Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2300: 2300

Chapter 2300: 2300

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, congratulations on your success . Unfortunately, you and your sisters can"t spend their honeymoon . "

Huang Quan took off his stiff military uniform, put on his snow-white Zhongshan suit, and stood next to Zhang Xiaoqiang with flowers on his chest . They watched the lively scene together, but Huang Quan couldn"t help sighing . Three days ago, Nuwa informed them of the changes of the Hai nationality, and even the long-range missiles launched in the new era were clear, Xianghai"er"s call is a request made by an unknown meteorite in the Hawaiian sea area . Originally, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat back and ignored it . Unexpectedly, he aroused the anger of that thing and ordered the sea people to launch a Jedi counterattack to the land . In these three days, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not partic.i.p.ate in the wedding planning . He has been watching the staff in the military affairs department of huangquan discuss the consequences of the sea people"s landing .

"Honeymoon is just a form . After all, we are facing a crisis of life and death . Yesterday, we received a report that seven evolutors and 12 soldiers were lost on the other side of Shazhou island . This is just a small-scale unconscious attack by the sea people . If we wait for a large number of sea people to land, I"m afraid we will face a bitter battle . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s exclamation left Huang Quan speechless . China is a little better . There have been sea people in the coastal areas of Australia . The remains of the zombies on the small islands in the Pacific Ocean have been swept away by swarms of zombies . There are also sea people landing in Southeast Asia and nearly half of the islands in Southeast Asia . I"m afraid that sea people will appear in the South China Sea soon .

"In fact, it"s not necessarily a bad thing for Haizu to go ash.o.r.e . " Suddenly thinking of something, Huang Quan moved his chin with his fingers, squinted and said . Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turned back and looked at Huang Quan"s eyes .

"We originally planned to take Australia as the base to wipe out the red algae around us step by step, and then beat Hawaii in one go . Of course, the red algae of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in Hawaii is not so easy to fight . We are ready for a long-term war . Now the new era has helped us to hit the sea area of Hawaii, which is a rare opportunity for us, If we go to the sea to fight the sea people, it"s far better for us to wait for the sea people to come up on the sh.o.r.e . Even if we can"t resist in advance, we can drag the sea people to death with deep towing . "

At this point, Huang Quan suddenly chuckled and said, "the sea people"s expedition is still dragging red algae . Red algae are high-energy plants, and countless sea people feed on them . This is their biggest weakness . As long as the red algae don"t go ash.o.r.e, the sea people can"t get enough food, Is it better to burn red algae on land than in water? What"s more, the water snake has evolved into a level 5 mutant animal . I don"t know about other countries, but China, we will be able to defend it . "

Huang Quan woke Zhang Xiaoqiang up . The algae were the source of the life of the sea race . Even though the sea race was hundreds of millions, it was not the sea race has the final say to land, but on land, the human beings were not without the strength of a war .

"Well, at least we don"t have to worry about the expansion of red algae in a short period of time . The sea people"s counterattack gives us an opportunity . No matter how many sea people come, they can"t come or go . But we can"t just focus on China . Australia also needs to take into account . The geographical environment there is a natural cemetery for the sea people, Try to attract the sea people to Australia as much as possible . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang completely put down his worries . There are both advantages and disadvantages for the sea people to go ash.o.r.e, but in the long run, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages . The biggest threat of red algae is its continuous division and expansion . If the fast-growing red algae is not stopped, it can occupy 71% of the sea area of the earth in a short time . Once the sea is occupied, the land will disappear soon, This is a race of time . If human beings can run over akashia, they will survive . Akashia will run over human beings, and the whole earth will become akashia planet .

"By the way, brother c.o.c.kroach, those people from Beijing have already arrived in Wuhan . There are 37 school officials, 298 military officers, more than 40 cadres at the deputy department level, and more than 600 people below the deputy department level . How should these people be arranged?"

As soon as he was in a better mood, Huang Quan threw a huge Yali pear, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang turn his eyes . Huang Quan was so ignorant that he even said this depressing thing on his happy day . Although the biggest thing was the deputy department level, it also depended on being an official there . Officials in Beijing are not so suitable, The first time Xu Hao contacted them, he asked to reorganize them . Before that, in order to save these guys, the garrison around the northern army consumed a lot of elite soldiers to feed the zombies . As a result, for four years, Beijing did not release a useful message . For these people, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not happy, but depressed . Why did they not die in the mouth of the zombies .

