Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2391: 2391

Chapter 2391: 2391

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the top of the majestic mountain and looked into the distance . Heavy caliber sh.e.l.ls roared in the air, scattered and dreary, making a thunderbolt like sound dozens of kilometers away . If not for the flash of fire, he thought it was the dull thunder of the dark clouds . The flashing fire was like watching fireworks across the mountain . The continuous dull thunder indicated that a terrible rainstorm was coming, If the line of fire dozens of kilometers away can"t stop the Haizu .

Up to now, the east coast is still pouring out of the sea . Tens of thousands of sea people are chasing after human beings through thousands of kilometers of roads . They can vaguely hear gunshots, fighting and screams from the roaring wind . Sometimes Zhang Xiaoqiang hates why he has such sensitive facial features and can see the huge mutant sea animals dozens of kilometers away, The biggest enemy of mankind is not the sea people, but these thick skinned sea animals . As long as the sea animals break through a defense line, the following sea people can make the whole defense line collapse, and humans dare not let the sea people bypa.s.s behind them .

The self-propelled gun hidden in the mountain was firing again, and the sound of the gun was far from as neat as before . The sh.e.l.ling directed by Yang Ke"er had gradually reached the point of no rice to cook . In a month, even if it was saved, it was also to the point of no ammunition and no food . Not only the sh.e.l.ls, but also the bullets left in the front line . As for the missiles, they were all smashed on the head of the mutant beast .

Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes in the mountain wind, not because of the cold of his body, but because of his heart . At the foot of the mountain, vehicles full of wounded people are like carp crossing the river . Many soldiers break their hands and feet, and blood flows into the body of the vehicle . It drips down the gap when the vehicle is driving, and the scattered blood lines gather with countless blood lines on the ground, It forms the b.l.o.o.d.y road of the river . The dazzling bright red will soak the gravel ground that has been dry for many years . Under the rolling of the wheels, it is like a rotten mud road . On both sides of the motorcade, the endless marching troops step on the black red mud and go to the front line . The poorly equipped army has no vigor and vitality, and is silent like a zombie .

These soldiers who can"t even get their uniform together are recruited from the men who have withdrawn to the rear . They don"t have enough weapons . Only three of them have a rifle . Only ten of them can get a set of protective uniforms . One hundred of them can"t be equipped with a heavy machine gun . They have no training or movement . Some of them have only imminent life and death crisis, These excellent workers, who were busy in the factory a month ago, walked bleakly on both sides of the team, staring at the vehicles pa.s.sing by them .

Half of the vehicles were suspended with stretchers like hammocks . The beds were not enough . The stretchers were like ripe fruits hanging all around the vehicle body . One by one, the wounded people were crying and wailing in the b.u.mping of the vehicle, tearing their wounds and dripping blood on the ground . From time to time, some people broke their last breath in pain, and the bodies and the wounded swayed together on the vehicle body, On the hood of some vehicles is the operating table . On the co driver"s seat, the medical soldiers who are like blood people perform amputation for the wounded with simple instruments in their hands . The blood is like raindrops pouring on the driver"s head, and the blood with low hair is like a stream . In the roar of the wounded"s heart and lung, the arms and thighs are thrown into the iron barrels hanging by the door .

Without being close to the battlefield, the morale of these supplementary soldiers has dropped to the lowest point . They have not collapsed because they can"t survive even if they run away . Countless sea people will submerge the whole of Australia . It"s better to die on the battlefield than to be found and killed in hiding, The sound of guns and explosions from the front line could not drive away the despair and depression in the queue .

The gloom, like substance, spreads from the front to the rear like a thick fog . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is standing on the top of the mountain, can also feel this . The tragedy below is only a miniature . The front is more miserable than the one below . Zhang Xiaoqiang even dare not stay in the front for fear that he will be worn away by the desperate soldiers .

Suddenly, from the front line, a remnant shadow rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He crossed the rugged ridge for several thousand meters and came to Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, he was a fierce humanoid beast . This fierce humanoid beast, more than three meters high, was no longer as wild and powerful as before . It was like a dying beast, staggering back to its nest, and its light steps became heavy, The sharp rocks were smashed by the monster . Step by step, they came to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s front and knelt down, making Zhang Xiaoqiang want to help him . The appearance of the fierce beast in human form was so miserable that half of his head disappeared . Countless deep wounds crisscrossed his body . The deepest one was two crisscross wounds, which almost separated his chest evenly .

