Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2335: 2335

Chapter 2335: 2335

Seeing off the meditative Regel, Yang Ke"er and Zhuo Mingyue finally finish their three hour bath and sit down in front of the dining table . Zhuo Mingyue"s bright red dress, with her delicate white skin, is eye-catching in red and white . These days when she is determined with Zhang Xiaoqiang, her temperament is precipitated and a little more elegant, If you don"t speak, you can really pretend to be a lady . Yang Ke"er is different . The girl who first met Yu Lu has less pure color between her eyebrows and eyes, and more charming . Although she looks unstable, it"s too much stronger than before .

Meow meow propped her chin and looked at the drooling Feifei in a daze . She didn"t understand why the little girl could do it so well? It seems that all day long, Feifei"s mouth never stops . Before eating, she just ate two head size mutant durian fruits . Even if she was a big bellied man, she would feel uncomfortable at this time . Feifei is good . The durian fruit has not been digested, and she is thinking about the big crab in front of her .

Xiang Hai"er is not used to it here, but she still stands behind Zhuo Mingyue with patience, just like her shadow . She has a wet towel in her hand and wipes her cheek from time to time . When Zhang Xiaoqiang achieves her position, she can"t wait to grab the crab claws the size of a washbasin and put them into her mouth . There is a clear sound of chewing, The hard sh.e.l.l of the crab claw fell like a melon seed sh.e.l.l in front of her . Little Lori spat out the sh.e.l.l and ate all the tender crab meat inside . As soon as other people picked up the dishes, little Lori ate the claw with the thickness of her small arm and reached out to break off one .

"How long are we going to stay here?" Yang Ke"er"s mouth is full of dishes, chewing and talking . His voice is vague, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ears can hear clearly . Without waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to speak, Zhuo Mingyue and Yang Ke"er talk as usual: "if you don"t want to stay, go back first, no one asks you to stay . . . "

Yang Ke"er"s pretty eyebrows stand up and wants to spray with Zhuo Mingyue, but he doesn"t know what he thinks . He turns his eyes and says in a sweet voice: "that"s no good . What can I do if I leave my husband? You"re useless . If my husband can"t help looking for someone else, aren"t we going to add another sister? If it"s nice, don"t you have to fight every day if it"s not? "

"He dares to . . . " Zhuo Mingyue snores . Zhang Xiaoqiang gets goose b.u.mps from Yang Ke"er"s whine . Later, he is shocked by Zhuo Mingyue"s snort . He can"t help shaking his head . The five senses are ten times stronger than before, but it"s easier to feel the emotions in Yang Ke"er"s and Zhuo Mingyue"s hearts . They all say that you can"t guess the girl"s mind, but he"s good, At the end of the day, they don"t have to guess . They send them to the door automatically . What women think is different from men . Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang is often driven to death by the two of them .

"Don"t mention it . We can"t eat a good meal . We won"t go back for the time being . This will be the main battlefield of decisive battle . As long as the Hai nationality is not eliminated, we have to keep it here . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to stay here . Zhuo Mingyue, Yao Fei, and Xuefeng sword are all high-end forces . There is not much room for them to return to China, but there is enough room for them to exert themselves .

"Then you have to find some fun for me . Is there anything interesting in Australia? Rainbow carving is so boring that it can only recognize meow . After begging for a long time, I"m not allowed to ride . I don"t care . You must get me a bigger bird that is more beautiful than rainbow carving . . . " Yang Ke"er starts to play tricks . Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t speak this time . She thinks Yang Ke"er is very childish at this time . As an elegant and dignified lady, she won"t quarrel with childish guys .

"Hahaha, no other bird can catch up with rainbow carving . Rainbow carving is unique . It"s a gift from brother c.o.c.kroach . I envy you so much . . . " Meow meow knocks chopsticks on the table and makes trouble . She looks like a villain . These days, she asks Yang Ke"er to help him deal with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Yang Ke"er just doesn"t agree and offends meow badly . Although she doesn"t deal with Zhuo Mingyue, now she begins to learn to share hatred with the enemy .

"What a mess, isn"t it just a bird? I"ll take out some bird nests tomorrow and match one for each of you . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang said with a big voice . He took the bread from the plate and put it into his mouth . But he was thinking about the bird eggs he saw when he was cleaning up the red algae in the sea of j.a.pan . On that day, in the new era, he and Sophia fought for the bird eggs together . Obviously, they already knew how to domesticate the mutant animals .

Since meteorite fragments are needed and a large number of red beads are needed to provide female worms, the eggs on the red algae can"t be let go . Once those sea birds are domesticated, maybe an air cavalry will be added .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s promise made Yang Ke"er"s eyes smile into crescent moon . Zhuo Mingyue rolled a white eye . Her dreamlike eyes are gorgeous and matchless . Even if she rolled up her white eyes, she has all kinds of charm . Only meow meow said very uninteresting: "sister Mingyue can fly by herself . I have rainbow carving . If she gets a big bird, I"m afraid she will eat it . That"s not only Ke"er can have it . Why are you so generous?"

