Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2265: 2265

Chapter 2265: 2265

Three G.o.ds, one little Laurie, who is higher than the strength of the G.o.ds, fight together . In the dark sky, most of the hot weapons fail . The war between the G.o.ds is extremely dangerous, and every minute may damage the battlefield . The reason why the new era and Genesis maintain restraint after the division is that each G.o.d is very rich, In theory, every divinity has the ability to recover the city alone . The city means material, wealth and living s.p.a.ce . The reason why the new era can grow from a family power to the world"s largest power is the myth of the divinity .

So the battle between the zodiacs is disastrous, and that"s why the new era will feel intractable to China . Even if the Chinese robbed their air frigates, they would have to swallow their indignation . Only because two Zodiacs died in the hands of the Chinese, the only one who could kill the zodiac was the zodiac . That is to say, China also had the zodiac . Similarly, after Britain had Sofia, Just barely maintained the integrity of the island of Ireland, because Sophia"s strength is also a G.o.d seat . If you fight hard, you will have to pay at least one G.o.d seat to be buried with in the new era, which is absolutely unbearable loss .

However, no one thought that under the circ.u.mstances, the battle between the G.o.ds started in Australia"s top secret research center . A tripart.i.te war changed the terrain here . All the planes left the ground and went up into the sky . Countless vehicles evacuated from the emergency pa.s.sage of the research center, and buildings collapsed in the dust, Sharp stone pillars with a length of more than 10 meters bloom like flowers in the dust . Huge ice dragons smash countless stone pillars, and then they are smashed into countless flying fragments . The flying ice turns into countless ice crystal spears in mid air, and rushes down to a height of more than 100 meters . The huge vibration collapses the ground one after another, revealing channels, Will be buried in the underground secret exposed, and Regel and Kessler have looked silly eyes .

Compared with regor"s despair, Kessler pays more attention to the whereabouts of Zhang Xiaoqiang . He can see that Zhang Xiaoqiang can retreat in the hands of Christina and hadman . It gives people the feeling that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a powerful warrior, but a loach who can"t keep his hand . Because the battle of the zodiac has destroyed many cameras, and no one can see the real situation clearly, So kesailer aimed at Zhang Xiaoqiang, but after Zhang Xiaoqiang entered the last huge warehouse with a building area of more than 3000 square meters, everything became unknown . Obviously, the authority there has exceeded that of Regel . Regel"s authority is not low, and he can even master the underground research inst.i.tute and the monitors in the core area, However, the monitoring device on the other side of the warehouse has never displayed a picture, which shows that it is strictly guarded .

"Regel, what"s in it? Why is the security so tight? You can"t understand with your authority . " Kessler knows that there are some things he shouldn"t ask or know, but he has been tied to Regel . In other words, even if Regel wants to build or kill Kruger, he has to stick to his head . Because Regel is dead, he can"t live, so he wants to know more .

Regel was in a trance, his expression changed quickly, sometimes sad, sometimes resentful, sometimes hesitating, just like an actor practicing his stage expression . When he heard Kessler"s question, he couldn"t help laughing bitterly: "the real good things are not in the underground core area, or the most precious things to Kruger are not there, Do you know what he thinks every day? He wants to be immortal, want to rejuvenate, want to control power forever until tired, maybe in his heart, except himself, the whole world is not enough, even destruction is the same, so he cares so much about dicas, because he has the clue of heterogenesis . According to their research, dicas has broken through the limit of human countless times, Whether it"s strength or speed, or resistance to external diseases, it"s against logic . Do you believe it? She can even be immune to AIDS, and the metabolic rate is only one percent of ordinary people, you know what that means? It means that her life span may be ten or a hundred times that of ordinary people . "

"Then why let him out?" Hearing this secret, Kessler is no longer entangled . The birth of dicas is a taboo . If we can decipher the secret of immortality from her, its value will be incalculable . Hearing this, Regel scratched his scalp and said: "no one can really control her, no one can force him, because of the mutant relationship, she has great hostility to us, And her strength is too strong . Even if you want to collect her blood, you have to wait for her to get hurt . You can imagine how Tyrannosaurus Rex, which has no effect on any anesthetic, can obediently let you draw blood? "

Kessler thinks this is the biggest joke of the end of the century, the most powerful force in the world, but it can"t draw blood from a little girl . It needs to be designed to make her hurt before she can start . What"s more, it"s unexpected that stealing chicken can"t corrode rice, which makes dicas turn his face and run out by himself . It also needs two G.o.ds and so many puppet soldiers to catch him .

