100 barbarians and be ready at any time . " Wan Qiang touches his smooth scalp and interrupts darihachi"s inquiry . He stares at the insect nest on the screen and is secretly proud of himself . If he flattens the insect nest, the credit is absolutely nothing to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Wu fan, with his steel knife in his hand, followed tiezhongyuan to the city . It was not obvious among more than 600 people with cold weapons . But people around him always subconsciously kept away from him . Captain brown, who was walking in front of him, looked back at Wu fan from time to time with complicated eyes . Wu fan was an evolutionist, Evolutionists can be regarded as high-end force among other forces, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t necessarily look up to it . He just wants to help Colonel Simon recover the military supplies warehouse . Twelve subordinates and five British people in tiezhongyuan are weak, so he enlists volunteers among Wu fan .

In order to make a good impression on Zhang Xiaoqiang, Wu fan joined with 20 companions . After eating two high-energy sticks, he became a member of the suppression army . He didn"t know what he was going to face . For the future of more than 100 companions, he had to fight at the front line . When they got close to the city center, The long lost zombies were like a black tide in front of them . Tens of thousands of zombies were crowded in several blocks, ready to welcome their arrival . The sky was covered by insects . In order not to attract the attention of the insects, they could only use cold weapons . Looking at the sea of corpses formed by tens of thousands of dead bodies in front of them, all of them were pale except the silver beetles, Just as they shiver with their legs and want to retreat, Wu fan suddenly roars and rushes forward with a steel knife . He never forgets the oath that one person will die and one finger will be broken . For the sake of the life and death of the 100 survivors behind him, he finally overcomes his fear and rushes to the front of the corpse group pointlessly .

Just at this time, a silver figure suddenly floated up, like a meteor across a fast arc to hit the corpse group . Around the figure, twelve ancient jade l.u.s.trous animal teeth suddenly accelerated, with dazzling shadows, rolled up a flesh storm in the front of the corpse group, and Wu Fanfei ran forward quickly, In my eyes, there is only the flesh storm like a meat grinder . In my heart, a long-standing emotion suddenly erupts . As a Chinese, it is particularly difficult in the last days of j.a.pan . The harsh environment, dangerous zombies, and the hostility of the indifferent j.a.panese make them feel at a loss about the future, Even in the last days, they still can"t fit in .

But now, tiezhongyuan"s killing storm in the sea of corpses shows him a new way, a way to break free from the shackles of his soul . This is his evaluation of tiezhongyuan, and also his future road . When the strange figure of the British suddenly appears in the middle and back of the zombies, pieces of zombies fall like wheat, At this time, Wu fan finally followed tiezhongyuan on the road of meat sauce blur . Without waiting for the evolution around him to scold him, Wu fan"s body accelerated again, just like a bullet out of the barrel rushed into the most dense place of the zombie . Time seemed to stop at this moment . Countless zombies pa.s.sed by Wu fan . As long as they were left behind by him, all the zombies would suddenly collapse, Wu fan is the sharp knife that can pierce everything . A pair of pieces of meat form a road sign behind him . Thousands of zombies are broken behind him . "Robbers, they are all a group of robbers . I knew that Yinmeng people are not good things . They are real b.a.s.t.a.r.ds . . . " Huang Tingwei was sitting on the throne of the captain and swearing . All the pilots around him bowed their heads and turned a deaf ear to him . They knew why Huang Tingwei kept swearing . This time, they went to Erdos in Yinmeng to receive combat shuttle and UAV . The receptionists represented by Venus visited all kinds of equipment and materials seized by transport ships in Europe in the form of consolation, Huang Tingwei was just at the moment of his pride . He forgot the old saying that he had no money to show . He was fooled by Venus . In the name of research, he took away 500 cracking rifles and two cracking guns, 1000 sets of individual combat terminal systems and 20 sets of battlefield commander combat suits, which were the combat equipment of the frigate Marines copied by Xuefeng in the warehouse of the new era, Did not expect that no one in Hubei attention, but in Yinmeng was Venus this villain to miss .

When Venus went to accept the equipment, she took the deployment warrant issued by Huang Tingwei after he was drunk . After Huang Tingwei woke up, the equipment had been transferred to the front-line evolutors by Zhao Jun . when he came to the front-line evolutors to ask for a crime, Venus people evaporated, Ishiharano thanks him for his contribution and help in the battle of Yinshan with his most sincere smile . He also said that he would inform Huang Quan of his selfless support for his brother"s army and let him reward him . At that time, he poured his anger into his heart and stopped ishiharano"s announcement . He knew that if Huang Quan knew about it, he would skin him the next time he met, Huang Quan has been depressed about the revival of the first army, which is inferior to the second army of Yinmeng, both in terms of staffing and weaponry . It would be unimaginable to know that he gave Yinmeng the elite equipment that can form ten sharp knife companies of the first division .

What makes him most indignant is that ishiharano, who seems to be loyal and kind, but in fact is cunning and multi-faceted, actually recognized the dead place he didn"t want to let Huang Quan know, and took it as a threat to remove all the 400 tons of Quartermaster materials from the transport ship from the new era, although these Quartermaster materials are the standard ammunition and weapons of the new era combat Corps, There are also standard uniforms and individual rations, but these things are the property of air frigates? It"s the b.l.o.o.d.y Phoenix who made the type 3 zombies go all the way from Europe to the transport ship .

After some refutation, Huang Tingwei lost his temper and quickly accepted the equipment to go on the road . He didn"t know if ishiharano would take down the main laser gun of the frigate if he delayed a little longer? On the way to j.a.pan, Huang Tingwei became more and more angry and unwilling . This time, it was a complete robbery . How did he not know that after Zhang Xiaoqiang arrived in Hubei, he found a lot of materials for Hubei in Shanghai . More than 2000 evolutors were included in the bag, not to mention that Xuefeng could make type 3 zombies accept the control of AI Xuexue and other corpse controllers, A zombie squadron was set up, which made Yinmeng feel that Zhang Xiaoqiang had become a stepmother in his absence . This time, the battle of Yinshan in Hohhot was recovered, and Yinmeng"s foundation that had been kept for more than half a year was wiped out . The front-line troops could not even supply bullets . The Deputy commanders of several main divisions went to the door of Zhou Jie"s house to fight on the floor . Without giving them ammunition, they listened to the corner every night, Zhou Jie fights with his wife every day< br>