Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2167: 2167

Chapter 2167: 2167

PS; It"s a bit boring during this period . I"m sorry to publish two chapters every day . The screenwriter just asked me to do some reading activities on the mobile wireless mobile phone and decided to save ma.n.u.scripts desperately . Starting from August 10, five chapters broke out first on the mobile phone, and then followed up the next day . The outbreak time varies . Please support me a lot . Mobile reading is free of traffic . If you want to try something new, Thank you for your support and encouragement . The new book is being planned and the book is coming to an end . Please forgive me for some mistakes .

At the next moment, I heard countless squeaks and screams . Anti infantry mines were quite insidious . There was no flame produced by high explosive bomb explosion, and there was not much sound wave . There were only thousands of high-speed steel b.a.l.l.s flying from the front . The fan-shaped coverage area could just block the whole cross section of the sewer . According to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s estimation, Each anti infantry mine can kill at least dozens to hundreds of mice, maybe more .

One after another, there was a roar, and the squeaking sound vibrated back and forth on the wall of the sewer, forming a huge sound wave rushing towards the crowd . Compared with other people"s panic, Zhang Xiaoqiang pinched a stopwatch to calculate the time of each explosion . When he found that the explosion time was getting slower and slower, he finally smile . The longer the explosion time was, the greater the casualties of the rats were, The slower the speed of the rats, if the charging rats lose their speed, it"s not dangerous for Zhang Xiaoqiang . At the last moment, after the mine was detonated, a row of gun barrels behind Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up and put down like a jungle, the bullet chain collided with the mechanism gun body, and hundreds of people breathed together to form a heavy sound wave hovering in the download channel, Hundreds of guns lined up like flowers, tightly sealed the whole sewer, waiting for the moment when the rats appeared .

Zhang Xiaoqiang holds the machete tightly, his whole body trembles slightly, and his heart is beating . What"s coming is an unprecedented killing . He has seen the madness of rats, and knows that although the machete is powerful, it can"t last long . This is just a good place to launch the machete . With one knife left or right, the whole pa.s.sage can be blocked, and he is determined to advance without retreat, But I don"t know whether I can defeat the rat group that made him have a shadow in his heart before .

Ten seconds later, the expected collision did not happen . The pa.s.sage was full of gunpowder mixed with blood . In addition to the heavy gasps of the evolutioners behind, there was only the sound of water at the foot, water? Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly realized that there was no water in the place where they stood before . How could there be water? It"s not only Zhang Xiaoqiang who finds something wrong . Many people use tactical flashlights to shine at their feet . When they see clearly, they are in chaos . What"s the current? All the blood was coming from the front . The blood almost covered their ankles . It was still rising . It was about to cover their legs . The blood was mixed with pieces of skin, bone and meat . Many dead tree like mouse paws were also floating in the blood .

"Hua Hua . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang took a few steps forward in the blood . The flashlight scattered the darkness in front of him . He vaguely saw some shadows at the corner in front of him . The antic.i.p.ated war did not happen, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel impulsive and agitated in his anxiety . He walked forward regardless of the gun mouth that he was concentrating on behind him . Fortunately, John Li was afraid that someone might go off and ordered him to put down the gun mouth, With hundreds of ready-made evolutioners, they went up the stream of blood . In an instant, the sound of blood spread under the feet of hundreds of people .

The last wire was in good condition, but apparently no rats arrived . In front of the third wire from the bottom, there were several large black mice with a length of 78 cm . Huge wounds almost cut the whole body of these mice . The mice floating in the blood were stopped by the second wire from the bottom, and the bulging intestines and viscera piled up along the wound, People who look at it feel retched .

Further on, there are more and more corpses of mice, most of which are cut by steel wires . These steel wires are really big killers for mice running fast . The method of killing mice with the mouse"s own strength has achieved good results . Layers of corpses are startling, and headless ones are everywhere, Zhang Xiaoqiang even saw that several mice without limbs were drowned in the blood, and the bodies of hundreds of mice could not form a blood river like a stream . Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to walk forward, but there was no field to settle down, and the feet were full of soft mouse bodies, which made people"s scalp stand up .

The steel wire in the front is OK, but the steel wire in the back is gradually broken . The b.l.o.o.d.y sewer is full of depression because of the numerous rat corpses . Zhang Xiaoqiang walks in the middle of the b.l.o.o.d.y rat, and more than once almost trips over the greasy corpse under his feet . He is just almost, and the evolutioners who are not good at agility behind him have not known how many times to roll in the middle of the rat?

