Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2281: 2281

Chapter 2281: 2281

The clear code radio distress signal Zhang Xiaoqiang received was sent by Chen Qiaofeng, and the one who sent the signal was meow meow, who had disappeared on the sea . Meow meow had no Yang Ke"er"s telepathy or the ability to see through the sea . On that day, Zhang Xiaoqiang was kidnapped by little Luoli . Meow meow was crazy and generally searched on the sea, but it was a pity that he was so far away from the sea, Meow did not find the trace of Zhang Xiaoqiang in the end . Although she did not want to give up, although she was anxious, and although she wanted to determine the safety of Zhang Xiaoqiang, meow was still a mortal who needed food, and rainbow carving could not stay in the sky without limit .

When meow meow rode over the Pearl River Estuary to look for food, an unexpected encounter happened . The Pearl River Delta is another economic center outside the Yangtze River Delta . The number of factories and enterprises here is also among the highest in the country . There are a large number of migrant workers from all over the country . Compared with the population of other regions, the population is older, The overall quality of the population here tends to be younger, which means a surge in the number of survivors .

Virus is a kind of elimination of human quality . The older people are, the higher the elimination rate is . Survivors over the age of 30 are very rare . Compared with middle-aged and old people, young people under 25 are more likely to survive . Therefore, the number of survivors in Guangzhou is very considerable, even larger than that in Shanghai . Before the emergence of evolutionary zombies in a large range, the number of survivors in Guangzhou is very large, At one time, the population exceeded one million . Those near the seaside were sent to Australia by various means in the new era, while those far away from the seaside were re integrated in the survival of the fittest . Finally, after the zombies left the city, they were forced to gather together, forming a 300 000 number of wandering tribes . Chen Qiaofeng is the head of this tribe .

Chen Qiaofeng, 19, got the glia of the mutant beast because of luck and all kinds of coincidences . Like Zhang Xiaoqiang"s development route, he is growing stronger and stronger, far surpa.s.sing the top evolutors . However, he did not find a safe gathering place like Zhang Xiaoqiang . In other words, there is no so-called safe place in the Pearl River Delta, Everyone"s growth route is different, and everyone"s opportunities are different . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s route to success is not suitable for Chen Qiaofeng, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s luck is not proportional to Chen Qiaofeng"s . Therefore, when tens of millions of zombies migrate, his tribe is like ants in front of Qiantang River, and has no ability to resist .

This is a great migration of elegy of life and death, and it is also a dying struggle for survival of the last human beings . They have no fixed food sources, no factories and ammunition depots that can provide ammunition, and no safe and un.o.bstructed rear depth . In this migration, countless people died under the claws of the dead, and countless people fell in the agony of hunger, Even though they are used to seeing death and withering, and looking at the corpses on the roadside like isolation belts, Chen Qiaofeng collapses more than once . When they are most dangerous and desperate, they ride the rainbow carved meow like fairies on earth .

Except meow meow, no one believes that the distress signal can save their fate . After the great migration of 300000 people, there are only more than 100000 people left, 200000 people died on the way of migration, and they just died a few days late . In this narrow mountain area, there is no food, no retreat, no way to live, Even their chief Chen Qiaofeng was desperate .

Standing on the top of the mountain, the place where you can see from afar is occupied by the black sea of zombies . The blue sky is cloudless, and the golden sun gives off dazzling light . The warm sun covers you, but you can"t feel the slightest warmth . Only the dark sea of zombies gives them cold air, and there are countless heads on the top of the mountains, Everyone was dressed in rattan made of golden vines, holding a sharp wooden spear in his hand, just like countless heavy soldiers with golden glory . They were the last line of defense for 100000 people behind him . 100000 women and children were trapped on the Bank of the Pearl River . Facing the 100 meter wide Pearl River waterway, there was no way to pa.s.s, only to suffer in despair .

Chen Qiaofeng, also wearing golden rattan full body armor, stands on the highest mountain and is silent . Beside him, hundreds of evolutionists protect him in the center . Even at the most desperate moment, they still hold on to Chen Qiaofeng . These people include former elite white-collar workers, honest working girls, dreamy rich second generation, and obscene men, All kinds of people came to Chen Qiaofeng in the last days to live and die with him .

