Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2312: 2312

Chapter 2312: 2312

Yinmeng has its own family . There are not many famous ones in Hubei . Apart from the three giants, there are only Eliza or yueya"er, who can be related to gossip . But one person is absolutely famous in the military and manufacturing department of Hubei . Xiao Lang"s ability is not secret . During the new era rescue operation in Hubei that day, both sides lost a lot of mourners, Zhang Xiaoqiang once enlisted Xiao Lang to Hubei to repair these abandoned aircraft wrecks .

After the wreckage of the plane was transported to the hot spring base, w.a.n.g Le once organized technicians from all over Hubei to repair one or two of them . Even if they could not repair them, they could a.s.semble one . However, after they really took over, they found that it was no less difficult to repair this thing than to let them build an alien s.p.a.ceship, so the wreckage of the plane could only be used as waste for corrosion, It never occurred to anyone that Xiao Lang, who is not good-looking, could be renovated .

w.a.n.g Le was hostile to Xiao Lang at the beginning . He thought that Xiao Lang was unreliable at his age . If Xiao Lang had not been found by Zhang Xiaoqiang himself, he would have rushed back . Unexpectedly, under his nose, Xiao Lang first repaired the engine, then the burned lines and components inside, and finally even the radar system they didn"t know was repaired, On the contrary, the cha.s.sis is the simplest, which makes w.a.n.g Le amazing . In addition to those helicopters that are completely sc.r.a.p, eight of the 12 damaged helicopters have been repaired by Xiao Lang, which is an impossible miracle .

w.a.n.g Le always admired people with ability . Later, he asked Xiao Lang to help repair some damaged weapons and gun barrels . Originally, it was just a trial, but he didn"t expect that the quality of the repaired weapons was several times better than that of the original ones . This made w.a.n.g Le become Xiao Lang"s most loyal admirer . He even wanted Xiao Lang to be the head of Hubei arms factory and machinery department, and he wanted to stay in Hubei, Huang Tingwei, as the commander of the air force, naturally understands the value of Xiao lang . unfortunately, no one has the right to call Xiao Lang except Zhang Xiaoqiang . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang himself promised to let Xiao Lang stay on the frigate for three days, which made Huang Tingwei very happy . He took out his treasure of five-level mutant animal meat, all kinds of frozen seafood, and the rare Xianwu silver tea, Treat Xiao Lang as a grandfather .

On the way to Ordos, Zhang Xiaoqiang learned that Xiao Lang had successfully completed the optimization of the supernova bomb . Although Xiao Lang ate five blood seeds and improved his ability a little, he did not reach the optimization level of 200% . According to Xiao Lang"s estimation, it was only more than 180% . Even so, it was quite good .

Huang Tingwei, with a report sheet, stood at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s grudging report: "first of all, optimize the laser main gun . Besides the over frequency conversion device, there are also energy linkage devices, vector splitting components, superconducting particles . . . It is estimated that the power of the main gun will be increased by 20%, the energy loss will be reduced by 35%, and the launching speed will be increased by 5%, Extending the launch distance . . . The second step will optimize the engine, which will take 18 hours . It is expected to increase the maximum power percent, increase the medium speed cruise time, and reduce the fuel consumption . "

Huang Tingwei"s report is like a stimulant, which makes the bridge crew excited . To serve on the frigate is their proud achievement in their life . The frigate is their home and the Holy Land in their heart . The promotion of the frigate is closely related to them, and no one is unhappy . Except Zhang Xiaoqiang, if there is only one frigate, Zhang Xiaoqiang will be as happy as these crew members, but his target is countless frigates and even air fortresses .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we are here . Minister Zhao Jun has prepared a reception ceremony below . . . "

Fu Shanlin interrupted Huang Tingwei"s report . On the huge display screen, the huge dome building covering more than 10 square kilometers is like the bottom of a pot . There are countless holes like honeycomb briquette arranged on it . Countless flying beetles come in and out of these holes . A tower with a height of tens of meters is arranged around the bottom of the pot, I don"t know how many kilometers of barbed wire will tightly surround here .

