Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2356: 2356

Chapter 2356: 2356

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly woke up, sat up and touched the Firebird cutla.s.s on his waist . When he felt empty, he opened his eyes to see that he was not on the rough and cold sea, but on the warm bed . There was no howl of the sea people dying and the sound of the surging tsunami around him . It was as quiet as the flower garden of heaven . This quiet was the comfort from the bottom of his heart and the peace after the war, The tight muscles relaxed slowly and leaned on the head of the bed . When he lowered his head, he could see which layer of pink on his chest was fresh and tender . When he saw that his chest was in good condition, he took a long breath and thought of the red light when he was in a coma .

Different from what he initially imagined, he never thought that he would encounter the super high-level kraya, or that he could not be divided into kraya, but the four armed Snake Girl in the fantasy game . This kind of half human and half snake creature is beautiful and despairing . It is ten times stronger than tier"s ability and can launch thousands of ice spear waterlines in an instant, There are countless serrated ice plates . Xianghai"er is not an opponent at all, or her head can emit a small range of red light . She can"t be killed before she rises .

In this bitter battle, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue did their best . In the end, they had no choice but to kill the four armed Snake Girl . If it wasn"t for the arrival of Huo Fei, who slaughtered the Hai people on the periphery, they might have lost all their efforts . She was very powerful, but she was only half as strong as Zhuo Mingyue . Finally, Zhuo Mingyue attacked from the sky and Zhang Xiaoqiang attacked from underwater, Only then did he cut off two of the four armed Snake Girl"s arms . For this reason, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart was almost scratched by the four armed Snake Girl"s claws . The most dangerous thing was that he forced out the four armed Snake Girl"s Holy Spirit bone . With a flash of red light, the three of them almost turned into ashes . At the most dangerous moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang burst out of fear and finally forced out the fifth ability, black smoke armor .

This is the monster ability to attack Sha Chau Island on that day, which can turn all attacks into nothingness . Of course, this ability is not invincible . Once the attack exceeds the upper limit, it will be broken . Just like Sha Chau Island on that day, this ability is very similar to antimatter energy, which is still in the experimental stage . Its principle is the balance between quantum force and anti quantum force, Whether it is the shock wave of a bomb or the radiation of a nuclear bomb, they all belong to positive quantum matter, while the ability of a monster is antimatter, which can annihilate positive quantum energy . When the two sides collide, there will be no explosion, only neutralization .

Before the end of the world, China and some of the world"s top countries had already carried out research and made great achievements . In 1996, China tested anti quantum weapons . A 100000 ton tactical nuclear weapon exploded underground in Xinjiang . Anti quantum weapons blocked 45% of physical attacks . According to the latest information obtained by the US National Intelligence Center, China has successfully weaponized its anti quantum mechanics, code named ss-w2 . In other words, once a nuclear war breaks out, ss-w2 can neutralize more than 45% of the nuclear power in a few critical areas . With the deepening of research, it will eventually be infinitely close to 100%, thus making the explosion of the nuclear bomb ineffective .

The most amazing thing is that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s antimatter energy can not be used by himself, but can also be attached to others . If it wasn"t for a critical moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang would rather hurt himself than see Zhuo Mingyue and Zhuo Mingyue fall . He didn"t know he had this ability . In this way, Zhuo Mingyue and Zhuo Mingyue would have an excellent barrier, Finally, he overcame the red light of destruction and chopped the four armed Snake Girl to pieces, while Zhang Xiaoqiang also fainted to death .

Remembering the scene in which the four armed snake girl turned into powder at the last moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang breathed a deep breath . This battle was extremely dangerous, and he almost lost Zhuo Mingyue and kuaifei . Both of them were great killers for the revival of China, and they could kill the existence of the zodiac . Once they lost, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not cry, let alone he had feelings for them, I"d rather get hurt than have something to do with them .

The sequelae of overdraft did not ease because of sleep . Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that his whole body was soft and he could not lift up any strength . He could only wriggle his neck to look at this strange bedroom . At this time, he found that almost all the doors and windows were closed, and the walls were made of sound insulation materials, much like KTV"s private room, and the sound could not be heard outside, The air was full of sweet flowers . He felt relaxed and happy after taking a sip . On the bedside table were silk pajamas . On the opposite side of the bed were Zhang Xiaoqiang"s weapons, Firebird cutla.s.s, serrated knife, and a strange gun that Zhang Xiaoqiang had never seen before . In addition, he saw the spoils of this battle, three inlaid monster skulls, one of which had a unicorn, One has two horns, and the other has four tusks crisscrossed up and down .

These three conjoined skulls are about the same size . Together, they are the largest sacred soul bone Zhang Xiaoqiang has ever seen . If he guesses correctly, the meteorite fragments in them are probably no less than the size of a human head . This is also the largest sacred soul bone he has got . No wonder it needs to be mastered by the four armed Snake Girl . It"s a pity for Zhang Xiaoqiang to think of the four armed Snake Girl, Zhuo Mingyue and kuaifei were both red eyed, but they didn"t keep their hands . If they were captured alive, they might be able to figure out the way for xianghai"er to continue to evolve . He believes that the four armed Snake Girl is the direction for kraya to continue to evolve .

