Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2238: 2238

Chapter 2238: 2238

"There can"t be an accident . He won"t have an accident . I"ll go down and have a look . I"ll see with my own eyes where he stayed last . . . " Zhuo Mingyue"s cold words interrupted Fu Shanlin"s inference . Even if she was as strong as Zhuo Mingyue, she would lose her mind and become unreasonable once she fell into emotional disputes . Fu Shanlin"s embarra.s.sed smile was hard to refute . It was just his conjecture . She couldn"t help looking at Huang Tingwei . Only Huang Tingwei could make the decision of the frigate . Then Zhuo Mingyue stabbed Huang Tingwei with her eyes like a knife, Huang Tingwei couldn"t help glancing at the silly survivors on the ground, nodding and saying, "maybe the survivors here know something?"

The slow descent of the air frigate will be unforgettable to anyone who has ever seen it . If not for the fact that the Chinese here are all highly educated talents, the ordinary people in the ancient mountainous areas will kneel on the ground and kowtow to the miracle at the first sight . There is no huge noise of aircraft landing, and there is no abnormal sound in their mighty and huge bodies, When it landed on the top of the trees in the jungle, it sank down without hesitation, crushing thousands of trees one after another . Under the pressure of the frigate, the woods disappeared . The clattering of the branches and the clattering of the clatters kept on, and the splashing rain of the splinters flew around until a huge earthquake came, The ground under the people"s feet was shaking .

When the frigate landed 100 meters away, they felt that they were a tiny ant . Looking at the huge frigate, they couldn"t even make a bullet . They couldn"t help but wait for the unknown . In a short time, groups of agile evolutors with black armor were beating at the top of the tree like locusts, In the blink of an eye, they were covered by a big net across the gap area around them, and then big trees collapsed, and power evolutors waving serrated knives appeared one after another, just like fierce beasts surrounded them . Then dozens of soldiers in military uniforms and armed with Type 95 rifles came out behind them, forming the densest encirclement to encircle them .

Before Zhu Jianqiu could see the models of the rifles and the military insignia on the collars of the soldiers, he was overjoyed . All the Chinese were controlled by the unknown soldiers . Even the arm broken Zhu Jianqiu was pointed to the forehead by a gun . All the evolutionists and soldiers had bad eyes on them . In particular, some officers were angry when they looked at their new era uniforms, Zhu Jianqiu"s cleverness made him roar for the first time: "Zhu Jianqiu, machine gun company, 1st Battalion, 488th regiment, mobu 163 division, 42nd group army, reports to the leading comrades . . . "

It was just a try . Who knows that at the moment when he roared out, all the muzzle of the gun dropped at the same time . One of the officers with the rank of lieutenant nodded to him unexpectedly, but he didn"t speak . He stood aside and waited for something . The agile evolutionists scattered on the top of the tree spread around together and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye, The power evolutionists also shook their heads and scattered around, cutting off the waist thick trees that stood in their way, and clearing a s.p.a.ce of more than 300 meters in the blink of an eye . No one spoke . The soldiers just relaxed their supervision slightly, and did not contact them, nor did they confiscate their weapons, until the white clothes won the snow, The matchless beauty and an officer with the rank of Colonel came out .

At the moment when a woman appeared, all the women in the room lost their color, as if the faded plastic flowers could no longer attract people"s attention . All the men, including Zhu Jianqiu, were stupid . They never thought that there would be such a pure and beautiful woman in the world . Their dreamlike eyes made people hate to be drunk inside, and their skin was bright and l.u.s.trous, It"s even more transparent than the best white suede jade . I"m even worried that the dust will fall when it falls .

Zhuo Mingyue is not happy when she looks at these men"s stupidity . A cold hum thunders through everyone"s ears . Except for Zhu Jianqiu, who is determined and resolute, everyone falls down on the ground and wakes up, which makes Zhu Jianqiu go down quickly and dare not take another look . Such a beautiful woman, such a huge ship and such a means are beyond his imagination, Only by showing respect and harmlessness can we avoid more misunderstandings .

"Report to the captain that this man is a retired soldier of Guangzhou Military Region . . . " Zhu Jianqiu lowered his head, but someone reported his ident.i.ty to Huang Tingwei, which surprised Huang Tingwei . Chinese soldiers are not as easy to enter as other countries . First of all, they have to be nominated by the neighborhood committee or the village committee, and then verified by the Ministry of armed forces . Then there are several checks, including political background investigation . If this set of procedures comes down, they may not be able to enter, It depends on whether the relationship between the parties is hard enough and whether there is enough money . So he regards Zhu Jianqiu as a Chinese, but he doesn"t think of Zhu Jianqiu"s complicated background .

"Leading comrades, the people around me are all overseas Chinese . They have been persecuted by Indonesians . They ask for help from the motherland . Please take revenge for us . . . " Zhu Jianqiu has completely determined that the newcomer is a Chinese soldier . He can"t help but feel aggrieved in his heart . His eyes are blurred by tears . He sobs to Huang Tingwei about his sufferings . However, Huang Tingwei doesn"t respond enthusiastically and frowns at these people .

