Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2222: 2222

Chapter 2222: 2222

Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at Wan Qiang"s Scarlet eyes . Even if he faces Wan Qiang alone, he has no fear . He is never afraid of confrontation . Even if Wan Qiang doesn"t kill him, Wan Qiang doesn"t want to hurt him . The choice makes Wan Qiang hesitate . To tell the truth, he knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang is right . If he wants to catch high-level kraya, he has to break through hundreds of thousands of sea people, There are thousands of sea knights and the red light that makes him afraid . He feels guilty when he thinks about it, but it"s hard for him to give up his one-man role . This is power . With power, he can kill Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Seeing Wan Qiang worrying about gain and loss here, Zhang Xiaoqiang moved in his heart and asked tentatively, "are you still a virgin?" Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that when he first met Wan Qiang in the gathering place, he was still a silly boy, and later he had a D2 tendency . After listening to the doctor"s ridicule, Wan Qiang actually took it seriously, thinking that his wife must be in Eastern Europe . According to the popular saying, Wan Qiang was called "the devil is the devil, the blood is the rush" . If he was not in any place, he would not be so persistent, but wan Qiang did it, Obviously, Wan Qiang"s virginity is still very likely to be preserved . It also shows that if he is not a virgin, how can he turn a blind eye to kraya? Do you know how to eat marrow?

Wan Qiang"s expression was wonderful, like bitterness, sorrow and pain . At last, he said with a long sigh, "you win, give me that woman, and I"ll give you Russia . . . " Wanqiang this condition almost let Zhang Xiaoqiang spray, this is love beauty people don"t love Jiangshan? However, judging from Wan Qiang"s decision, he always put strength first .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated . Although there was no definite conclusion about the cause of the formation of red algae, it was related to the one horned skull . He was the only one in the forces who didn"t succeed . It was embarra.s.sing to say that . However, it was closely related to the ability improvement of the evolutors, so it was impossible to get it . For a moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang was entangled, He doesn"t know that it"s not cost-effective to turn around for these things . After all, he"s not very poor in energy . Besides, other people can only take a small part of the red algae here, but he can rely on Vladivostok to get them nearby . Is it better to find a place to start cultivating them?

If he hadn"t experienced an underwater war, Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he would have to leave these forces behind, at least three one horned skulls . But now he hesitated because of the strength of the aquarium and nearly a hundred red algae in the world . This is only the weakest place . No one force alone can break through it . He must work together to fight it down, They can fight against each other in the name of blood feud, but the spread of red algae will not be stopped . When they have exhausted their last strength and the whole world is about to collapse, the current situation can not be worse . Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want human beings to fight against each other any more .

"She"s yours . You must promise me that the sea people will never die, and you will never be my enemy . " Zhang Xiaoqiang throws kraya to Wan Qiang and says strangely that he hopes that Wan Qiang will die more than anyone else, but now . . . He has to reach an alliance with Wan Qiang again against his will . Kraya, more than two meters long, falls into Wan Qiang"s hands, just like a dog with a twisted neck . Wan Qiang can"t move his eyes on kraya and says carelessly: "I understand what you mean, The silence of little j.a.pan"s Island has something to do with red algae . If we sink j.a.pan today, we can silence Australia tomorrow . There are only a few pieces of land in the world, and we can"t live in the water . "

With kraya as a relief, the tension between them eased down again . Wan Qiang turned and walked to tiezhongyuan in the distance, apparently to fulfill his promise . As for whether Russia belonged to himself or not, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care . He just looked at the new era and thought about how to communicate with it, Holding a one horned skull, Sophia kept flashing in the air, crossed the distance of more than 1000 meters to the red algae opposite Zhang Xiaoqiang, carefully kept a distance from him, and a pair of narrow eyes staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not help but dike up, who knows what nerve this woman will have?

"Byron, they . . . " Sure enough, Sophia came to the door for Lieutenant Colonel Byron and his party . Seeing Sophia"s fearless appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew what the woman was going to do and didn"t speak . He waved to the distance . One of the motorboats that had been wandering around to collect red algae rushed to this side at high speed, but it was lieutenant colonel Byron who was riding the motorboat .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t fight with Sophia . He wanted to understand that although the crown of one horn is good, it"s not unique . The three forces are hostile to each other, but after all, they are all human beings, and the sea people are the biggest threat . The sinking of the j.a.panese island is a lesson from the past . In less than three weeks, except Hokkaido, the three j.a.panese Islands sank 70 percent, Even Mount Fuji is bubbling in the sea . Once the sea people continue to expand, it can not be said that within ten years, the Eurasian continent will turn into dust and mud .

