Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2175: 2175

Chapter 2175: 2175

"When on earth can we go down? If the flying insects don"t disappear for a week, will we be stuck for a week?" Zhuo Mingyue experienced the sadness of despair before and the ecstasy of recovery . Her heart is full of that man . She can"t wait to see him . Even waiting for one more minute, she feels hard . Huang Tingwei is also worried, but he has to worry about his own safety . The flying insects in the air are like an invisible barrier, separating them from Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Mrs . Zhuo, please take it easy . I"m trying to find a way . Now, except that UAVs can pa.s.s through the insect swarm, other ships can"t go down . Excuse me, madam . . . " It"s common for Hubei officials to call Zhuo Mingyue his wife . Although Zhuo Mingyue has no real relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhuo Mingyue is so beautiful . Looking for millions of people in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s power, it"s impossible to find a more beautiful woman than Zhuo Mingyue . Besides, she has the same strength as Zhang Xiaoqiang . Other people dare not pursue such a woman except Zhang Xiaoqiang, Nature recognizes the ident.i.ty of Zhuo Mingyue"s wife .

Zhuo Mingyue saw the attack on the UAV with her own eyes . The super flares at night are made of bulletproof materials . Even so, they are easily destroyed . It can be seen that these beetles are powerful . Now Zhang Xiaoqiang is living well below, and she doesn"t need to worry about comfort . However, she always feels like a cat"s paw scratching when she doesn"t know each other, Unexpectedly, as if the omnipotent chief officer stood up again and whispered, "maybe we can go down . Didn"t we accept three combat shuttles? The sh.e.l.l of the combat shuttle is coated with mysterious material . It can withstand the fire of the anti-aircraft machine gun . Maybe it can . . . "

The chief officer doesn"t know the name of Pearl tears, but Huang Tingwei does . He also knows that the combat shuttle is only an experimental immature work . Unlike the UAV, it"s all made of Pearl tears . In terms of protection ability, it"s no worse than the ordinary armored vehicle, but it"s still much worse than the UAV far beyond the tank"s armor . Uncertainty means risk, Especially the risk of personnel loss, even Huang Tingwei can not make the decision to let others die .

"What"s your name . . . " Zhuo Mingyue obviously took a look at the young big subtropical high . Although the method may not work, it"s better than doing nothing silly, right? The first mate was almost blinded by Zhuo Mingyue"s demeanor at this time . He didn"t dare to see more . He bowed his head and said respectfully, "I"m Xiafu Shanlin, a graduate of the second phase of Hubei Military Academy . . . " As far as Hubei military academy is concerned, it can be traced back to the Wenquan base . After accepting a group of officers from the missile base, Zhang Xiaoqiang began to set up a military academy and chose school-age teenagers to study in it . Half of the first group of cadets were a.s.signed to Sanzi, who started a foundation in Jiangxi Province . The second group of cadets became gra.s.s-roots officers in the army, Fu Shanlin was the flagship trainee officer of Gaofeng before he was a.s.signed to the air frigate . In addition to mixing sand with Gaofeng, Fu Shanlin is also the best young officer .

"Then you can help me prepare . I hope to get down as soon as possible . . . " This time, Zhuo Mingyue directly bypa.s.sed Huang Tingwei and ordered Fu Shanlin to make Huang Tingwei"s face look ugly . However, he tried his best to persuade him: "madam, brother c.o.c.kroach is down here . I believe he also knows we are here . Why don"t you wait?"

"I don"t want to wait any longer . I haven"t settled with you for yesterday"s accident . " Zhuo Mingyue is not polite to Huang Tingwei . Although Huang Tingwei is not responsible for the incendiary bomb incident, who let him be the captain? Huang Tingwei looked at Fu Shanlin with a bitter smile, nodded to Fu Shanlin who was waiting for his command and said, "go, let the transport ship connect with us . . . "

As a logistics tool, transport ships are inferior to air frigates in combat effectiveness and speed . The combat shuttles and UAVs taken over from Yinmeng are all stored in the cabins of the air transport ships, and transport ships are gradually changing from cargo ships to air carriers . Therefore, if you want to use combat shuttles, you must connect with transport ships .

