Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2343: 2343

Chapter 2343: 2343

The world pattern has changed . Britain and Russia were eliminated first . In a new era of great calamity, they shrunk their heads to be turtles . The Americans thought it was time to save the world . They ate v.i.a.g.r.a and went around looking for the sea people to fight . The Chinese took this opportunity to bury themselves in development, and Australia won the battle . One hundred thousand tons of red algae were harvested . These red algae did not even have time to process . They were transported from the sea to the land by engineering vehicles through the built floating bridge and piled up into mountains . Large and small mutant animals were also sent to the temporary excavation cellar to prevent decay . Ice makers made a large number of ice cubes to freeze these mutant animals for future meat .

At the same time, Xuefeng was finally kicked out of the room by Zhang Xiaoqiang . He took his nanny and a battalion to the east coast, where he would get his new subordinates to fight against the Hai people . Zhang Xiaoqiang believed that among less than 20 million zombies, Xuefeng still had great achievements . The Chinese army only sent one battalion to fight on the east coast, However, they also know that the Chinese army has just fought a battle which is very painful . It is impossible for the Chinese army to launch an offensive on the east coast in a short time . Moreover, there are more and more red algae in the surrounding waters . At present, the most important thing is to acc.u.mulate strength to prepare for future wars .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t spare no effort to let Zhuo Mingyue go to the town . Yang Ke"er and Miaomiao couldn"t stay, so they rushed with artillery . This time, in order to prevent accidents on the east coast, Australia took out a regiment of self-propelled guns and all the ammunition to Yang Ke"er . They also saw that in Yang Ke"er"s hands, the power of artillery would be maximized, But the loss will be minimized .

At the end of the day, Zhang Xiaoqiang was accompanied by little Lori Fanfei . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had arrived at the birthplace of Fanfei . There were also many Chinese in the Australian core research inst.i.tute . They were all the top scientists and talents in China . Compared with Australia"s scientific research team, although it was nothing, everyone was young and amazing, They are all evolutionists . They are evolutionists piled up by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s blood . They don"t want them to fight, but need them to have stronger physique and sharper mind to catch up with the trend of science and technology .

Young scientists, as apprentices, study in Australia"s top experimental center . They are humble and humble . They learn from everyone who is better than them, because they know where their gap lies . There are only two different people . One is Xiao Lang, whose ability belongs to the ability against heaven in the eyes of scientists, and any mechanical equipment, Even experimental instruments can be strengthened by Xiao lang . for scientists, the most important thing is not knowledge, but tools for them to explore knowledge . With these tools, they can discover new knowledge and prove their conjecture . After Xiao Lang"s modification, these instruments, which originally belonged to the top technology, are even better than the set limit, Its accuracy is even higher than that of science and technology in the past ten years .

The other is the evolutor that Zhang Xiaoqiang once neglected, the one who can transform iron into steel . The ability of the evolutor slowly improves with the increase of frequency . This evolutor named opper is like a caterpillar in Yinmeng, but when he turns into a b.u.t.terfly, his talent is only a little worse than Xiao Lang, Any material in his hands will have a qualitative change, just like an ordinary kitchen knife . After his hands, the material is more than super alloy metal . It is with him that many problems are solved because of the shackles of materials .

It"s a pity that his ability is not popularized . A person"s ability is always limited . It"s only worthwhile to use his limited ability in the place where he needs it most . In the laboratory where his ability is respected, the Chinese people are recognized by local scientists . His and Xiao Lang"s ability to go against the sky is indispensable, and the young Chinese scientists can get the careful instruction of others .

Walking into the Research Inst.i.tute, the traces left by the battle a few months ago were cleaned up . The ground flattened by the supernova bomb was filled with floating soil, and many green leafy trees were planted . The lush forest made the place more green and less desolate . The collapsed buildings were removed, and two low and one high triad buildings were built in situ, crossing the ap.r.o.n behind the building, We can see that the culture room that was. .h.i.t by the gate on that day has been restored to what it used to be .

Ignoring the welcome of the director of the Inst.i.tute, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Xiao Feifei walked directly into the training room . When they entered the room, they saw thousands of training tanks arranged in a warehouse like s.p.a.ce, full of miserable or sleeping Oriental people . These people had fierce faces and scars on their bodies . They knew that they were not good people, of course, There can be no good people here .

The ground in front of these puppet soldiers who are being modulated slowly slides away . A few months ago, he didn"t know there was a famous underground hall . Now the Australian side has opened the mysterious door to him . Standing on the platform under the floor, the elevator quickly sinks down to the ground, and it"s not long before he arrives at the hall as bright as day, Rows of bright and translucent lights are shining here . Both the ground and the walls are snow-white . On the ground, there are many cylinders like transparent coffins . Through the toughened gla.s.s of the cylinder, we can see the human faces still sleeping inside . The LCD embedded on the cylinder displays all kinds of ghost like data, At least in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes .

