Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2160: 2160

Chapter 2160: 2160

Zhang Xiaoqiang finds the key to solve the problem, but wan Qiang, like a cat smelling fishy smell, comes to the door and plans to solve the mother insect nest alone . Looking at Wan Qiang with high spirits, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expression is strange . Have you ever seen such shameless, or have you never seen such shameless? You can"t see people gnawing bones, but you can pick peaches . It"s shameless to such an extent . Wanqiang"s thick sh.e.l.l can"t be blown up .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, please don"t be polite to me . We are all our own people . We all come from a gathering place . Who else can I help if I don"t help you? The problem of flying insects must be solved . There are some things on hand that can be used . Brother c.o.c.kroach has been busy for so many days and just had a rest . The rest is taught to me . . . "

Wan Qiang enthusiastically appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . His ferocious and twisted face forced him to smile . Instead of being kind, he felt even more terrifying . Simon and others were frightened by Wan Qiang"s appearance . Wan Qiang was on guard for the first time . Wan Qiang didn"t pay attention to these bugs, and his eyes were always on Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to Wan Qiang and said to Simon, "this is the supreme leader of the new Russian government, your Majesty the new czar . We are here to investigate the possible impact of red algae on the land . Maybe the collapse of j.a.pan has something to do with red algae . . . "

After Zhang Xiaoqiang introduced Wanqiang to Simon, he gave a general description of the current situation, and did not shy away from Wanqiang . The problem of flying insects can be solved, but it is not easy to do in the new era . Wanqiang will pay attention to the mother insects, so it is better to come up with a way to solve the problem of the new era . The three people held a meeting outside the outpost in the depression, From time to time, flying insects came down to the crowd and crawled around . Looking at the beetles the size of palm, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly flashed a light in his heart . It seems that these beetles are not only regarded as mutant insects . Simon had planned to use beetles as meat supplement before . One beetle peeled off its carapace and removed its visceral head, which accounted for one third of the edible s.p.a.ce, If tens of millions of beetles can be cla.s.sified and raised, it will be thousands of tons of high protein refined meat .

These things are eaten everywhere, and their digestive system is immune to almost all plant toxins . The mutant plants on Okinawa are as developed as those in other places . However, in a few days, several mountain plants have been gnawed into white land . Although they have caused damage to the environment, we can find another way to understand that these beetles are the best means to eliminate the mutant plants?

Of course, for the moment, recovering beetles is like a hundred day dream . Not to mention that the speed of beetles is like lightning . Once they are enraged, they will become the king of h.e.l.l . Even if these beetles are harmless, they will not be able to get rid of these tens of millions of insects . The only way is to catch the mother beetles . With the mother beetles, they will have countless beetles . At that time, they will set up some breeding farms all over the country, According to the greediness of beetles, which is comparable to that of locusts, maybe even the spreading red algae in the sea can be swallowed .

Wan Qiang is bragging with Simon about the power of the father of the bomb, such as the explosion radius of 300 meters, the second air explosion, the burning air, etc . Simon is in a daze . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly jumps up and walks back and forth in front of them, as if he is hysterical . In surprise, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly raises his head, Bright eyes twinkled with aggressive look, looking at the two people said: "we can"t kill the mother insect, we must catch it alive, before that, we must first remove the adults beside the mother insect . . . "

"You"re crazy . . . " Wan Qiang retorts directly, while Simon looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang strangely . He seems to be looking for something wrong with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes his head and says, "mother worms are of great use . Once the troubles of the new era are solved, I will take mother worms back to China . When the time comes, we will go our separate ways . I"m here to a.s.sure you that as long as you can help me get mother worms, I will help you achieve your goals, no matter what you need . . . "

If Zhang Xiaoqiang"s conjecture is true, the importance of mother insects will exceed everything else . Red algae are the main culprit of engulfing the land . In order to curb the growth of red algae, one horned beetle, a greedy creature, must engulf it faster than the growth of red algae, Tens of millions of Unicorn beetles, ice beetles and knife arm beetles have to be cleaned up .