Shortly after the Yuanchuan frigate and the transport ship joined the bridge, a small combat shuttle separated from the carrier and flew down . The light shuttle flashed through the insect swarm like a meteor . Before the insect swarm reacted, an invisible shock wave scattered around the shuttle, which formed a substantial ripple in the air . As the shuttle moved forward, it spread layer by layer, All the beetles that were affected by the ripples were smashed . Countless flying insects formed a black rain curtain and fell one after another after the shuttle flashed by . But the shuttle had nothing to do with it . When the shuttle reached the ground not far away, a 50 meter wide blank pa.s.sage was cleared by the shuttle . Although the pa.s.sage was filled by insects in a few seconds, it was frightening enough .

At the moment when the shuttle appeared, Zhang Xiaoqiang found it . Seeing that the shuttle pa.s.sed through the insect swarm intact, Zhang Xiaoqiang had to say h.e.l.lo, and then the shuttle flew to him quickly . At this time, he was taking the No . 200 evolutor to a square, which is the center of the city, with a mountain of zombies piled up . The shuttle rushed to the square like a mad tiger, As soon as the arrow came close to the corpse pile, there was a loud noise . The whole shuttle was thrust upside down on the floor in the center of the square . Countless corpses were scattered around by the huge impact . Zhang Xiaoqiang was distressed to see that it was not a British American Russian plane at the airport . It was his own property?

The evolutionists were also frightened by this crazy landing . They had never seen such a good pilot who dared to compare the hardness of the aircraft with the marble floor . At the next moment, they were all surprised . All of them stared at the woman who opened the cabin . They had never seen such a beautiful and light woman . Many people felt that their hearts were about to explode, They want to melt in this most beautiful face . Some people can"t feel anything . Zombies, companions, cities and himself don"t exist . Only the moon in his eyes is the whole world . John Lee is about to suffocate . He can"t pull out his dreamy eyes since he sees the moon, What a clean and pure pair of eyes? It"s like the most beautiful scenery in the world, which makes him feel blasphemous even when he breathes . But at the next moment, everyone wakes up and looks at the most beautiful woman in horror . Zhuo Mingyue, who piloted the aircraft for the first time, obviously had no talent for flying . She kept the same posture from leaving the carrier and fell down . It"s better to say that she flew down than fell down . When she landed in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, she didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang was here at the beginning, but the place where she fell down was in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Huang Tingwei and Fu Shanlin on the bridge of the air escort also wiped a cold sweat .

Zhuo Mingyue smashes into the zombie pile without finding Zhang Xiaoqiang in front of her . First of all, she feels extremely uncomfortable . The porthole of the frigate is inlaid with the whole Pearl tear plate . As soon as it lands, countless zombies are piled up on the porthole . How can it make her happy? The first time she opened the cabin door, she didn"t even have the mood to look at the environment one more time . Her mind started to fluctuate, and countless corpses piled on the side of the combat shuttle flew into the air at the same time, speeding up and splashing around .

Zhang Xiaoqiang and the evolutionists suffered a lot when Zhuo Mingyue cleaned up . Zhuo Mingyue"s strength today is immeasurable . Hundreds and thousands of corpses are scattered around like flying dandelions . Every corpse can emit a whistling wind, at least tens and hundreds of meters away . A heavy rain of zombies comes over, Zhang Xiaoqiang only had time to throw out a Firebird machete and burn dozens of zombies in front of him into ashes . As for other zombies, he had to let the evolutionists pray for their own happiness .

The 200 people"s team suffered casualties for the first time after entering the city . Over 100 evolutionists were smashed by powerful zombies and flew out, one by one rolling into a pile with rotten zombies . Although the body didn"t hurt much, the psychological damage was a lifelong nightmare, and the protagonist who created their psychological shadow was looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Zhuo Mingyue in surprise< br>