Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2314: 2314

Chapter 2314: 2314

Within eight hours, the three ladybugs have grown from puppies to big dogs . Their wrinkled skin has spread out and has the appearance of a carapace . The crisp and tender ladybugs are beginning to show their ferocity . After fighting for a third of the area of red algae, they work hard . Around the three ladybugs, 98 newborn ladybugs, like their predecessors, can"t even stand steadily and eat in the red algae piled up into hills, On the other side, twelve table top octagonal beetles quietly enjoy their own rations .

Zhang Xiaoqiang stands in the middle of these insects . He has the demeanor of a keeper . These beetles are the last private goods of the female insects, and they are also the result of his consuming hundreds of bullets . With cigarettes in his mouth, Zhang Xiaoqiang squints his eyes and looks at the sky . The curl of smoke disappears in front of his eyes, but his thoughts are not on the beetles around him, I think of the words that the female said when she finally whined: "it"s not that I don"t want to have a baby, it"s that human beings can"t master it . Three or five can be domesticated slowly . If I release them in large numbers, they will become wild . I"ve acc.u.mulated so much energy just to give birth to the fighting female . Only the fighting female can lead the little insects on the expedition . . . "

The mother insect is also aggrieved . He has long known the purpose of human detaining him . Zhang Xiaoqiang spent a lot of money to build a large nest for him, so that he can enjoy the mutant plants of the whole Yinshan Mountain safely . His purpose must be for his own benefit, and his greatest benefit is that he can produce those insects, but he can only command them for more than 100 kilometers, The only way is to give birth to another female, who can command the beetle and establish a connection with human mind .

For females, it is possible for them to replace their own positions, and being replaced will mean death, which is absolutely not allowed . Therefore, it is necessary for them to produce fighting females without reproductive capacity . Fighting females are naturally suppressed by breeding females, and there is no rebellion . However, the energy consumed by fighting females is far more than the energy consumed by hundreds of saber arm eggs, This makes it have the idea of hiding private goods . It just wants to wait until one day it can store enough energy to produce fighting females .

The female worm has the wisdom that human beings can"t imagine . It"s true that being smart is mistaken by being smart . As a result, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw it through . She suffered the biggest pain in her life and almost died of pain .

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t laugh or cry when he learned about the cause and effect . However, he still let the female give birth to 98 eggs and accelerate the hatching . In addition, the 12 anisodactyls left by the female just in case, he had a large army of Zerg . Zhang Xiaoqiang had already thought about the arrangement of these insects, After the beetles grow up, they are a.s.signed to those spiritual evolutioners who have mind reading skills as helpers . Not every spiritual evolutioner can control other people"s thinking . Just like Zhou Jie and Hudson, many spiritual evolutioners are called waste material evolutioners . They are great at being police constables . At least there will be no injustice in arresting criminals .

But it"s another matter to let them communicate with the saber armyworm they"ve cultivated since childhood . It means that each of them has the powerful force of type 4 zombies . Anyone can easily wipe out tens of thousands of corpses, just like the summoner in the fantasy story . At that time, these policemen, who are called waste evolvers, are the most popular .

More than 100 Sabrina can"t dominate a war . There are a large number of sea mutated animals and sea people . Relatively speaking, zombie sea meets a huge sea people, which is a dish . It takes at least thousands of Sabrina to wipe out the sea people in a region, but maybe 10000 Sabrina are not enough to really win the war .

So Zhang Xiaoqiang went back to the previous problem, how can we get enough precious plants to feed the female worms, and how can we make the female worms produce more Sabrina and Octopoda?

"Why is this one different from the others?" Meow meow"s sudden exclamation interrupts Zhang Xiaoqiang"s reverie . He turns to see meow standing next to the three slightly larger arm worms . Arm worms seem to have nothing to eat but eat . They work hard in a pile of red algae . One of them is different in color from the other two . It"s as red as a cooked crab .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s interest is aroused by the color variation of the beetle . He walks up to the beetle and looks at it carefully, only to find that the color of the beetle is still deepening, first red, then purple, and finally black . The black beetle is very domineering, occupying three-quarters of the red algae that belong to them, The remaining two will be pulled away by the already rigid arm if they cross the boundary a little, so that the two arm insects will be far away from it .

Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang was thinking about the reason, the black arm beetle"s crustacean suddenly split countless gaps, and then was replaced by the white soft sh.e.l.l inside . Layers of falling crustaceans scattered around the arm beetle, revealing the white folded soft sh.e.l.l . The folds inflated like air . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw at a glance that the white arm beetle was twice as big as before, The size of an adult Tibetan mastiff .

"Variation?" A word flashed through Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind, but the white arm suddenly waved its serrated arm and frantically cut the red algae under his body, making him step back and draw out the Firebird machete . Meow also jumped to the back and drew out her pistol, but the mutant arm didn"t have the tendency to attack . It just dug up the red algae under his body and picked out a root fragment mixed in the sea, Each root fragment is hundreds of meters thick and thousands of meters long, but it is also easy to damage, some of which are small and mixed with red algae . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw something strange at a glance . On the fragment was inlaid with a half green and half red ball that had been gnawed a few times . Isn"t this ball the kind of fruit he found on the sea floor that day? At this time, half of the fruit and its roots were buried in the middle of the red algae, and each mouthful was eating the scattered red algae .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was confused by the small movements of the mutant arm beetle, but he saw that the arm beetle"s white sh.e.l.l gradually turned yellow, dark yellow, light red, dark red, lavender, and finally turned black . When the white beetle, which had grown twice as big again, broke away from the black sh.e.l.l, Zhang Xiaoqiang had only one idea in his mind: "Shiquan Dabu pill?"

After the mutant beetle devoured the whole fruit, it was the size of the Eight Legged beetle on the eight immortals table, and its carapace was shining with metallic l.u.s.ter in the evening light . Compared with its siblings, this beetle was as big as a giant .

"That"s it, that"s it, that"s the food . I can feel that it"s the best food . . . " The mother beetle"s request suddenly burst into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind . He could feel the urgent needs of the mother beetle . The mother beetle could control the beetle within a hundred kilometers . It could feel all the beetle"s emotions . The mutant beetle"s instinct to protect food could not escape the mother"s detection . For this unknown food, its practice was to let it go . If it was harmful, it would be the knife arm beetle that died, if it was beneficial, Can provide it to enjoy, which is why it knows so many precious plants .

After hearing the mother insect"s request, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart stone finally fell . As long as he knew the source of this thing, it was easy to do . Originally, he was going to s.n.a.t.c.h the meteorite fragments in the red algae, but now there is the need of the mother insect . It seems that he doesn"t have to wait for the sea people to attack the mainland to launch a counterattack . At least in some local areas, he can try to take the initiative to attack .

Red beads are the name given by Zhang Xiaoqiang to this kind of fruit . On that day, there were only a few hundred red beads collected at the bottom of the sea . Half of them were sent to the doctor"s laboratory and put aside as research materials . The rest were all on the frigate . The color of these red beads were bright red mature bodies and sent to the mother insects, You can get the news that every ten fruits can be exchanged for one saber arm insect . If there are ten thousand fruits, a fighting female insect can be bred . If there are one million fruits, one hundred thousand saber arm insects are nothing to say .

"I don"t know what the effect of eating it is? Do you want to find something to experiment with? " Zhang Xiaoqiang took the red bead in his hand and looked at the rainbow carving flying in the sky . The clear cry of meow came again: "Feifei, not everything can be fed to your mouth . You greedy cat, are you suffering?"

Xiao Feifei threw the red bead she had bitten on the ground and kept spitting . It was obvious that this thing was not to her taste . Seeing her appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang gave up the idea of human experiment . At this time, a black shadow flashed by, rolled the red bead off the ground, and then a red shadow rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang, With the smell of a canine, he took the red bead from his hand in one mouthful, and meow cried happily: "big black, two red, you come to see me . . . "< br>