Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2311: 2311

Chapter 2311: 2311

"Who injected her with the evolutionary matrix?" This sentence is like a hammer hit on the hearts of all the women in the house . They look at Alisa shaking and crying in surprise together . Ji Xiaocao calls her mother, who sincerely recognizes Alisa, but how can this woman do it? Even if the average survivor is not willing to risk 30% to become an evolutionist after getting a stable life, how big is the gra.s.s? Zhang Xiaoqiang was less than seven years old when he left Yinmeng, right? It"s cruel to use an evolutionary matrix on a seven year old girl .

"Hum . . . " With a cold hum, Zhuo Mingyue waves her hand and rolls up her invisible position . She flies to her side with Ji Xiaocao . She doesn"t want to stay with the woman for another second . Ji Xiaocao, who is pulled away, cries loudly . Her face is wrinkled and her tears and snot fall down together . Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t dislike it . She opens her sleeve and wipes the stains on her face .

"I didn"t . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t believe it . He grabbed Eliza"s collar and almost lifted her up, pointed her nose and said, "I need an explanation . Was the gra.s.s bitten by a zombie?"

No matter what reason Xiao Cao was injected with evolutionary matrix, it was Eliza who didn"t take good care of her . Originally, he hated Eliza"s womanhood, but now he is even more bored, and his killing intention can"t be restrained . Suddenly, it spread and wrapped her up, making her tremble .

"Put her down . The more you are like this, the more scared she is . How can you say that she is also your mistress? Is it interesting to show me?"

Zhuo Mingyue always has sharp teeth and sharp mouth . She was better when she was not married before . When she got married, she thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang could not escape from her palm and became unscrupulous .

Because of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anger and fear, Eliza, the evolutionist, forgets her ident.i.ty as an evolutionist . She blushes like an ordinary woman, and her watery eyes are full of grievances and fears . Seeing the emotion in her eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitates and slowly puts Eliza down, with Ji Xiaocao crying in her ears . Obviously, Ji Xiaocao cares about Eliza very much, Two years of living together made her really think of Eliza as her mother .

"Yes, it"s food, it"s food . . . " Eliza"s Chinese expression ability is not very strong . When she is worried, she can"t express herself . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t understand her . She doesn"t have to be intimidated like before . She stands quietly in front of Eliza, who is as tall as him, waiting for her to explain clearly .

Ji Xiaocao is a clever child . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang has put down Eliza, she doesn"t cry any more . She just looks at them with sobs . She doesn"t even care about the snacks Zhuo Mingyue put on her lips . However, she has a different look . She piles up a lot of snacks and sweets in front of her body . While eating, she looks at Ji Xiaocao, Why does this little girl"s eyes come out of water?

"Since you left, Xiaocao is the treasure of Yinmeng . Batu, the vegetable grower, will send you the best vegetables every day . Zhou Xiong also guarantees that Xiaocao has a Longya fruit to eat every day . Therefore, Xiaocao has not eaten rice or ordinary food for a long time, just to keep Xiaocao healthy, Suddenly, one day, gra.s.s becomes an evolutor . "

This time, Eliza"s story was very clear, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang ponder . He didn"t suspect that Eliza was lying . After he calmed down, he found that he was a little impatient . The evolutionary matrix was not so easy to get, especially in the system of Huaxia Renaissance . Production, h.o.a.rding and distribution were all through different channels, one link after another, with special personnel in charge, If there is a problem, everyone will be held responsible . Therefore, each evolutionary matrix has a number and is monitored by a special person when it is used . At present, there are only two channels to obtain the evolutionary matrix . One is in the army, where military doctors are responsible for treating soldiers bitten by zombies, and the other is in the hunter system and War Department . It is sold as goods but injected under supervision, There are basically no other ways . Even if high-level officers want to inject, they must be supervised, so there is no way for Xiaocao to inject in private .

"Is it really because of the food?" Zhang Xiaoqiang ponders suspiciously, waves Eliza to sit down, turns around and looks at Ji Xiaocao who is held by Zuo Mingyue in her arms and chokes . Zhuo Mingyue"s dreamy eyes are all on Xiao Cao . She is more and more fond of it . Holding it in her arms is like getting her favorite plaything . Yang Ke"er says with a toot: "you scare people like this and don"t apologize . . . "

Yang Ke"er"s heart is also very strange . Before, because of the relationship between Eliza and Zhang Xiaoqiang, she was very disgusted with Eliza . However, when she saw that Eliza was almost scared to pee by Zhang Xiaoqiang, she felt pity . This pity is only relative to the women who are familiar with Zhang Xiaoqiang, which is very tangled .

