Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2207: 2207

Chapter 2207: 2207

"Catch it . . . " Meow meow is holding the huge fruit and shouting . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but stretch out his arm . Unexpectedly, meow meow and the fruit fall into his arms together, which makes him almost miscalculate the weight . Looking at meow meow smiling in his arms, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help laughing . Although they have been separated for a long time, meow has never changed, and is still the mischievous little mischievous .

Zhuo Mingyue just absorbed the crystal sand of the fourth level crystal nucleus . When she saw Miaomiao wriggling in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms unconsciously, her eyebrows wrinkled and her small hands squeezed tightly together . Miaomiao was almost 16 years old . She was one meter fifty-eight and looked pet.i.te . She had everything a woman should have . A pair of small b.r.e.a.s.t.s seemed inconspicuous, and she was only a little short of being ready to come out .

"Big villain, I"m not allowed to drive me away . No matter where I go, I"ll follow you . . . " Miaomiao obviously forgot that when she was in Hubei, she was the first to make Zhang Xiaoqiang skip home . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded depressed, and some things were precious only when they were lost and recovered . Miaomiao exiled himself and stuck to Longhua Island, which made him feel guilty . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang put down Miaomiao and focused on the fruits brought by Miaomiao .

Zhang Xiaoqiang could not understand the fruits or springs . These things were carefully placed in the incubator and sent to the transportation hall . At this time, the red algae appeared new changes . The red ocean formed by the whole red algae began to shake and twitch, and there were faint cracks in many places . I don"t know what effect the supernova bomb dropped in the new era had, In the distant sky, there is a faint flash of red light, which can not be traced . If it is not for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s vision is far enough, ordinary people can"t see it at all . The picture taken by the UAV is clearer, but because the distance is too far away, people still can"t understand it .

"Is the new era fighting with any opponent?" Huang Tingwei told Zhang Xiaoqiang his conjecture . Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it and didn"t answer . The change of red algae must have something to do with the fire in the new era . The diameter of red algae is about tens of kilometers . The change on the other side has changed the red algae on this side . It can be seen that the new era should be aimed at red algae itself . Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels more and more urgent, "The air frigates are on full alert, and others are on schedule," he told Huang Tingwei through the messenger

According to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, more than a dozen motorboats took the lead in rushing towards Chizao . The frigates also changed their direction and flew over Chizao, while the transport ships stayed at the starting position . The water snake, with its underwater thrusters and the more than 20 evolutors, followed closely . The speed was no slower than that of the motorboats . The evolutors on the motorboats had their own tasks, As surface scouts, they need to guard against abnormal conditions in the surrounding waters, and at the same time, they need to collect red algae roots and store them as much as possible .

When the water snake arrived at the edge of the red algae, the people on the back of the snake were frightened by the scale of the red algae . From a distance, things in the water looked like roots, just like countless hemp threads entangled in the sea . However, each thread of these hemp threads was tens of meters thick and nearly 100 meters long, which was frightening . Let alone these things were still growing rapidly in the water, just like they were alive . Countless of them were relatively small, But it"s thicker than ordinary people"s arms . The way they twist and stretch around makes people shiver .

Meow meow returns to the rainbow sculpture and cruises in the sky . The evolutors on the motorboat dare not approach . The speed of the motorboat is extremely fast, but the growth speed of the roots is not slow . Maybe after a few seconds, the roots will rush into the propeller to include the whole motorboat . The evolutors on the motorboat dare not stay, and the rest dare not go into the water, These roots are growing every second . In the blink of an eye, you can see a young branch rapidly expanding into something tens of meters long . In the blink of an eye, this branch will expand to a dragon ten meters thick and seventy or eighty meters long, and the flexible rotation will make the evolutionist who first saw it think that red algae is not a plant at all, It"s a living thing .