The little hand stained with blood stretched out from the wound . Seeing the dazzling red, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but scream . Even Fei was injured? The next moment, Feifei falls out of it and is hugged by Zhang Xiaoqiang . Feifei is hurt . The deep wound crosses her cheek and turns red muscles, which makes Feifei extremely ferocious . At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is broken . He hugs Feifei tightly for fear that she can"t hold on and won"t wait for him to get up and go to the medical center, With a cry of sadness from the sky, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart tightened again . He looked up and saw the rainbow carving flying towards him with blood on the dark sky .

This makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart almost explode . The rainbow carving"s blood is shining with a dreamlike l.u.s.ter, just like countless fireflies flying in the sky . The beautiful colorful wings can no longer flash . They barely maintain their gliding posture and flutter to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side . Zhang Xiaoqiang sees a big opening in the rainbow carving"s abdomen, The scattered internal organs are constantly sliding, hanging on the claws of rainbow carving, just like dragging a cloth . Zhang Xiaoqiang tightly hugs Fei and stares at the rainbow carving with split eyes, trying to find the trace of meow . The next moment, the rainbow carving rolls on the ridge behind him . The flying viscera, scattered blood and flocculent feathers block Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sight . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s three-dimensional vision starts to find the meow hidden in the feather with the fastest speed . Meow does not move, As if sleeping in general, the small lightning mink is holding meow"s hair with its small claws, as if to wake meow up .

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that he had lost control of his body, and he could jump through a short distance . But at this moment, he felt infinitely far away . Every time he moved his step, he felt that he could not step on the cotton, his arms also lost their strength, and he could not hold her tightly in his arms, and his mind was blank, The distance between them is as close as a foot in the sky . In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how to get there . When he kneels down in front of the huge rainbow carving and looks at the rainbow carving with a short gasping mouth, he instantly remembers the past of him and meow, the surprise of the dirty mud monkey Zhang Chengting when she was a girl, and the two people share life and death on the back of the big black bird .

All kinds of past flashed in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind . He got up like crazy and jumped on the bird"s back . He used one hand to search for meow . The messy feathers fluttered around him like catkins . In the mountains farther behind him, the red light exploded one after another . Under the red light lit clouds, the smoke surged like demons, The blood of fluorescent colors makes the mountain beautiful . The dying rainbow carving finally swallows its last breath . Countless colorful feathers cover the mountain .

Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up two girls to run madly down the hill, and the field hospital was thirty kilometers away . He had to rush at the fastest speed . His mew face was as white as snow, but her eyes never shone . They were glistening at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anxious side face, smiling at the red foam on her lips, with her breath sprayed on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s collar . He dyed his collar red, and flashed in meow"s arms, chirping and exchanging, as if comforting meow .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t even dare to take a look . He"s afraid to see meow"s bright eyes dim . He"s afraid that the blood foam at the corner of meow"s mouth will no longer spray with his breath . What"s more, he"s afraid to see meow"s sad and beautiful appearance because of his injury . Meow"s position in his heart is very heavy . He"s the only one in meow"s heart . How can he not feel this heavy friendship? Zhang Xiaoqiang"s smart steps are extremely heavy at the moment . When he stumbles into the queue at the foot of the mountain, he doesn"t know how to open his mouth to let the car out .

The heavy queue is like the formation of mourners . Half of the motorcade is pulling dead bodies and half is hanging wounded people . The continuous motorcade is like a tottering old man because of the crowded road . Even if he expropriates vehicles, it is impossible for him to rush back as fast as possible . How can he take away their only hope of survival in the face of those wounded people?

At this time, the distant sound of footsteps came . The footsteps were light, heavy and powerful . Then the sky became dark, and countless soldiers looked at the sky in dismay . They saw two huge monsters falling from the sky into the queue, which paralyzed many soldiers . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang exclaimed in surprise: "big black and two red . . . "

The war in Australia is tense, and all the forces that can be used are concentrated in Australia . Even the two mutant dogs guarding the female worms in Yinmeng are sent to Australia . They appear at the moment when they are most needed . The two giant dogs are bigger than last time . With red beads, the diet of the mutant dogs is changed from zombies, There are also a large number of low-order nuclei in unlimited supply . The two giant dogs have grown up to a level that Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t tell .