"What is that?" In one of the most marginal pictures, little Lori"s fierce human beast is embedded in the thick ice . There is a hole in the middle, which looks like a big disheartened sweet potato . Regel glances at it, and the pain on her face deepens a little bit . He groans: "I say it"s placenta and cage . Do you believe it?" Kesailer was obviously puzzled and looked at Regel with doubts . "When dicas made a noise, it was on her . Later, after being stripped by researchers, it was found that the material of this kind of thing was between variant and human . To be exact, it was alive and could grow on its own . Of course, it needed nutrient solution, at least ten tons of nutrient solution to grow to such a large size . Blood could also be replaced, and the effect was better than nutrient solution, Maybe she was born to be the enemy of any creature . Those scientists thought that the placenta was the key to the allogeneic variant, so they used placental DNA to test on ordinary people . A total of 89 people failed in the experiment, and they all became variants . And this thing was born with dicas, or her natural armor . . . "

After listening to Regel"s story, Kessler"s face changed again . He didn"t expect that d.i.c.kas"s growth rate was so high . It"s just unreasonable . When he was born, his physical quality was 100 times higher than that of an adult, and he also had natural biological armor . It"s a legend . What"s more, he was surprised, In the new era, a large number of restrictive factors have been added to the placenta, which can not reduce the combat effectiveness of dicas . However, dicas is still in his infancy . Who knows what kind of ability dicas will have when he becomes an adult? Maybe the zodiac is not her match?

"In fact, there are differences among scientific researchers . Some people think that dicas is the climax of new human evolution . As long as we can decipher her generation principle, we can reproduce more alien variants . At least in some ways, dicas is closer to human beings . He likes sweets, baths and soft music, But others think that d.i.c.kas must be destroyed . Her strength may be beyond the accepted scope of the world . She is cold, b.l.o.o.d.y, irritable and even inhuman . If there are a large number of such variants, I believe that the whole world is theirs, and human beings in the old century will perish because of their appearance . "

Speaking of this, Regel sighed a long time . These are the absolute secrets of the new era . He shouldn"t have told Kessler, but he knew that the more things he told Kessler, the less likely Kessler was to betray himself . In addition to making him feel heavy psychological pressure, it also made him more disgusted with Kluger . After all, as long as normal people know, A completely uncontrolled species like dicas is the biggest threat to humanity .

Kessler can"t accept this fact . In his mind, the second possibility is more likely . It"s only a little more than two years since Dikas" mother was discovered . She has grown up to this degree . If she is given 20 years of growth time, wouldn"t it destroy the world? Dejected, he went to the sofa and sat down . He kicked open some empty wine bottles, took out his cigarette and lit it . Looking at the lingering smoke between his fingers, he said deeply, "is there only one dicas? There"s only one in the world? "

Regel took a deep look at Kessler . He didn"t want to hit him, but he talked about the focus of the problem . He hesitated to tell him the truth . After struggling for a long time, he made up his mind to say, "the probability of dicas is very small, but it"s not the only one . At least the new era has more than one . Do you know where the source of the division between the new era and genesis is?"

Kessler suddenly raised his head and stabbed Regel with his sharp eyes, but his heart began to tremble . He found that any leakage of these things that Regel told him would cause a shock in the new era . If these news were known by the middle and lower levels of the new era, it would cause a real split, and he didn"t know whether he should listen to the following words, If the things in front will make him jailed for life, the things in the back will make him panic all his life, because the fewer people who know something, the better< br>