Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2165: 2165

Chapter 2165: 2165

PS; It"s a bit boring during this period . I"m sorry to publish two chapters every day . It happened that the screenwriter asked me to do some reading activities on the mobile wireless mobile phone, and decided to save ma.n.u.scripts desperately . Starting from the 10th, five chapters broke out first on the mobile phone, and then followed up the next day . The outbreak time is different . Please support me a lot . If you want to have a taste of mobile reading, you can log in to the mobile book, Thank you for your support and encouragement . The new book is being planned and is coming to an end . Please forgive me for some mistakes .

No one thinks about the disaster that Wan Qiang may suffer alone at night . Neither tiezhongyuan nor Zhang Xiaoqiang deliberately mentioned Wan Qiang . The rest people in the drainage ditch, led by Simon himself, returned to Simon"s hometown . The defensive cave that j.a.pan built in the mountains during World War II, and the j.a.panese started construction on Okinawa Island during World War II . Many secret warehouses and caves have been excavated . These caves are as complicated as labyrinths . Many people came here to explore before and finally got lost in the caves and starved to death . Later, the Okinawa government blocked all the entrances until Colonel Simon led people to dig this dusty labyrinth .

More than 4000 people live in this maze, which is not narrow . Zhang Xiaoqiang walked with Simon in the dark for more than an hour before he really got close to the core area . Along the way, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw all kinds of traps and obstacles, and many places were doomed . No matter zombies or humans, once they entered the trap here, even the evolutionists would die again, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that more than one tunnel was installed with explosive packs . Once it was detonated, the whole tunnel would collapse . He also saw many water seeping walls . G.o.d knows what was behind that wall .

Walking through the long tunnel is a thrill, but Zhang Xiaoqiang believes in Simon even more . Simon shows his sincerity to Zhang Xiaoqiang indirectly by exposing their last card . Bright light and figures can be seen outside the core area . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembers that since he entered the tunnel, there is an electric light almost every 20 meters along the way, When he arrived at the core area, it was even brighter, which surprised him . At the beginning, he saw so many electronic instruments in the outpost, and there were so many electric lights here . Obviously, they didn"t use diesel to generate electricity . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t believe that the underground could get enough diesel for three years .

This is a vast hall . Young men and women come in and out . These people are all similar in appearance . They are unkempt, dirty and ragged . Many people"s clothes are sewn with oilcloth . Some people, regardless of men and women, simply wrap them with cloth strips in their crotch . In other places, they are allowed to be naked . They see a pair of fluctuating clothes, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the evolutionists around him feel a little incredible, but they are obviously used to it .

"The shortage of materials makes brother c.o.c.kroach laugh . Most people here are familiar with it . There"s no need to be too rigid . What we pay attention to here is to have fun in time . We want to have a relaxed environment . Otherwise, staying underground for a few years will make most people crazy . . . "

Simon"s face doesn"t hang, He explains to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a low voice that Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t deny it . His eyes carefully inspect every woman he sees . While entertaining, he also thinks about whether the j.a.panese are used to taking nudity as a habit? I still remember a joke I saw before . A senior otaku welcomed a j.a.panese customer at a welcome party and said, "he saw a j.a.panese dressed for the first time . . . " .

"We have experienced all kinds of difficulties . More than once, we are only one line away from the collapse . Today, we have never given up hope . Any small hope that has been achieved is regarded as the greatest victory . It is the so-called victories that enable us to live healthily and maintain the most basic order and humanity . . . "

Simon"s explanation made Zhang Xiaoqiang nod his head . As the group continued to move forward, thousands of people would not have nothing to do in this underground s.p.a.ce . He saw many people entertaining themselves with various gambling games . He also saw some people selling to pa.s.sers-by car mirrors, simple steel spears, and knives made of metal flakes, There are also various kinds of crotch cloth . Some people even sell leather shoes and belts without soles . Of course, there are food shops selling all kinds of processed coa.r.s.e food . There is even a small ramen shop . The enthusiastic shopkeeper seems to shake a small bag of dark yellow flour in his hand .