Only the appearance of a giant dog is similar to that of a dog . Its fur is replaced by cloud scales . Its lantern like eyes are like a flaming torch in the dim light . Its limbs are strong and strong, as if forged by steel . The four clawed blade can no longer be retracted into the middle of the thick soles of its feet . Each blade is deeply embedded in the ground like the blade of a giant axe, And the sharp tusks, not counting the four canine teeth, are only two feet long in the upper and lower rows, just like a triangular bone picking knife . The four canine teeth are almost the same as the serrated big knife . The translucent color and cold light are hidden, which makes people have no doubt that these canine teeth can tear rocks .

The giant dog"s nimble beating in the queue caused the ant like team to change into chaos, but did not hurt anyone . It can be seen that the force control is accurate . When Dahong found that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s meow was seriously injured, she couldn"t help whining, stretched out her tongue like a door plate and licked it . Meow leaned against Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms and giggled, Laughter with a violent cough, spurting countless blood, let Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart like a knife .

When the black dog saw the plane early, he leaned down like a mountain across the road . With a loud shout, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped on the big black dog and rushed back in the queue like a lightning bolt . The big dog was so fast that it instantly pulled Zhang Xiaoqiang into the dynamic vision . The giant dog was bigger than before, almost the size of a heavy military truck, and more than ten meters in shape was like a sharp arrow, With the roaring wind blowing on his cheek, Zhang Xiaoqiang hugged the two girls tightly and went to the temporary camp behind him in a trance .

The camp was very busy, with trucks of reinforcements driving out at the muzzle of the guns to collect military supplies . There were three men, one rifle with blood, one small bag of loose bullets for each, which had to be hung on their chest so that their comrades could look for bullets on their bodies, and three stimulants for each, This is used when they are desperate or enter the front line . In addition, they only have three days" rations and a pot of water . After all, when they go to the front line, more than 80% of the supplementary soldiers will not live for three days . These rations are enough to last until they die or are carried down by the wounded . If they are lucky enough to survive, they can find rations from others . Zhang Xiaoqiang, holding two girls, jumped off the dog"s back and ran to the hospital . He couldn"t wait . In the middle of the run, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s steps were gradually heavy . He saw countless wounded people wailing in the open s.p.a.ce outside the hospital . The camp was illuminated by snowy spotlights . The camp was divided into three parts: one was the a.s.sembly site for supplementary soldiers, the other was the material storage site, numerous ammunition boxes and fuel, There are mountains of processed food, but the largest part is the hospital and the surrounding morgue .

The Hai people will not eat human corpses . In order to stabilize the morale of the army, all the corpses found in the positions will be transported back to the rear . The number of corpses has reached more than 30000 . Most of them are supplementary soldiers who have not been in the positions for a few days . Many people still have fear on their faces when they are dying . They don"t seem to believe that they are dead . The number of wounded is more, There are not tens of thousands of beds for them to recuperate . They can only casually put on a sleeping bag and lie on the ground, groaning under the dazzling light day and night, forming a huge sound wave, which makes all the recruits who have just come change color, and even makes some people nervous as soon as they get out of the car . In order to prevent these people from spreading their terror to others, Officers will shoot them with pistols in the first place .

Everything here is like the opening scene in the movie of soldiers in the city . Human beings have no choice but to use their flesh and blood to stop the sea people . The guns from the artillery positions ten kilometers away are loud, and the air is filled with the smell of blood and smoke . In addition, Chen Heng"s countless corpses and painful groans, This is h.e.l.l

It"s not the first time that Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen a corpse or a wounded person . There are too many things to consider, and they will be ignored more or less . Although the nuclear winter is gone, the average temperature in Australia is still below zero, and the corpse will not decay . There is not enough manpower to waste to bury the corpse, so he can only burn it when he is lost here, The army has done things like this several times, but now, looking at the faces that are angry, scared, relieved or unwilling, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is touched again .

He didn"t dare to see more . He rushed into the hospital with two girls in his arms . The beds were arranged according to the level of the hospital . Only when the supplementary soldiers were in the open s.p.a.ce outside, could the regular soldiers be qualified to live in the hospital and get the most effective treatment . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t delay in the soldiers" area . He rushed into the core area all the time and pulled out the doctors who were operating on internal bleeding< br>