"I"m reckless this time . What compensation do you want . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang goes to Yang Ke"er and sits down . He habitually wants to take out a cigarette . Seeing that Hao"er and qiao"er are both there, he can"t help but give up . He picks up the crystal fruit on the tea table and bites it open . A fragrance melts in his mouth, which makes him feel no less delicious than Longya fruit for the first time . At the same time, he also feels a warm current rising from his stomach, The whole person has a lot of spirit . It"s just a small fruit . Zhang Xiaoqiang finds that its effect is even better than Xianwu silver tea . It can be seen that Xiaocao"s daily enjoyment of good things is beyond the expectation of the following evolutionists . As a privileged cla.s.s, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but sigh about corruption . Eliza looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is careless, pretending to be calm, and at the women around who are fighting for beauty, Can"t help but say: "as long as don"t let the gra.s.s leave me on the line, I have no other requirements . . . "

It"s a bit difficult for Zhang Xiaoqiang . One of his purposes is to pick up the gra.s.s and get rid of the fetters with Eliza . However, it seems to be very difficult for him to say this condition . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s constipation is seen by Zhuo Mingyue . He glances at Eliza who is holding the hem of her clothes, Then he looked at the gra.s.s that she held in her arms but looked at Eliza . He sighed and said, "let her continue to take care of the gra.s.s . It"s not a big deal, but you are not allowed to roll the sheets with her any more . "

"Well, Eliza is the director of the Education Department of Yinmeng . She is in charge of the education work . She can"t get away from it . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t even think about it, so he found out the reason to refuse . It"s too risky for Eliza to follow him . What if he can"t resist the temptation?

"Is there no Ministry of education in Hubei? That"s all . It"s you who are sorry for others, who are unkind and ungrateful . " Mupeipeipei, who never expresses her own opinions, opens her mouth . She sees Zhang Xiaoqiang"s guilty heart, which makes her even more disdainful . Even if she is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s wife, Zhang Xiaoqiang is infuriated by mupeipeipei"s words . He stands up and looks at mupeipeipei who looks at him with his chin up . It takes him a long time to calm down his flame, Hard said: "you have a rest here, I go to Yinshan there to see, three or two days back . . . "

With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and left . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s figure, she disappeared in the same place in an instant . The next moment, she appeared on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s shoulder, followed by a cunning smile . She did not miss any chance to be alone with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Zhang Xiaoqiang is gloomy and goes out . He doesn"t know what to do . The reason why he is free from the shackles with Eliza is that he already has a family, a wife and children . He attaches great importance to what he has now . For him, his wife and children are his close relatives . He doesn"t want to estrange from his family because of the influence of external forces, For his family, he can compromise without principle . In his heart, nothing is more important than his family . That"s why he guards like a seedling .

So he wanted to do everything he could to maintain the family and the relationship . He was willing to bear the reputation of being unkind . Unexpectedly, his efforts were not recognized, and even maliciously ridiculed by muppel . If unrelated people said that, he didn"t care, but muppel"s words really hurt him . He didn"t know how to deal with the problem, Just leave far away .

Entering the bridge of the frigate, I didn"t see Huang Tingwei, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t ask . He sat on the captain"s seat and said, "take off, go to the mother insect . . . "

Fu Shanlin has been on duty on the bridge all the time . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face is not good, he doesn"t dare to ask . He just stares at the curious meow and doesn"t let her touch some key switches . As soon as he stops meow from pressing the full range dry ice fire extinguishing device in the ship, he hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order and wants to say something, but he is defeated in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s gloomy eyes, He turned around and said a few words to the crew around him . Layers of lights flickered on the console, and the frigate also vibrated slightly . At the moment when the engine was running, Huang Tingwei"s roar came from the internal broadcast:

"Fu Shanlin, who let you turn on the engine . . . " During the conversation, Huang Tingwei"s image appears on the display screen . At this time, Huang Tingwei takes off his military uniform and wears greasy overalls . Beside him is Xiao Lang, who is also dressed in the same clothes . They are surrounded by a 120mm gun . It is obvious that they are installing the optimized gun in a cabin . When they see their embarra.s.sed appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s gloom dissipates a lot, Nodding, he said, "I ordered you to come to the bridge . Xiao Lang continues to work . These days, he is helping to refit all kinds of equipment on the frigate until we meet Yinmeng . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order made Huang Tingwei, who was not reconciled, smile and say in a loud voice: "ha, I"ve long wanted to ask Xiao Lang for help . This time, we will certainly increase the power of the laser main gun by more than 50% . Brother c.o.c.kroach, do you have any silver tea? I"ll prepare more for Xiao Lang . . . "< br>