The boundless zombies besieged them in the narrow mountainous area opposite to the city of Touqing . The terrain here is complex and steep . There are no ready-made roads . There are only narrow and long paths left by their predecessors . These paths help them prevent the zombies from approaching quickly . The complex mountainous area enables them to fight against the Zombie vanguard without being defeated . But now, no one believes that they can stop the zombies, To save the last 100000 lives .

In the minds of evolutionists, Chen Qiaofeng is a legend and a hero rising in troubled times . He has a unique ability to control plants . He can not only speed up the growth of plants, but also make the fruit forest blossom and bear fruit every minute . He also has a powerful means of attack . He uses countless Python like vines to trip and trap zombies, They can"t capture the Guangzhou Military Region on the other side of the city, and they can"t get a lot of weapons and ammunition . But Chen Qiaofeng can cut off the burning golden vines with a knife and make them into armor like body armor, Even ordinary people don"t fear the bite of S2 zombies . It"s with these equipment that they can live to the present . Therefore, no matter who the evolutionists were before and what little abacus they had, as long as Chen Qiaofeng was in one day, he would be irreplaceable . The boundless sea of zombies has brought unbearable pressure to ordinary soldiers, but it"s nothing to the evolutionists . Ordinary people can"t cross the Pearl River, but they can pa.s.s easily . And they are waiting for Chen Qiaofeng to make the final decision . As long as Chen Qiaofeng is willing to retreat, they can protect Chen Qiaofeng and start again across the Pearl River .

In the silence of tens of thousands of people, the sky resounds with a cry . The huge rainbow carving flies over the crowd like a sharp arrow, and then falls down quickly . Seeing the rainbow carving, Chen Qiaofeng is awakened . His empty eyes regain their expression, staring at the small figure . In the empty s.p.a.ce, the wind makes the evolutors bury their heads, He raised his right arm to cover his cheek . After a while of flying sand and rocks, the body of a giant animal more than ten meters long, which looks like an alligator, fell to the ground and vibrated . The next moment, meow meow flew away on a rainbow carving .

Looking at the distant meow, people were moved . If it hadn"t been for meow"s painstaking efforts to help them hunt these days, these evolutionists would have lost their fighting power because of hunger . The ten meter beast weighs almost two tons, and was soon sent to the surrounding mountains in pieces, When the pieces of cooked animal meat were put into the sticks and sent to the hands of the evolutionists, they cheered and ate each other .

At this time, a beautiful looking female evolutionist, wearing more gorgeous armor than others, came to Chen Qiaofeng"s side and said in a low voice: "the animal treasure has been taken away, and the girl is too cruel to leave behind . . . "“ Bang . . . " Chen Qiaofeng slapped the woman in the face, and let her cover her face in panic . The evolutionists around her sneered .

"Don"t say you don"t have brains . They don"t owe us anything . Next time you are like this, go to the front line yourself . . . " With that, Chen Qiaofeng ignored the women around him, looked at other people and roared: "eat quickly, go ahead after eating, don"t think about crossing the river, I said, women are only in the river, men can"t pa.s.s even if they die, if they don"t want to, I will kill them . . . "

Chen Qiaofeng looks ordinary and belongs to the kind that can"t be found in the crowd, but his prestige is extremely high . Other evolutionists take orders with a bang . As long as there is food in their stomach, they will fight with high morale . The woman covers her face and whispers, "since she came, you haven"t come to me . I"m not as good as her? It"s just a big bird . If I have it too . . . "

"Do you want to die? Miao Luoci, pay attention to your ident.i.ty . Don"t think that you can be presumptuous when you have been my woman . You have nothing to do with who I like or who I don"t like . If you want to prove yourself, kill the ghost . Don"t talk in front of me . I"m not just a woman . "

Chen Qiaofeng drank so much that Miao Luoci did not dare to make any more noise . When the evolutionists around him finished eating, he yelled to others: "it"s our turn to go up . We were robbed of three mountains yesterday, and today we"ll come back again . . . " With that, a green Python more than ten meters thick suddenly came out of the canyon beside him< br>