Sofia also didn"t expect that Zhang Xiaoqiang would let Byron go without any conditions . What"s more, Jima and nearly a hundred other British people were willing to leave their hometown and follow Zhang Xiaoqiang . If Byron didn"t always want to leave his hometown in Britain, they might not have left Zhang Xiaoqiang either . They all experienced the siege of Okinawa, Zhang Xiaoqiang showed some characteristics, which made them realize that the strength of the Chinese people is not the strength of force, but the strength of heart . It is a kind of achievement and pride to lead a group of mobs through the impa.s.se and fight with Zhang Xiaoqiang to challenge the enemy who is far more powerful than them . The dispute with the British has come to an end . The difference between the two sides is just the difference between the two sides . The difference between the two sides is just the difference between the two sides . The difference between the two sides is that the blood is harmful to others and self-interest . Zhang Xiaoqiang is most disgusted with the use of innocent people"s blood . But this is the only way for ordinary people to become evolutionists, at least in the eyes of western people . In this way, under the thinking of national supremacy, Hunting survivors of other countries will become the biggest internal friction of mankind in the future . Today, when the sea people are threatening, this kind of behavior is extremely stupid . Originally, this kind of difference could not be made up . Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang put forward a compromise proposal . He remembered that the blood of the Hai people was red, and the number of the Hai people was not large . If he was prepared, it would not be difficult to capture the Hai people . Is it better to draw the blood of the Hai people than that of the human beings?

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a * * and will never get nothing if he gives up the British . He saw a one eyed girl under Sophia"s hands and knew that the remaining survivors of Hokkaido were under Sophia"s control . He was not at ease to let these people follow Sophia back to England . His only request was to let Sophia give up the survivors of Hokkaido . Of course, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t think of how to settle these people . It"s better than watching them die .

After he and Sophia reach a verbal agreement, it"s the moment when he officially faces the new era . Regor stands in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang with the tall human beast . A strange smile appears in the corner of his mouth . His eyes flash and he can"t see the real intention . The red algae floating in the sea makes them shake, as if they will start at any time .

"Do you believe that my men can kill you in a second?" Without a translator, Regel speaks fluent Chinese . The provocation in his words makes Zhang Xiaoqiang frown . He glances at the fierce beast standing beside him like a silent stone carving . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are slightly cold . He can"t stop beating around him . He washes out on Regel"s body and makes Regel"s face change . He can"t help but step back, Then Zhang Xiaoqiang said, "you can try . . . "

Regel knew that he had done a stupid thing . The Chinese was not as weak and humble as the traditional Chinese described in the family . Although the family information was objective a.n.a.lysis of the contact with the Chinese before the end of the world, there was no merit in the evaluation of the Chinese except timidity, fear of power and easy compromise, But in front of the man, he saw a fierce murder, and immediately realized that all the speculation was just biased in his heart . No leader with great power could be matched by ordinary people, even Chinese .

"I"m kidding . I don"t mean to look down on the Chinese people . You know, Chinese is my most proficient foreign language except German and English . I have always been fond of mysterious China . Before the end of the world, the family"s subordinate enterprises invested a considerable proportion in China . . . " Regor in the shock of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing intention appears to be bullying, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention is not on his body, has been on guard against the guy who is more than half of him .

This guy"s head is covered by a fully enclosed leather case . Gao Da"s body is not bulky . There are traces of intense friction on his coat . Many places are as thin as a piece of paper, but there are traces left in the crystal sand whirlpool of kraya before . There is no sign of breathing, and his body is as motionless as an iron pole, as if it is not a creature, Let Zhang Xiaoqiang is very afraid .

"I"ve been waiting until now . Before I let my subordinates attack, you should understand what I mean . Don"t play with me by any means, and you are not qualified to play by any means . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is very impolite . He can see what the young man in his early twenties is thinking . His stern tone makes Regel"s eyes flash a trace of irretrievable resentment, but he is photographed by Zhang Xiaoqiang< br>