The new nest of the female insect is the biggest architectural achievement of Yinmeng . It is grand and spectacular . The area of more than ten square kilometers can easily make people lost in it . The frigate landing on the ground has amazing size and power for ordinary people, but in front of this dome building, it is like a small pea .

Under the guidance of Zhao Jun, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked into the gate where he could drive a mining truck and saw mountains made up of countless piles of plant debris . These green hills more than 10 meters high were just a line from the top . A big ice blue beetle was climbing on these hills . Each ice blue beetle was eating crazily and devouring the hills under him, In the process of their phagocytosis, the hole above the top of the hill is like snow, falling new plant debris, all of which are mutant plants brought by flying beetles from Yinshan Mountains .

Walking in the gap between the plant hills, they were soon covered with plant debris flying around, just like green gra.s.s people, with the exception of Zhang Xiaoqiang . He stirred up a killing barrier around him, bouncing away countless plant debris, which made Zhao Jun envious .

Walking on the thick green carpet on the ground is like walking in the clouds, making a rustling sound . Facing a beetle that only eats, no one is afraid . These beetles ignore human beings . Even if there are beetles blocking the way of human beings, as long as human beings approach, they will retreat first . When they pa.s.sed through the continuous green hills and entered a clean hall, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the long lost female insect . This huge female insect was even bigger than before . It was not seen in half a year, and its body at least doubled . Beside it, hundreds of ice blue beetles were waiting in long lines to feed it . After the plants that the ice blue beetle had devoured had been devoured, It was purified into a dark green semi solidified liquid, which was the food of the female . An ice blue beetle seemed to squeeze toothpaste and spit out these things to the mouth of the female, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel sick .

After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, the little eyes on the fat head and wrinkled mother insect"s head suddenly shake, and then an invisible aura spreads to the people . Just when they feel a trance, hundreds of ice blue beetles turn to Zhang Xiaoqiang and raise their arms . The change of the mother insect makes Zhao Jun"s face suddenly change, waiting for him to take action, The sound of a sudden alarm reverberated in the hall .

Machine guns turn out from the ceiling, countless infrared light spots dye the skin of the female insect red, and countless sharp drills turn out on the ground . With the waving of the mechanical arm, they quickly approach the female insect . At this time, the female insect finally stops the commotion and quiets down .

It only takes less than 10 seconds for all the arrangements to tear the female insect into pieces the size of a palm . Not to mention the machine gun with a caliber of more than 23mm, the infrared light spots are hundreds of lasers . Once these short-range lasers, which were originally used for the process defense of the frigate, become powerful, the female insect will melt even if forged by steel . Therefore, Zhao Jun has no worries, He was just angry that the mother insect made trouble when Zhang Xiaoqiang came to inspect .

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles and takes the initiative to go to the mother insect . Zhao Jun wants to keep up, but he is stopped .

Under the threat of numerous lasers and machine guns, the female insect gave up demonstrating to Zhang Xiaoqiang . In the past, she was forced to surrender in her territory, let alone now in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s territory . Even if those machine guns and lasers could not kill the female insect, the 100 ton bomb buried underground could easily annihilate the female insect .

"It seems that you are doing well now . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that there was something more in his brain . He knew that the mother insect was connected with his own thinking and said h.e.l.lo to the mother insect in his brain .

The 1 . 75-meter-old Zhang Xiaoqiang is very small compared with the female worm which is similar to the water snake . However, in other people"s eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s momentum steadfastly suppresses the female worm . When Zhang Xiaoqiang is close to the female worm, he can see that the female worm has a tendency to squirm backward .

"Don"t hurt me . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brain is only the mother"s begging, which makes him feel that he is not a giant, but a cowardly lamb .

