Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2302: 2302

Chapter 2302: 2302

Tang Mengru is restless in the shadow behind the house . The faint sound of laughter disturbs her . The bright light shines on the mountain at night like a fairyland . The women in the colorful light are chatting and laughing everywhere, which makes it full of festivity and excitement . Only Tang Mengru is out of tune with the environment here, The idea of killing Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a poisonous snake in her heart, but she doesn"t even have a toothpick . How can she kill Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has always been a powerful man? When she was about to be driven crazy by her own ideas, a bright plant nearby attracted her attention . It was a half human tall gra.s.s herb . Its broad leaves looked like corn leaves . They grew up to the upper layer along the stem . The leaves hung down two-thirds of the way up . At the tip of each leaf, there were blue flowers like wind bells, This kind of flower exudes intoxicating fragrance . Even after drinking, Tang Mengru feels that her brain becomes clear and her thoughts are much clearer .

What attracted her attention was not the fragrance of this beautiful flower, but she knew that there was juice in the stamen that could kill people . This kind of plant was not uncommon in Yinmeng . When she ran for her life with the northern military region, she used the juice of this flower to poison three thugs who wanted to invade her . It was also very simple to use . Melting it in the water could kill people, Even evolutionists can"t escape .

"The charm of blue, the fragrance of enchantment, if it is perfumed, it will make all women crazy . "

As soon as Tang Mengru took off two stamens, she heard someone talking behind her . She turned around and found that she was a woman she didn"t know . She was in her thirties, and her facial features were just right . She had a unique charm . Her plump figure was like a ripe melon . She just spoke quietly, and her mature temperament came to her face . Not to mention a man, even a woman was attracted to see this woman, Tang Mengru immediately embarra.s.sed smile .

"Sister, do you know this kind of flower? I smell very fragrant . I want to put it in the head cabinet of my bedroom . Maybe I can smell flowers in my dreams at night . " Tang Mengru behaved like a clever college student . Her shy appearance made the woman smile, nodded and said, "I"m Xu Mengzhu . You can call me sister Xu . This kind of flower is actually poisonous . . . "

Tang Mengru"s face suddenly changed . She didn"t know what to do . Her heart beat so hard that she couldn"t breathe . She felt that her intention had been discovered, and she just wanted to run down the mountain with a scream . Before she thought it was revealed, Xu Mengzhu continued: "but it doesn"t matter if you just smell it . Its fragrance has the effect of calming your mind, It"s good for your health to smell every day . Well, I went to see my daughter . You don"t have to worry too much . It"s ok . . . "

Xu Mengzhu thought that Tang Mengru was scared . He comforted her and turned to another house . Before he got to the door, he saw a beautiful girl dressed like a doll in a princess"s long skirt . She cried, "aunt Xu, you"ve brought me some delicious food . " then she stared at the food bag in Xu Mengzhu"s hand, I couldn"t help cheering and s.n.a.t.c.hing it . Seeing little loli"s happy appearance, Xu Mengzhu said, "meow, you should call me mom . . . "“ No, I"m doudoutang . If I call you mom, someone will beat me . . . "

Two beauties, a big one and a small one, come into the room and see the strange mother and daughter disappear . Tang Mengru takes a deep breath to calm herself down . At least her hands don"t tremble any more . After completely calming down, she goes to Xu Mengzhu"s door and knocks, In front of the surprised Xu Mengzhu showed a harmless smile and said: "can you give me a gla.s.s of boiled water . . . "

Transparent gla.s.s in the light of various colors exudes sometimes green, sometimes clear blue light, carrying the gla.s.s of Tang Mengru carefully walked to the door of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s room, in her constantly fabricating the lies of water delivery, but found that the house did not have guards, at this time she was glad that her decision, such a good opportunity is really rare .

After entering the room, within three minutes, she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang lying on the bed . The room was full of wine, and the colorful lights lit the dark room through the window . In this room, she could see all the furnishings and furniture . There were no luxury ornaments and decoration in the room, or even anything for enjoyment, A bed, a desk, a filing cabinet, and a wooden chair are all the furniture here . On the wall, there are various weapons, including large caliber sniper rifles, various types of rifles, pistols, submachine guns and two large serrated machetes .