The evolutionists dare not go down . Zhang Xiaoqiang is also faced with this problem . From a distance, it"s better, but from a close point, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s scalp is numb . When he is tangled, the water snake rushes to the edge of the red alga at a constant speed, and opens its mouth . A root tens of meters long is bitten in two by the water snake, The bitten root is still in the water, twisting like a loach . The water snake drags half of the bitten mouth to one side and devours it . With the action of the water snake, the evolutors and propellers standing on the back of the snake fall into the water one after another .

The water snake likes this kind of ration very much and repeatedly bites and devours it . Zhang Xiaoqiang has a headache when he looks at the red algae thousands of meters behind the roots . It"s hard to get to the sea vegetation of the red algae . However, the water snake doesn"t stay after biting off the roots . It"s obvious that he"s afraid of being entangled by these roots . Animals" intuition is much more sensitive than human beings, Zhang Xiaoqiang had to believe that even if he went in, he would have to take great risks .

Standing beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhuo Mingyue"s heart beats faster when she looks at the extended roots . She is from a special family, and red algae is also very attractive to her . It"s just that she doesn"t have self-control like a water snake, and can suppress her desire for the time being . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t find Zhuo Mingyue"s abnormality, but just frowns and has a headache, An evolutionist came up behind Zhang Xiaoqiang with a waterproof box and said, "brother c.o.c.kroach, do you want to try a cracking gun?"Cracking gun is a new generation of individual concept weapon developed in the new era . It has the characteristics of light weight, large carrying capacity and high fatality rate . Ordinary soldiers don"t need to consider the problem of recoil force when equipping these weapons . It can shoot 100 shots within 200 meters with the aiming system of individual helmet . The clip of this weapon is a crystal column with high energy, One unit of energy can make this rifle continuously emit nearly 200 rays, which can be said to be an epoch-making change .

Zhang Xiaoqiang felt the smoother and more exquisite cracking gun, and could not help admiring the development ability of the new era . No wonder the new era is willing to put hostile targets on the survivors all over the world . Zombies have developed supernova bombs and air frigates, In the new era of cracking rifles, it"s really nothing . Let"s not say that a supernova bomb can destroy more than ten kilometers of zombies . Let"s say that the cracking rifles are a natural weapon to restrain zombies . The biggest weakness of human beings against zombies is the lack of logistics and the loss of weapons . The service life of a rifle is only a few thousand bullets, A person may be able to empty thousands of bullets in a day, but they can"t carry the weight of thousands of bullets . The cracking gun doesn"t have this problem . The weight of ten crystal columns is less than the sum of five clips, and the use efficiency of a cracking gun can reach more than 100000 times .

Bullets need gunpowder, steel, copper plate, primer and mercury . Raw materials need to be processed . Manufacturing processes limit the production of ammunition . However, cracking rifles perfectly solve this problem . Cracking lines can effectively kill zombies, and they don"t care whether they can hit the head . The ammunition capacity of large units increases the sustained combat capability of individual soldiers by 10 times, Let alone without the physical damage caused by recoil, if Zhang Xiaoqiang was given 10000 soldiers with unlimited ammunition and split rifles, he could recover any city in the country within 24 hours .

Ten cracking rifles were raised at the same time, and the muzzle of the rifles aimed at the red algae roots 200 meters away . The next moment, ten green rays were fleeting . Where the light was concentrated, ten roots tens of meters thick and hundreds of meters long were transformed from dark red to dead ash like color, and then fainted in the water, making the clear water turbid and effective for the first time, Each rifle can fire 200 times in a row . Green lines flash in the eyes of the public . Large pieces of roots turn into muddy water in the water . In a short time, all the roots 200 meters away are removed, and the route to the red algae is opened .

More than a dozen motorboats suddenly crowded into the opened air raid, firing cracking rays to both sides, and constantly expanding the s.p.a.ce . Five evolutors with collection boxes on their backs went up to the bright red surface of red algae . When they started collecting branches, they suddenly grew countless black spears from the branches, but they turned into fly ash in the hands of the evolutors, Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang decided that there would be no danger if he had a cracking gun, countless roots rose from the feet of the evolutioners like living creatures, tied them like tentacles, and twisted these evolutioners in defensive equipment to pieces before they could react< br>