"What do you want that for? Let"s not say that it weighs at least ten tons . Let"s say that tens of thousands of big blue beetles around the game are not vegetarians, and that mantis and c.o.c.kroach brother, the size of a car, are all from the countryside . You can"t fool us into jumping into the fire pit . . . " Wan Qiang"s first thought is to refuse . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s idea is too bold . It"s beyond his expectation . According to his idea, he will transport the bomb to the top of the mountain where the flying insects live and detonate it . At that time, he will become the hero of the game . After sweeping away the impression of the tortoise before, Zhang Xiaoqiang has to take a shortcut and play with the mother insects . Is that funny?

"Bang . . . " A colorful crystal nucleus is thrown at Wan Qiang"s feet . This fist sized crystal nucleus immediately attracts Wan Qiang"s attention . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at this crystal nucleus as if he doesn"t give up . Wan Qiang doesn"t know what gourd Zhang Xiaoqiang bought and bends down to hold it in his hand . Wan Qiang"s palm is more than twice as big as ordinary people"s . The crystal nucleus is like a small pigeon egg in his hand, Holding it in the center of the palm, Wan Qiang can feel the feeling of the unclear truth contained in the crystal nucleus . He is surprised again . "It"s not as complicated as you think . We don"t have to go into the nest and kill each other . As long as it"s a mutant animal, it will be crazy . I don"t think the female will refuse . The only thing we have to consider is how to deal with the ice beetle and the knife arm beetle after we lure the female out . "

Wan Qiang didn"t completely believe it, and he didn"t believe it at all . However, when he heard that he didn"t need to enter the nest, he didn"t care . Simon didn"t believe it either . But he had already made friends with Zhang Xiaoqiang before, so he let it go . At this time, John Li came in and whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang, "brother c.o.c.kroach, The Chinese leader who escaped from the j.a.panese said that there is a way to get through the city, and I need to report to you . . . "

Wu fan was once again brought to Zhang Xiaoqiang . This time, Wu fan successfully attracted Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention . At the moment, he is totally different from the previous one, not that his appearance has changed . Zhang Xiaoqiang has met countless people and never cares whether others are handsome or not . He only has one person"s aura, even if an ordinary person has a strong aura, Zhang Xiaoqiang will also respect him . Similarly, if a strong evolutionist does not have his own aura, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not pay attention to it, because he knows that stripping away that layer of weak strength, what is left is only pale weakness .

Wu fan was no longer careful and timid . He stood in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang like a steel knife out of sheath . His plain eyes had no more emotion and depression . When he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang appear, Wu fan didn"t get up to Zhang Xiaoqiang and grovel at the first time . He was also looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang and the new Wan Qiang, In the first stage of urban suppression, Wu fan had a strong heart, and his feeling was more acute . Before, he faintly felt that Zhang Xiaoqiang was terrible, but now he felt even more . He intuitively realized that the unreachable tension and pressure contained in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s silence . Staying around Zhang Xiaoqiang was as dangerous as a bomb that could be detonated at any time, And Wanqiang with needless to say, he felt the suppression of natural enemies in Wanqiang, Wanqiang is like a mighty lion, and he is more like a lamb shaking in front of the lion .

"Are you looking for me?" Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t talk much . He cut into the topic directly . Wu fan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and glanced at the ground . He didn"t dare to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang and WAN Qiang . He clenched his fist and said as flatly as possible: "I found a sound equipment warehouse . There are many loudspeakers in it . I know flying insects are very sensitive to noise . Maybe we can let them clean up the zombies for us, We just need to power up those speakers . "

"There"s no problem with electricity . This time, we found a lot of diesel oil and military electric vehicles, which can provide 12 hours of full load electricity for 3000 people"s barracks . There"s no big problem with the lines . There are 30 kilometers of cables in the Quartermaster warehouse, so we just need the agile evolutors to send the cables to the top of the corpse . " At this time, tiezhongyuan also came up . He was the first person to know Wu fan"s plan . At the beginning of the city"s suppression war, he took the lead . Later, Wu fan came from behind and made him cherish Wu fan . Because for the first time, Wu fan broke out after the corpses running through the three long streets, thanks to his timely rescue, Otherwise, Wu fan, a well deserved top evolutor, might be a flash in the pan .