"Eat!!! Every time I eat, I will die if I say less . I knew I would not take you out . " Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that he was going crazy . He was wrong to say anything with these women, so he just let out his momentum . This kind of b.a.s.t.a.r.d spirit, which is very effective for others, just came up and was forced back by Zhuo Mingyue"s more intense obsession . It was like a spark meeting with a pouring rain, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang lose his temper . He couldn"t help but look up and sigh, grabbed the bread and fed it to his mouth, Meow meow a word let him spray: "Oh, why do you only eat bread? You see, the whole five people eat bread by yourself . Can we only eat meat? Girls eat meat very easily . If they get fat and can"t get married, you have to be responsible . . . "The Australian Army feels very elite . In fact, all Chinese soldiers only want to use one word to describe it . Slag, this army composed of people with different skin colors has strange and alternative characteristics . Because of the relationship between race and religion, even if they are all equipped with the original new era standard equipment, it still feels like a miscellaneous army, and its command is even more troublesome, A command must be translated into three or four, or even seven or eight, languages for every soldier to know .

If they don"t go to the battlefield, these soldiers will still stand together with great prestige . However, once they go to the battlefield, according to the Chinese people, they should keep an eye on their b.u.t.tocks at any time and prepare toilet paper . Otherwise, it"s too late to wipe their b.u.t.tocks . During the war, the area where deserters are detained has been expanded three times, almost once a day, In the end, even the gendarmes were bored, so they simply took their weapons and equipment and designated a place for them to stay .

Walking through the deserter camp, almost everyone was shaking their heads and sighing . Compared with the market, all kinds of starched clothes were everywhere like ten thousand national flags . There was a lot of war in the front, and they yelled at all kinds of gambling in the rear . Some people even gambled when their positions were broken . They were really a group of things who didn"t know what to do .

a.s.sad looks at the decadent fleeing soldier like a zombie inside . His face is very ugly . I don"t know why Zhang Xiaoqiang brought him here? Originally, it was decided to give the Chinese the right to deal with the deserters . Even if the Chinese shot the deserters, they didn"t care . If the Chinese really killed the deserters, it would do no harm to them . Instead, they could shift the responsibility to the Chinese . But now, in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he was embarra.s.sed to see the lively deserters . He only felt annoyed and ashamed . Other people"s soldiers fought bravely in the front, He"s still a disgrace here when he"s a deserter . Even a guy with such thick skin feels feverish .

"Why don"t people who know me dare to be deserters?" Looking at the deserters, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t smile or get angry . He told a.s.sad that a.s.sad couldn"t guess what the meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words was, and he didn"t speak, waiting for the words behind Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Before every soldier is recruited, he will be given an opportunity, an opportunity to choose to quit the army . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s vision can not help but from the group of uninspired deserters who transferred to the sky above the clouds .

"Being a soldier means responsibility and obligation . A soldier is the one who should be respected most among ordinary people . It is with them that other people have the opportunity to live a stable life without food and clothing . Therefore, a soldier represents not himself, but the responsibility of guarding . However, no one can shoulder this responsibility, Tens of thousands of soldiers died in the battlefield with me . In the most cruel time, thousands of soldiers would be killed in any war . Facing millions of enemies, it is not worthy to be a Chinese soldier without firm confidence and courage . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang talked as if in memory . Although he spoke very quickly and in a small voice, the remote translator told a.s.sad Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words for the first time . He didn"t know how to answer the topic and remained silent .

"So, I only use one way to deal with deserters . . . The cruelest way . . . To punish them in the way they are most afraid of . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s voice has a special frequency and magic, which makes a.s.sad stand beside him shudder . Even if he can"t understand Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words for the first time, he can feel boundless fear from the atmosphere of the words .

"Since these people are so afraid of death, let them become afraid of death . b.l.o.o.d.y death fighters are very cruel, and they are the best to use them . . . " In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t say the so-called method . a.s.sad was not disappointed . On the contrary, he was relieved . He was afraid that he would have nightmares when he knew Zhang Xiaoqiang"s so-called method, and his feeling was right . In China, anyone who wanted to become a soldier would watch several videos, including the fierce battle with zombies in the sea of zombies, There are countless zombies like the surging tide of the sea . There are hundreds and thousands of corpses of soldiers on display . The most important thing is that those deserters are thrown into the zombies and torn alive . Every soldier who has watched the video will get a baptism and an opportunity to overcome his fear . If someone has seen these pictures and still hopes to become a soldier, Then they still have the courage and tenacity of excellent soldiers< br>