"Don"t try to make a wrong move, you should know that once we misunderstand, we will not hesitate to kill you . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang told him in his head, and then he felt the fear of the mother insect in his heart, and immediately understood why the mother insect protested against him .

The female insect is very comfortable here . She forgets her ident.i.ty as a captive . The mutant plants all over Yinshan Mountain range are the best food for the female insect . After several months of stable life, the female insect is gaining weight every moment . At the same time, her fear of human beings is also decreasing . If Zhang Xiaoqiang does not appear, the female insect almost regards human beings as slaves to serve her, But when it saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s moment, it recalled the most terrible moment in his life, and it was hard to avoid making a move to protect itself .

It is because of this wrong move that the female insect finally realizes the hidden threat here . Although it has not seen the power of those weapons, the lingering breath of death is like substance . At this time, it really succ.u.mbs to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"You can take whatever you want as long as you don"t hurt me . . . " Chen Kan, the mother worm, realized her mistake like a humble reptile confessing to Zhang Xiaoqiang . As long as the gun on her head doesn"t withdraw, her humble will always be the most sincere .

"I want at least 100000 of them . " Zhang Xiaoqiang described the appearance of the sword arm insect in his heart . One hundred thousand is just a matter of quant.i.ty . He was afraid that the mother insect would not count . He imagined the overwhelming images of the sword arm insect in his heart . At this time, the mother insect was silent . After a long time, he said to Zhang Xiaoqiang, "you"d better kill me . I can"t fulfill your requirements . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised that the mother insect, who is greedy for life and is afraid of death, said this . He took a deep look at the mother insect, turned to Zhao Jun, raised his right hand and stretched out his index finger . The index finger crossed the arc in the mid air and pointed to the pile of ice beetles in the corner . Then he made a stroke on his neck,

A minute later, Hundreds of bright red lasers stretch out from every corner and weave crisscross lines like cobwebs in the hall . The shrieks come from the ice beetle and pierce people"s eardrums like steel needles . When they cover their ears and retreat in the scream, the burning smell diffuses in the hall . The smell of protein burning is very disgusting, But the effect on the female insect is very good . I heard the female insect shouting in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind: "don"t kill me, don"t kill me, what you say is what . . . "

Hundreds of ice beetles were killed by the laser in the blink of an eye, and the bodies piled up like hills . The mother insect was scared to death by the power of the laser . In its tail, the smelly black liquid instantly infected tens of meters of the ground . These black things looked like blood, but actually urine . The mother insect was scared to urine by Zhang Xiaoqiang . "When can I have . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang covered his nose and said impatiently that the originally ugly female insect was even more boring in his heart .

"I need special food, food that can provide special strength . . . " The female insect obviously has no confidence, at least let Zhang Xiaoqiang hear it guilty, Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned, he thought that the knife arm insect and the flying beetle are the same, as long as they are willing to give birth, how many do they want .

"Meat? Or zombies? " In his mind, Zhang Xiaoqiang imagines the appearance of a zombie and a high-level zombie, but he feels uncertain . The zombies on Okinawa seem to have no relationship with flying beetles .

"Food, special food . " The female worm is obviously vegetarian . It constructs other patterns in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brain . They are all kinds of plants . Among them, Zhang Xiaoqiang finds some things that are very beneficial to the evolutioners, and frowns . If we want the female worm to produce saber arm worm, we need a lot of Longya fruit of the same level . These things are good for human beings, and they are also good for the female worm, When I think of other beetles on Okinawa before, they are all based on thousands, that is, saber arm beetles are based on tens . Obviously, the mother beetle did not lie .

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought in his mind, and the female worms connected with him could feel it naturally . He added: "the special food is very precious . I just acc.u.mulated three saber arm worm eggs . If you want them, I"ll give them to you now, but no more, even if you kill me . . . "

"Zhao Jun, give me those red algae, there will be on the frigate . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang turns around and shouts to Zhao Jun< br>