"We can provide special equipment that can seal off the whole body odor . These equipment are specially used for special chemical agents in enemy rear raids . If it wasn"t for the storage of these things in the middle of the city, we would have wiped out millions of variants . . . " Simon also stood up . The Quartermaster warehouse is like Doraemon"s treasure bag . There are all kinds of strange things . If it works properly, it can really provide them with the greatest convenience .

"Zombies will be attracted by noise and blood . If the zombies are gathered with blood first, and then the sound equipment is started, maybe . . . " Tiezhongyuan took out the electronic flat map found in the U . S . military warehouse and drew several red circles on it to mark the zombie intelligence that the Russians had investigated in the air before .

Wan Qiang raised his eyebrows . This is a very good way . The oil depot is on the other side of the city . If you want to get through the oil storage tank, you should first cross the city . It"s a good way to tease the flying insects to kill the zombies . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to go further . He wants to get through the city, clear the zombies, recover the oil storage tank, and make a flamethrower to kill the flying insects and catch the females, And then the Okinawa operation ended . On top of that, there was another problem that made him sleep and eat, the problem of the new era .

"Now that you have an idea, go ahead, Wan Qiang . Your people can move . Let them help the Americans to set up air defense positions in the nearby mountains as far as possible . It"s better to set up air defense lines before tomorrow . " It"s about the counter attack of the new era . Wan Qiang doesn"t shirk it and signals tiezhongyuan to handle it . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang successively a.s.signs the division of labor tasks to John Li and Simon . When they are ready separately, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally puts his eyes on Wu fan who is waiting on one side .

"What do you want . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t look up at Wu fan just because he is a compatriot . Some things he has experienced these days make him see clearly . Few of his subordinates ask him to do so . It doesn"t necessarily work with fists . In the end, fists are not as good as favors . Unless they can make everyone respect him, hundreds of progressives will dare to drag him back if they unite together, How about the evolutionists who volunteered to explore with him? Zhang Xiaoqiang, a group of people like Wu fan, didn"t regard them as real compatriots . You should know that Zhang Xiaoqiang had never been to a first tier city before, let alone went abroad . When he was jealous, he didn"t recognize them as people in the same world as himself . Naturally, he didn"t like to see Wu fan . Wu fan was worried when he heard Zhang Xiaoqiang directly ask him what he wanted, but he was stunned . He came up with this method . He just wanted to kill the zombie, without considering what he would get in return . But Zhang Xiaoqiang"s promise was not light . He knew Zhang Xiaoqiang"s current status, and all sorts of thoughts reverberated in his mind for a moment . He said, "go home . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned and couldn"t help looking at Wu fan"s right hand . Wu fan"s right hand had only four fingers, and the tail finger was not broken for a long time . There was a black red blood coc.o.o.n at the root of the tail finger . Seeing the disabled right hand, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help saying to himself: "it"s not easy for Chinese people to die and break one finger . "

"What?" Zhang Xiaoqiang said to himself, but Wu fan couldn"t help asking . Seeing the blood and haggard look in Wu fan"s eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of Hou"s oath in Hubei Province, nodded heavily and said, "I promise you that your companions will return to China one by one, and I will give them a safe environment and a job with no worries about food and clothing . . . " Wu fan"s face brightened . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic changed: "but it doesn"t include you . You are not suitable to live like ordinary people . The greater your ability is, the greater your responsibility is . Whether your companions live well depends on your achievements . There are more and more survivors in China . If you want them to live well, you have to work hard . " Zhang Xiaoqiang formally invited Wu fan to join his own flag . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s approval made Wu fan feel uneasy and relieved . He finally won a better ending for more than 100 of his companions< br>