"What do you say? If you want to talk about it, you are also born in a military family . It seems that you are also a child of the military region compound? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang lacks experience in dealing with government officials, and he can"t kill them . Now Huaxia Renaissance has grown into a giant, and no one can shake the status of Huaxia Renaissance . What"s more, the survivors won"t have any good feelings for the former government officials, except for the former rich second generation and the official second generation, From time to time, the children of the eight banners, who collude with the government and businessmen to trade power and money, miss the beautiful times in the past . When they come back, they still do all kinds of gra.s.s-roots work with ordinary survivors with hoes and spanners or tile knives and gray buckets . These people are just troubles, not threats to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Huang Quan knows the virtues of those officers and officials who are rooted in Miao Hong . Thirty years ago, both the army and the officials knew the word "dedication" . However, with the slogan of economic development, both the army and the officials began to look at money . They enjoyed privileges that ordinary people could not enjoy . They lived in the middle and upper cla.s.ses of society in the name of public servants, even in the end of the world, They still think that they are superior, so huangquan also feels headache . They certainly don"t want to let these people work at the gra.s.s-roots level, but they don"t need them to manage their positions . Who knows if they will use the previous means to revive China? Besides, there are already interest groups in China"s rejuvenation . If we put a knife into it, it will only cause chaos and strife . It"s better to keep it as it is .

"If not, let Zhou Xiong come over and screen them . Those who have the ability can be planned into a system . Those who have no ability can be decentralized . Those who are greedy can be sent to the front line . As for those who rely on the relationship to be superior, they can be sent directly to the marginal areas, so that they can live and die on their own . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang had thought about Huang Quan"s method before . He just wanted to do it and move his whole body . After all, some people may not have the ability at all, but they are engaged in sabotage, conspiracy and calculation one after another . If they are really accepted into their own system, there may be many more troubles soon . Now the sea people are on the side, and the zombies have not been eliminated, All kinds of threats emerge in endlessly . He doesn"t want to see any more problems in the rejuvenation of China .

"Forget it, gather them together and send them to Qinghai voluntarily . Now that Sichuan has opened up the route to Qinghai, we can use Beijing"s military strength to form an advance brigade to prepare for the recovery of Qinghai . The survivors there are all ethnic minorities . Let these officials deal with ethnic minorities . As for those who do not want to go, they are sent to factories, Let them pay for their labor . "

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang said that the population density of Qinghai is not high, urbanization is relatively slow, most areas are wide and uninhabited, and there are many ethnic minorities . Han people account for half of the proportion, and Tibetans account for a quarter . The rest are Hui, Tu, salar, and Mongolian . If they operate well, they will be the most stable rear area, In addition, Qinghai Province and Tibet and Xinjiang are handed over . The three major provinces have one-third of the area of China . Although the land is poor, it is not an obstacle to the rejuvenation of China with zombies . It is best for the troops and officials of the Beijing Military Region to explore Qinghai, which will not affect the combat readiness of the rejuvenation of China, but also find real talents .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the ceremony is about to start, waiting for you to go down . . . " Wearing a big back and a stiff suit, Zhang Huai"an walked up to Zhang Xiaoqiang and flattered him . Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned when he looked at the huge stage of 100 square meters in the valley . However, without saying anything, he nodded to Zhang Huai"an and walked toward the stage with red carpet and countless flowers . Zhang Huai"an and Huang Quan followed him, farther away, Hundreds of women dressed up in colorful costumes, surrounded by five brides, came out of their respective wedding rooms . The next moment, fireworks rose from the top of the mountain and burst into brilliant colors in the sky . Small airships dragged colorful banners to sprinkle fresh flowers on the couple"s heads, just at the foot of the mountain, The avenue paved with flowers leads to the ceremonial platform surrounded by thousands of people .

At the age of 18, Yang Ke"er is pretty and pretty . She is the most beautiful age . Her white wedding dress makes her step on the clouds like a fairy in the clouds . Beside her is Zhuo Mingyue, a gorgeous Hanfu . Brainwashed by ancient thoughts, she doesn"t like western wedding dress, but the bright red wedding dress brings us another visual feast, She is a gorgeous beauty with unparalleled charm, which makes all people who see her dull in surprise, regardless of men and women . Then there are Shangguan Qiaoyun and mupeipei . They wear different clothes, but they are mainly festive . Everyone"s appearance is superior . They compete for beauty together, which makes many people sigh about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s beautiful fortune .

They walked down the mountain . When the wedding was going on, the band played the tune . A group of children from seven to twelve years old were walking on both sides of the group with flower baskets . They scattered petals to the new couple . Everyone was smiling in the rain . The fragrance of the flowers floated in the wind and was refreshing . For a moment, the whole valley was boiling in the exploding fireworks, Some people shout their blessings, some whistle, and others try their best to express their excitement at this moment .

Thousands of people looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and five girls walking to the red carpet . Under the dining table, Fei Fei in a small red coat touched her tummy skin with satisfaction, showing a happy look . Beside her, countless large plates were stacked together, all kinds of bones and confectionery were all over the floor, Tang Mengru, standing beside Zhou Jie, looks coldly at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is cheered by everyone . His eyes are black and white, and he doesn"t know what he is thinking, showing a touch of cold light . Further away on the top of the mountain, miaowao sits on the top of the tree with a bottle of old red wine in his arms, watching the bustle at the foot of the mountain and pouring red wine alone< br>