Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2289: 2289

Chapter 2289: 2289

Zhang Xiaoqiang learned a lot from his trip to Australia . Regel was only 18 years old . He split Australia into a new era by means of his own efforts and pushed a.s.sad to the front stage to hide behind the scenes . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang had to be surprised to appreciate his invincible position . Regel"s ability was not worth mentioning . As an evolutionist, he never really fought, Although he is Kluger"s son, the ident.i.ty of the speaker"s son can not help him much . In other people"s eyes, Kluger is just a sinyuner with a golden key . Kluger"s achievements are not his achievements, but he must prove himself before he wants to be superior .

In this case, Regel first tied kesailer with the favor left by his mother and formed an alliance in the name of revenge . When he learned that the plan was blocked and the task failed, he simply overturned the overall plan, courted Zhang Xiaoqiang and Christina to exert pressure on a.s.sad, and provoked the rebellion with a.s.sad"s fear of the speaker, At the same time, starting from Tier"s inhumane hidden disease, it unties tier"s biggest heart knot, draws in the top three ice G.o.d, and uses tier to check and balance a.s.sad who is afraid of death . When he carries out this plan, little Lori, Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Christina once fall into his hands . If he can"t resist the temptation at that time, he will give them to Kluger, According to the standard set by Kluger before, little Lori is two points, and capturing Christina alive is equivalent to breaking one arm of Delia, which can also be counted as two points . If you take back the crown of one horn taken by little Lori, you can get one point, and if you capture the leader of China"s biggest power alive, you can get at least three points .

Such achievements are enough for him to gain a foothold in this department and obtain Kluger"s trust and reward . Instead of doing so, he formed an alliance with Zhang Xiaoqiang and Genesis to defend Australia"s airs.p.a.ce with China"s power, and at the same time, he provided genesis with technology and equipment to contain the new era, even without EOS, Australia can also resist the counterattack of the new era and officially step on the world stage .

With no strength and no foundation, Regel uses various means to turn his hand over to cover the clouds and rain, and resists the temptation to achieve the goal, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang admire . He always believes that only his own strength is really strong, and he has always done so, referring to Regel, who is only half his grade old, He felt that he had lived to be a dog at his age . Of course, he couldn"t learn to change his style and turn enemies into friends like Regel . However, he learned from Regel"s series of means that if he wanted to succeed, he had to show others the benefits . Just like Regel"s sale, he gave Zhang Xiaoqiang all kinds of technical equipment and design drawings, These things, whether before or after the end of the world, are precious treasures, as well as the technologies that are given to Genesis . Genesis occupies the Great Lakes region of the United States, where there are enough factories, enterprises and laboratories to convert technology into equipment . Although it seems that it has suffered some losses, it gives Genesis the strength to fight against the new era, It also gives Australia enough room for development in the confrontation between the two sides .

To put it bluntly, regor"s code of conduct is interests . The purpose of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s discussion with Zhang Huai"an and Huang Quan about leaving a.s.sets for future generations is also interests . He uses visible benefits to tie the upper cla.s.s of China"s rejuvenation together, so as to avoid internal friction caused by mountain top doctrine . For the time being, he is very relieved of his subordinates, but he also knows, If the red algae problem is solved, the new era and Genesis will be sealed off from the country, and the remaining zombies will not be a threat . At that time, China"s revival will officially start . In order to leave a good platform for the successors, Zhang Xiaoqiang is now ready to prepare for the future .

Zhang Huai"an and Huang Tingwei leave each other . Before Zhang Xiaoqiang gets up and goes back to the ward, Shangguan Qiaoyun walks in with a big stomach . Beside her is the mupei with Hao"er in her arms . At this moment, Shangguan Qiaoyun no longer has the previous smoky eyes or any trace of make-up . Her clean face is as pure as water, and her eyes are filled with strong motherhood, Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not as hot as before, there is a kind of warm implication and joy, and mupeipei takes the initiative to nod to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Hao"er, who is more than one year old in his arms, stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang curiously with his big shining eyes . His mouth is slightly open, and his chest is wet with transparent saliva . Seeing the child, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is touched, Carefully walked forward and touched the stomach of the officer Qiao cloud, picked up the handkerchief son pinned on the child"s Lapel to wipe off saliva for him .