"Husband, you"ve been awake for three days . If you don"t wake up, I"ll be scared to death . Well, so is Sophie . She hasn"t eaten for three days . . . "

Yang Ke"er came in with a basin . When he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was the most up, he had a smile on his face . He stood at the door with the basin and yelled, "my husband is awake . Come and see . . . "Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly a black line, is he a zoo orangutan? Why are you yelling so happily? A shadow flashed over Yang Ke"er"s head, and his little body went into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms . Smelling the sweat smell of the girl, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately became uncomfortable . He didn"t know who took off his clothes, and there was a pair of underpants all over his body . Xiaofei twisted in his arms, which inevitably made his body react differently . Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang was awakened by the sound of the washbasin landing, But see meow meow shriveled face full of tears toward him, with crying voice cried: "I thought you never wake up . . . "

"No such exaggeration?" There is one more black line on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head . At the same time, he feels goose b.u.mps falling on the bed when meow meow hugs him . Fei Fei doesn"t like to be a sandwich biscuit . She sticks out her head and shows her teeth to meow . Meow meow sends her away with a piece of chocolate . She shrinks in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms and eats like a loser . While Zhang Xiaoqiang scolds dog blood, she sees Zhuo Mingyue coming in, Immediately serious to meow meow said: "girls every family to be a little more reserved, I haven"t dressed yet . . . "

"What"s the matter? It"s not like I haven"t seen it . I changed your underwear . . . " Meow meow is more fierce than before, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang hard hit for a while . Zhuo Mingyue says: "you are not allowed to be like this in the future . You have been in a coma for three days . I don"t know how worried we are?"

"How"s Xuefeng? Has the Haizu been solved? " Zhang Xiaoqiang was bewildered by several women . He didn"t want to tangle up on this issue and took the initiative to change the topic . Yang Ke"er kicked away the basin that was knocked over by meow and said, "all the people who came ash.o.r.e have been solved . After catching 230000 sea people, they were all tied into zongzi . The heavy rain stopped, and many zombies were washed away by the sea . Now the rest of the zombies are swallowing the mutant animals, The Australian side suggested opening a cannery here, and the United States sent us a request, hoping that we would tell them the way to eliminate red algae, as if the coastline of the United States had been completely occupied . "

The United States and Australia were invaded by the sea people almost at the same time . Nearly a month later, the sea people lost millions of lower sea people and mutant animals in Australia . However, the United States did not have the same record as Australia . It repeatedly defended, was broken through, then defended, and then broken through . The casualties were a little better, The loss of materials is not small . Even the all laser defense positions they spent a lot of resources to build were forcibly captured by the sea people . Although they killed many sea people, they did not achieve any strategic victory . Today, the only few defense lines are also supported by a large number of helicopters . Under the attack of sea birds, even the helicopters have suffered heavy losses .

The United States has always been concerned about the war in Australia . Although the coastline of Australia is not as long as that of the United States, the war potential of the Americans is not comparable to that of Australia . As the No . 1 Power with a military expenditure of 70 million US dollars, its material reserves and production potential are second to none, There are hundreds of military bases and material storage centers all over the United States, so that they still have spare power in the reserve force . But human beings are not machines . They need to win, need morale, need hope, and lose again and again, just like the frontal battlefield in the Anti j.a.panese war . Soldiers can"t see hope, so they lose again and again . They are tenacious but not enterprising .

"Don"t worry about the United States for the time being . Is there any new change in the Haizu?" Thinking of that four armed Snake Girl, Zhang Xiaoqiang still feels guilty . He has no power to kill it by himself, but she can be tied . Once the snake girl has the Holy Spirit bone, she will die again . However, his new ability is not familiar enough, and he will faint when he starts it once . This depends on the ability bonus brought by the Holy Spirit bone, even if he gets the news of victory, He did not dare to slack off easily .

"I just woke up and thought, are you tired? If you look at her, she will stay by your side for three days because she can"t even eat . Besides, even if something is very big, she will have to wait for you to reply . She looks like a soft footed shrimp . Do you really think she is Ultraman

Zhuo Mingyue rebukes Zhang Xiaoqiang and makes him retract his neck . He looks down at Fei who is lying on his chest and licking his fingers . For a peerless eater, not eating for three days is like a Houseman who can"t see the computer for three days . Suddenly, he feels warm in his heart . He fondly touches Fei"s silver hair and kisses meow"s cheek, Full of gratification to Zhuo Mingyue and Yang Ke"er said: "hard you . . . "

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, kiss others in front of your wife . . . " Yang Ke"er"s lovely big eyes are wide and round . He wants to pick up his teeth like a kitten who has been taken food .

"Hey, hey, hey . . . " Meow meow holds her face and pouts her little b.u.t.tocks, burying her head in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms . She smiles like a fox stealing a chicken . Zhuo Mingyue frowns slightly, but looks at the ceiling with a cold hum . Unlike Yang Ke"er, this degree of intimacy is still within her acceptance range< br>