Countless coffins are arranged here . At the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqiang still wanted to check the race and gender inside . If he saw more, he became numb . All the people inside were prisoners airlifted from China . After being caught by the Renaissance army, they were sent here to pa.s.s the test of evolutionary matrix, Become a backup material for puppet soldiers . For these people, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no feeling, even anger and rejection . In his heart, the day these people were caught was already dead . After more than 1000 coffins, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally saw two acquaintances . When he saw these two people, Zhang Xiaoqiang understood why Regel asked him to come .

In a cylinder thicker than other coffins, a man and a woman closed their eyes as if they were asleep .

"Lesaster, iron curtain G.o.d, Dream Star, night G.o.d, brother c.o.c.kroach has seen it before . . . "

Row after row of iron doors closed behind Zhang Xiaoqiang . In the bright room, infrared cameras moved to the dead corner and stopped swinging . Regel, who was dressed in military uniform, came out from behind and stood in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . His stiff military uniform made his face a little bit more cruel, but his blue eyes were beating with a burning flame, High jaw let him no longer before in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang inadvertent fear, and clenched hands seem to acc.u.mulate explosive power .

"They are captured by you?" Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care about the changes around him . He can easily see Regel"s heart with five senses strengthened . He is very excited, but there is no threat . He can feel Regel"s volcano like fever suppressed by death, although he doesn"t know what the fever comes from .

"I think they should have been betrayed by me . . . " Regor smiles, takes a deep breath, and speaks as quietly as he can, but his shaking fists betray his disguise .

"Ready to transform them into puppet warriors?" Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at Mengxing"s Oriental female face and asks whether Mengxing is Chinese or not . To him, all the Chinese who serve for the enemy are traitors, which is more annoying than the villains among the Chinese .

"No . . . that"s too wasteful . I asked you to come here for something to say . . . " Regel calmed down and didn"t know what switch he pressed . A metal table top and two metal chairs appeared on the floor of the hall with nothing but two crystal coffins . The table top slid outward like a building block, and the red wine and wine gla.s.ses in the tray, as well as cigar and matchbox and other utensils were raised .

Zhang Xiaoqiang impolitely picked up the moisturizer, drew out his cigar, lit a match, and slowly baked it . A strange smell came out of his hand . He nodded, cut open the cigarette holder and held it in his mouth . A mouthful of green smoke reverberated in his mouth, and then slowly spewed out, forming a thick fog with strange fragrance . The cigar didn"t need to go into his throat . He simply felt the unique taste and fragrance, Make smoking a pleasure .

"The betrayal of Australia is unforgivable, at least in the eyes of my father Kluger . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know much about Kluger, the speaker of the national a.s.sembly . He only knows that she is a very abnormal bis.e.xual . She tells Zhang Xiaoqiang what happened to her . Her evaluation of Kluger is similar to that of those psychologically twisted abnormal people . What is insidious and cunning, what doesn"t choose the right way, what is cruel and violent, basically accounts for all of them, which makes him think all the time, This is a born villain . Of course, these are all the words of Malena . He hasn"t learned from other sources . At least he hasn"t asked regor how abnormal his Laozi is?

"Didn"t you go back to Europe before? Are these two your guardians? " Zhang Xiaoqiang holds his cigar with his fingers toward the two G.o.d seats . He doesn"t dare to use too much force for fear that the ash will fall down and affect the taste of the cigar .

Taking a sip from his gla.s.s and looking at the red wine shaking in it, regor sighed: "it"s just the right time to split Australia . The purpose is to break Kruger"s arm, but my ultimate goal is not that . I don"t pay attention to Australia or the new era . "

In the middle of Regel"s speech, he seemed to be choked by the card owner . In the end, he didn"t say his purpose . He just drank a mug . Zhang Xiaoqiang put down his cigar and held up his wine gla.s.s to greet Regel: "you go back to the new era because there is a goal you want to achieve . What kind of way you choose for the goal is your freedom, whether you sell it or betray it, As long as it"s not on me, if you think I can use it, you can try it . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words were very impolite . Although the two sides cooperated well during the period of contact with Regel, they always felt that Regel"s heart was very dark . It was better to open up some words .

"My purpose is very simple . It doesn"t infringe on your interests . I came here to talk to you about one thing, so as to avoid misunderstanding when I get it . . . " Looking down at the wine cup held in both hands, Regel murmured that he seemed to be making the most difficult decision . Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his eyebrows and looked at him in doubt .

"I"m going to kill Kessler . . . " Finally determined to say these words, Regel seemed to be transferred to the whole body of the bones, sitting on the chair, looking at the ceiling speechless, turned over the red wine gla.s.s spilled scarlet red red wine, flowing along the smooth table, a drop on the metal floor splashing fine hops< br>