In general, it"s still very lively here . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen many gathering places, which are not as free and orderly as here . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s praise, Simon said bitterly: "it"s not like this at the beginning . We experienced despair, hope and despair again . This process is like the cycle of h.e.l.l, and many people collapsed, Many people have lost the bottom line of life, there have been violence, there have been crimes, there have been self destructive madness

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t speak and nodded heavily . As he walked through a big cave, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a lot of people queuing up at the door . There was the sound of something whining and turning in the cave . From time to time, he saw a strong man full of sweat coming out from the cave . He took a delicate plastic card from the guard at the door . When one person came out, one person would go in, It"s like a cycle . "This is our power supply room . There are 15 pedal generators in it, and the electricity is enough for us to use . . . " The so-called pedal generator car is a bicycle without wheels, which generates electricity by human power . Fifteen bicycles in it operate almost continuously . No wonder there is so much electricity here . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang began to admire Simon"s fantastic ideas . If he had thought of this method in China, Zhang Xiaoqiang would not have killed so many people . If he had been convicted, he would not have killed so many people, You don"t have to do anything to pedal your bicycle to death, which not only provides electricity, but also enables them to work and reform .

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows what those people used to do with the cards . The cards are the internal currency here . They can buy food and all kinds of materials from the army . They can also circulate among themselves to buy what they want . They can even find some chicks to have fun together, If you want to get this internal currency, you have to complete all kinds of tasks provided by the military . There are many kinds of tasks, including repair tasks, manufacturing tasks, and material search tasks . When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that there was a task to collect materials for making flame launchers, he could not help admiring himself . Simon, they are really a good government . They changed relief food to distribution according to work, It has aroused the enthusiasm of most people, what kind of tasks they have the ability to accomplish, not only let them idle, but also let them take the initiative to work hard for their own life . Because it allows them to work hard, it can avoid some people who have enough to eat and have nothing to make trouble . It can be regarded as more than one stone .

The word "running water is not rotten" is very suitable for this small underground base . Thousands of people can maintain a healthy and positive att.i.tude, which has a lot to do with Simon"s reward scheme . There are all kinds of rewards, only unexpected ones and none that can"t be written . This brings great vitality to the base . Every task is a small hope, To complete a small task is to realize a hope . To realize any hope is a victory . In these small victories, the survivors gradually realize their ability and make them full of more hope for the future . This is the core of Simon"s success .

Taking a quick look at several places of the underground base, Zhang Xiaoqiang has to admit that he may not be able to control the current climate here . However, he thinks that he is not as good as Simon in dealing with civil affairs, but he is definitely much better than Simon in pioneering and enterprising . In the end, when things break out, He can gather and rescue most of the soldiers and officers, and then use the complex terrain of the mountains to attract the zombies to gradually wipe them out, but not until now .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, please sit down in my office for a while . I have something to tell you . . . " After the visit, other people went to the restaurant for dinner under Simon"s guidance . Zhang Xiaoqiang and John Li were left behind . Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that Simon"s request must be related to flying insects, so he followed Simon into a small room with an area of more than 20 square meters . The layout of the room was simple, with a large map of Okinawa hanging on the wall, Each military point is clearly marked on it with a signal pen . In front of the map is an antique folding chair, which seems to have the style of World War II . From the side of the chair, Simon sits nervously on it, looks up at the map and looks for the way out of the underground base . There are many wooden bullet medicine boxes piled up in the corner, and volumes of yellow doc.u.ments and letters are piled up at the top of the box, In addition, there is an old-fashioned desk with a shelf embedded with a j.a.panese army knife . Everything looks old and vicissitudes . In addition, some 38 rifles and southern pistols are hung on the wall, which has the flavor of a j.a.panese military museum, except for a j.a.panese flag< br>