The rats killed by the steel wire are not without their appearance . When they get to the anti infantry mine position, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s stomach is convulsing like a cramp . Behind him, someone has taken off the mask and vomited wildly . Countless rats" broken bodies form a pile of indistinguishable hills, and the half human high corpse pile makes the dark sewer like h.e.l.l on earth, There are also traces of hundreds of rats trampling on it . The compacted corpse mountain continuously oozes blood, forming a blood river that can submerge the legs .

Walking straight ahead, such corpses can be found everywhere . In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang was even numb . He just went ahead and didn"t think about walking on the dead mice at all . No one wanted to look at the corpses carefully and find out how many mouse tails there were . Everyone followed Zhang Xiaoqiang, Before because of the war and the horror of the mood has been calmed down, but it is the countless rat carca.s.ses let them struggle in nausea . Over the last pile of corpses, he stood on the clean and hard ground . All the men who went in and out of the sea of corpses sat on the ground with their faces unchanged . Many people took off the masks full of vomit and washed them with clean water . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked down at the b.l.o.o.d.y footprints of his military boots on the ground and shook his head . There was more than blood on the boots, There are also rotten meat, broken bones and internal organs, which can not be cleaned up in a hurry, but can only be seen . Looking up, he rushed to John Lee and said, "the plan has changed . The main force of the mouse is not here . Let"s discuss whether we should move on . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang has really seen the rat frenzy . There are many rats behind him, never more than ten thousand . If there are more than ten thousand rats in a tunnel several hundred meters long, I"m afraid the corpses will have to be piled on the ceiling . Since the initial plan to lead the rats out of the hole has not been successful, it means that the battlefield will have to be a rat battlefield, Thinking about the mouse holes in front of him, countless mice suddenly sprang out of them and killed them with guns, Zhang Xiaoqiang shuddered . He had no shooting range and could not form a blocking fire net . Under the siege of tens of thousands of rats, he would be very lucky . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang had the idea of retreating, but the threat of the new era made him unwilling, After all, he has not escaped without fighting for so many years . If he has, will he still have the confidence to deal with a stronger enemy?

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we found this . . . " John Li went forward and threw his things to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s feet, but it was a mouse that was painful and squeaky . The mouse"s eyes had not been opened yet . It was white and wrinkled, lying on the ground, whistling and smelling the surrounding smell, as if calling the mother mouse . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the mouse, which only looked like the size of a palm, suddenly raised its feet and stamped down, He said loudly, "burn all the rat holes for me, and don"t let go of any mouse . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order has been strictly implemented . Originally, the flamethrower that was going to deal with the rat group burned the dark sewer red to the eye . Almost all the rat holes were filled with harsh screams . A half sized flaming mouse rushed out of the hole like a burning fireball, and the smell of blood in the air was suddenly replaced by the scorching smell, Looking at armed men carrying fuel tanks to blow fire into the hole, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hesitation completely disappeared . Any animal would pay attention to their offspring . The rats killed before should be left behind . Obviously, the army is not in the sewer . Where is it?

"Zombies?" Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly found the key point of the problem . Above them is the city . After the day"s clearance, the corpses in the city are almost piled up into mountains . Countless corpses rot on them . Isn"t that the best food for mutant mice? There are only poisonous mushrooms in the sewers . Even the rats who eat everything are miserable . In the past, the ground was occupied by zombies . Even if the rats went up, they would become food for zombies . But now .

"Keep going . . . " Now that the mouse has left the sewer, Zhang Xiaoqiang is at ease . One night is enough time to withdraw thousands of survivors . As for the mouse coming home and finding his wife and children dead, it"s none of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s business . John Li has never seen the rat group . He thinks that all the mice have been killed . He can"t help shouting and cheering the evolutionists . None of them is dead, It"s a very proud thing to kill the rats without firing a shot .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, do you want us to burn the corpses in the back? There is plenty of fuel . If we consume some, we can reduce the burden . . . " John Li thought of the corpse that was almost piled up into a hill behind him, and he couldn"t help proposing to Zhang Xiaoqiang . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t agree, but said: "go, maybe we"ll fight hard behind . . . "< br>