Before he put down his handkerchief, Hao"er opened his arms and motioned to Zhang Xiaoqiang to hold him . Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned . His body took over his son before thinking and acting . Then he thought about the reason why he refused to hold him . He was crazy . He did not hold little Lori and meow, but he held his son for the first time, Feel the arms of the villain on the chest, bouncing heart almost burst open .

In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, there is only a little guy who relies on his chest to wipe his saliva on his lapel . Blood is thicker than water in his heart . This unprecedented touch penetrates his heart and makes his heart knot open . Even if his hands are red with blood, what can he do? What if he slaughtered ten thousand people? As long as his son doesn"t have to kill and won"t be killed, he is willing to kill more people .

"Zhuo Mingyue said that my daughter is going to be born in two months . Alas, it"s sour to walk two steps now . . . "Even if she wants to be a mother, Shangguan Qiaoyun still likes to compete for favor . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang holding Hao"er, her heart turns sour . Is it not Zhang Xiaoqiang"s child in her stomach? When Shangguan Qiaoyun talks, mupeipei holds Hao"er back . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing intention converges, there will still be a little leakage . How can she not detect it as an evolutionist? Before Hao"er cries, she hugs her and comforts her .

Shangguan Qiaoyun"s interruption made Zhang Xiaoqiang ignore the influence of his killing intention on the child . He touched Shangguan Qiaoyun"s plump cheek with a smile and said, "are you working hard? I was not around when Haoer was born . I must see with my own eyes when my daughter was born . " Speaking, Zhang Xiaoqiang took Shangguan Qiaoyun"s wrist to sit down, and then pulled a curtain Peipei .

Mupeipei didn"t plan to stay much . After meeting Zhang Xiaoqiang, he went back . Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his heart because Yang Ke"er was able to get treatment, and he didn"t want to avoid mupei any more . He took her to sit beside him with one hand around Shangguan Qiaoyun"s waist, stroked her belly, and with the other hand on mupei"s shoulder, letting her lean against his arms, Every one of her gossips about her family . Shangguan Qiaoyun feels that Zhang Xiaoqiang is different, but she doesn"t feel any discomfort . Instead, she is glad that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tenderness at the moment has at least dissipated her acc.u.mulated resentment . Mupeipei doesn"t have much intimate contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang . She is not used to it at first, and she always wants to resist, but she is afraid of disturbing her children, This just half pushed against Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms, I don"t know why, at this moment she felt unprecedented peace, just like the comfort when she first picked up her child . Unconsciously, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not so annoying in her eyes .

Yuan Yi put the wet towel after wiping Yang Ke"er"s whole body into the basin, put the basin under the bed, and began today"s ma.s.sage . She pressed her slender fingers on Yang Ke"er"s thighs and ma.s.saged them with moderate strength . After a short time, Yuan Yi"s forehead began to sweat, and Yang Ke"er"s smooth big legs began to blush . It was she who ma.s.saged Yang Ke"er day after day, So that her leg muscles didn"t atrophy .

Zhang Xiaoqiang stands at the door and looks at Yuan Yi"s busy back . He can"t help but be infatuated . What he sees in front of him tells him how Yuan Yi has been through after Yang Ke"er"s injury . He washes his face, wipes his body, feeds him with water, and turns over for Yang Ke"er every hour and a half . Even when he goes to bed at night, he has to get up to serve Yang Ke"er . Her skillful appearance is tempered day after day, Just because of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anger and anger, she is here to take care of Yang Ke"er . Even if she made mistakes before, she also redeemed them with her own actions .

Seeing the thin figure, Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly steps forward . His steps are very light . Yuan Yi immediately detects the slight and indisputable sound of his steps, which makes her tense . Then he slowly relaxes himself and continues to ma.s.sage Yang Ke"er without looking back . Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that Yuan Yi recognizes his footsteps . It"s not that she doesn"t care if she doesn"t look back, But her heart has lost resentment, she has always wanted to have a child, but Shangguan Qiaoyun"s children are almost born, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been indifferent to her, let her heart extremely lost, in this way to ignore the dissatisfaction in her heart .

Yuan Yi"s body is tense again, but not alert, but nervous . She wants to return to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms more than anyone else, but she is more afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang will not forgive her all her life . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang takes the initiative to hold her, which makes her brain feel dizzy, as if the world is not real, With both hands, she slowly pulled her tight body to her chest smelling of tobacco, and finally let her soft body relax again . She leaned against Zhang Xiaoqiang weakly, but her eyes shed tears, and her grievances burst at this moment< br>