Most of the women have been devastated . What have these women experienced? Most of the people present know that when Zhang Xiaoqiang did not reorganize the order, most of the female survivors in China were devastated . Few men were not as excited as Zhu Jianqiu, but looked at them with suspicion, Even the women were hostile to them . The Mainlanders did not understand the ambivalence of overseas Chinese towards the soldiers of their motherland . From the Manchu Qing Dynasty to the end of the world, the overseas Chinese were abandoned by China . They could not be sheltered and accepted by the motherland, and they were always regarded as foreigners . Even if they donated their whole family property for the motherland, gave countless young lives for the motherland, and could not be protected by the country, In the end, their hearts were cold, and they would never count on the country any more . Although they would still lend a helping hand when the country suffered a disaster, they were only for the sake of homesickness .

"Why do you have new era equipment . . . " Because he didn"t understand, Huang Tingwei didn"t agree, which made Zhu Jianqiu dull and other overseas Chinese rise and fall . However, as a Chinese soldier, Zhu Jianqiu didn"t think so much . His nature of obeying orders had taken root in his body, and he said loudly: "the new era continued to rebuild in Indonesia, but was overthrown by Bator, the super evolutor of Indonesia, All the equipment and soldiers were incorporated into the new Indonesian army, and our equipment was s.n.a.t.c.hed from them . "

Looking at more than ten weapons in the hands of the people, Huang Tingwei nodded . Zhu Jianqiu was a figure in front of him, and he was also very popular in China . At this time, Zhuo Mingyue said in a cold voice, "what are you doing with so much nonsense? Ask them if they know his whereabouts . . . " Zhuo Mingyue made Huang Tingwei feel a little embarra.s.sed . He saw that these people were not living well . As Chinese, when he saw his compatriots" miserable life abroad, he naturally wanted to help them . But their main task was to find Zhang Xiaoqiang, so he was a little tangled .

"Found . . . " Shouts came from a distance, and an agile evolutionist with a speed as fast as a ghost rushed forward . In his hands, he was shocked by the messenger that Zhang Xiaoqiang thought was useless to throw away . Seeing this messenger, Huang Tingwei didn"t care about Zhu Jianqiu . He repeatedly asked, "I found it there . . . "

Naturally, there will not be Zhang Xiaoqiang near the communicator . The two of them have a good time, but they turn their attention back to the overseas Chinese . It is inevitable that Zhang Xiaoqiang will appear here . As for the whereabouts, they have to be provided by the people in front of them . No wonder Huang Tingwei is so anxious . The pa.s.sage opened by little Lori is only four or five meters wide in the forest . If it is in the sky above 100 meters, This pa.s.sage is the same as the surrounding Shaotou . If Xie Kun didn"t know the hidden road in the wild, he would not have attracted the attention of the frigate . Therefore, the destination of Zhang Xiaoqiang is still in Zhu Jianqiu"s hands .

Zhu Jianqiu has some doubts when he sees Zhang Xiaoqiang in the photo . He doesn"t know what the purpose of these people"s search for Zhang Xiaoqiang is . Judging from the b.l.o.o.d.y killing scene after Zhang Xiaoqiang left yesterday, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not Indonesia and the new era, but he doesn"t know what the relationship between Huang Tingwei and Zhang Xiaoqiang is? No matter what, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the big guy also saved their lives, and indirectly rescued Shen Yueyi and others . He couldn"t repay the kindness by hand .

Zhu Jianqiu remained silent, but Xie Kun, who was beside him, was a little surprised . Huang Tingwei saw something and said in a deep voice, "I know that you are a soldier . You should also know that the world is in chaos . The Chinese government has disappeared . The people in the photo separated our leader because of some accidents . He is the leader of China"s rejuvenation, It is also the umbrella of millions of Chinese . Once he encounters an accident, I believe China will fall into real destruction, so please tell me his whereabouts . . . "

After all, Huang Tingwei holds the rank of school officer, and his words are all words that Zhu Jianqiu can"t help but believe . However, he can"t say what he says . He knows that once he says Zhang Xiaoqiang"s whereabouts, the frigate will leave, and they will fall into a helpless situation . After all, there are thousands of Chinese whose lives are at stake .

Seeing Zhu Jianqiu"s hesitation, Huang Tingwei frowned slightly, and Zhuo Mingyue beside him was even more angry . If these people were not women, they would have to teach them a lesson . Before Zhuo Mingyue broke out, Huang Tingwei said, "what do you want? Guns, ammunition, food supplies? Or leave here to be one of us? "

These conditions are excellent . Zhu Jianqiu knows that if he wants weapons, a hundred rifles and a hundred thousand bullets, there is no problem . If he wants supplies and food, he can give them the supplies that dozens of people have used for three years, not to mention the frigates . As long as he goes up, he does not believe that there is any danger in the world that can endanger them? But this was not what he wanted . After a few seconds of silence, Zhu Jianqiu raised his head and said firmly, "I want you to help me save thousands of Chinese lives . . . "< br>