Lying on the bed, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s deep breathing sound fell into Tang Mengru"s ears like thunder, which made her slightly recovered heart jump again . However, she still walked forward with a firm head . The water wave in her hand trembled slightly, making the water in the cup continuously splash out and fall at her feet like a plum blossom . The closer Tang Mengru approached Zhang Xiaoqiang, the more frightened she was, More than once, she wanted to throw away her water cup and run away, but her stubborn heart overcame her fear and kept approaching Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bedside . When she was ready to feed water to Zhang Xiaoqiang, she was suddenly shocked to find that Zhang Xiaoqiang was looking at her with open eyes .

"I"ll . . . I"ll bring you water . . . " In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, Tang Mengru"s scalp is numb . As she speaks in a trembling voice, she hands her water cup to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the clear water from the trembling water cup . He narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "do you want to kill me?" As soon as the words came out, the water cup suddenly took off, fell to the ground and fell into pieces . The water in the cup also flowed to the ground and meandered .

"I . . . I didn"t . . . " Tang Mengru doesn"t know how things are exposed . The first time, instead of swearing, he timidly retreats . At the same time, he is still defending himself . Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly sits up and puts his right hand in front of him with the Firebird machete . The Firebird machete is shining red and bright in the dark .

"Are you Zhou Jie"s man? I"ve seen you around Zhou Jie . Can"t Zhou Jie restrain himself? " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t listen to Tang Mengru"s explanation . He immediately raised a rhetorical question . He was quite sensitive to the idea of killing . He had a guy who was used to playing with the idea of killing . Even if Tang Mengru was just an ordinary person, as long as she had the idea of killing, Zhang Xiaoqiang would find out . Let alone Zhang Xiaoqiang would keep vigilant even when she was in the most lethargic state, but Tang Mengru ran into the muzzle of a gun .

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not sure . After all, he has drunk too much and his reaction is slow, so he is almost half deceiving and half frightening . When Tang Mengru hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s question, he is stunned at first, and then jumps up like a cat stepped on its tail and screams: "it has nothing to do with Zhou Jie . . . "

"Do you really want to kill me? But I guess . . . The water cup you brought is poisonous? " When Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic turns around, he returns to her from Zhou Jie and uses the probability to prove Tang Mengru"s good intentions . This time, Tang Mengru is so scared that she sits on the ground shaking all over and stops talking . Seeing this woman"s appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expression is dignified .

The invisible intention of killing expands in the room and covers Tang Mengru . Although Tang Mengru is good-looking, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care . What he cares about is why Tang Mengru wants to kill himself? Who are the black hands in this? Also Tang Mengru dares to do so, what ingredient has Zhou Jie played in it? Is there any new change in Yinmeng?

Surrounded by murderous spirit, Zhang Xiaoqiang turns into a prehistoric monster in Tang Mengru"s eyes . Even if she sits there like a drunkard full of wine, it makes her feel the horror of being swallowed up . Her whole body"s sweat suddenly stands up, and her hands and feet move back . She says in a trembling voice: "you . . . What are you going to do . . . , no . . . don"t . . . " At this time, she is like a helpless girl who is about to be insulted . She has more horror from her heart than the helpless girl . In the process of crawling on the ground, a wet water stain is left on the ground .

"No matter who asked you to kill me, it won"t end like this . . . Zhou Jie will be arrested and Yin Meng will be cleaned . In front of the vital events of human life and death, I don"t allow anyone to make trouble behind my back, no matter 1000 or 10000 people die . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at Tang Mengru"s mumbling . His good mood is completely destroyed . Tang Mengru is even more shocked when she hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mumbling . She doesn"t understand what crisis will make human life and death at stake, but she hears that Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to kill people, wants to clean Yinmeng, wants to kill thousands of people, and faints< br>